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January 23, 2005
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December 2004
The LGB 2-6-6-2 Uintah Coal Consist
Fall 2004
Special PCSRR Tour Train 'bash from a
Hartland 0-4-0 and Hartland rolling stock
Early 2004
GN15 Mine Line with "Special" Rogue County,
CA crew. GN15 was later converted to GN30
Fall 2004
'Bashed "Cab Forward" from a Hartland 0-4-
0 and assorted rolling stock.
January 2003
A Bachmann boxcar and front end of a Hartland Mighty
Mack combined to make our version of a famous "Goose."
November 2002.
The Railbus and Consist. 'Bashed from a
Delton Shorty coach and a Hartland Mighty
Mack switcher.
October 2002
Innocent enough looking 10 Wheeler
and Tender. The tender has been
powered by trucks from a USA 44
Tonner Diesel switcher.
December 2002
A Tamiya Universal
Gearbox installed
"Gearbox" 1:24 Texaco
1912 Ford Delivery Van.
October 2002
A USA 44 Tonner Power
Truck installed in a
Hartland Value gondola.
Used to push the Shorter
This consist was created from a
child's battery operated toy
"Stomper". Finished in May 2002.
December 2002
A Bachmann Porter
shortened, painted,
decals added and
The motor has been
removed and is a
It's pushed by the
powered gondola
from a
May 2002
August 2003
2 of the LGB 0-4-0's were used
for the drive train on this
"Garratt" 'bash. A Bachmann
10 Wheeler boiler, LGB Porter
Cab,front tender fashioned from
a New Bright toy train and the
rear tender is from a Hartland
Big John. Piping and other
details are all hand done....
We design and print all our own
decals for our models.

November 2003
This USA NW-2 started life with the road name of
CSX. After entering the PCSRR paint and
electrical shops, it was transformed into a
"Prescott Canyon Southern" tour train engine.
Painted red, decaled with gold lettering and
converted to battery operation.
Progress images can be seen by clicking this link..

March 2004
This is the "ShayslerMax." It not a Shay. It's not a
Heisler. It's not a Climax. It's a "ShayslerMax."
Completely scratch built using a Bachmann flat car for the
base and 2 Hartland "Big John" power trucks as motive
power. It's battery operated using Li-ion Canon camera
batteries with an ITT sound system and an RRemote R/C
Progress images can be seen by clicking this link..

January 2005
The weathering of the
Uintah 4-6-0 Barry's Big
Train conversion.

Ol' Tagalong mated with the Kitbashed
Bachmann Porter with the saddle tanks removed
and renamed "Miss Diane"
After painting, lettering and naming..
Mine Cars have been Kitbashed. Check the details on the "MineTrain" page...
On the left are the out of the box Bachmann skeleton log cars. The right image shows the cars weathered
with acrylic patio paint mixed to an antique color and airbrushed on the logs and cars.
Prescott Canyon Mining Company Bobber 2 axle
caboose has been converted to a 2 truck caboose
and the cupola removed to clear the bridges on the
mine loop.
Then there's the LBG Summer Passenger Car.
Cute little bugger, but who wants to ride in a
bright red car that looks like a toy train car?
After a few days in the PCSRR Kitbash car and paint
shops, the 2 cars are transformed into the "Prescott
Canyon Train Tours" "Tour Car Emily" (r) and "Tour Car
Amanda" (lr) ready for tourists to take the tour on the
PCSRR main line and the Prescott Canyon Mine Loop.
LEDs have been installed as EOT devices for passenger
safety. Batteries are hidden under the seat and the SPST
switch has been hot glued to the bottom for easy access.
Above left shows the original Cannonball Express
Combine as it came out of the box. The left image
shows the car 2 3/4 inches shorter, cupola added,
repainted, relettered "Prescott Canyon Southern"
and named for grand daughter "Kelley Josephine".
This car is part of the new "Red Garratt Train."
This complete train can be seen on
More on
2" Page.
Top of Page
Above is the original LGB Toy Train
Water Tank. At the right shows the
finished 'bashed tank with the scratch
built and lighted crew shack along side.

See "The Village"