Locomotives and Equipment of the Rahway Valley Railroad | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Rahway Valley Railroad Steam Locomotive
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# Whyte Builder Build
C/N #
Acquired Disposition Cylinders Drivers Weight Heritage 502* 4-4-0 McKay 08/1871 1897 1899 14" x 22" 62-1/4" NJSRR #24 *Leased from
CNJ 1 4-4-0 07/1898 1903* NCRR #322 Named "New
Orange" 2 4-4-0 Baldwin 12/1880 5394 07/1899 1903* PW&B #80 3 4-4-0 1901 1906 PRR (?) Wrecked in 1906 4 2-6-0 Dickson 1889 45 1904 1910/1911 18" x 24" 57" M&E
#92 5 0-6-0T Baldwin 08/1882 6305 04/1906 1913/1914 15" x 22" 43-1/2" 32
ton CNJ #23 Nicknamed "Dinkey" 6 0-4-4T Baldwin 02/1889 9827 12/4/1906 05/1912 14" x
18" 48" SRT #13 7 2-4-4T Baldwin 06/1908 32817 1908
1917 17" x 24" 56" 75
ton RVRR #7 Purchased new 8 2-8-0 Pittsburgh 03/1900 2070 1916 04/1929 20" x 26" 50" 72
ton P&LE
#140 OOS 04/1923 9 0-6-0 Altoona 11/1893 1901 12/1917 Early 1920's 19" x 24" 50" 46
ton PRR #506 PRR Class B-4 10 0-6-0 Altoona 06/1895 1948 02/1918 Early 1920's 19" x 24" 50" 46
ton PRR #396 PRR Class B-4a 11 2-6-0 Baldwin 03/1904 23934 02/1920 1935 19" x
26" 56.5" 60
ton G&U
#5 Retired
1933 12
2-8-0 ALCO 08/1902 25640 09/1927 02/1943 22" x 28" 54" 87 ton B&LE
#96 Retired
1929 13 2-8-0 Baldwin 09/1905 26355 1928 03/1955 20" x 26" 50" 74 ton L&NE #19 Retired 1951 14 2-8-0 Baldwin 09/1905 26356 1928 12/1951 20" x 26" 50" 74 ton L&NE
#20 Retired
1950 15 2-8-0 Baldwin 06/1916 43529 07/28/1937 05/1959 20" x 26" 50" 73 ton O&W
#20 Acronyms & Abbreviations: Altoona -
Altoona Machine Shops, ALCO - American Locomotive Company, Baldwin -
Baldwin Locomotive Works, B&LE - Bessemer & Lake Erie, BR&L -
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive, CNJ - Central Railroad of New Jersey,
CONT - Anonymous Contractor, DL&W - Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western
Railroad, Dickson - Dickson Manufacturing Company, FH-L - Fitzhugh-Luther
Company, GECo - General Equipment Company, GC&L - Georgia Car &
Locomotive, GMRR - Green Mountain Railroad, JC - Jefferson Construction
Company, JEB - J. E. Bowen, McKay - McKay Iron and Locomotive Works, MRY -
Manhattan Railway, MNRR - Monadnock Northern Railroad, MS&N -
Monadnock, Steamtown, and Northern Railroad, NCRR - Nort hern Central
Railroad, NOFJ - New Orange Four Junction Railroad, NY&NO - New York
& New Orange Railroad, OOS - Out of Service, O&W - Oneida &
Western Railroad, PBNE - Philadelphia, Bethlehem, and New England
Railroad, Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Locomotive & Car Works,
P&LE - Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad, PRR - Pennsylvania
Railroad, PW&B - Philadelphia, Wilmington, & Baltimore Railroad,
RVRR - Rahway Valley Railroad, SAL - Seaboard Air Line, SI&E -
Southern Iron & Equipment, SLRR - Silver Lake Railroad, SMTN -
Steamtown, SRT - Suburban Rapid Transit.
Disclaimer: These abbreviations are specifically used
for this roster and do not particularly reflect any actual reporting marks
used by any of the aforementioned
railroads. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rahway Valley Railroad Diesel Locomotive
Roster | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Date unit arrived on the railroad. **Rahway Valley Railroad Company, et al, acquired by Delaware Otsego Corporation, unit became property of the latter company. Acronyms &
Abbreviations: AMPI - American Motive Power Inc., DO -
Delaware Otsego Corporation, DURR - Delaware & Ulster Railroad, EMD -
Electro Motive Division of General Motors, EPRR - East Penn
Railroad, NYO&W - New York, Ontario, and Western Railroad,
NYS&W - New York, Susquehanna, and Western Railroad, RVRR - Rahway
Valley Railroad, URHS - United Railroad Historical Society, WRYM -
Whippany Railway Museum