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January 1, 2024

Indefinitely suspended.

Due to lack of interest in this website including no assistance.

Months long appeal for a web assistant resulted in none.

Literally thousands of images long back logged due in part to
work load including desire to research captions.

So, as The Weavers used to sing ....

"So long, it's been good to know yuh .."




NOVEMBER 1, 2023



Photograph Galleries





Added 1311 with 603 an Electric Generator Unit (converted from SGU).





Granby Co. (Anyox Ry) Steam and electric mining operation inc. narrow gauge and electric.



Added (scroll down to K) KRONOS Titan car mover. Fewer industries have their own locomotive.
Furtheremore, many railways have reduced frequency of switching often from 5 or 6 days to twice a week.




Rolling Stock

Reused businesses etc. other Museums etc. Scroll way down to Ontario, Campbellville.

Added CN 78337 sitting next to CPR main line!





GTR Ontario

Added Thorndale.which still exists!


Interurban Rys. CNR


... Montreal and Southern Counties.

Added M&SC 611







OCTOBER 1, 2023






.. Algoma Central

Diesels Added (scroll way down) 204.



CPR Ontario District


.. London Division

. Power Gallery

Added two photos of steam.
882 apparently running light downgrade returning to Quebec Street.and 1087 at Quebec Street roundhouse.



...Toronto Division

..Stations:__ Don

Added two better quality photos of very early years plus two very big enlargements showing much detail..
..Including (link in caption) view of Queen Street overhead bridge under construction including a surprise!



.. Toronto Terminals Ry.

Old Union Stn

Added higher quality ENLARGE photo.




. .Photo Galleries

. Trains

.. Predecessors of The Dominion.

Added great old photo (and enlarged) of passenger train at Glacier House




.. Locomotives




Added BCOL 623 freshly repainted.



.. CPR Steam Gallery

.. D10 Added 1085.includes men posing for the photographer! All unknown.

.. G5 Added 1235 and 1266.

.. P2 Added 5433 plus recent photo displayed at Chapleau.



.. CPR Steam Preserved

Added (scroll way down) 5433. Also, (scroll to very bottom) 6947 (ex Manitoba & Saskatchewan Coal 6947).



.. CPR Diesel Subsequent owners US roads.
Added PN 5577 nicely repainted also see what else they have. .



.. ETR steam

Added 0-6-0 12



.. GO Added (scroll down) B&W photo of 9803 with one time used destination sign Pickering.



Added TNO 1100 named Quintland for tourist ttraction in honour of the famous Dion Quintuplets.


. .TH&B

Added 103 inside TH&B Chatham Street roundhouse. Note that this was the only TH&B steam engine preserved.
Also 502 outside CPR John Street roundhouse Note what is coupled behind it!




.. NBSR scroll down to Maine Northern. Added 6340 newly painted former leased HLCX plus all former RR photos


.. Interurban Rys. CNR

... Montreal and Southern Counties.

Added M&SC 324 in great old scene!

... Vancouver Downtown Historic Ry. ex BCER 1207 one of two such cars operating.


. Shortlines

. Maine Northern

Added (scroll down to very botttom) MNR 6340 also ex owners photos.




Added recent photo of LDSX 1597 on CN Cayuga running rights in the middle of St.Thomas.


.. Trillium

Added LDSX 7920 crossing the Welland Canal on old bridge.


. .Tourist railways.

. . Huntsville Lake of Bays Algonquin steamboat and number 1.




Rolling Stock

. . Preserved at Museums

Added (scroll way down to Ontario). Chapleau van CP 434627
Note: P2 class 2-8-2 5433 also there. See CPR steam locos preserved. Link above on thei page.




. .Stations re-used

CPR North Bay Museum









Canadian Pacific Railway

Quebec Central

Added 40065 snow plow preserved in USofA.




Roberval Saguenay

Steam roster (Scroll way down)

Added Saguenay Power 106 ex RS 16 displayed at large museum and park.




Toronto Terminals Ry.

Major expansion south side track level and below. Many enlargements as well!







Photograph Galleries





Added a bunch of ancient photos from Bud Laws vast collection which he continues to supply; 414, 418, 423, 619 and 741.
With interesting histories before and after.





Added103 in earliest years.

Added 599 near the end of steam.






Predecessor (scroll way down) QMO&O rare photo of this short-lived Ry.


VIA Preserved

Added 6309 (ex CN 6528)


2816 over the years. Empress cab interior.


Locomotives Preserved

Added (scroll down) 2850 (link in caption)

Aerial of Exporail/Canadiian Railway Museum. Delson, QC 5/28/1973






CCGX 1204 Lithium-battery-electric designed for IYO (In Yard Operations).
Alberta is contributing $2M of expected $4M+ for this project.




Battle River

Added detailed map of this shortline and excursion operation.





Lambton Diesel Specialists

Have been busy!

Added two units LDSX 7224 and 269 for GIO Rail/Trillium







Added LDSX 4102 also (scroll down) CEFX 1569 newly repainted by LDS.



Pembina (scroll down) new industry added . 0176 leased LDSX 7316 and 9359. Additional photos WANTED


Rolling Stock


CNR work service

Added 55351 snow plow preserved at Rocky Mountain Rail Society.




Reused business, museum etc.

Added (scroll down to Alberta) CN 55351 snow plow preserved at Rocky Mountain Rail Society.

Added (scroll down to Quebec) Added QCR 40065. snow plow.

Added GT 78447 van at Caledonia (Haldimand) previous nearby fast food ? Photo and/or details of prior use etc.






CNR Water Tanks Added Barrys Bay also link to station museum etc.



Electric Railways

Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Ry.
New page: One of the lesser known electric railways


Winnipeg Electric Co.

Added photos Cars 382 and 802








AUGUST 1, 2023




Photograph galleries

Locomotives Steam


Preserved and subsequent owner operations.

Added 1246, 1293, OHCR 1293


Locomotives Diesel

CP subsequent owners

1555, 1585 ans 8231 scroll down here to Equipment Dealers see LTEX.




Added LDSX 7920 next to Welland Canal.



Equipment dealers

Lambton Diesel LDSX

Added a pair of SW14's IC 1504 and 1506.


Larry's Truck Electric LTEX

CP 1533, 1585 and 8231 reacquired from DSRR and now leased to Main Switching Services.



Continues to expand its transloading and storage facilities.

Industrial Steam other

Scroll down to Nova Scotia.

Added; (link in caption) Canadian Collieries 14 preserved.

Added; Dominion Steel and Coal 5 and 15. Note: Both narrow gauge locos are preserved.








JULY 1, 2023

Happy Dominion Day




Photograph Galleries



CNR Predecessors

Added (scroll to very bottom) new entry for Toronto and Nipissing (3' 6" gauge)
No.9 articulated 0-6-6-0 Rolling stock and map included



TH&B steam

Added 16 (above), 20, 30, 43, 51:1st. Note: 51:2nd is a diesel!


ONR diesel

Added 1400 in Toronto Yard one of several ONR diesels run through from North Bay due to CNR power shortage.





Shortline diesel



Added 355 a 44-tonner later traded for first 70-tonner built (ex Demo)



Anglo Newfoundland Development Corp.

.Millertown Ry Added AND 23 inc. enlargement





Still some MLW power around!




Lambton Diesel





Street Railways


Added 1902 Time Table with schedules. Last year of operation. .









JUNE 1, 2023




CPR Algoma District

Sudbury Gallery Parry Sound

Added links to great 1909 aerial view of recently built Parry Sound yard and station including closeup.
Courtesy of Doug Welsh (CPR retired)


CPR Ontario District

CPR Trenton Division

History Kingston and Pembroke

Added (link) old map (K&P) of roundhouse etc.






Photograph Galleries




Aspen Crossing

Added CP van 434059 used as rental cabin. One of there inc. ex UP and ex CP painted NAR



Alberta Battle River

Added 3434 (ex 34) with a tourist train.




CPR Subsequent owners. NRE Added 3050 ex CP 5589




Added (scroll way down to Ontario) 7020 first diesel maintained at West Toronto). Third order 5 diesel units.
Note this order built 10/1944 although builders plate on 7020 shows 9/1944.



Added 72 one of many TH&B units rebuilt (1683) by CP as part of their yard unit program.






Added several photos three new units moving as CFAX 1007, 1005, 1006 (plus. prior owners inc. KCS)
enroute on CSX 410 at Manville, NJ 5/16/2023. (3 days later they were in Buffalo). Where are they now?


Quebec Railway Corp.


Added 6906 one of 7 secondhand SD40 units. Also, subsequent owner ASDX 6906.





GM Oshawa

Add GEXR 1565 nee CR 1649 (above).

NOTE: Confirm if unit went to Oshawa (via ONR) or to Goderich to exchange it.



Esso Polymers

Added LDSX 1391 inc. prior owners.



Nova Scotia

Added (scroll down) National Gypsum 2 enroute from GE part of two unit 45-tonner order. .




Rolling Stock



Added baggage car 416 part of the 14 new equipment for the Polar Express




Re-used; Museums

CNR Burlington (nee GTR Freeman)

Added recent photo also rolling stock CN 78188, box car CP 404109 (ex Memory Junction), TH&B 1 rail automobile.






Added Hamilton, ON B/A Oil 1966 street map showing all Railway lines. (See also RR only map one link above)













May 1, 2023

Anniversary of the creation of this website May 1, 2000

"The Tripleheader" May 1, 1960



SPECIAL THANKS to Braedan Dunne who answered request for photos of TRMX 101 and 102.
See (below) Industrial Locomotives in Alberta



CPR Ontario District

CPR Lambton Yard

Added (link in caption) Runnymede Road (scroll way down) more street scenes over the decades

Leased power

Added 5 unit UP freight years before CPR leased a bunch of these SOW (Scrap_On_Wheels) units that prevented the return of steam. Read why.




Sudbury Area Mining Rys.

INCO Added INCO 111. (Including enlargement)



Toronto Streets

Runnymede Road

Added (scroll to bottom) colour photos in later years inc. link to TTC loop. .





Photograph Galleries

Train Galleries



Added (scroll way, way down) D-453 an RDC-4



Steam Locomotives

CNR Preserved. Scroll way down) CNR 5288 being relocated again and intended to be returned to operation at a tourist RR. Sadly, not in Canada!



Industrial Locomotives



Added TRMX 101 and 102 includes several prior owners photos with a long history!






Toronto Streets

Runnymede Road over more than a century! Includes original subway under CPR Lambton Yard.

Added great colour scene including TTC vehicles and more. Be sure to click on ENLARGE.















April 1, 2023

Special thanks to Jacob Patterson who identified this photo from Jim Parker as being a Toronto Train Trip Association excursion that operated from Toronto Union Saturday, September 26,1959.

CNR Diesel train photographs gallery (scroll way down). for details of this event.




CNR Predecessors

GWR history

Added LINK early view of Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge. Also, existing colour picture has added ENLARGE link.
An even much larger version of that colour scan is availble via e-mail.


CNoR Central Ontario Added (link) system map 1910 and coloured post card Picton 1879.



REO motor cars advertisement inc. GTR trainload of them!


Photograph Galleries


CNR predecessors


Added No.41 Spitfire Provincial (broad gauge) Gauge. Includes a HUGE enlargement!


CNR Steam


Added (scroll down) two photos of 2747 (nee GTR)



CPR steam

Atlantic type. Added 210 one of only three 4-4-2's on CPR.


Suburban tank engines.

Added 1992 4-6-4T (one of only three) on suburban passenger train circa 1912. .


CP Diesel

Subsequent owners


FURX 3052 ex ECRX 3013 nee CP 5632




CPR Quebec

Added (scroll down) great old photo post card of Rigaud station. Note man on velocipede. Why? Thanks to: Jim Christie.






WANTED Photo of recently acquired CP/StL&H/D&H 7306 nee LV 319

Added photos (see link in caption 6055) ERIE 1217 ex CR 5404.
Also, (see links in caption 4998) of former owners GTW 4998 and CV 5801



Radial railways

Toronto Suburban Ry. Guelph Line. Added (scroll down) this great old scene.


Street Railways


Added (scroll way down) Brantford Municipal Ry. 131 in a great street scene from years ago! Including very large scan.














CPR Diesel Roster website is back online.



Web assistant

Must be competent using Dreamweaver and
FastStone Capture or similar image program.

Volunteer to begin. Possible future paid work

.Contact Us



Limited time offer: This excellent hardcover book of history is available FREE (pay shipping/postage only)
Great Christmas gift! Even if for yourself!



March 1, 2023





CPR Toronto Yard

Added photo of 415384 fire car

Road Engine gallery Added 4708





Photograph Galleries



VIA Rail

Added interesting early VIA scene at Brockville. Read details.

Also, (scroll way down) CN 6617 in VIA paint pre-VIA final era.


Park Trains

Added photos of Heritage Park Ry. CPR 9 and HPR 6412





Added BCOL 640 first M-420 2000 HP new style cab. Also RCL-682


CN diesel

RS-18 Added 3126 in Nova Scotia


CPR steam


Added (scroll to bottom) 5931 numbered as 5934. Find out why.


CPR diesel

Added 4215 + getting serviced at St.Luc diesel shop. Great black and white photo in colour era.

Drake Street power

Added 7073 and 8044 plus 4075-8520 and 1408_14xx

POCO Power

Added 5533, 4571 (rare for MLW power here) and 5638.


Added (scroll down to very bottom) CLC F/M 7005 7006 became CP 4064 4065. Preserved; 4065.



ONR steam Added (scroll down) Northern type 313 complete with smoke deflectors.





Added (scroll down to West Fraser Ltd. Hinton Pulp Div). CCGX 5206 (inc. prior owner) switching pulp mill.


Mobil Grain 3147 added photo (caption link) prior owner KCS 6606 (nee CN)







Added 2 units PHOTOS NEEDED (REWARD) long history multiple prior owners. Several photos included.



New company added (scroll way down) Canadian Vickers, Montreal



Rolling Stock

CPR freight (steam era) Box cars loaded with apples at CPR dock. Click on enlarge and check out that switch!


ONR Passenger equipment. T&NO business car Ontario Added (caption link) subsequent owner ORA 200 TEMAGAMI






CNR BC Added GTP Mc.Bride now a visitor centre. VIA stop.

US Roads in Canada

Added several photos C&O Mooretown station, CN 76611, velocipede etc.



Interurban Railways


Added photo of sightseeing tour cars built after Montreal tour cars.


Niagara Falls Park and River. Added brief history of Niagara Gorge Ry. and photo of open car 45.






C&O Canadian Division Photos

A great collection of photographs over the years posted by retired C&O railroader Bruce Mercer.


Read the best in history, stories and photographs past and present along with the latest in news.

Examples are the two old interurban sightseeing tour photos above.

Subscribe: email Paul Bown

Please mention your read it on Old Time Trains website. .









February 1, 2023



CPR London Division

Woodstock Branches

Added (scroll down) D10 1051 sitting on shop track.


CPR Toronto Division


Added (scroll down) closeup old photo of typical wooden level crossing tower. See what is in the background.


CPR Lambton Yard

Added (scroll to very bottom) Extra CP 896 West so designated as it is on its way to run on the CN Oakville Subdivision
and train orders must clearly identify non-CN trains on account a similarly numbered CN locomotive might also be running.



Toronto Terminal Railways

New Union Station Gallery Must be a Sunday! Not much traffic.






Photograph Galleries


CP Rail

A meet with 5651 stopped in front of the station as another freight passes by higher up. 30 years ago!
Also, CP 9574 on CN directional running trackage in the Fraser River Canyon. 18 years ago.



Port Stanley Terminal Rail

Added (scroll way down) L4:2nd including (links) prior owner photos.





CPR steam

D10 class 4-6-0

Added (scroll way down) 1100 on Western Lines.


Jubilee type 4-4-4's

Added 2929 at Steamtown in Vermont looking spotless like the famous "John Street polish!"
Sadly, for many years it has suffered from neglect at Steamtown in Scranton, PA. A disgrace!


DAR Added (scroll down to locomotive gallery) D10 1040.


BCR diesels Added better quality photo of MLW 676. Read about its history and subsequent owner.


CPR Diesels

FA and FB units.

Added B-unit 4410 with comparison to identical unit facing in opposite direction. Good for modelling details.


CP Rail

M636 Added 4726 at St. Luc.




Huron Central

Good news department!
Federal and Ontario governments come through with additional financial support to a maximum of $31.5M shared 50/50.



New Brunswick Southern

Added (scroll way down) NBSR 6315 finally repainted after about 10 years! Old owners (3) right below it. Guess who!



Industrial Steam (other than Ontario) Added (scroll to very bottom for Nova Scotia) Wallace Quarries dinky.


Industrial Diesel


Added (scroll way down to L) Lafarge Cement leased FURX 5510 GP38-2 (replacing after over 20 years) old GP10 1749.



Added (scroll down to E for Elmira) LANXESS switched by Waterloo Central Ry. Freight Solutions.

Added (scroll down to P for Princeton) drone views of Stubbe's Cement in tiny Princeton 5 miles west of Parris.
Only a Car Mover to switch their two private sidings. See what remains from the distant past!


CREWS contract switching. Exchanged photo of JLCX 1202 DIT (Dead In-Transit) for better quality/size image.
See also notation re: additional photos needed.

Port Robinson

Geon Added #NIL ex Falconbridge 104 including prior and subsequent owner photos and current PSTR.




Added BMEX 523 the last all-electric loco enroute to Carol Mine. Also, photo 520 in the current paint scheme replacing the short-lived original paint scheme in old photo. Note too the detailed description of these unique locomotives.


Nova Scotia

Added (scroll down to very bottom) Wallace Quarries #NIL Plymouth with great history! Also, it is preserved!



Stations resused/preserved

DAR Middleton Railway Museum.

Adding even more equipment! Former CNR (nee ICR) 7260 0-6-0. Also, two dinky engines. A Vulcan and a Plymouth.




DAR Kentville, NS Added old photo of this HUGE old station.


GTR Ontario

Guelph Added great old photo circa 1908 courtesy Jim Christie.

Added (scroll down) Princeton. Also, link to more recent photo!




Radial Railways

Toronto and York Radial (1877)

Added predecessor dating from 1894.

Toronto & Scarboro' Electric Ry. and Power Co. Inc. maps, history, subsequent owners up to TTC.

Toronto and Mimico Electric Ry. Added two photos of earliest (small) double decker open cars.








January 1, 2023



I REMEMBER by Herb Stitt

Stories by a retired CPR locomotive engineer 1915-1962. Pocket book 100 pages.





CPR Toronto Division

Parkdale Added photo of CPR and CNR yard jobs switching industries. Inc. enlarged image and closeup of yard office.
New contributor Ed Helmich.

West Toronto diamond.

Added photo (scroll way down to CP Rail) of 955 with MLW covered wagons about to head north on the MacTier Sub.



CPR Trenton Division

Passenger service 3100 and 3101 having a meet around 3 AM in the middle of nowhere!


Ontario Southland....Added photo of 1249 in new paint! Also, old view of 501 and 502.

501 and 502 (nee PGE 1001 1002) both now on Waterloo Central as 1001 1002.




Toronto Streets

Humberside Avenue with first TTC double deck bus service.

Added old 1923 photo of street scene nearby that shows a footbridge still in use and historically designated.






Photograph Galleries






Added 9199 see what was added to this RDC and why. What was "outlawed" by the Canadian Transport Commission.



Park Trains

Nova Scotia

Added photo of former Upper Clements 2 foot gauge train at it s new location at Trueman Blueberry Farms.






CNR Steam

Ten-Wheelers Added 1274 working a yard job.



Added 1521 (ex 1274) at its current location in Nova Scotia. Inc. prior locations.


CPR Steam

Added (scroll down) 1292 at the depot in Austin, Montana. Uncertain what a CPR engine was doing in Montana!



CP Rail

S-3 Added 6554 in first CP Rail paint scheme.


Added photo of a long line of new units rejected by CP Rail due to numerous faults. GMD refused to take them back allegedly telling CP "you bought them, your problem." Unsure if GMD did any corrective work on them howver CP cancelled a subsequent order!



Diesels Added 53 in CP Toronto Yard.


VIA Rail

RDC Budd Cars

New gallery created just for RDC's along with several added photos of early years original Budd Cars (inc. ex CN) and RDC-2 converetd into all-baggage. Several rare interior photos. Plus, subsequent owners.





Added (scroll way down) old photo (2+ decades) of pre-decessor PCHR 308. See also prior and subsequent owner photos.



Lambton Diesel Specialists

Added MVPX 904 newly acquired SW900 with an interesting history.







Added another brand new electric locomotive for Iron Ore Co. of Canada's Carol Mine Railway a non-common carrier
which is why this is not catagorized as a shortline gallery entry.




New location added. Railcare Inc. a G&W subsidiary acquired in 2014.



CREWS added aerial views of repeated expansions.

WANTED REWARD photos of CREWS diesel units roster shots and switching.



Added entry new industry Roslin Enterprises collecting organic waste (used cooking oil) and shipping it to their plant in USA to be recycle into bio diesel. This property was previously used by Hayes-Dana to make vehicle chassis.


Nova Scotia

Fundy Gypsum Added 647 with train.



Rolling Stock

Re-used Other

Added (scroll down to Alberta) CP 437083 on display in Lethbridge. Notes former and subsequent preserved locations.



Added (scroll down to Mobile Grain ) also, clikc on link in title for more photos inc. many locomotives.

MGLX 625156 ex Saskatchewan government grain service now private.



Station Galleries

CPR Western Lines


Added photo of opening ceremony 1908 Saskatoon and later years view of passenger train.

Businesses reused

New listings for Island Stone Pub and Saskatoon Station Place.

Added multiple photos inc. night and interior views former CNR and CPR stations.



Added Middleton Railway Museum inc. ex CNR 1274 relocated from Upper Clement Park, Nova Scotia



Radial Railways

London & Lake Erie Added combine 84 (later NS&T 68/113).

























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