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Table of Contents - Eritrean Ry & Ry

Table of Contents

Eritrean Railway and Ropeway (Unofficial) Web Site

A website devoted to material concerning the Eritrean Railway and Ropeway.  This is "Unofficial" because it is not operated or otherwise officially sanctioned by the Eritrean Government.
Eritrean Links   Includes quasi official and private country sites and sites for Americans who served in Eritrea at Kagnew Station and the Peace Corps.
Request:  There is an organization of former Italian Colonists for Libya and Italian Somoliland.  It stands to reason there is a similar organization for Eritrea, but I have been unable to find it.  If you are aware of such an organization, please let me know.
Rail Links   There are a few other sites out there which have materials on the Eritrean Railway.  These are collected here.  Where appropriate, there will be links to these sites on pages elsewhere on this site.
Bibliography  The citations and reference material used on this site.
Disclaimer   Legal stuff.
Opening Picture Tells you a little bit about the background picture, taken by Chuck Moulton, used on the home page


A scrapbook traditionally contains bits and pieces of collectable flat material...clippings, photographs and lockets of hair.  I don't have any lockets of hair here, but I have snippets about the Railway and Ropeway.  I have primarily divided this material by Who, What, Why, When and Where.


Building the Line

    1915 Timetable

Operating the Line

    My Narative of a 1962 Trip from Asmara to Massawa
Tourist Guide to Italian_East_Africa (Guida Africa Orientale Italiana)  A guide from 1938 which has much detail about Eritrea.
Ropeway Section of Guide in English
From Massawa to Asmara Description in English
Decauville The term Decauville was used in the description of the trip.
From Asmara to Agordat (and Biscia) in English
Railway at War

Rebuilding the Line

Rebuilding Motive Power and Rolling Stock Pictures of rebuilding the locomotives and rolling stock.
Rebuilding structures and right of way Pictures of the process of rebuilding the structures and along the right of way.
Italian Article
An article from an Italian Newspaper on the rebuilding of the line.
Eritrean Railway Pheonix

            Eritrean Railway and Ropeway Timeline

                                Significant dates in the history of the railway.

                Rail Trip

Rail Trips on the Rebuilt Railway
Rick Baxter and his wife
Massawa to Asmara Timetable
Littorina trip to Massawa
Trip Description from Guide to Italian East Africa



Arboroba Pictures

Approaching Ghinda


Asmara Station
Asmara Locomotive Shop
    Shop Exterior and Yards
    Shop Interior
Asnara Businesses
    Melotti Brewery
    Kagnew Station

Beyond Keren Pictures

Coming Down the Escarpment


Devil's Doors and Mai Henti Valley

    Curve at Devil's Doors
    East Side of Mai Henti Valley
    West Side of Mai Henti Valley
    Highway Bridge at Devil's Doors
    Four Arch Viaduct in Mai Henti Valley
    Resturant at Devil's Doors
    Station at 110.7 Km

    Confusion over place names.


Embatkala Pictures

Ghinda Pictures

People at Ghinda (2)
Three Littorina at Ghinda

Keren Pictures

Mai Atal

Massawa Pictures

Ahd-el Cader Peninsula
Causeway:  Massawa to Taulud
Causeway:  Taulud to Mainland
Gherar Peninsula
Massawa Island
Taulud Island
Pearl of the Red Sea

Nefasit Pictures

Valley before Devil's Doors

Valley before the Flats

Other Location Related Pages

Location Kilometer Marks
Profile of the Massawa to Asmara Line
Map Page


The people who have given me material used on this site.  There will be pages devoted to these people as time goes on.

Rick Baxter

Mauro Bottegal

A. Raffaele Ciriello

Mike Cunningham (via "Eritrean Railway Pheonix")

Rob Dickinson

A.E.Durrant, A.A.Jorgensen, C.P.Lewis (via Steam in Africa)

Dave Engstrom

Renato Gaudio

FIAT Centennial

Dennis Horner

Italian School (via Asmara Style)

Tom Johnson

Eric Lafforgue

Billy Ray Lowery

Chuck Moulton

J.J. O'Conner

Mike O'Neill

Kristina P�lsson

Jerry Pry

Francesco Quaglio

Ralph Reinhold


            C.S.Small (via Far Wheels and Far Wheels II)

                Tommy Tolbert

                Mebrat Tzehaie and Hans van der Splinter

                Joe Zeibel




Why This Page



Who What Why When Where

Visitors since February 8, 2009