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HDC News 2015

News Updates - 2015

January 2015
By Ron Dukarm

         On Saturday December 20th, We received a call from The Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village informing us they are donating nine large glass display cases worth several thousand dollars! On Christmas Eve, Mike Pietrocarlo, Ben and Nestor traveled to Amherst BNHV to pick up 6 of the large display cases. Three trips were needed. At the HDC Ron, helped unload the cases and place them in the Lobby, Meeting Room and Store Area. The cases needed painting and shelving fabricated for them. The move took almost 6 hours so we had to thank Mike for use of his truck and moving tools, without which this move could not have taken place.

         On December 27th, Joe & Steve rearranged the 9 new display cases we received. In the Meeting Room, we now have a solid wall 24 feet long of glass cases to house a new collection of artifacts. A new "cube" configuration of cases was placed in the museum display area and in the Store area. Joe, Steve and Mike planned a glass shelving system for the cases.

         January 3rd, Steve installed, cleaned the glass and vacuumed the interiors of the display cabinets. Jerry taped the metal frames on the exterior of the Meeting Room display cases and are ready for painting. Mike, Jim and Donna set up Lighthouse and BIGS displays in the cases in the Meeting Room. On the 15th, Jerry put the first coat of paint on the exterior of the cases.

         January 24th, Steve worked on displays for the Buffalo Library. Donna finished up the BIGS display in the Meeting Room. Joe mounted more pictures on the main corridor walls.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - January's brutal temperatures and wind chills caused the cancellation of some of our regular gatherings. However, we kept the lots plowed and the heat on for the following groups:
  • MARITIME MEETING - 1/3/15 - Paul Redding of the BMC met with Ed and Ron about joint Library Grant projects. Paul also made available several hundred rare Buffalo River Straightening project photos.
  • WNYRHS MEETINGS - 1/8/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly Board of Trustee's meeting.
  • WNYRHS MEETINGS - 1/15/15 - The WNYRHS held their January Public Members Meeting.
  • RIVERBEND MEETING - 1/15/15 - Ron, Ed and Don Williams met with the construction manager from Riverbend and his environmental manager. They toured museum and we offered them space for meetings. Also provided them with photographs, blueprints and maps of old Republic Steel. We look to be good neighbors.
  • BLACK ROCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY - 1/24/15 - Ed and Ron met with President Scott Glasgow and two members of the Society. We viewed each other's rail photos in Black Rock and discussed mutual areas of interest - joint displays, use of meeting rooms and library services.
  • HERITAGE DISCOVERY BOARD - 1/27/15 - The HDC Board of Managers held their regular monthly meeting. Leslie presented numerous ideas for fund raising.

DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ron, Ed, Barb and Shiela - for refreshment donations. Thank you!
  • 1/3/15 - Two large RR photos of Alaskan railroading were donated by a Church member.
  • Jim and Donna Shine - donated 20 rolls of toilet paper. Thank you Jim and Donna!
  • Mark Klepadlo - donated a 24" x 48" framed picture of a Union Pacific train. Thank you Mark!
  • Steve Myers - donated a box of CSX 2015 wall calendars. Thank you Steve!
  • Jim Rzad - donated 3 stock certificates: Erie, EL & NYC. Thank you Jim!
  • Carl Ambuske - donated a computer, screen and key board. Thank you Carl!
  • Paul Pietrak - donated 100 magazines. Thank you Paul!
  • Barb Owens - donated trash bags and cleaning supplies. Thank you Barb!

  • DISPLAYS - 1/3/15 - Steve installed, cleaned the glass and vacuumed the interiors of our new display cases.
    1/6/15 - Jerry taped the metal frames on the Meeting Room display cases. They are ready for painting. Mike brought in sample track lighting for Joe to check out.
    1/15/15 - Jerry put a first coat of paint on the display cases in the meeting room.
    1/17/15 - Mike finished up the Lighthouse display. Joe and Ron filled picture frames with photos for the corridors.
    1/20/15 - Steve worked on displays. Ron hung recently donated painting.
    1/22/15 - Mike worked on Lighthouse displays. Jerry put a second coat of paint on display cases.
    1/24/15 - Steve worked on displays for the Buffalo Library. Donna finished up the BIGS display in the Meeting Room. Joe mounted more pictures on the main corridor walls.

  • EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT - 1/22/15 - Ron assisted 8 Eagle Scout volunteers who brought supplies and started painting the ELHS space till 8:30pm
    1/27/15 - The scout and leader came in to review work and make list of further supplies for which they will get donations.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 1/13/15 - Nestor shoveled snow around the building. Shelia took down Xmas decorations.
    1/15/15 - Shelia took down rest of Xmas decorations. Barb donated soda for public meeting and also set up bar area. Bob checked on piano move.
    1/20/15 - Dishes were washed and Meeting Room organized.
    1/27/15 - Steve and Nestor shoveled snow.

  • ARCHIVE BUILDING - 1/3/15 - Nestor and Ron cleaned out the Archive Building. Storage items and tools were moved to the Guardhouse. The toilet room was cleared out.
    1/6/15 - Nestor, Ben and Steve finished cleaning out the Archive Building. Seven large rolling bases were moved to the Hospital Building.

  • METAL SCRAP - 1/6/15 - Don Williams and Jim are ready to cut up scrap pipes when weather permits. Don checking on prices. Also plans to take in scrap in Guardhouse.

  • PIANO DELIVERY - 1/20/15 - Bob and his crew delivered a player piano. It is in the Meeting Room.

  • ARTIFACTS - 1/6/15 - Ed made contact with Councilman Franczak and City Commissioner to secure permission to save artifacts from the old ERIE OFFICE BUILDING. Mike P. is ready with his truck when approval is received.

  • ARCHIVES - 1/3/15 - NKP ARCHIVES - John and Bill brought in another load of archives from Cleveland.
    1/17/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - A 14-foot truck arrived with the first of three loads of ELHS archives from Cleveland University. Quick work of unloading was done by Ben, Nestor, George, Bob, Dale, Don and ELHS members.

  • LIBRARY - 1/3/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed, Barb, Shelia, Chris, Diane and Bob continued to sort and catalog our collections. The Library Committee continues to grow with the addition of our newest member - Christine Roberts.
    1/6/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed, Barb and Shelia continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    1/13/15 - Diane, Ed, Steve and Shelia continued sorting and cataloguing.
    1/15/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna and Shelia continued sorting and cataloguing.
    1/17/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed, Shelia, Bob C, Bob W., Diane, Chris and Barb continued to sort and catalog our collections. They also hosted a visit by 6 members of the Buffalo Irish Genealogy Society.
    1/20/15 - Jim, Donna, Shelia, Diane, Chris and Barb continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    1/22/15 - Shelia and Bob continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    1/24/15 - Jim, Donna, Shelia, Diane, Bob, Ed and Barb continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    1/27/15 - Shelia, Chris and Barb continued to sort and catalog our collections.

February 2015
By Ron Dukarm
         It was 6 degrees on our first work day of February so we moved that work to the 5th. We held a meeting with the Buffalo River Development group. Former head of ECHDC Tom Blanchard was guest and provided background information. On the 7th, Frank K. taped more of the display cabinets for painting and Ed P. opened our parking lot with our Ford Back-hoe.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - February's low temps and daily snow kept our crew busy making sure the lots were plowed and the sidewalks shoveled for the following groups:
  • WATERFRONT MEETING - 2/5/15 - - Ed, Ron and Mike V met with the Buffalo River Development group. Former head of ECHDC Tom Blanchard was guest and provided background information.
  • ELHS MEETING - 2/7/15 - ELHS Archivist Joe Schveder from Ohio stopped in to meet with Ron and Dale to layout the shelving plan for ELHS Archives. New shelving should arrive at HDC in next couple of weeks. Eagle Scouts will erect.
  • YACHT CLUB MEETING - 2/10/15 - Ron hosted a members meeting of the China Light Yacht Club in the evening.
  • 14th ANNUAL "WNY SLIDE SHOW - 2/21/15 - Steve Koenig held his annual Slide Show and Banquet. Joe and Leslie Kocsis catered the event. Over 40 people attended the event.
  • YACHT CLUB MEETING - 2/10/15 - Ron hosted a members meeting of the China Light Yacht Club in the evening.
  • SCHOOL VISIT - 2/26/15 - A teacher and 10 students stopped in for a tour.
  • WNED TV MEETING - 2/28/15 - A representative dropped off posters and alerted us that the First Ward program Ron and Ed worked on will air Monday night at 8pm.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Steve Peck - retired NS track foreman, who donated: Track Standards Booklet, Engineer cap signed by Boxcar Willie, 1999 Employee Timetable, Union Agreement, NS Training Center Orientation Guide, Buffalo Terminal Track Plans, NS Standard MOW Procedures and Pittsburgh Division Track Plans. Thank you Steve!
  • Barb Owens - donated coffe. Thank you Barb!
  • Shelia O'Donnell - donated creamer. Thank you Shelia!
  • Mike Pietrocarlo - donated a 10 light strip with spot lights and two gas heaters and 6 "C" channels of steel. Thank you Mike!
  • Dave Fahmer - donated a number of Railroad Caps. Thank you Dave!
         Much work has been put into our new display cases donated by the Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village. Four of the cases were placed in the main display area, four in the meeting room and one in the special display room. The cases are in great shape and are getting a fresh coat of paint. When complete, we will prepare new displays over the coming month. New displays have been added and updated all over the museum.


  • DISPLAYS - 2/7/15 - Frank taped around glass doors on display cases in Museum area. Ben and Nathan enhanced their NYC display case in the Store area.
    2/10/15 - Jerry started painting display cases in the museum area.
    2/14/15 - Frank completed the first coat of black paint on our 4 display cases in the museum area.
    2/19/15 - Barb and Shelia are completing displays in the Meeting Room.
    2/21/15 - Barb and Shelia continued working on displays in our new cases.

  • EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT - 2/19/15 - The Eagle Scouts finished a first coat of paint in the ELHS Archive Room.
    2/28/15 - The Eagle Scout troop finished painting the archive room.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 2/7/15 - Nestor and Joe shoveled around the building and spread salt. Frank and Ed got our Ford Back-hoe started and Ed plowed parking lots.
    2/10/15 - Barb removed seasonal flowers and did surface cleaning. Salt was spread at back doors. Meeting room was set up for meeting. Parking lot was plowed. Scheduling calendar was sent out.
    2/21/15 - Nestor and Steve shoveled snow, spread salt and put away flower pots. Barb cleaned restrooms.
    2/26/15 - Nestor and Steve shoveled snow. Trash was removed from building.
    2/28/15 - A new mailbox was placed at the front doors. Trash removed.

  • LIBRARY - 2/5/15 - Bob continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    2/7/15 - Shelia, Chris and Diane continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    2/10/15 - Shelia and Barb continued to sort and catalog our collections.
    2/19/15 - Shelia, Barb and Bob continued sorting and cataloguing collections.
    2/21/15 - Ed, Shelia, Diane, Bob, Chris and Barb continued to sort and catalogue collections and input the railroad employee database.
    2/28/15 - Diane and Ed catalogued collections.

  • TRAIN SHOW - 2/12/15 - R Dukarm, N Arauz, A Toale, J Slominski, R Clancy, C Youngers + 8 others helped set up 400 tables at Hamburg Fairgrounds.

March 2015
By Ron Dukarm
         The weather in WNY finally took a turn for the better during the second week. Ice under a lot of snow had to be cleared to make access to the Museum safe and dry. Our dedicated crew made sure that happened every time we were open. Thank you!

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - We continue to serve as a meeting place for numerous non-profit groups. Every time we host an event, attendees become aware of our museum and our preservation efforts as seen below:
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 3/4/15 - A large group turned out for an evening with Franklin Delano Roosevelt! Local actor, Albert McFadyen portrayed the former President.
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 3/5/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • VOLUNTEER DINNER - 3/14/15 - Leslie, Barb, Cheryl and others prepared a dinner to thank all our volunteers and to celebrate St Paddy's Day. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all! Thank you Leslie, Barb and Cheryl for a great job!
  • SPM BOARD MEETING - 3/17/15 - SPM held their monthly Board Meeting.
  • UB TOUR - 3/18/15 - A a busload of UB Foreign Interns toured the museum, hosted by the SPM.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 3/24/15 - The HDC Board held their regular monthly meeting.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ed Patton - 2 Books: Union Pacific Country and Rochester, Lockport & Buffalo Railroad. Thank you Ed!
  • Anonymous - Caboose Flag Case Kit, Caboose Speedometer, 5 bound volumes of NYC claims for employee pay, livestock and per diem railroad payments.
  • Mike Pietrocarlo - donated dozens of track lights worth over a thousand dollars! Thank you Mike!
  • Fran Barone - of Cambria Contracting for allowing us the opportunity to acquire some valuable lighting fixtures and building materials from the former Fuddruckers in the Cabella Crossing Plaza. We were able to remove nearly 200 feet of track lighting with nearly 4 dozens fixtures. The track lighting will be reinstalled in the museum for additional display lighting. Thank you Fran!

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 3/5/15 & 3/7/15 - Joe and Nestor spread salt in the parking lot.
    3/10/15 - Ericka from SPM cleaned Meeting Room windows and mopped the back hall entrance. Recent donations were placed in Don's Office. All rooms checked for leaks and none were found. Extra tables were removed from Bar Room. Hand-out counter in Lobby was restocked.

  • ARCHIVES - 3/10/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The shelving delivery due today was postponed to next Tuesday due to the shipment being delayed arriving in Buffalo.
    3/17/15 - ELHS SHELVING - Dale, Ben, Nestor and Ron unloaded a truckload of ELHS shelving and moved it upstairs.
    3/21/15 - ELHS SHELVING - Ron and the Eagle Scout unit erected shelving in the ELHS Archive Room.

  • LIBRARY - 3/5/15 - Jim, Donna and Ed catalogued collections.
    3/10/15 - Jim, Donna and Barb catalogued collections. Nestor and Steve removed extra furniture from Map Room. A work area was set up in Don's office. Empty boxes were removed from throw-out space. Storage boxes from floor were placed on shelves.
    3/14/15 - Jim, Donna, Diane, Ed and Barb catalogued collections. Steve researched RR questions.
    3/17/15 - Jim, Donna, Diane, Shelia and Barb catalogued collections. Jim rearranged furniture layout.
    3/21/15 - Jim, Donna, Diane, Steve, Ed and Barb catalogued collections. Nestor and Frank set up 4 library shelving units in the Map Room. The $3,000 Library Grant from the City was received and Ed started making computer purchases.

  • TRACK LIGHTING - 3/24/15 - Joe, Don and Barb accompanied Mike P. to a restaurant on Walden Ave where they removed several thousand dollar's worth of track lighting.

         More progress in the new research library on the second floor at the museum. We would like to thank Fillmore District Councilman David Franczyk for a $3,000 grant to purchase additional computers and supplies for the library. Thanks to Ed Patton for spearheading and securing the grant. The library holds the collections of the WNY Railway Historical Society, The Steel Plant Museum of Western New York, and The Buffalo Irish Genealogical Society. We hope to have it open later this spring to the public.

April 2015
By Ron Dukarm
         With winter weather finally behind us, progress at the Heritage DiscoveRY Center moved up a notch. Below are some the many happenings at the museum thanks to our dedicated volunteers!

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - We continue to serve as a meeting place for numerous non-profit groups. Every time we host an event, attendees become aware of our museum and our preservation efforts as seen below:
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 4/1/15 - Ethan Cox, co-author of " Buffalo Beer: The History of Brewing in the Nickel City," discussed his new book.
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 4/2/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • NEW BOARD MEMBER - 4/4/15 - The HDC and WNYRHS Board of Directors have appointed Steve Koenig as a new Board member on the HDC Board. Welcome Aboard Steve!
  • SPM BOARD MEETING - 4/14/15 - The Steel Plant Museum held their monthly Board Meeting.
  • SPM STEELFEST MEETING - 4/26/15 - Joe and Ron met with President Don Williams of the Steel Plant Museum concerning logistical support for their big event at HDC on May 16th.
  • STEELFEST MEETING - 4/27/15 - Ron and Leslie met with the Steelfest Committee to plan their activities for May 16th.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 4/27/15 - The HDC Board held their regular monthly meeting.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ed Patton - donated six history books to the Library. Thank you Ed!
  • Mike Connor - donated a dozen boxes of EL employee records. Thank you Mike!
  • Ron Dukarm - donated a case of soft drinks. Thank you Ron!

  • DISPLAYS - 4/26/15 - Frank put a second coat of black paint on four of our new display cases. Joe is preparing displays for the cases.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 4/4/15 - The Meeting Room was put in order after the First Wednesday program. Posters for current events were hung and taped for public view. Bar Room was organized. Ed is ordering clips for wire shelving.

  • BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - 4/4/15 - Nestor policed the grounds for debris.

  • ARCHIVES - 4/21/15 - NKPHTS ARCHIVES - John Slater and Bill Quick met NKPHTS Collections Coordinator, Howard Speidel, who delivered 18 archival cartons transferred from Cleveland State University to the NKPHTS Archive Room.
    4/26/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - Everyone pitched in helping to unload a large truckload of ELHS archives which were brought to HDC from Cleveland. The boxes were stored in the second floor corridor until shelving if fully erected in the ELHS Room. We expect two more truckloads. Next Saturday more shelving will be erected.

  • LIBRARY - 4/4/15 - Ed, Donna, Diane and Bob continued to sort and catalogue collections. Frank and Jim erected more shelving in the Map Room. Ed made plans for a supply closet where the sink is located and another work station area in the Map Room.
    4/7/15 - Donna, Jim and Barb continued to sort and catalogue collections. Mike Connor, President of ELHS, delivered a dozen boxes of EL employee records. Nestor moved them to the Library. Jim, Donna and Barb re-boxed them for storage and input.
    4/27/15 - Barb & Chris catalogued collections.

  • NORFOLK SOUTHERN SIDINGS - 4/26/15 - Joe has been in contact with NS officials to conclude the lease of the two NS tracks and adjacent land bordering our Property in Areas A and B.

May 2015
By Ron Dukarm
         Activities at the HDC have moved into full gear with the beautiful weather we have had so far. Hard work by our dedicated volunteers both inside and outside of the museum is very evident and a great source of pride.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - We continue to serve as a meeting place for numerous non-profit groups. Every time we host an event, attendees become aware of our museum and our preservation efforts as seen below:
  • THUNDERBIRDS EVENT - 5/2/15 - Members of the WNY Thunderbird Club brought their vehicles for display and they toured our facilities.
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 5/6/15 - Buffalo's Young Preservationists: Dana Saylor and Danielle Huber discussed their "I'm Steel Standing" campaign that was formed to try to save the Bethlehem Steel Administration Building.
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 5/7/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • SPM STEELFEST MEETING - 5/9/15 - Ron met with SPM representatives to coordinate activities and gathered up signs, police tape, chairs, etc for next Saturday's Steelfest event.
  • NATIONAL TRAIN DAY - 5/9/15 - Joe and Ed went to Jamestown to make presentations at National Train Day event.
  • VISITOR TOUR - 5/12/15 - A bus-load of Red Hat members toured the museum.
  • PUBLICITY - 5/14/15 - The Buffalo News called to confirm the Steelfest date and times and the Food Drive date and times.
  • STEELFEST - 5/16/15 - Our entire staff manned the sales tables and Library hosting the scores of visitors who came to see Steelfest. The Festival proved a real success. Our thanks to SPM's Don Williams and Megan Hahin for running a great event.
  • FOOD DRIVE - 5/16/15 - The museum was open Sunday and staffed by Don and Barb for the Church of God's Annual Food Drive. Steve Koenig coordinated the event.
  • WNYRHS PUBLIC MEETING - 5/21/15 - Joe conducted our bi-monthly meeting and Devan Lawton presented the program. Leslie opened the Kitchen and served dinners. Jim T. staffed the food counter. An overflow crowd enjoyed a great program!
  • VISITOR TOUR - 5/21/15 - A busload of residents from the Elwood Assisted Living Facility toured the museum.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 5/26/15 - The HDC Board held their monthly business meeting.
  • VISITOR TOUR - 5/28/15 - The Orchard Park Nursing Home brought a busload of residents to tour the museum.
  • WATERFRONT WORKING GROUP - 5/30/15 - Mike and Stacy Vogel held the quarterly meeting of the leading waterfront groups in Buffalo in order to coordinate summer events.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ron Dukarm - Ron donated dust masks, 2 handles, a pair of binoculars and a can of WD-40. Thank you Ron!
  • Richard Werner - donated a three drawer file cabinet. Thank you Rich!
  • Jim Long - donated a new battery and oil for our riding mower and a new Drill-master 4-1/2 inch angle grinder. Thank you Jim!
  • Bob Snyder - brought in a donated file cabinet. Thank you Bob!
  • Steve Koenig - donated 3 South Buffalo Railway books to our store. Thank you Steve!
  • Friends of Matt Wronski - donated in memory of Matt Wronski, an aluminum piston from ALCO RS-11 (#251, V-12 Engine) Locomotive #1803 GVT Rail System (scrapped) nee #3603 Central Vermont, original #3603 Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific. Thank you Friends of Matt!
  • Frontier Industries and Mike P. - donated: an electronic white board (placed in conference room), 3 high-end swivel, adjustable chairs, one black leather side chair, and 7 cases of expensive display boards, glass on one side, felt on the other, 4 2x4' boards in each case. Mike, Ron, Nestor and Steve made three trips to Frontier Industrie's Dorothy Street plant. Thank you Mike and Frontier!
  • PRR Signal Donation - 5/16/15 - Don Owens arranged for the donation of two Pennsylvania Railroad Position Light Signals from the Buffalo & Pittsburg/Norfolk Southern Railroad. They were delivered Saturday by the good folks of Union Concrete Co. Thanks to Don and Union Concrete for helping to save these historic signals!
    5/23/15 - Steve brought in blueprints of signal and mounting details. Discussion was held about installation. We will also install crossbucks crossing signal as part of the project.
    5/26/15 - Don led a tour of the grounds discussing possible placement of our newly acquired signals.


  • STEELFEST - 5/2/15 - Ron, Frank and Nestor gathered up tables, chairs and police tape for SPM's use at Steelfest. Items are in back hall entrance. Don Williams is having the "L" fixed on the Bethlehem Steel sign.
    5/9/15 - Ron met with SPM representatives to coordinate activities and gathered up signs, police tape, chairs, etc for next Saturday's Steelfest event.
    5/14/15 - Jim Slominski brought sale items.
    5/16/15 - Our entire staff manned the sales tables and Library hosting the scores of visitors who came to see Steelfest. The Festival proved to be a real success. Our thanks to SPM's Don Williams and Megan Hahin for running a great event.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 5/5/15 - All trash was removed from building. Barb will look at private pickup service to eliminate the annual $800 dollar City garbage fees. City did not pick up trash and Barb will call for pickup.
    5/19/15 - The Meeting Room and Bar Room were set up for Thursday's Public Meeting. Kitchen was cleared out of storage items.
    5/21/15 - All the tables and chairs in the back entrance were moved into the Hospital Building. Leslie and Joe cleaned up after the public program. Jim Slominski delivered a car load of RR records from Greg Jandura.

  • BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - 5/2/15 - Hospital Building - Frank put a new handle on the exterior door. Don Williams took an inventory of items we can scrap.
    5/5/15 - Grounds - Nestor trickle charged the riding mower but a new battery is needed. Push mower wouldn't start and needs adjustment. Steve and Nestor placed three picnic tables behind building.
    5/7/15 - Nestor cut the front lawn. Jim long said he would buy battery for riding lawn mower and change oil on Saturday. The City still has not picked up curb-side garbage. Ericka from SPM did gardening. Jerry swept the front sidewalks. Nestor put air into our pick-up truck tire. Tire needs a repair for the leak.
    5/9/15 - Jim Long changed oil on our riding mower, installed a new battery and tightened belts.
    5/12/15 - Jim Long lubricated our riding mower, and installed new air and oil filters. Nestor cut the front lawns. Ericka from SPM weeded gardens. Barb ordered a new tote trash container from the City.
    5/14/15 - Nestor cut back lawns.
    5/19/15 - Nestor cut grass and weed-wacked. Barb checked on totes which the City did not pick up. Tony watered plants. Door frames and openers in Guardhouse were stacked and entrance cleared of storage items. Picnic tables put back in their normal positions. Marty worked on the Hospital Building door and got the lock to work, Marty also installed some parts on the backhoe and put a trickle charger on battery.
    5/21/15 - Nestor cut all the grass in the back, including a first cut on lawns between the cars and the RR fence.
    5/23/15 - Nestor weed-wacked along the curb and fence lines. Tony watered plants. Ed and Marty worked on the backhoe and got it started. Marty went on roof of Pump House and sealed exhaust pipe which was letting in water. We need a grease gun for the backhoe.
    5/24/15 - Church Air Conditioner - George, Al and Rick spent about 6 hours at HDC working on the new air conditioner unit for the church. The roof unit was installed and the lines for the coolant and conduit for the wiring were put in place. The plan is to go back one evening this week to pull the wires, install the condensation return pump and fill with coolant.
    5/27/15 - Church Air Conditioner - Al and Rick were at HDC from 7:30 until midnight. When they left the new AC was running and had started cooling the church area. The remote and the user instructions are on the table in the church sanctuary. The temp was set at 70. Al and Rick will be back to finish sealing the lines where they come into the building but they are watertight for now. Some sort of box will have to be built to hide the coolant lines where they come from the ceiling into the side of the unit.
    5/29/15 - Nestor cut along the curb and fence on Elk Street by our parking lot. Ron went into the Church area about 1:30 pm and the room was cool and comfortable.
    5/30/15 - Church Air Conditioner - Al checked on AC. Made adjustments to system and instructed Church officials on how to operate the system. Church members praised system.

  • SCRAP STEEL - 5/7/15 - Steve Grekulak worked on separating metals for scrap.
    5/9/15 - Jim Shine got out the acetylene cutting tools and cut up 24-inch pipe for scrapping.
    5/12/15 - Jim Shine finished cutting pipe and it is ready for scrapping. Steve Grekulak disassembled light fixtures to increase their scrap value.
    5/23/15 - Don, Ben and Nestor finished taking apart all the light fixtures in the Hospital building.

  • ARCHIVES - 5/2/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - Members of the ELHS came in from Ohio to start setting up shelving.

  • LIBRARY - 5/2/15 - Ed, Diane, Jim and Donna catalogued collections. Nestor, Jim S, Quinton, Jacob and Steve moved 2 carloads of Greg Jandura's files into Don's office.
    5/5/15 - Shelia, Chris, Jim and Donna catalogued collections. Donna developed a price schedule for genealogy requests.
    5/7/15 - Jim, Ed and Donna catalogued collections. Donna is processing our first paid request for genealogy information.
    5/9/15 - Jim, Steve, Diane and Donna catalogued collections and worked with BIGS volunteers inputting RR employee records.
    5/12/15 - Jim, Chris, Barb, Shelia and Donna catalogued collections. Carl reprogrammed a computer and linked it to WiFi. Jim started sanding some file cabinets, preparing them for painting.
    5/14/15 - Jim, Diane and Donna catalogued collections and input employee records.
    5/19/15 - Jim, Shelia, Chris, Donna and Diane catalogued collections and input employee data. Jim sanded and painted a file cabinet for the library.
    5/21/15 - Jim, Chris, Donna and Barb catalogued collections and input employee data. Jim removed the sink in the Map Room and installed new metal shelving.
    5/23/15 - Jim, Donna, Steve, Shelia, Ed and Diane catalogued collections and input employee data. Jim S and the Slominski's plus Greg brought in two carloads of RR records and placed in Map Room.
    5/26/15 - Jim, Donna, Chris, Diane and Ed catalogued collections and input employee data. Ed met with the President of the Library Counsel about grants available and to introduce them to our library and its goals.
    5/28/15 - We placed 3 new high quality swivel chairs in the research area.
    5/29/15 - Ron placed 3 new swivel adjustable chairs in the research area and removed the three of the old fixed base blue chairs and placed them in the Conference Room.
    5/30/15 - Shelia and Ed catalogued collections. Steve installed new shelving in Map Room. Joe delivered 3 boxes of RR slides. Ed briefed us on 5 new library grants to be submitted.

         Our on the scene photographer, Nestor Arauz grabbed a few photo's of the classic Ford Thunderbirds that came to the Museum on May 2nd. Work and events over the month are pictured below.

June 2015
By Ron Dukarm

         With the great weather we have enjoyed this June, outdoor work has become our primary activity. Cutting grass, wacking weeds and tending to our gardens is a weekly event. Tours and Meetings have kept the museum busy.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH - We continue to serve as a meeting place for numerous non-profit groups. Every time we host an event, attendees become aware of our museum and our preservation efforts as seen below:
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 6/3/15 - The "Buffalo Dolls" presented a song filled evening to a packed house and it was a very enjoyable event for all!
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 6/4/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • VISITOR TOUR - 6/18/15 - A bus load of folks from the Life Elders Home had a box lunch and toured the museum. Don Williams played host and gave a talk.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 6/23/15 - Our monthly business meeting was held.
  • HDC TENANT MEETING - 6/23/15 - Members from SPM, BIGS, and Church of God met to be briefed on building projects, planned activities and to coordinate schedules for the rest of the year. Several mutual activities were planned.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ron Dukarm - donated a case of water, 3 cases of soda, 4 "U" clamps, 5 gallons of gas, a crescent wrench, 2 gallons of anti-freeze and $120 for AC parts. Thank you Ron!
  • Jim Long - Jim Long donated a weed-wacker, 2 cans of 3-cycle fuel and a 32 foot new extension ladder which was delivered from Home Depot which was placed in Guardhouse. Thank you Jim!
  • Barb Owens - Barb donated trash bags and 12 dispenser towel rolls. Also coffee, hand soap, a case of water and a bag of de-icer. Thank you Barb!
  • Anonymous - a doner dropped off a seat for our backhoe. Thank you!
  • Ken Kraemer - donated 9 slide storage cases. Thank you Ken!
  • Dave Young - donated 8 New York Subway books, plus a case of water and a case of soda. Thank you Dave!
  • Dave Blaser - delivered some Amtrak Time Tables. Thank you Dave!
  • Jerry Bower - donated 2 boxes of Railroad Modeler magazines 1969 thru 1975. Thank You Jerry!
  • Chris Kroll - donated 84 bags of chips and pretzels. Thank you Chris!

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 6/7/15 - All trash was removed from building. Barb and Tony swept floors, removed trash, cleaned dishes.
    6/18/15 - Bob Snyder brought music for our player piano and did some adjustments - result, we were serenaded with 1920's tunes!
    6/20/15 - Steve tried more tunes and piano played well.
    6/30/15 - Nestor moved recent donations of books and magazines to Library. He also cleaned up fallen ceiling tile in front lobby, due to leak. Don started setting up for First Wednesday program tomorrow.

  • BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - 6/2/15 - Grounds - Ericka from SPM weeded front gardens. Barb put out more trash and removed clippings. Tony watered plants. Steve cut the grass around the Guardhouse by the trucks and signal and behind Guardhouse.
    6/2/15 - Rail Move - Ed fired up the backhoe and he, Nestor and Ben moved 5 pieces of 39-foot rail from Area E to Area B behind Guardhouse.
    6/2/15 - Display Boards - Steve moved them from back entrance to Archive Building.
    6/4/15 - Nestor cut the grass around the front and back. Garden clippings were picked up. Tony watered plants. Nestor filled flat tire on truck and moved it so OSC could get to test well.
    6/6/15 - Nestor weed-wacked grass around the front and back. Tony watered plants. Steve cut grass around pump house. Jim Long changed air filter on riding grass mower. Chris painted two handicap parking spaces with logos and lines. Nestor cut up an old tree with chain saw.
    6/9/15 - Nestor weed-wacked and cut grass around the front and back. Tony watered plants.
    6/7/15 - Roof AC - Al, George and Rick were in Sunday to begin repairs, Al secured a donated motor to replace broken motor.
    6/13/15 - Nestor weed-wacked the front curb line. Tony watered plants. Ron and Joe measured fence gates and openings for new lease of Elk Street parking lot. They also traced down all power sources for new National Grid grant for Areas A & B.
    6/16/15 - Nestor picked up trimmings. Ericka planted flowers and weeded. Tony watered plants.
    6/18/15 - Nestor cut all lawns, front and back. Tony watered plants.
    6/20/15 - Nestor cut all lawns behind the RR cars. Tony watered plants. Ron and Nestor picked up a mold for a concrete base for PRR signal mast from the OP Depot. Included were anchor bars and a pre-cut form for bars. It was placed in Guardhouse. Marty jumped crane battery and added 2 gallons of anti-freeze. He also worked on the welder, which is repairable. One push lawn mower is scrap. Two of the three boats in storage in Building 75 were removed.
    6/23/15 - New Locks - A set of 10 new locks were purchased, all keyed alike. These locks will be placed on the Guardhouse, Building 75 and the N&W Caboose to start. Those who need to carry a key should see Ron.
    6/25/15 - Nestor cut the front lawns and behind RR cars. Tony watered plants. Restrooms - Jim Torgeson ordered keys for toilet paper dispensers and loaded dispensers. New locks were placed on Building 75 and Guardhouse.
    6/27/15 - New locks were placed on the PRR signal boxes. Chris placed a hook in Janitor Closet for key to toilet paper dispensers. Joe is purchasing 6 new locks on same key system.
    6/30/15 - Nestor weed-wacked around RR cars in back. Don brought back trash cans which City emptied. Tony watered plants.

  • SCRAP STEEL - 6/2/15 - Ben and Jerry disassembled light fixtures for scrap. Don, Ed and Nestor loaded scrap into Don's truck and they took it to scrapper.
    6/4/15 - Don, Steve and Jerry disassembled more light fixtures for scrap.
    6/9/15 - Jerry B, Steve G and Matt N loaded scrap in Don's truck and Don and Steve went to scraper. A second load was put into Don's truck for turn in latter.
    6/13/15 - Steve continued work on disassembling light fixtures. Don Williams turned in $248 from last load.
    6/16/15 - Steve and Don continued work on disassembling light fixtures.
    6/18/15 - Jerry and Don worked on disassembling light fixtures.
    6/25/15 - Don brought in light fixtures he had disassembled at home.

  • LIBRARY - 6/2/15 - Shelia, Barb and Chris catalogued collections.
    6/4/15 - Ed, Cheryl & Diane held a brief meeting on Library matters.
    6/6/15 - Ed, Diane, Shelia and Steve catalogued collections.
    6/9/15 - Shelia and Barb catalogued collections.
    6/13/15 - Shelia and Diane catalogued collections.
    6/16/15 - Bob, Barb and Diane catalogued collections and data input. Jim and Greg delivered a dozen boxes of RR records. Nestor, Jim and Steve placed them in Don's office.
    6/25/15 - Jim and Donna continued data input.
    6/27/15 - Jim, Steve and Chris moved library shelving to the Map Room and started erecting a new row to store records from Don's office. Diane did data input and Barb and Donna covered and labeled books.
    6/30/15 - Jim completed erecting and cleaning the shelves in the Map Room. Barb, Shelia and Donna covered and labeled books. Dave input data. Peter served as docent for Library visitor. Jim Slominski and Greg brought two truckloads of records. They and Nestor moved records to new shelves in Map Room.

July 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - July is looking to be a very busy month with many activites already scheduled at the HDC and in the surrounding area. Below are some of the happenings to date:
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 7/1/15 - Author Erno Rossi discussed and signed copies of his book "Crystal Beach - The Good Old Days" for a large crowd.
  • NKPHTS MEETING - 7/7/15 - - John Slater, Devan Lawton and their committee delivered more NKP records plus held a planning meeting for their annual convention.
  • NURSING HOME TOUR - 7/7/15 - - The Orchard Park Fox Run Nursing Home residents toured the museum.
  • BUFFALO NIAGARA RIVERKEEPER PRESS EVENT - 7/13/15 - The Heritage DiscoveRY Center Buffalo was proud to host the Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper press event to announce a new series of shoreline restoration projects slated for the Buffalo River.
  • WNYRHS SUMMER MEETING/PICNIC - 7/18/15 - Leslie and Joe prepared food for our summer meeting. Video's old and new were presented and a great time was had by all celebrating our 35th anniversary!
  • BIGS MEETING - 7/21/15 - held a business meeting.
  • SPM MEETING - 7/21/15 - held their quarterly Board Meeting.
  • WNYRHS MEETING - 7/21/15 - held a train crew safety meeting.
  • HDC MEETING - 7/25/15 - Ron, Ed and Joe met to discuss recent HDC development projects.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 7/28/15 - The HDC Board held their regular monthly meeting.
  • WATERFRONT WORKING GROUP - 7/30/15 - Ron, Ed and Mike attended the Waterfront Working Group meeting.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • ESPA & Dave Skony - stopped in and delivered several boxes of handouts donated by Amtrak. Also Amtrak timetables, travel guides and Kid's hats. Thank you Dave!
  • Dave Young - brought in photos for Steve Kocsis of a steam engine and a RR DVD, 9 RR videos and a deck of Milwaukee Railroad playing cards. Thank you Dave!
  • Ron Dukarm - donated a battery, air filter and parts for our Grove Crane and a case of soft drink. Also donated 7 gallons of fuel a case of water and 3 cases of soft drink. Thank you Ron!
  • Chris Kroll - donated paint for parking spots. Thank you Chris!
  • Marty Laurie - donated fuel stabilizer and wrench lube for crane. Thank you Marty!
  • Jim Long - donated air & oil filters for Jacobson grass cutter. Thank you Jim!
  • Peter Westphal - donated the use of a trailer. Thank you Peter!
  • Jim & Donna Shine - donated a large box of snacks. Thank you Jim & Donna!
  • John Pryblyoski - donated plastic shelves, large cooler, small cooler, small trash can, and 8 RR books. Thank you John!
  • Caryl Youngers - donated weed killer. Thank you Caryl!
  • Jeff & Kourtney Smith - donated 22 file cabinets. Thank you Jeff & Kourtney!
  • Marty Phelps - Medina Railroad Museum put on loan to HDC a two-person track drill. Thank you Marty!
  • Ed Patton - donated a 14-horsepower Troy Built Lawn Tractor. Ron, Nestor, Ben and Ed moved the tractor from Lakeview to the Guardhouse. Thank you Ed!
  • Anthony Marinaro - donated a player piano and Mike Pietrocarlo donated the use of his truck to move the piano. Thank you Anthony and Mike!

  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 7/7/15 - Nestor cut the front lawns and a substantial area by Building #75 and the River. Tony watered plants. Ericka weeded gardens. Steve picked clippings and weeds. Ron and Steve placed two tables and a dozen chairs in Building #75. Ron and Jim Long toured Area D and met with contractors doing river plantings.
    7/11/15 - Nestor cut the back lawns. Tony watered plants. Chris painted Handicap markings on parking spaces.
    7/16/15 - Tony watered plants. Tom Wager of OSC had a brush hog and cut all our grass in Area A and Area C. Don spoke with PVS Chemical about their trash pick up and has a plan to reduce our costs with City.
    7/18/15 - Tony watered plants. Ron, Ben, Nestor, Don W, Don O, Barb, Chris, Joe, George, Caryl and Joe mowed down brush, trees and grass in our Elk Street Lot. The lot was cleared and is ready for our 16 month renter.
    7/23/15 - Tony watered plants. Nestor cut the front gardens by the fence. Steve measured the display track - 130 feet long. Panel track is 33 feet. OSC placed a barrel over the well-head in Elk Street lot.
    7/28/15 - Tony watered plants. Ron and Nestor disposed of a used battery to retailer.
    7/30/15 - Tony watered plants. Steve bagged debris. Ericka weeded gardens. Ron met with an electrical contractor about power hook-ups and met with OSC about power access. Joe and Ron met with a potential renter of one of our buildings.

  • MECHANICAL - 7/7/15 - Sunday night George, Rick and Al put in a new motor on the HDC roof AC. Jim Long took a wheel off the welder in order to repair it. Jim and Ron looked at Jacobsen F-10 7-gang lawn mower in Building #75. Nestor took a 5 gallon gas can home for a refill.
    7/11/15 - Marty installed the new battery in Grove crane and put in fuel additive to protect the gasoline. He made adjustments to throttle which are not complete, so don't operate crane. He moved crane to the pump house. Jim took out battery from fork lift and plans to replace it, plus oil and air filters. He also plans to replace tire on air compressor.
    7/16/15 - Marty oiled the locks on the air compressor. He checked the crane boom and it is holding its load. No slippage. He will work on throttle next.
    7/18/15 - Marty, George and Nestor changed worn parts on the Grove crane. Jim L put in new filters on the grass cutter.
    7/23/15 - Jim Long disassembled the riding mower and took parts home for repair.
    7/28/15 - Jim brought in repaired and replacements parts for lawn tractor.

  • METAL SCRAP - 7/7/15 - Jim Long brought in scrap from Hamburg and placed it in the "scrap" truck. The old AC motor is by the back door. Don Williams was alerted to dispose of both.
    7/11/15 - Chris, Ron, Marty and Jim Long loaded up Don's truck with scrap from the Hospital Building. Don picked up the A/C motor plus BC#43 scrap from Hamburg. The truck was full.
    7/16/15 - Steve moved some final items to Don's Truck.

  • ARCHIVES - 7/7/15 - NKPHTS ARCHIVES - John Slater and Devan Lawton met Howard Speidel and Scott Hewis of the NKPHTS to accept delivery of 30 archival cartons transferred from Cleveland State University to the NKPHTS Archive Room.

  • FILE CABINETS - 7/17/15 - Peter, Ron and Nestor made two trips from Tonawanda moving 22 donated file cabinets, which were placed in the hospital Building.

  • LIBRARY - 7/7/15 - Shelia, Dave and Barb continued cataloguing books.
    7/11/15 - Shelia, Jim, Donna, Diane and Steve continued cataloguing books. Jim sanded and painted two file cabinets.
    7/16/15 - Donna continued cataloguing books.
    7/18/15 - Donna, Jim, Diane, Jim S, Greg, Shelia, Ed and Steve covered and labeled books, catalogued collections and inputed RR employee data.
    7/21/15 - Donna, Barb and Jim continued cataloguing and covering books.
    7/30/15 - Jim & Donna worked on library items.

August 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - August started just as busy as July. With great weather much work has been accomplished outside. Below are some of the happenings to date:
  • PARTY - 8/1/15 - A surprise birthday party was sponsored by Cathy Olmstead for her husband Al. Over 60 family, friends and RR VIP's attended. Joe and Leslie assisted.
  • NKPHTS MEETING - 8/4/15 - Ron met with the Nickel Plate Convention Committee finalizing details for the annual convention.
  • MARINE GROUP MEETING - 8/4/15 - Ron met with Tony Anderson and the Marine Group. They removed their 3 boats from Building #75. Large boat is temporarily in parking lot due to flat tire.
  • marine group
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 8/5/15 - "Chet Fery the Breadman," cooking show with host Fr. Paul Seil, Catholic priest from Buffalo, NY makes bread and home made butter recipes.
  • ROSIE THE RIVETOR - 8/15/15 - The Steel Plant Museum held a gala event for WWII ladies who kept America running and had the Buffalo Dolls singing. Channel 4 Television covered the event.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 8/25/15 - The HDC Board held their regular monthly meeting.
  • WATERFRONT MEETING - 8/25/15 - The Waterfront Working Group held a meeting on development plans. Ron and Mike Vogel attended, as did a representative of Assemblyman Sean Ryan's office.
  • YACHT MEETING -8/27/15 - The China Lighthouse Yacht Club held their quarterly Board meeting.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ed Leak - - Best Bedding Mattress Company donated 18 units of metal shelving for Archive area and an additional 12! Mike Pietrocarlo donated the use of his truck. Thank you Ed and Mike!
  • Dave Skony - brought in Amtrak coloring books and crayons, donated by Amtrak and ESPA. Thank you Dave!
  • Ron Dukarm - donated a battery for riding mower and 10 bags of mulch. Also 2 cases of soft drink. Thank you Ron!
  • Jim Wager - donated 66 RR books. Thank you Jim!
  • Steve Kocsis - donated a 10-year collection of "Thomas & Friends." Thank you Steve!
  • Barb Owens - donated 2 pounds of coffee. Thank you Barb!
  • George Specht - donated threaded bar for gate installation. Thank you George!
  • Jim & Donna Shine - donated 32 snack-pac's, disinfectant, 2 liquid wipes, a humidity monitor, 5 air fresheners and 2 leather caboose matts. Thank you Jim & Donna!

  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 8/1/15 - Tony watered plants. Steve G. bagged debris. Joe weed-wacked.
    8/4/15 - Tony watered plants. Steve G. bagged debris. Nestor weed-wacked. Ericka weeded gardens. Jerry brought in garbage cans.
    8/6/15 - Tony watered plants. Nestor cut grass by guardhouse and delivered mulch. Nestor placed 32-ft ladder in Building #75 for roof inspection.
    8/8/15 - Tony watered plants. Joe used a stump-grinder to clear our Elk Street lot. George operated the back-hoe and installed new 20-foot gates at our lot. Marty, Chris and Nestor assisted in taking down old fence and erecting gates. Ed got our large lawn mower going, which can cut a swath 15 feet wide as opposed to 3-feet on our old riders. It was donated to us by the Buffalo Maritime Center. It originally cut lawns at the Baseball Hall of Fame. The machine was put in running shape by George Specht and Al Olmstead. Nestor did a couple of test runs and you can see the results. It usually took us over 3 hours to cut this back section. We can now do it in 30 minutes. We have a lot of weed-wacking to do around our 10 buildings and two thousand feet of fence line.
    8/11/15 - Nestor cut the back lawn and weed-wacked the front curb line. Ericka and Tony weeded the front gardens and spread 11 bags of mulch. Tony watered plants.
    8/13/15 - Tony watered plants.
    8/16/15 - Tony watered plants. Ed and Nestor worked on riding mower.
    8/18/15 - Tony watered plants.
    8/25/15 - Tony watered plants. Barb checked on garbage pick-up - not picked up by City. Scott checked interior of D&H boxcar and possible bracing of exterior.
    8/29/15 - Ed cut the back lawns. Tony watered plants

  • MECHANICAL - 8/1/15 - Jim Long worked on lawn mower and welder.
    8/6/15 - Jim Long put new battery in riding mower, removed wheels from air compressor and welder.
    8/8/15 - Jim installed new tires on our welder. Ed got our Jacobsen Gang Mower going.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 8/4/15 - Barb and Tony swept floors. Barb removed trash and cans. Barb cleaned restrooms.

  • BUILDING #75 - 8/16/15 - Ron, Ed, Mike and Steve toured building. Electrical hook-ups and boxes were checked. A plan for lighting was developed. New door locks will be installed. Mike will look for new motor for big door.
    8/18/15 - Ed and Mike toured building again. Mike will deliver portable lights and is still looking for a new motor for large door. Lights to go on overhead pulley system so they can move.
    8/25/15 - Mike and Ron installed two overhead lights on pulleys and connected to our generator. Planned actions to clean up the building.
    8/29/15 - Ron, Ed, Ben, Joe, Steve and Mike cleaned out Building #75. All cabinets and shelves were moved to building #82. Various items were stored in the cages. Walls to be demolished plus items to be scrapped were marked with yellow paint.

  • DISPLAYS - 8/27/15 - Steve added to the NYC Veterans display case.

  • DELIVERIES & MOVES - 8/1/15 - Ron, Nestor, Ben and Mike Pietrocarlo moved two truckloads of metal shelving from donor to Building #82. Tony moved in the Erie records.
    8/11/15 - Don, Barb and Jerry delivered office furniture to Library. Ron and Nestor delivered a generator to Building #75. Mike, Ron and Nestor delivered six metal shelving units from a Buffalo warehouse to Building #82.
    8/13/15 - Ron met with Mike Connor of ELHS who delivered a carload of Erie personnel records.
    8/27/15 - Steve moved the forklift into Building #75 for next Saturday's workparty. He and Mike P unloaded 6 shelving units in Building #82.

  • LIBRARY - 8/1/15 - Jim, Diane, Steve & Donna worked on library items. Diane demonstrated Erie RR data base for visiting President Mike Connor of ELHS. Mike also toured ELHS archive area and brought in 20 boxes of Erie records.
    8/6/15 - Jim and Donna worked on library items.
    8/8/15 - Diane, Barb and Steve worked on RR records. Steve, Ed and Chris moved a NYC Veterans Association neon sign from the Library and installed it in a display case in the museum area.
    8/16/15 - Diane, Ed and Steve worked on library items. Nestor delivered the Erie personnel files and Diane started to re-boxed them. 8/18/15 - Diane, Jim, Donna, Ed and Bob worked on library items. Diane re-boxed Erie records.
    8/27/15 - Jim, Donna and Steve continued their work projects.
    8/29/15 - Donna, Ed, Diane and Steve continued their work projects.

September 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - Most of September at the HDC was hot and humid but we had many, many visitors and activities that kept everyone busy all month!
  • ARTVOICE FESTIVAL MEETING - 9/1/15 - Ron and Joe met with Art Voice and their concert promoters and contractors, preparing plans for Sept 26 festival. Bands, DJ's, magic, art exhibits, etc are on tap.
    9/4/15 - Ron met with Jamie Moses of Art Voice. His crew will clean on Sunday. Went over daisy chain lock procedures for building.
    9/17/15 - Ron met with Jamie Moses from Art Voice to go over various logistical issues.
    9/24/15 - Several exhibitors arrived and started setting up stages, displays and sound systems in Building 75.
    9/25/15 - More exhibitors arrived and started setting up their stage, art displays and sound system. The City delivered trash containers and portable toilets were put in place.
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 9/2/15 - "The Buffalo Irish Genealogical Society," Donna Shine presented a seminar on genealogy for the SPM 1st Wednesday program.
  • OSC MEETING -9/2/15 - Ron met with Tom Wagner of OSC and updated him on festival plans and new daisy chain locks for contractors on main gate to Area A. We will also daisy chain locks on Building #75 so contractors have access.
  • NKPHTS MEETING - 9/8/15 - The Nickel Plate planning group met formulating final plans for their convention. Ron also negotiated a lease for additional storage space. Another 25 boxes of records were delivered and placed in their storage room.
  • YACHT CLUB MEETING - 9/10/15 - The China Light Yacht Club held a meeting in our Board Room.
  • NKPHTS MEETING - 9/17/15 - Final plans were developed for their national convention next week. NKP displays were set up in display cases. Devan L. brought in ELHS records and NKP displays. Ron met with Church officials and will borrow their tables for the convention.
  • WNYRHS PUBLIC MEETING - 9/17/15 - The Western New York Railway Historical Society held their bi-monthly public meeting. Topic was history of railroads in WNY over the last 180 years.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 9/22/15 - HDC held their monthly business meeting.
  • NKPHTS MEETING & CONVENTION REGISTRATION - 9/24/15 - The NKP Board of Directors met for their regular business meeting. Officers met with Joe to finalize convention logistics. NKPHTS Members registered for events.
  • VIP VISIT - 9/25/15 - The Buffalo Niagara Riverkeepers hosted the Great Lakes Legislative Caucus today at HDC. Several staff members of Senators and Congressmen from the 8 Great Lakes states listened to an address by Joe Kocsis and Don Owens about our efforts at HDC.
  • NKPHTS CONVENTION - 9/25/15 - NKPHTS Members arrived and set up railroad models and dioramas in the Store Area. Vendors set up sales displays in the Vendor Room. NKPHTS Members took a bus tour of WNY NKP sites, including Bison Yard. Joe, Don and Al cooked hot dogs for dinner. Leslie served the rest of the meal. Joe addressed NKP members about HDC activities.
    9/26/15 - They concluded their 50th annual meeting with a full day of seminars, programs, and a dinner.

  • ARTVOICE FESTIVAL - 9/26/15 - Artvoice celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a great party centered around our Building 75 and parking lot. The party was a unique mix of music, dancing, art installations and special art performances. Over 1000 people came to this great party and we look forward to hosting more of these events in the future.

DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ron Dukarm - donated flex tube and clamps for muffler installation on crane, 2 cases of water & coffee mate and 5 gallons of diesel fuel. Thank you Ron!
  • Jim Slominski - brought in a Pullman Blanket from an anonymous doner. Thank you Jim!
  • Matt Mangus - donated a 4'x8' old Buffalo Color sign. Thank you Matt!
  • Lucy T. Werenski - donated a picture of an unknown train. Thank you Lucy!
  • Barb Owens - donated 2 cases of water, a case of paper towels and other restroom supplies. Thank you Barb!
  • Dave Young - donated 10 railroad books, a conductor's badge, a station sign, a roll-bar of station stops, 4 glass insulators and two 6-packs of soda. Thank you Dave!
  • Jim Torgeson - donated donated a box of snacks. Thank you Jim!


  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 9/1/15 - Ericka from SPM weeded all gardens. Tony watered plants.
    9/3/15 - Steve weed-wacked along the curb line in front of the building. Tony watered plants.
    9/4/15 - Mike P. picked up all the brush shrubbery that was piled up at the main gate. He also took the "wall" that was stored behind the Guardhouse. In addition he scrapped the rest of the toilets and urinals from the Archive Building.
    9/5/15 - Tony watered plants. Ed moved our large lawn mower to Building #83.
    9/8/15 - Tony watered plants. Marty moved the large yellow air compressor from the back of the Hospital Building entrance to near the bridge.
    9/10/15 - Tony watered plants. Debris for scraping was placed outside the Archive Building door.
    9/12/15 - Tony watered plants. Ed took an inventory of metal shelving in Building #82 - 23 - 3'x3' units, half 9' tall.
    9/15/15 - Ericka weeded the front gardens, Tony watered plants. Joe K. worked on the lock and door handle to the back entrance.
    9/22/15 - Ron and Jerry removed weeds and trash from Building 75. Ed cut 6 acres of grass with the gang mower.
    9/24/15 - Ed and Ron used the back-hoe to move stone and construct a walkway over the swale from the parking area next to Building 75. Don cut lawns around the building. Tony watered plants. Ericka weeded gardens. Al checked the AC and opened vents.
    9/25/15 - Jim S. bought brackets and secured the shelf in the upstairs mop closet that was held up with a broom.
    9/26/15 - Don Owens cut lawns. Tony watered plants. Steve removed weeds along fence lines. Ron and Ed set out cones for traffic control.
    9/30/15 - Ed and Ron removed stone from the swale next to Building 75. They also picked up trash from lawn and parking lot, locked the sliding gate, and placed cones and trash container inside building.

  • MECHANICAL - 9/1/15 - Marty L. replaced muffler and did other repairs on Grove Crane.
    9/26/15 - Marty worked on the rider mower and did repairs.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 9/1/15 - Barb collected trash and removed cans and bottles.
    9/8/15 - Steve repaired the door closer on the women's restroom.
    9/10/15 - Barb cleaned surfaces and restrooms. AC was working and temp was comfortable.
    9/12/15 - Barb cleaned surfaces. Steve K. investigated intermittent internet connections with the SPM.
    9/14/15 - Steve was in the other day and did trouble shooting on connectivity issues. He resolved all issues and the Internet is up and running. He coordinated with SPM on operating concerns.
    9/17/15 - Tony watered plants. Barb cleaned surfaces and brought in refreshments for public meeting.
    9/22/15 - Tony watered plants. Barb cleaned kitchen.
    9/23/15 - Trash was removed and taken home.
    9/29/15 - Joe and Leslie did Kitchen clean up and set up our meeting Room. Barb washed floors and cleaned restrooms. Ron, Jerry and Ed returned church tables and cleaned up and set up the conference room.

  • BUILDING #75 - 9/1/15 - Mike P. and his staff removed and scrapped lubricant storage tanks. He cut odd overhead piping and various protruding safety hazards. He removed bolts from floor and ground them down. Mike had lift motor for large door checked and it is in good condition.
    9/2/15 - Mike and his staff of 3 workers scrapped other metal objects. They cut more overhead piping and secured loose cages to support walls and pipes. Floors were scrapped for bonded debris and swept up. One cage was dismantled. Mike contracted with glass installer to replace two broken windows. Demo to start in office areas.
    9/3/15 - Mike and his staff of 2 workers demolished the walls and ceilings in the heating room. Mike made a dump run with all the debris. He also removed cardboard from the Archive Building, along with old toilets and other debris. More demo and dump runs will continue tomorrow.
    9/4/15 - Mike and his staff of 2 workers made 3 runs to the dump with garbage, trash, debris. Mike also made one run with metal scrap to the recycler. Three more lights were hung. An absorbent was spread on oily areas. One cage area was locked with WNYRHS equipment stored inside. Mike fixed the side door locking mechanism. Daisy chain locks were installed so Art Voice can enter building.
    9/5/15 - Mike moved 6 metal cabinets to Building #82. Mike and Joe went on the roof to unplug roof drains. Mike ground down more protruding mounting bolts in the floor. Two light fixtures were hung from the ceiling. Electrical connections were checked.
    9/8/15 - Ron toured the building with Art Voice and several of their performers and subcontractors. Yesterday and Sunday they swept floors. Ron also toured the building with the Nickle Plate group, showing them the cage material available for their new storage area.
    9/10/15 - Mike cut more protruding bolts and ground them down.
    9/14/15 - Ron met with contractors and performers who toured the building identifying where activities will take place at the festival.
    9/17/15 - Ron met with the Art Voice head organizer to go over various logistic issues and met with the contractor who is cleaning walls and floors in the building.
    9/23/15 - Floors were cleaned and rooms sprayed.
    9/24/15 - Several exhibitors arrived and started setting up stages, displays and sound systems. Ed and Ron moved out the tow motor and set up rail displays and tables for SPM and WNYRHS staff. Final clean up was done.
    9/29/15 - Ron, Ed and Mike inspected Area A and Building 75. All areas were cleaned up by Art Voice.

  • HDC MAIL SLOT - 9/2/15 - Ron met with Don Williams. He has quotes for a large and small slot. SPM will contribute $100 to install. The bids and recommendations have been sent to Board members in another email. It will take 3 weeks to install.
    9/3/15 - Jim Torgeson contacted the glass contractor and has started the install process.
    9/5/15 - Jim Torgeson met with the glass contractor and drew up specs for the mail slot install. The work has been ordered and should be completed in about 2 weeks.

  • ARCHIVE BUILDING - 9/10/15 - Debris was removed from toilet area. Electrical parts from shower room were moved to the Hospital building by Jerry, Steve and Ron.
    9/14/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The ELHS archivist and his crew were in today from Ohio setting up metal shelving and sorting records. They worked until 6:00pm. Also ELHS will require more storage space and toured the Guardhouse and Archive Building. They want to place new files in both buildings.
    9/29/15 - Jim plugged floor drains in the shower room area. Mike measured new wall installation for NKP and made plans to plug toilet outlets. Mike selected a gate and door to install for NKPTHS archives in their section of the building.

  • HOSPITAL BUILDING - 9/14/15 - Ron started to clear out the large room on the east side of the building.
    9/15/15 - Ron cleared out more chairs and tables from the large room on the east side of the building. Various rooms were labeled as to what they contain: Electrical; Doors; Plumbing; Boards; Chairs & Glass, Files & Tiles; HVAC; Cabinets; Archives.
    9/17/15 - Ron and Jerry cleared out all remaining tables and chairs from the large room and swept the floors.
    9/29/15 - Ed, Ron and Mike inspected building. Identified 20 feet of wall to be demolished by Mike. Also discovered wet paneling in one office.

  • DELIVERIES & MOVES - 9/23/15 - Ed and Ron moved Buffalo Color sign to shower room.

  • LIBRARY - 9/1/15 - Donna, Barb and Jim continued their work projects.
    9/5/15 - Diane, Jim, Donna and Ed continued on their library projects.
    9/12/15 - Diane and Ed worked on projects.
    9/22/15 - Jim, Donna and Dave catalogued books. Jim also sanded file cabinets.
    9/25/15 - Jim filled in the holes in the archive room floor and brought up more file cabinets to the Rare Book Room. Donna helped Jim arrange the file cabinets in the Rare Book Room and worked on indexing more of the Erie RR personnel files. We now have nearly 800 employees entered from the Michael J. Connors collection.
    9/26/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed and Diane continued processing Erie personnel records. They also played host to all the NKPTHS Convention members who visited the Library to see the NKP records and overall Library operations.
    9/29/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed and Shelia continued processing Erie personnel records.

October 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - The Heritage Discovery Center has become a premier repository for Railroad and Transportation archives. With the huge success of the NKPHTS 2015 Convention, truckloads of historical have been brought to the HDC for archival. Much of the work this month has been devoted to the updating of our Archive and Hospital Building for safekeeping and documentation of these important records.
  • BIGS MEETING - 10/3/15 - Ed conducted a meeting of Buffalo Irish Genealogy Society members.
  • NURSING HOME TOUR -10/6/15 - The Hamburg Nursing Home brought a busload of residents to view the museum.
  • NS MEETING - 10/8/15 - Ed met with NS Railroad officials about recent drone incursions and the possibility of NS donating ties for our display track.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 10/8/15 - The Board met to discuss strategic planning issues.
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 10/8/15 - Rick Rowlands, President of the "Youngstown Steel Heritage Museum," gave a very interesting talk much of which was about acquisition, transport and restoration of rare GE and other railroad locomotives.
  • HALLOWEEN PARTY - 10/24/15 - Leslie, Joe, Barb and Cheryl prepared a great dinner for all the party-goers and did clean-up duty. Everyone had a great time! Thank you everyone.
  • B&O VISITORS - 10/27/15 - Two representatives of the B&O Historical Society met with Ron Dukarm about possibly holding their 2016 national convention at HDC.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 10/27/15 - HDC held their monthly business meeting. A presentation was made by two real estate developers.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Jim & Donna Shine - donated 6 air fresheners for the Library. Thank you Jim & Donna!
  • The ELHS - donated a calendar to HDC. Thank you ELHS!
  • Jim Shine & Don Williams - donated $37 of scrap metal. Thank you Jim and Don!
  • Barb & Don Owens - donated $3,000 to the Library Fund. Thank you Barb & Don!
  • Ron Dukarm - donated $540 to clean floors in Building #75, 5 gallons of diesel fuel, 2 gallons of paint, 2 screwdrivers, a flashlight, key fobs and $500 to pay contractors for wall demolition and debris removal. Also, a case of soda, $320 for Hospital Building roof repairs, 4 more gallons of paint, 6 rollers, 12 face masks, and 3 pairs of work gloves. Ron also donated another $500 for contractor work plus a pair of pliers, crescent wrench, duct tape and 4 more gallons of paint. Thank you Ron!
  • Mike Pietrocarlo - donated plastic pipe, a skid of sand-blasting sand and roofing material to repair leaks on the Hospital Building. Thank you Mike!
  • Buffalo Lighthouse Society - donated 2 cases of water. Thank you BLS!
  • Ericka SPM - donated a book on the history of Sacred Heart Church. Thank you Ericka!
  • Machine Shop - Ed, Joe and Steve visited a machine shop which was donated to HDC. Included are lathes, drill presses, various tools, nuts, bolts, metal supplies, etc. They began an inventory. Thank You!


  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 10/13/15 - Ericka trimmed bushes out front. Tony watered plants. Ron removed bags of trash.
    10/15/15 - Tony watered plants. Marty picked up tools and checked heater and heat tape in pump house.
    10/22/15 - Ericka from SPM weeded front gardens and trimmed trees. All debris was picked up in Mike's dump truck. Tony watered plants. Scrap outside on lawn was picked up in Mike's truck.

  • SCRAP DRIVE - 10/6/15 - Jim and Don took metal scrap to the scrap yard.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 10/3/15 - Joe organized items left from convention. Tony watered plants.
    10/6/15 - NKP staff were in to take down displays in the museum area. The SPM staff set up the meeting room for the First Wednesday program. Tony watered plants.
    10/15/15 - John cleared out the NKP display items from the Board Room. Bob and Ron removed folding tables, brought in the white board, removed boxes, hooked up the telephone and put chairs in place. Board Room is ready for meetings.
    10/24/15 - Barb mopped shower room floor in the Archive Building.
    10/27/15 - Barb mopped shower room again.
    10/31/15 - Barb mopped floors in the NKP Room and Workshop Room.

  • BUILDING #75 - 10/13/15 - Mike P. and his crew removed a 12-foot section of gate and a sliding door for the Nickel Plate storage room. Mike also had an electrical contractor in who will replace the motor on the large roll up door. Mike unloaded storage items for his business.
    10/17/15 - Ed, Steve and Ron surveyed the 4,000 sq ft of storage items Mike brought in. Much metal shelving, tables, tools, etc were identified for our use.

  • HISTORIC KIOSKS - 10/6/15 - The WNYRHS worked with the NYSDOT to create three of the kiosks along Ohio Street. They are now installed and we want to thank Ron Dukarm for his work in editing the narrative and picture selection. The photos came from both the WNYRHS Archives and Ron's personal collection. The kiosks are spread out along the walking path from Michigan Avenue to Louisiana Street.

  • ARCHIVE BUILDING - 10/6/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The archivist and staff were in from Ohio and worked on setting up shelves.
    10/13/15 - Mike and his crew cleared out items from the toilet room. Preparations were made to cut pipes from walls and plug toilet outlets. The new gate and door for NKP room were brought in from Building 75.
    10/15/15 - NKPTHS ARCHIVES - John S. reviewed the new NKPTHS space in the Archive Building, which is half finished. John also viewed new room on second floor for storage of Canal Archives and Railroad records coming from Pennsylvania. John and Ed discussed custody and access issues for new archives.
    10/17/15 - Mike and his workers started construction on the NKPTHS storage area. Wall pipes were cut off as were toilet pipes in floor. The access hole in the ceiling was covered with a hatch access panel.
    10/20/15 - Mike and his workers erected the cage and door for NKPTHS records.
    10/21/15 - Mike and his workers finished the NKPTHS cage and plugged the sewer drains in the floor. Ron organized the shower room and removed 2 bags of debris.
    10/22/15 - Mike and his workers laid cement between the shower room and toilet room to eliminate lip in the floor. All trash, debris and scrap in building was gathered up and loaded in Mike's dump truck.
    10/24/15 - Mike Patton started to paint the NKPTHS storage room.
    10/27/15 - Mike Patton finished painting the NKPTHS storage room. Mike and Dan cleaned out more items from shower room. Taped ceiling hatch. Moved two cabinets.
    10/29/15 - Mike & Dan Patton touched up painting the shower room. Tony removed tape. Storage items were moved out and the room is basically empty except for moving tools. A new work bench was placed in the Tool Room and all items were organized by Jerry and Ron. The old wooden desk was moved to the Hospital Building.
    10/31/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The ELHS Archivist and staff were in from Ohio starting to place boxes on their new shelving.

  • NEW CANAL ARCHIVES -10/10/15 - We were informed that the joint proposal submitted to the National Canal Museum in Easton, Pennsylvania by the Nickel Plate Historical & Technical Society and Heritage Discovery Center was approved to receive the Paul J. Westhaeffer Collection of early New York State Canal and railroad archives. A half dozen other institutions also applied but the proposal written by Ed Patton and John Slater won out. We will receive 54 boxes on Saturday, October 24th at 10 am. Great work John and Ed!
    10/24/15 - John Slater delivered a truck load of early NY Canal and RR records from a Pennsylvania museum. Don, Joe, Ed and Steve, along with 4 NKP volunteers, unloaded the truck and placed the records on the second floor.

  • HOSPITAL BUILDING - 10/17/15 - Ed, Steve and Ron surveyed the new archive storage space and identified where the furnace and propane tanks will be placed. Mike will start demolition work on Tuesday.
    10/20/15 - Ben cleared out the first two storage rooms and moved chairs, tables, file cabinets and ceiling tiles to the back rooms.
    10/22/15 - Mike and his crew demolished an office and removed molded wall in another office. All debris was removed in a dump run. Stored doors and photo trays were moved down the long hallway and the east wing of the building is now clear of all storage.
    10/27/15 - Mike Pietrocarlo and his crew completed roof repairs. Mike Patton and Dan Patton moved doors, glass, tables, tool box, boards, HVAC equipment and cleaned floors.
    10/29/15 - Dan and Mike started painting the large archive room. Floors were swept.
    10/31/15 - Dan and Mike painted the large archive room. Mike Pietrocarlo checked for leaks, Ed and Joe planned installation of a water tap, heating and security system.

  • GUARDHOUSE - 10/27/15 - Ed, Mike, Dan and Mike performed repairs to the back door.

  • DISPLAYS - 10/3/15 - Steve worked on displays in museum area.

  • LIBRARY - 10/3/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna and Barb continued data input and cataloguing.
    10/6/15 - Jim, Donna, Ed, Chris and George continued processing Erie personnel records. Ron delivered a new box of records from Mike Connor.
    10/10/15 - All hands worked on library projects.
    10/13/15 - George, Donna, Barb, Jim & Ed worked on library projects.
    10/15/15 - Ed, Jim and Bob worked on Library projects. Jim copied the 1899 Buffalo Street Guide.
    10/17/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna, Steve, Barb and Bob worked on Library projects. Ron delivered two dozen framed photos from the OP Depot.
    10/20/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna, John, Barb, Chris and Diane worked on Library projects and input of RR employee records.
    10/24/15 - Diane, Ed, Shelia and Steve continued library projects and input of records.
    10/31/15 - Bob, Steve, Barb and Shelia continued on their library projects.

  • RAILROAD TIES - 10/29/15 - Ed and Mike Pietrocarlo traveled to West Virginia to look at acquiring some railroad ties.

  • DELIVERY - 10/31/15 - George and Rick delivered an AC/DC Welder to the Guard House.

November 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - The Heritage Discovery Center continues to host local community events as we gear up for the 34th Annual Greater Buffalo Trian Show at the Events Center in Hamburg on the 21st and 22nd.
  • HDC PLANNING MEETING - 11/2/15 - The HDC Planning Committee met to formulate plans for Area A and B development.
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 11/4/15 - Charles Russell of "Dimar Manufacturing Corporation" in Clarence, gave a very interesting talk much of which was about modern manufacturing techniques using water jet and laser cutting processes.
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 11/5/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • CLUB TOUR -11/10/15 - Over a dozen members of the Southtown's Women Friendship Club toured the museum. SPM played host.
  • GRAND OPENING - 11/14/15 - Friday night the Steel Plant Museum held a grand opening for their newest exhibit: "Overshadowed: Buffalo's Lesser Known Steelmakers."
  • VISITOR TOURS - 11/16/15 - Matthew Mattison, RLA, Assistant Director - Bioregional and Urban Design, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper and a busload of UB students toured our Area A riverbank for a class project. Members also toured the museum. Also the SPM hosted a tour of the museum by the WNY Relic Hunters group.
  • WNYRHS PUBLIC MEETING - 11/17/15 - Joe conducted the November WNYRHS public meeting on Part II of WNY Railroad History. Leslie brought in refreshments and served them.
  • POINSETTA SALE - 11/19/15 - The HDC is running a Poinsettia Sale fund raiser. Call Leslie 901-0012 with your order or mail it in.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • John Prybylski - donated a box of RR magazines, a microwave and a swivel office chair. Thank you John!
  • Don & Barb Owens - donated $12,000 to the HDC general fund account. Thank you Don & Barb!
  • Jim Long - donated a new tire for the air compressor and six pairs of heavy duty work gloves. Thank you Jim!
  • Jim Torgeson - donated two dozen rolls of toilet paper. Thank you Jim!
  • Ron Dukarm - $700 for contractor work, and two cases of soda. Also $400 for painting & roof supplies plus contractor fees. Ron also donated another $600 for supplies and contractor fees. Thank you Ron!
  • Jim & Donna Shine - donated two dozen rolls of toilet paper. Thank you Jim & Donna!
  • Shelia O'Donnell & WNYRHS - brought in donuts for our hard-working volunteers and WNYRHS brought in pizzas. Thank you Shelia and the WNYRHS!
  • Ed Patton - purchased various construction supplies for Wednesday's work party and purchased more propane for the forklift. Thank you Ed!
  • Don Williams - donated $20 for refreshments. Thank You Don!
  • Mike Malyak - donated 3 boxes of Railroad Spikes for our track project. Thank You Mike!


  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 11/2/15 - Lobby Roof - Mike P. inspected the roof, moved stone and probed for leaks. Located problem areas and purchased supplies to do the repairs.
    11/3/15 - Lobby Roof - Mike and his crew removed stone from the roof and placed it in the front loader bucket and placed it near the ballast pile. Roof was power washed and tarred. Jerry and Ron removed stained ceiling tiles from the Church area, cut new ones and replaced them. Grounds - Erica weeded the front gardens and trimmed the bushes.
    11/7/15 - Jim Long brought his lawn mowers and cut all lawns around 100 Lee Street. Tony watered plants.
    11/10/15 - A contractor installed our new glass door with a mail slot and improved insulation. The old glass was placed in the Hospital Building glass storage area. Mike and his crew patched and tarred several suspected leak points on the main roof.

    11/12/15 - Mike Pietrocarlo stopped by to check roof repairs on the Lobby and Church areas. Both were dry.
    11/14/15 - Joe was in to turn on the heat and adjust temp controls.
    11/16/15 - Dan replaced all the ceiling tiles in the lobby and removed light lenses and cleaned them. Ed vacuumed carpets.
    11/18/15 - Dan replaced more stained tiles in the entrance area. He also fastened down the loose flashing on the Pump House that was blown off in the last wind storm.
    11/19/15 - Area A - Contractors started to install steel pilings along our shoreline, starting at the DL&W bridge and working their way toward Building #75.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 11/4/15 - Antique "Two Man Track Drill" and a step stool were placed in Archive Building. Striping paint and stencils were placed in the Tool Room. Wall calendar, cash boxes, portable radios, BCK brake club placed in Rm 160. RR association membership plaque hung near bulletin board. Paperwork on desk organized. All box fans were placed in the Kitchen. Trash removed. Trash bags restocked. Shelves organized.
    11/7/15 - Barb scrubbed the NKPTHS Archive storage room floor.
    11/16/15 - The back hallway entrance was completely cleaned out. A stained ceiling tile in the Bar Room was replaced. Three stained ceiling tiles in the Church were replaced. Ed took home an old Model T car motor to rebuild it for sale. Dishes were washed.
    11/19/15 - Ron removed trash, brought in a bag of cans, sold two calendars, cut up stained ceiling tiles, replaced towels in restrooms.
    11/21/15 - Trash was removed, 2 bags of cans were secured, poinsettia sale notices were posted, back door was repaired, empty boxes were brought in for Machine Shop parts, Meeting Room was put back in order.
    11/24/15 - Erica raked up leaves, potted several plants and mopped the floors. Barb cleaned the restrooms, removed trash, cans & bottles.
    11/28/15 - Shelia and Steve started our Christmas decorations.

  • BUILDING #82 - 11/3/15 - Dan and Mike Patton disassembled 20 metal shelving units and moved them to the Hospital Building.
    11/5/15 - Dan and Mike disassembled another 12 shelving units and moved them to Hospital building.
    11/10/15 - Mike and Dan disassembled another 6 steel shelving units.
    11/18/15 - Mike and Dan disassembled more 3'x3' shelving.
    11/19/15 - Mike and Dan disassembled the remaining 3'x3' shelving and moved it to the Hospital Building.

  • ARCHIVE BUILDING - 11/3/15 - NKPTHS ARCHIVES - Barb mopped floors and cleaned wall tiles in the new NKP storage area.
    11/4/15 - Tool room was further organized. Trash was removed. New cabinet for paint storage added.
    11/5/15 - Chairs for cleaning were placed in Shower Room. Empty boxes were staged for Saturday's machine shop inventory. Diesel engine piston and journal cover were moved to the building.
    11/7/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The ELHS archivist was in town and met with Ed Patton concerning over 5,000 EL employee records, which will be added to our data base.
    11/10/15 - Dan and Mike brought in seven steel cabinets with locking doors for archive storage. These were placed in the shower room.

    11/12/15 -  A crew of six NKPTHS volunteers lead by John Slater unloaded a truckload of NKP archives and placed them in their new storage space, following a brief ribbon cutting ceremony. We unloaded the Don Daily bequest brought in from Frankfort, Indiana this morning and it is now secured in the NKPTHS new space awaiting sorting and assessment.
    11/14/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - Archivist Joe Schveder and President Mike Connor were in to continue stocking shelves and conduct an inventory.
    11/19/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - The ELHS Archivists requested more space for storage. A room will be provided in the Hospital Building.
    11/21/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - ELHS President Mike Connor visited and discussed a new lease for more space. Mike also brought in two more boxes of Erie Railroad personnel files for BIGS.
    11/24/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - ELHS President Mike Connor and his helper brought in a carload of Erie dispatcher sheets. Jerry, Ron, Peter, Mike, Dan, Mike C and his helper all unloaded this heavy inventory and placed it on shelving in the Hospital Building.
    11/24/15 - NKP ARCHIVES - John Slater patched holes in his storage room, painted the patches and put on a new lock.

  • MACHINE SHOP -11/17/15 - Ed, Don, George, Rick, Dave and Dan brought five truckloads of donated parts and tools from an inner city machine shop, valued at over $15,000 we will add to our inventories for car repairs. Items were placed in the Guardhouse and Archive Building.
    11/19/15 - Ed, Dan, Mike and Mike Pietrocarlo's man and truck hauled a full load to the Guardhouse. Included were a lathe, drill press, wash tanks, tool carts, parts, etc.
    11/23/15 - Everyone helped move another load of parts and tools from the machine shop and brought to the Guardhouse. The work was heavy, cold and dirty but our volunteers did a great job. Tomorrow they will be at it again. Thanks to Mike for use of his truck.
    11/24/15 - Dan & Mike Patton, along with Mike Pietrocarlo and his two crew loaded two more trucks full of shelving and machine parts. The pallet shelving was put in the Hospital Building and everything else in the Guardhouse.

  • HOSPITAL BUILDING - 11/4/15 - Mike and his crew capped the old AC unit after they removed it from roof. Tarred around all entry points. Added reduction piping inside to allow for a 1" water line with faucet so we will have water in the building. Repaired water leaks.
    11/5/15 - Mike and his crew finished installing a water outlet in the building. Also prepared a report of recommended remaining work. Disassembled shelving was brought to the building by Dan and Mike.
    11/7/15 - Mike and Dan Patton finished painting the first coat in the large archive room.
    11/12/15 - Dan and Mike started a second coat of paint in the large archive storage area.
    11/16/15 - Mike finished the second coat of paint in the small office. He also blocked off an opening to the roof. Three bags of trash were removed. Also two cubic feet of metal scrap was added to our scrap pile outside the building.
    11/19/15 - Ed determined there was no gas line into the building. Mike & Dan moved in 5 assembled 3'x3' shelving units and placed them into the back room for ELHS archive use.
    11/21/15 - Mike & Dan repaired back windows, washed down panel walls, foamed in insulation around windows, scrubbed and mopped the floor. They also vacuumed corners and blinds, sanded shelving and painted them and then installed the four shelving units for ELHS archives.

  • GUARDHOUSE - 11/5/15 - Mike Pietrocarlo surveyed the roof and made a list of recommended work to stop leaks. A new lock was placed on the door.
    11/10/15 - Dan, Mike and Jerry brought in a large steel locking cabinet with doors for tool storage. They also removed 3 scrap lawn mowers.
    11/18/15 - Ed moved the forklift to the Guardhouse for tomorrow's move of the lathe and drill press from the machine shop.

  • MECHANICAL - 11/5/15 - Jim long mounted a new tire on the compressor with the assistance of Ed on the backhoe.
    11/19/15 - Jim Long delivered our reconditioned mower deck for our MTD Tractor. He took the batteries for our mowers for winter storage and will keep them charged. He also put air into all our tired vehicles (welder, mowers, compressors, auto, etc.)

  • LIBRARY - 11/3/15 - John, Jim, Donna, Chris and Ed continued data input and cataloguing.
    11/5/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna and John continued with library projects.
    11/7/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna, Diane, Shelia and John continued with library projects.
    11/10/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna, Shelia and John continued with library projects. Historian Mark Goldman visited the Library. The Library was also toured by a potential renter.
    11/12/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna and Bob continued with library projects.
    11/14/15 - Jim, Donna, Shelia, Diane and John continued with library projects.
    11/17/15 - Jim, Donna, John, Chris and Tony worked on Library projects.
    11/19/15 - Jim, Donna, Shelia and Tony worked on Erie personnel files.
    11/21/15 - Jim, Donna, Shelia, Diane and Tony continued work on Erie personnel files.
    11/24/15 - Jim, Donna, Chris Tony, John and Shelia continued work on Erie personnel records.
    11/28/15 - Donna, Jim, Chris, John, Tony, Shelia, Steve and Diane worked on various library projects.

December 2015
By Ron Dukarm
COMMUNITY OUTREACH - The Heritage Discovery Center continues to host local community events as we get ready for the Holidays.
  • HDC BOARD MEETING - 12/1/15 - The Board held their regular monthly business meeting.
  • STEEL PLANT MUSEUM - 1st WEDNESDAY EVENT - 12/2/15 - Steven Fox spoke about documentary photographer Milton Rogovin who photographed steelworkers at the plant and their homes.
  • WNYRHS BOARD MEETING - 12/3/15 - The WNYRHS held their monthly board meeting.
  • POT LUCK DINNER -12/12/15 - Joe and Leslie Kocsis hosted a pot luck dinner for our volunteers on Friday night.
  • HDC PLANNING MEETING - 12/12/15 - Joe held a meeting on development proposals for Areas A, B and C.
  • HDC PLANNING MEETING - 12/17/15 - The HDC Board met with development officials about long range plans for Area A & B.
DONATIONS - We have received the following donations of artifacts and supplies. Our sincere thanks to all our loyal supporters:
  • Ron Dukarm - Ron donated $400 for supplies and contractor fees and 3 pints of paint for cabinet shelves. Ron also donated paint rollers, another $900 for supplies, an equipment purchase and contractor fees. Thank you Ron!
  • Barb Owens - donated 22 bags of chips and 4 loaves of homemade bread. Thank you Barb!
  • Ed Patton - brought in many donuts. Thank you Ed!
  • Dan Patton - donated a Marx train set. Thank you Dan!
  • Mike Pietrocarlo - donated and delivered a truckload of shelving for our Archive building and then sent over another two truckloads of badly needed steel archive shelving! Thank You Mike!
  • Bill Dudley - donated over 1500lbs of rolled sheet steel for the boiler jacket of our PRR#4483 steam engine. Thank you Bill!
  • Don Hale - donated the final contents of his machine shop - a scanner/copier/printer and an antique NYC Shovel and switch broom! Thank You Don!


  • BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 12/3/15 - Orchard Park Depot equipment move - Caryl, Ed, Dan and Mike, along with the OP Depot crew, loaded a truck-full of records and track parts from the Orchard Park Freighthouse. Records were placed in the Archive Building. Track tie plates, spikes, anchors, bolts, etc were placed in Building #82 on pallets.
    12/3/15 -  AREA A - The Army Corp of Engineers and NYS EPA are making improvements to our Area A shoreline. Sheet steel pilings are being driven to bedrock along our 650-foot shoreline on the Buffalo River. This will protect our shore from erosion and also provide a solid foundation for us to build boat docks and kayak launches. It will greatly enhance the value of our property.
    12/5/15 - AREA A - Ed and Ron met with the Army Corp of Engineers project supervisor and went over scope of project. The piling is almost complete. They will soon be dredging for one week along our shoreline.
    12/8/15 - Dan and Mike took off the rear door in the Church area and rehung it. It now closes properly and locks securely. The Church's cleaning crew was in.
    12/10/15 - Erica trimmed trees and bushes in front of Don Owens Center with 54' degree weather.

  • BUILDING #75 - 12/22/15 - A truckload of shelving for our Archive Building was unloaded by Mike and Dan then Dan unloaded two pallets of steel boiler jacketing from another truck.

  • HOUSEKEEPING - 12/5/15 - Ed picked up Poinsettias from BellaTerra Nursery and Leslie distributed them. Barb removed all trash. Construction debris removed from Hospital Building. Steve and Shelia set up Christmas decorations and train display.
    12/8/15 - Shelia set up more Christmas decorations.
    12/22/15 - Barb removed trash and replenished restrooms. The elevator inspector was in and recertified our elevator.
    12/26/15 - Shelia cleaned display case glass, Steve set up some displays, labeled new donations and cleaned the new copier/scanner.
    12/29/15 - Barb cleaned restrooms and removed trash and cans. Ed started wiring smoke detectors. Our total volunteer hours at HDC for the year are just over 5,000.

  • BUILDING #82 - 12/3/15 - Mike and Dan disassembled the last of the 3-foot shelving and placed it in the Hospital Building.

  • ARCHIVE BUILDING - 12/1/15 - Mike removed all the shelves from the 8 storage cabinets in the Shower Room and started cleaning them.
    12/3/15 - NKP ARCHIVES - John Slater installed more shelving in their storage area.
    12/5/15 - NKP ARCHIVES - John and staff brought in another carload of NKP records.
    12/8/15 - Dan and Mike sanded all the metal cabinets shelves in the shower room and painted half of them.
    12/10/15 - Dan and Mike sanded more metal cabinets shelves in the shower room and painted 16 of them.
    12/22/15 - NKP ARCHIVES - John Slater and his scanning expert were in to scan maps.
    12/29/15 - Mike brought over more shelving, a tool bench and sanded cabinets.

  • GUARDHOUSE/MACHINE SHOP -12/5/15 - Mike and Dan completely reorganized the building. All filing cabinets were put in one room. A second room was used for board & cabinet storage. Eight new metal shelves were erected and filled with parts. Much space was freed up for more machine parts.
    12/12/15 - Ed, Dan and Mike dismantled shelving and packed up parts and tools and moved them to the Guardhouse from the Hospital Building. Caryl Youngers provided his truck for the move.
    12/15/15 - Ed, Dan and Mike set up shelves and continued to organize the building.
    12/17/15 - Ed, Dan and Mike set up more shelves and continued to organize the building. Dan & Mike plus Mike Pietrocarlo brought over two truckloads from the Hospital Building of the final load of tools, parts and shelves from the South Buffalo Machine Shop. Ed and Ron went to lunch with Don Hale and finalized paperwork and tax papers for the donation of all items.
    12/19/15 - Ed, Dan and Mike continued to organize the building. Shelving was filled with parts. Joe installed new heavy hasps and locks on the side entry door.
    12/22/15 - Dan and Mike continued to organize the building. More shelving was erected and filled with parts.

  • HOSPITAL BUILDING - 12/1/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - President Mike Connor and helper brought in a truckload of ELHS archives. Mike and Ron unloaded these into their new storage room in the Hospital Building.
    12/3/15 - Mike and Dan braced the shelving holding the ELHS records. They also repaired two windows.
    12/5/15 - ELHS ARCHIVES - Archivist Joe Schveder and member Rusty moved all ELHS records out of corridor area and into ELHS space.

  • LIBRARY - 11/3/15 - John, Jim, Donna, Chris and Ed continued data input and cataloguing.
    12/1/15 - Donna, Jim, Tony, & Shelia worked on various library projects.
    12/3/15 - Donna, Jim & Tony worked on various library projects.
    12/5/15 - Donna, Jim, Diane & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records.
    12/8/15 - Donna, Jim, Ed, Bob & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records.
    12/10/15 - Donna, Jim, Ed, John & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records. Ed also ordered two new computers for the Library.
    12/12/15 - Donna, Jim, Ed, Diane, Steve, Shelia & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records and book cataloguing.
    12/15/15 - Donna, Jim, Ed, Shelia, Chris, John & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records and book cataloguing. Mike and Dan started to set up the newly purchased computers.
    12/17/15 - Donna, Jim, Ed, Shelia, & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records and book cataloguing.
    12/19/15 - Diane, Ed, Shelia, & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records and book cataloguing. Mike and Dan hooked up new computer cables and got the system up and working. Steve set up new supply cabinets.
    12/22/15 - Ed, Shelia, Jim, Donna & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records and book cataloguing.
    12/26/15 - Shelia & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records.
    12/29/15 - Ed, Jim, Donna, Chris, Shelia & Tony worked on Erie RR personnel records.

WNYRHS 2015 Fund

Contact Us: Orchard Park - 716-662-7002       Williamsville - 716-633-7002
WNYHDC Inc., 100 Lee Street, Buffalo, New York  14210 - 716-821-9360
All Donations to the Heritage Discovery Center are Tax-Deductable!

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This page was last updated: January 25th, 2025

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The WNYHDC, Inc. 100 Lee Street, Buffalo, NY. 14210 is an independent organization and has no affiliation with any other local or national group.
The Heritage Center is a fully qualified organization under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to the HDC are tax deductible.
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  Web Design & Hosted by  - Scott H.