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The Rodeo Arena
The "Prescott Rodeo, America's Oldest" is the real 1:1 Prescott Rodeo held here in the
real 1:1 Prescott from the last weekend in June through the 4th of July... Little did we
know that the Prescott Canyon Southern Garden RR would be there when it first started...
The arena was
designed and
crafted in the
shop and
transported to
the site in
Precott Canyon
Village near
the rail spur
which will allow
the livestock,
contestants and
spectators to
arrive on the
3:35 each day.
Tickets are purchased at the
sheltered ticket booth and
spectators are able to see all
the action from the sturdy
The Rodeo promoters wisely
choose a site close to town so
all the facilities could be used.
By strange circumstances,
the jail is the closest facility
to the arena.

There is plenty of lodging at Aunt Paulita's Room and Board, meals at Leez'a Lunch Basket and
morning shaves at Bob's Barber Shop.

It all started with a trip to our friendly Wal-Mart's
toy section. There we found a companion to our
camping set. The "Rodeo Set" included all the figures
on the left and like the camping set was $5.97.
Additional fences were scratch built, a base of
plexiglass is the floor of the arena and all the
figures were attached to the base with silicone
The custom marquee lettered and added to the
arena entrance.
Humor was
added to the
set by
including a
clown" in the
A ticket booth and grandstands were
constructed and installed on the site......
Another trip to Wal-Mart produced a pair of
ponies from a different manufacturer. These
were $3.97 for the pair and are just the right size
to perform in the arena.
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"Let the Games Begin"