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Mountains and Tunnels
How it all started...

One day in a time long ago, a
"" friend challenged me to
make some additional connecting spurs from
the lower mine loop to the mainline.
scratching my head and wishin' he would come
help, I added a couple of Del-Aire operated
turnouts, some more track and dug a BIG
trench in our front yard.

When the trench was dug,
turnouts installed and the track
laid, I stood back and said to
myself, "That would be a great
place for a mountain and a
tunnel... So we started building a
the "box" for the tunnel. The
"box" is made with 2x4 sides, a
2x12 top and an open bottom.
Right image reveals the addition of a sheer wall
that has been covered with stucco and painted
in a "weathered" fashion.
The "snowshed" has been started at the south end of
the tunnel in the left image.
The "snowshed" has been has been completed,
painted and ready for trains.

Below is a train in the snow shed.
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You may click on this link and view a complete image
update of the PCSRR's new powered loop, mountain and
new tunnel since the image on this page were posted.
The image bank is continually updated and as the website,
this link is always "under construction."