Photo of the Month Archive
To date, the photo of the month has been one of the most favored spots on our site. Thanks to the response, we will be adding more photos in the coming months, including a number of photo extras. In the mean time, here is a collection of all of our past favorites.
NEW! If you prefer thumbnails, we have a separate archive page for each year that includes thumbs for quicker reference. Click here to select a year: 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, or 1999. Please let me know what you think of this feature — it takes quite a bit longer to build, so I'd appreciate any input as to whether or not you feel that it is useful. As always, thanks.
April, 2003 — The 4368 crossing Big Baldwin with private car Yerba Buena on a snowy day.
March, 2003 — We continue the unseen Salmonberry series with a vista from a passenger train near MP 809.
February, 2003 — 45 ton Whitcomb no. 2 leaving Tillamook for the last time behind an SP freight.
January, 2003 — 4414 leads a freight upriver in the first of our series on the unseen Salmonberry River Canyon.
December, 2002 — Patched ex-SP units 4432, 4405 and 3771 arive at Batterson for some switching.
November, 2002 — 4381 shuttling cars from North Plains to Banks.
October, 2002 — A builder's photo of one of the POTB's fleet of per diem boxcars.
September, 2002 — An uphill freight crosses Wolf Creek Trestle after a light snowfall.
August, 2002 — POTB 4414 and leased BN SD-9's holding back a loaded Karban train at Scofield.
July, 2002 — Leased OmniTRAX 201 leads the coast train west through Rockaway Beach.
June, 2002 — POTB 3771 and a large train snaking along the Nehalem River.
May, 2002 — 4432 leads a snow-covered hill freight at Timber.
April, 2002 — POTB 4414 heads up the coast with a Princess Tours super dome.
March, 2002 — An archived photo of a soon-to-be POTB Whitcomb ariving at the airbase.
February, 2002 — 3771 and train pose for a night shot at Batterson.
January, 2002 — The hill train crests the summit in snow.
December, 2001 — 3771 leads an SCE excursion out of Buxton.
November, 2001 — A lesser-known trestle near Dairy Creek's span.
October, 2001 — 4432 tugs on an unusually heavy westbound train near Timber.
September, 2001 — 4432 and OMLX units headed east past the Timber wig-wag.
August, 2001 — 4432 and the hill train pause on Wolf Creek.
July, 2001 — Oregon Coastline Express heads out of Wheeler.
June, 2001 — 4414 leads the freight into Buxton with it's rear oscilator flashing.
May, 2001 — RFRX 4201 leads an uphill train through the fall colors at Tunnel 29.
April, 2001 — 4406 leads four units through Garibaldi.
March, 2001 — 4414 crests the summit at Cochran in DEEP snow.
Feb, 2001 — 4432 and freight meet the P&W at Banks.
Jan, 2001 — 4414 shows off its ditch lights on Big Baldwin.
Dec, 2000 — 4381 with an inbound freight at Brighton.
Nov, 2000 — 4381 and 4368 wait at Banks with an outbound train.
Oct, 2000 — A look at the Oregon Mini Express, with its 80 ton GE, and cabooses.
Sept, 2000 — 4406 and 4405 lead an excursion past the Enright tank.
August, 2000 — RDC 553 on an excursion train in the Salmonberry River canyon.
July, 2000 — 4381 heads up a passenger train at Brighton S curve.
June, 2000 — 80-ton GE 110 enters the Tillamook industrial park with a freight.
May, 2000 — Alco C-415 702 at the head of the Oregon Coastline Express dinner train.
April, 2000 — 4432 leads a westbound freight out of the rising sun, and across Heidel trestle.
March, 2000 — 4381 leads a special excursion towards Batterson.
February, 2000 — 4368 and 4414 accelerate after dropping two flat cars in Tillamook.
January, 2000 — 101 and OMLX 201 on a perfect day at Barview.
December, 1999 — Three SD-9's lug the eastbound job along Nehalem Bay..
November, 1999 — Fall colors highlight the hill train near Timber.
October, 1999 — The hill train waits at Banks.
September, 1999 — Grinding uphill a little west of Cochran.
August, 1999 — Just south of Garibaldi.
July, 1999 — Dairy Creek trestle.
June, 1999 — 4381 in Blimp Hangar.
May, 1999 — Westbound train crests the Coast Range at Cochran.