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MoPac Steam Power
A Golden Age

On July 4, 1851 at St. Louis, ground breaking for the Pacific Railroad Company marked the beginning of the Missouri Pacific, becoming the first railroad west of the Mississippi River.

With a history dating back to the mid 1800's, the Missouri Pacific and it's predecessors such as the Iron Mountain had run a colorful assortment of engines - from the earliest 4-4-0's pioneering the westward march of the young Pacific Railroad of Missouri, to the massive Baldwin-built 2-8-8-2 Mallet used to tend transfers drags and yard hump in St. Louis and Dupo near the close of the Steam Era.

Like other roads, the American class locos were the early favorite of the line, pulling passengers and freight over farmland and wild prairie west into the new territories of the U.S. There were the countless disastors and tales often associated with the pioneer railroads. One legend often told was known as the "Great Train Robbery" no less, which perhaps inspired the fictionalized yarns recounted in the novels of the day.


MoPac grew and the need for bigger, faster and stronger locomotives grew as well. The age of 'modern' steam power began after the turn of the century with the growing size of steam engines. The new age began with the appearance of newer and improved designs to meet the needs and specifications of different roads. Traditional 4-6-0 locos evolved with the placement of the heavy firebox behind the driving wheels over a newly added two-wheel trailing truck. In fact the new class of steam locomotive - the 4-6-2 'Pacific' class - was named for the Missouri Pacific, one of the first rail companies to use this new type of engine.

Even back then the ever forward-thinking MoP was quick to use the newest technology available.

During 1942-43, the MoP was operating a wide variety of over 1,150 steam engines, what would be the highest total for steam power in the system's history.

The motive power department insisted on high standards in appearance and utility with its locomotives. And it's hard to deny the engines that the company aquired were handsome indeed.

Painted a conservative glossy black for the boiler, graphite for the smoke and fire box with brushed aluminum numbers and lettering, MoPac's power represented steam in it's purest form. MoPac crews were long-noted for the pride and care shown to its locomotives. As one would come off-duty it would be scrubbed and washed, the running gear was hosed off with hot water and kerosine, and the boiler lagging was wiped dry. Finally, the headlight and number boards were polished.

With one modest lttle engine, which brought amusement to onlooking crewmen's faces, the Missouri Pacific system began the introduction of small gas and diesel powered yard switchers around 1939. It would be years for the new power to be fully accepted by yard crews and the corporate executives alike, but inevitably, the days of the steam engine were numbered on the MoP.

On April 7, 1955, a hundred years after its first locomotive sounded it's whistle past the Mississippi River, and a day after the final revenue run by steam, the last run steam on the Missouri Pacific unceremonious occured. It originated from the coal fields of Bush, Illinois. Here the last remnent of MoPac's steam power had been relegated to shoving coal cars to and from the mines. A short but heavy string of nine dead locomotives lead by MP Consolidations #124 and #40 puffed together toward Dupo, Ill. All were disposed of as scrap.


Note: This list is incomplete.

Most listings shown here consist of locomotives after the union of the Iron Mountain and Missouri Pacific into one, and the resulting reorganization of motive power in 1905. The is not intended as a complete roster. Much of the original power was disposed of as a result.

Additionally, listings on subsidiary roads are limited, especially before each roads' aquistition with the Missouri Pacific system.


Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image
  2-6-0 Mogul/ Various Classes

The original 2-6-0 Moguls were some of the earlier steam engines operating on U.S. rails. The Mogul type was the largest locomotive at the time, so it was named after the Mohammedan Empire of India.

The 2-6-0 Mogul locomotive design was an improvement on the 4-4-0 wheel arrangement. In theory, the 2-6-0s extra set of driving wheels offered a 50% increase in tractive effort over the older design. The Moguls were a general-purpose locomotive for both freight and passenger service, as was the 4-4-0 American which it was designed to replace,

MP #152 (in photo below) was a good example of prime power seen on the rails in 1872.

In Falls City, Nebraska, one 2-6-0 (number unreadable) was decorated into a highly patriotic scheme to help promote bond sales in 1918 during World War I. She wore decorations of a plaque, special head light, special paint and a spread eagle before her smokestack.

Maybe it wasn't the Eagle streamliners or the turbo-eagled GP35's - it was a 2-6-0 that perhaps became the first MoPac locomotives to be proudly adorned with an eagle - a symbol which in later years became associated with the streamliners and the company itself.

More Moguls can be seen on Abilene & Southern History.

MP #152 - This 2-6-0 is the pride of her crew, Missouri Pacific Railroad #152 built by Hinkley Locomotive Works in 1872 poses for the camera at Hermann, Missouri in 1877. Though all are unidentified, it is clear everyone wanted to be included in the historic moment. Twenty-six years earlier, in 1851 the railroad was the first one to forge west of the Mississippi River. - W. A. Anderson Photo / T. Greuter Collection

MP 3607
- a 2-6-0. Steam's up as a fireman looks on under his fedora. The engine was the ex-#854, seen at Joplin, Missouri, August 1928. - Todd Greuter Collection ·

MP 3607
- a decade later, the same engine is found at North Little Rock, Arkansas, June 1938 - Todd Greuter Collection ·

  2-8-0 Consolidation/ Various Classes

When the first Baldwin-built 2-8-0 was put into service in 1866, the 4-4-0 American was the predominate locomotive used in the U.S. By 1910 the Consolidations became the most popular wheel arrangement in the nation. Likewise it became the type most used on the Missouri Pacific during this period. According to W. M. "Mike" Adams, over 400 of this type had worked on the MP.

1880 saw the first 2-8-0's go to the Missouri Pacific, these were #107-110.

The very first 2-8-0 Consolidations (purchased 1879-1887) were considered big engines for heavier-railed branch lines in the 1920's. It still had a basic "American" look, only with eight small drive wheels.

In 1901, the system, then called Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain with the merger of StLIM&S, began the purchase of 304 Consolidations (all were renumbered into 500's and 400's). The first of the Iron Mountain order should be noted for their distinctive appearance of the squared off Belpaire boiler shape over the firebox.

1905 saw the orders begin for the spot engines series, #1-173, probably the handsomest of the MP Consolidation fleet.

The aquisition of the Gulf Coast Lines in 1925 added even more Consolidations (I don't have an exact total), which were renumbered into the 1000-series.

In 1955 Steam breathed it's final breath on the MP system under a cloud produced by a pair of 2-8-0's as they tugged a long string of their silent sisters to the scrapline.

Missouri & Illinois 2-8-0 #12 Ste Genevieve, Missouri. - David Beckermann Collection

M&I #25 pulling a cut of cars up the incline from the transfer boat, the "Ste Genevieve" at Ste Genevieve, MO, on the Mississippi River. Notice the idler car/caboose just behind the steam tender. The M-&I had several of these cars, used to "reach" the freight cars and draw them from the ferry without putting the full weight of the locomotive on the deck. - David Beckermann Collection

Missouri Pacific 12 - a C-63 Class 2-8-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 28 - a 2-8-0, at Robstown on 9/23 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 70 - at Kingsville, Texas 11/47 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 104, 168 & 100 - all C-63 Class 2-8-0's, at Webb City, Missouri in September 1911 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

In April 1955 a string of the last steam locomotives lead by 2-8-0 MP #124 and #40 puffed together toward Dupo, Ill. from the southern Illinois coal fields, for disposal as scrap. The dead engine consist were Consolidations #15, 21, 28, 77, 80, 43, 127, 26, and Mikado #1559. - from MPRR Publication

MP 153 - a C-63 Class 2-8-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 164 - a 2-8-0, in El Dorado, Arkansas - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 168 - a C-63 Class 2-8-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 480 - a C-55 Class 2-8-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1019 - sublettered for the StLB&M, a 2-8-0, at McAllen, Texas on 7/19/49 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1025 - sublettered for the StLB&M, a C-57 Class 2-8-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 38?? - I don't know what to make of this photo but added it here for possible feedback. This is a doctored photo, without argument.

From what I can make out on the sand dome... this unit is indeed sublettered "M.P."

The big problem is this scan looks like someone has doctored the numbering on the photo. The number "38" on the locomotive side as well as the "Missouri Pacific" on the tender may have been spliced into place, or chemically altered to increse contrast (before computers, newspapers and printers commonly used such enhancements to make their photos reproduce better for printing.

This engine does however strongly resemble a photo I found of #39 (no date). MoPac rebuilt many of these locos which makes photo comparisons even harder, but the valve gear shown on #39 had not been replaced and identicle to this. The auxillary water piping along the bottom of the frame more closely matches a photo of #41 (1935). Other photos from this series bear some resemblances, though they had valve gear modifications.

Now about that Vanderbilt tender... this was cut out and pasted over the original image. Notice there's some motion blur which isn't seen in the locomotive. This was taken from a seperate photograph.

Vanderbilt tenders were RARE on the Mopac: Missouri Pacific Consolidations #46-50 were the only locomotives on the system to be given this type of tender. And these may have been replaced with standard tenders over time. Photos of these in use is even rarer. The #38 doesn't work out if it's the real number - though the spotting features indicate it may actually be in the ballpark for #46-50.

I wish I had the original to see what's been covered up, otherwise it's nothing more than a conversation piece like the fictional blue caboose. - Photographer Unknown/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

  2-8-2 Mikado/ Class MK-63

The 2-8-0 was first built by Baldwin in 1897 for export to Japan, thus the name "Mikado." The Mikados essentially replaced the 2-8-4 Berkshires in the early 1900's.

T&P 400 (410) - an E-4-A, 2-8-2, 4'-8.5", T&P (FW&D) is reported to be displayed at a city park (Pope & S.Wash) in Marshall, Texas.�

M-I 502 - a fireman's side view of a 2-8-2 , by Furler. Again the photographer wrote the info on the photo border below. - Donald W. Furler Photo/T. Greuter Collection

MP 1113 - a 2-8-2, at Palestine, Texas in the 1930's - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1202 - an MK-63 Class 2-8-2 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

Mo Pac 2-8-2 1244 - seen from the fireman's side with full head of steam on April 20, 1935 at Poplar Bluff, Missouri. - photographer unknown/T. Greuter collection

MP 1245 - the crew oils the 2-8-2 as the engineer looks on from the cab - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1313 - a 2-8-2 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1454 - an MK-63 Class 2-8-2 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1480 - a 2-8-2, somewhere in Texas - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1490 - a 2-8-2 - photographer unknown/ T. Greuter collection

St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern 1510 - an MK-63 Class 2-10-2 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1565 - this view of a 2-8-2, with the engineer resting his arm on the cab window and three builder's plates visible. - photographer unknown/T. Greuter collection

  2-8-4 Berkshire/ Class BK-63

In 1925 the first 2-8-4 was built by Lima and the first runs were on the Boston & Albany's Berkshire Hills. The 2-8-4 Berkshire was notoriously known to be hard on track, and having poor traction, but somewhat successful on up and down grades.

In respomse to the purchase of 20 new Berkshires by the Frisco in 1930 ,at about this time a competitive MoPac aquired 25 Class BK-63 Super-Power 2-8-4's (#1901 - 1925) from Lima Locomotive. These came with much more steam producing capacity than the Frisco's.

The locomotives had 28 x 30 cylinders, 63" drivers, a boiler pressure of 240 psi, a tractive effort of 66,500 lbs and weighed in at 412,200 lbs. The tenders, with their distinctive doghouses, were a little longer and carried almost 17,000 gallons of water and 20 tons of coal.

Ultimately the MoPac would convert these locomotives to 4-8-4's.

MP 1121 - sublettered for the I-GN, a 2-8-4, at LongView, Texas in the 1930's - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

  2-10-0 Decapod/ Class D-52

The first 2-10-0 Decapod was built in 1867 by Norris and went to the Lehigh Valley. "Decapod" means ten feet, or in this case, ten drivers.

MP 945 - sublettered for the NOT&M, a 2-10-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

  2-10-2 Santa Fe/ Class SF-63

The 2-10-2 was first built in 1903 for the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe, which together with Baldwin built the locomotive.

MP 724 - The 2-10-2 literally fills the sky with hot steam on this frigid 21st of January day, 1951. It would be one of the last times steam would be seen on this mainline, as #1724 pulls a freight northward near Lake Street in Omaha, Nebraska - photo © copyright William W. Kratville, used with permission

MP 1711 - a 2-10-2. Steam is up. Location is not given, but some railfan somewhere will recognize the bridge crossing the yard in the background. - photographer unknown/T. Greuter collection

  2-10-4 Texas/ Class I-1

The T&P and the 2-10-4 Texas

The first example of the 2-10-4 Texas, was built in 1925 by Lima and owned by Texas & Pacific, long-time associated with and later subsidiary of the MoP.

Texas & Pacific selected the name "Texas" for the 2-10-4s, as it was the custom for the first railroad to receive a new wheel arrangement.

In 1925 the Texas & Pacific received the first purposely designed 2-10-4 built in North America. Ten of these Class I-1 locomotives (#601 - 609) were built by the Lima Locomotive Works. These had 29" dia x 30" stroke cylinders, 63.5 dia. drivers, a 250 psi boiler pressure, a tractive effort of 83,000 lbs and weighed 448,000 lbs.

In 1927 fifteen more were delivered from Lima (#610 - 624) . These were Class I-1a 2-10-4s. In 1928, Lima delivered thirty more - fifteen Class I-1b (#625 - 639) and fifteen Class I-1c (#640 - 654).

In 1929 the last 15 Class I-1d (#655 - 669) built by Lima arrived bringing T&P's total to 70.

One T&P "Texas" survives today, #610 (see Survivors at bottom of page) which is now owned by the Texas Railroad. The 610 was returned to operating condition in order to pull the American Freedom Train as part of America's 1976 Bicentennial. Today it is on display at Palestine, Texas.

  2-6-6-2 Mallet

MO&G / KO&G 2-6-6-2 Mallets
Texas Pacific/Missouri Pacific subsidiary road Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway inherited five Baldwin-built 2-6-6-2s, #300-304. These five originally had been built for KO&G predecessor Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf in September and October 1912, and supplimented the railroad's Consolidations. All of these units did not last to see a MP designation. They had a reputation as being slow and difficult to maintain, and after KO&G became part of the well-run Midland Valley system, the railroad replaced these units with her popular Sante Fe's after 15-years of service.

(Much more can be found in an excellent article on KO&G's steam in the MPHS Eagle Vol. 26 No. 3-4, available at

MO&G 303
- Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf is a Baldwin 2-6-6-2 in Muskogee, probably on its delivery. The contributor's granddad is at front of engine in white shirt and overalls. On the back of the engine picture:

"Doc Epperson in white shirt taken in Muskogee Oklahoma 1911 or 13 QO&KC railroad."

Markings on engine and tender indicate it was #303 of MO&G. - Brice Bratcher Photos/Collection

Additional Information:
Herbert Frank Martin dob 12/11/1877, worked for QO&KC as a car repairer, I believe he is the fellow in this photo, and 6th back from front in above engine photo.

Jay Bruce Martin dob 5/11/79, worked in Muskogee as a car repairer, (rr unknown).

Claude Meredith Martin, 9/24/1880, QO&KC chief clerk of car repair to master car builder clerk MO&G to Gulf Oil co/Gypsy Oil co.

Inez Ethel Martin 6/14/84� wed Carol Miller, he died in rr accident.

Duane Pitt Martin (uncle to above), dob 9/16/55, worked for CB&O then QO&KC as a bridge forman.

  2-8-8-2 Mallet / Class ML-55

The lone 2-8-8-2 Mallet on the Missouri Pacific system (post 1905) proper consisted of:

  • MP #4000

Read more about "Molly" the Mallet.

  4-2-0 Six Wheeler

The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, a predecessor to the MoPac, owned two of these diminutive engines. These were named the "Comet" and the "Bessie."

  4-4-0 American Standard & Eight Wheeler/ Various Classes

The American 4-4-0 locomotives were among the oldest in America, being invented by Henry Roe Campbell and patented 1836. These were the first locomotives bought by the then named Pacific Railroad of Missouri and the St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern which made up the old MoPac.

The Eight Wheeler was another type of 4-4-0.

4-4-0 American Standard iron horses were the main power in MoPac's early days. Some such as MP #8653 lasted to see branchline/local service in the 1920's. The images we now have of 4-4-0's were often photographed in later years on branchline passenger service from the 1880's-1920's.

The first 4-4-0's were very ornately detailed and each given a name, back in the days when locos were far fewer and it was a common custom adopted by the railroads that made up the old MoPac. A sample of known names for these engines are:

  • Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) #1 the "Franklin," built 1852 by New Jersey Locomotive. (MP's original locomotive)
  • Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) #8 the "Missouri," built 1855 (wrecked in infamous1855 Gasconde wreck, rebuilt as "California")
  • Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) #47 the "John G. Priest," built 1869
  • Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) #64 the "Ozark," built 1867 by Rogers
  • Pacific Railroad (of Missouri) #? the "Missouri," built 1869 by Rogers (not listed in all rosters)
  • St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern #1 the "Carondolet," built 1856 by Palm and Robertson. (StLIM&S's original locomotive)
  • St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern #32 the "H.G. Marquand," built 1874 by Grant (originally 5' guage)
  • Little Rock and Fort Smith (later Central Div. of MP) #1 the "Pulaski" which was leased (1888) and later bought (1906) by StLIM&S
  • Cairo & Fulton (later StLIM&S) #? the "Roswell Beebe ," built 1874 by McKay Iron

MoPac's northwestern-most terminus comprised of the Central Branch Union Pacific (MP subsidiary). CBUP 4-4-0 #179 was a real antique of the classic American, with high narrow stack topped with a spark catcher, horizontally braced (rather than the common vertical) cowcatcher, and huge headlight seen in an 1888 photograph.

An identical loco (number unreadable) with the same features (minus the spark catcher) is seen at the Concordia, Kansas depot in a 1913 photograph.

4-4-0's like #8061 provided "helper" power to heavy passenger trains in order to mount the steep grades from Bismark to N. Little Rock.

T&P 642, a� 4-4-0 / 4'-8.5" is said to still be at the bottom of Village Creek near Handley (annexed in 1946, it is now part of far west Arlington / east Ft. Worth), Texas. T&P 642 was/is an 'American' class 4-4-0 that fell into Village Creek near Handley, TX during a flood in 1885. A group of investors hope to turn the old T&P Passenger Terminal in downtown Ft. Worth into a railroad-themed hotel, and they're hoping to get the funds to extract the engine still buried under the creekbed.

Related Links:

What a classic shot - The two Missouri Pacific crewmen pose in front of the cylinders of their turn-of-the-century 4-4-0 locomotive with a couple of kids looking-on from the gandy-dancer nearby. The MP's eight-wheel locos like this one were largely disposed of by 1905, though a few lasted until the Depression. Brownsville, Texas. Photo - The Robert Runyon Photograph Collection, [image number, e.g., 00199], courtesy of The Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin.

* These ten photos were once in the collection of Gene Hull, the great Little Rock, Arkansas based railroad/trolley collector and author of "The North Arkansas Line"

Missouri-Illinois 4-4-0 205 - An American , the MoPac subsidiary's power is shown in a fireman's side view with two passenger cars in this Donald W. Furler (of Glen Rock, New Jersey) shot. On the white border, below the photo, Furler wrote the name of the railroad, its length, and number of engines and cars. - Donald W. Furler Photo/T. Greuter Collection

"In 1902, my great-grandpa took a trip from St. Louis to Denver, and along the way he took some snapshots of trains, presumably the ones he was riding on.
One unidentified engine is clearly marked as #267, and may be a 4-6-0. For what it's worth, MP's 200-series would match this class for the date.
(right) The other, a 4-4-0 identified as a MoPac engine - looks to be marked "#301", though it could be #381 or #361."
- Pat Marstall Collection

MP 914 - sublettered for the StLB&M, an E-63 Class 4-4-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 8607
- a 4-4-0 at Sedalia, Missouri, August 1928. Note the crew tending to their steed, and the fireman holding the water spout down with his foot. - Todd Greuter Collection ·

MP 8732
- with her patched-up smoke stack, the rather bedraggled engine pauses for the shutter at Joplin, Missouri in August 1916. Note the straw-hatted young-looking fireman astride the tender. - Todd Greuter Collection ·

"The Flight of the Missouri Pacific Fast Mail" - postcard dated 1910 depicting a 4-4-0 - T. Greuter Collection

  4-4-2 Atlantic/ Class A-79

The first two 4-4-2's were built in 1887 and 1888. The "Atlantic" name goes to the Atlantic Coast Line who, in 1895, ran this arrangement on their 70MPH express train.

The Atlantics rostered on the Missouri Pacific system (post 1905) consisted of:

  • MP 5501-5540

4-4-2 MP #5528 wore an unusual light-colored paint scheme with dark lettering when photographed at Omaha in 1922 while on main-line passenger service.

By the 1940's these high-drivered (79-inch) engines were relegated to secondary assignments. They could be seen filling in for the Eaglette Motorailer on the Lincoln-Union, Nebraska run.

  4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler/ Various Classes

The original Ten-Wheelers were also some of the oldest US-built locomotives, first built in 1847 by the Norris Brothers. I've found a few typical examples with MoPac roots given below:

The Pacific Railroad of Missouri purchased #110-119, built in 1880 by Rogers. The #112, was named the "J.W. Paramore" and #115 the "R.J. Lackland." Others were named "George B. McClelland," "John T. Terry," "J.R. Lionberger" and "Samuel Shethar." All names were of important figures of the day or some of Jay Gould's bunch. 1881 saw more steamers from Rogers, #130-134. The #131 was named the "Jay Gould" after the rail tycoon himself, #131 the "Russell Sage," #132 the "Theo T. Eckert," #133 the "Sidney Dillon, and #134 the "R.S. Hayes. This group was later renumbered into the 400-series. All engines but #131 saw the merger of the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain and the resulting reorganization, going into the 2800-series.

The Iron Mountain owned two ante-bellum locos, #13 named the "Iron Mountain" and #14 the "Pilot Knob." These two names were later given to a pair of 4-4-0's. (name research by W.M. "Mike" Adams)

I-GN # 201-210 were built by Pittsburg in 1881.

One 4-6-0, built by Baldwin in 1886 as MP #276, which became #7802 in 1905 and was sold some years after 1935, where it then worked at a Missouri quarry company. The engine reamined relatively unchanged, tall smokestack and all.

Another 4-6-0 Baldwin-built engine originally purchased by the KCW&NW as their #15 in 1889, became MP #2735. It still has some of the classic look of a Baldwin American , but was a step up in locomotive design.

The Ten-Wheeler's were mainline power when delivered new. Records show Iron Mountain #643 was built by Baldwin in 1889. She's seen in one photo in charge of Train 53 with the El Paso Express in 1893, and was renumbered to #2714 in 1905. It was converted into an oil burner in 1923. She likely ended her career on the branch lines before being scrapped in 1935. Her sister, #2707, has survived and can be seen today displayed at the National Museum of Transportation near St. Louis, Missouri.

MP #1201 built in 1900 by Brooks became StLIM&S 1701, to MP #2301. Now we start to see a much larger boiler and more "modern" appearance than the earlier classes.

SL (Sugarland) #236 was built by Baldwin in 1920.

Abilene & Southern 18 - a 4-6-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 356 - sublettered for the I-GN, a 4-6-0 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 2644
- a ten-wheeler, the ex-IM&S #685 is seen at Sedalia, Missouri, November 1947. She's lost her large old-fashioned headlamp by this date. - Todd Greuter Collection ·

MP 7510
- a ten-wheeler, the ex-1110 built by Brooks in 1902 is seen at Memphis, Tennessee in April 1925. - Todd Greuter Collection ·

  4-6-2 Pacific/ Class P-73

The age of 'modern' steam power began after the turn of the century with the growing size of steam engines. The new age began with the placement of the heavy firebox behind the driving wheels over a newly added two-wheel trailing truck. Traditional 4-6-0 locos evolved into the the 4-6-2 'Pacific' - named for the Missouri Pacific. Naming was usually done after the first rail company to use a new type of engine.

The Pacifics are usually considered to be THE predominant passenger locomotive until the coming of the diesel age. The first 4-6-2 Pacific was built by Baldwin in 1901 for New Zealand Railways, and in 1902 the first Pacifics went to Missouri Pacific & St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. Thus the 4-6-2 wheel arrangement was named "Pacific" after the Missouri Pacific.

Actually, I've found that the MoP was not the first to own the 4-6-2's in the U.S. In 1902 the Chesapeake and Ohio purchased at least one 4-6-2 before the MP's. The C&O called the arrangement "Mountains." This name didn't stick - the "Pacifics" did.

The Missouri Pacific owned 106 Baldwin-built Pacifics.

MP 1154 - a 4-6-2 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 1159 - sublettered for the I-GN, a C57 Class 4-6-2, at Houston, Texas on 7/12/53 - Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP 6628 - is another passenger train scene, showing the 4-6-2 with the Little Rock local leaving Memphis in 1948. Note the three heavyweight passenger cars and the Stratton Warren water tank in the background. - T. Greuter collection

  4-8-0 Mastadon/ Class TW-55

The first 4-8-0 went to Central Pacific in 1882.

MP 1808 - fireman's side view of a 4-8-0 at Alexandria, Louisiana on August 3, 1931. - T. Greuter collection

  4-8-2 Mountain/ Various Classes

In 1911 the first 4-8-2 Mountain went to Chesapeake & Ohio, which ran through mountainous territory.

The Missouri Pacific took delivery of seven 4-8-2s from the American Locomotive Company in 1913. They were designated Class MT-63, were relatively light (296,000 lbs), with 63" diameter drivers and exerted 51,075 lbs of tractive effort. The seven Mountains were assigned as #5201 - 5207.

In 1919, seven more Mountains, this time built by ALCO with 69" drivers were bought, designated class MT-69 and assigned as #5301 - 5307.

From 1921 to 1930 the MoPac four more groups of class MT-73 Mountains from ALCO. # 5308 - 5312 in 1921, # 5313 - 5316 in 1923, # 5335 - 5339 in 1927 and # 5340 - 5344 in 1930.

In 1939, MP's Sedalia Shops rebuilt the seven Class MT-69's with 75" drivers, new boilers, lightweight rods, roller bearings, new tenders, and converted to burn oil. These were designated Class MT-75 and were newly reassigned as #5321 - 5327.

In 1925 the Texas & Pacific bought five 4-8-2 Mountains (#900 - 904) from American Locomotive. These were designated as Class M-1, with 27 x 30 cylinders, 73" drivers, a 210 psi boiler pressure, a tractive effort of 52,500 lbs and a total weight of 360,500 lbs.

In 1928, five more Mountains were aquired (#905 - 909). Built by Baldwin, these were designated as Class M-2, similar to the previous five but heavier.

MP 5341 - is seen in a distant view of the 4-8-2 heading south from St. Louis with "The Texan." No date given, but this is a great scene and shows the engine from a front engineer's side perspective, Mississippi River in background, signals and grain elevator showing in a fine "period" view. - T. Greuter collection *

  4-8-4 Northern/ Various Classes

In 1926 the first 4-8-4 Northern went to Northern Pacific.

In the early 1940s, the Missouri Pacific converted all 25 of its 2-8-4 Berkshires into 4-8-4 Northerns. These rebuilds (#2101 - 2125) aquired 75" drivers, increased boiler capacity, 28 x 30 cylinders, a boiler pressure of 250 psi, weighing 449,950 lbs and a had a tractive effort of 66,640 lbs.

In 1943, Baldwin delivered 15 Northerns (#2201 - 2215) to add to Missouri Pacific's fold. These had 73" drivers, 26 x 30 cylinders, a boiler pressure of 285 psi, a total weight of 496,000 lbs and had a tractive effort of 67,200 lbs.

MP 5340 - As several crewmen buzz around the burly 4-8-4, MP 5340 pulls out of the yard with her passenger train at the St. Louis Union Terminal back on October 15, 1947 - old postcard image.

  0-6-0 Six-Wheel Switchers/ Various Classes

The Six-Wheel switchers on the Missouri Pacific system (post 1905) consisted of:

  • MP 9301-9545
  • I-GN 9576-79
  • StLB&M 9580-9582
  • I-GN 9583
  • NOT&M 9580-9587
  • I-GN 9588-9591

Tank Engines:

There is a report of a surviving 0-6-0 (no number, no location) in storage somewhere in the South (poor condition).

Update 11.09.03:
I believe this might be the same engine (not owned by MP proper) pictured on Mike Palmieri's Louisiana Rail site: 0-6-0 TEXAS PACIFIC-MISSOUIRI PACIFIC TERMINAL RAILROAD of NEW ORLEANS #2 at Bisso Towing Co., New Orleans, Louisiana, 12 December 1980.

The 0-6-0 is Alco-Richmond #42929 6/07, built as Trinity & Brazos Vly Rly #76, to TP-MP Term #2, to New Orleans Coal & Bisso Tow Boat Co #2. (thanks to N. Metcalf)

  0-8-0 Eight-Wheeler/ Class SW8-51

MP 9764 - a 0-8-0 - T. Greuter collection

There is supposedly a photo from the teens or earlier showing a loco painted in black with gold lettering and a green boiler (of all things). Prior to the 1920's MoPac did use gold on their steam locomotives - block lettering for the numbers and roman for the lettering, but this changed after L. W. Baldwin became president of MP. Nothing but austere black locos for him!

  Other Wheel Arrangements
  2-4-2T Narrow Guage

Rio Grande Railroad Company #1 - a 2-4-2 42-inch guage steamer is possibly the oldest surviving U. S. narrow guage locomotive. Due to the twists and turns of railroad mergers and divisions over the past 100 years this very old engine has ties that link it to the rosters of several roads including the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Co., a subsidiary of the Texas & Pacific, and in turn Missouri Pacific.

RGRR No. 1 was reported to still be in existence in Brownsville, Texas as late as 1992, though it has suffered many modifications and considerable corrosion over the last century plus. (read about it in the Winter 1992 MPHS EAGLE Magazine)

  the Survivors
Also see Preserved Locomotives for more on the history, locations, photos and current status of these true survivors.

T&P 316 - the restored steamer stomps across the rails at Texas State Railroad during a railfan weekend - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

T&P 316 - Former Texas & Pacific Steamer is on the turntable at the Texas State Railroad in 1993. Here the locomotive was repainted and renumbered into its original number for a photographers weekend. Seen at Palestine, Texas.- Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

T&P 610 - the mighty engine, also owned by the Texas State Railroad, as seen displayed today in Palestine, Texas - photo © copyright Chris John

T&P 610 - at Texas State Railroad in Palestine, Texas - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

MP #2522 - this class TN-61 loco is one of only two known surviving examples of Missouri Pacific steam. Displayed at Paris, Arkansas.

Also see MP #2522 - photo Elvin Klepzig


A rather famous shot of the 3rd "Ste Genevieve", the Missouri-Illinois rail car ferry, which was retired in 1961. The Transfer Boat is seen with a steam engine pulling a cut of cars off the deck. The boat itself has two steam engines, one on each side, with dual paddlewheels. - David Beckermann Collection

Featured Photographers:
Steve Rude, Jay Glenewinkel Collection, David Beckerman Collection, Elvin Klepzig, Chris John

MPHS Eagle Magazine

Missouri Pacific River and Prairie Rails, by Michael M. Bartels

Other Recommendations:
Perfecting the American Steam Locomotive, by J. Parker Lamb

MoPac Power,
by Joe Collias

This Fascinating Railroad Business
, by R. S. Henry

S. Kip Farrington books;
Railroading from the Head End
Railroading from the Rear End
Railroads at War
Railroads of the Hour

Recommended Links:
MOPAC - Pacific type steam locomotive details, specs, diagrams

Every effort has been made to get the correct information on these pages, but mistakes do happen. Reporting of any inaccuracies would be appreciated.


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 l Last Update to this page: 29 May, 2008
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