From the inception of the New York & New
Orange Railroad in 1897 until the Rahway Valley
Railroad's discontinuing of passenger service sometime after
1919, a small fleet of passenger coaches and combines were maintained to
shuttle people and express over the line.
Information regarding
these cars is sketchy at best and photos are far and few between. We do
know, however, that the RVRR (and its New Orange predecessors) never owned
more than five passenger coaches at any one time, and usually numbered
around three (Source: Official Railway Equipment Registers).
Information, and
photographs, regarding known passenger cars is presented here. Among
these, there were at least several others, that information has not yet
been ascertained.
This time-worn wooden combine appears in two
photographs from the time of the New Orange Four Junction Railroad, circa
1901-1905. They were taken at the Lehigh Valley Railroad interchange in
Roselle Park and the Jersey Central interchange at Aldene, respectively.
The NOFJ reported two passenger cars in a 1902 report commissioned by the
Lehigh Valley Railroad. The other car may have been a regular coach, in
addition to the combine seen here.