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Images of Other Garden RRs
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Click on the links below for multi-image presentations of other garden railroads
we've visited and enjoyed.....
The Outdoor Railroad at the Living Desert in Palm Desert, CA
28 Images of the magnificent garden railroad at the Living Desert in Palm Desert, California
featuring 3 separate loops to run up to 6 trains on the main layout, plus a European mountain
cog train, 2 separate loops and a cable car. Other features include a replica of the Grand
Canyon, Mount Rushmore and a 200 foot wooden looped trestle.....
Additional Images of the Living Desert Railroad in Palm Desert, CA
26 additional images of the Living Desert layout in Palm Desert, California on the day of the
tours from the Queen Mary Show on June 6 2002.
Four layouts of fellow Garden Railroaders in Northwest Phoenix Area
Thumbnail glimses of Bob and Eleanor Batt's Sun City Citrus Railroad, Tony and
Adrienne Vacek's Eagle Pass "G" Scale Garden RR, Jack and Shirley Slinkard's J & S
Shortline and Richard and Norma Dodge's Rock Creek Railroad. We spend a couple
of days in Phoenix visiting and taking images of other railroads. Had a great time.
Marty Cozad's beautiful North Creek Garden RailRoad
In May, 2002, we visited Marty and Carrie Cozad's beautiful garden railroad in rural
Nebraska City, Nebraska. It was a delightful day with a heavy overcast and the
threatning of rain, but that's just a normal late Spring day in the Midwest. It was cool and
when we arrived, Marty had an R/C battery powered diesel on the main line pulling a
very long consist.

The first thing you see on the NTCGRR is the huge, magnificent custom, hand built
arched bridge. It's over 20 feet long, 8 feet high and passes over a gorge that Marty has
carved out the side of the hill. There are many, many diaramas and other hand crafted
items of interest. It's a wonderful place to visit and "play trains."
Maricopa Live Steamers Adobe and Western Railroad 7 1/2 in Gauge....
A Saturday visit to the MLS (Maricopa Live Steamers layout to help build track, enjoy riding
trains and just having fun with other railroaders... There are some wonderfully detailed
handcrafted coal and oil fired live steam engines as well as great running hard pulling gasoline
powered diesel replicas running on this vast system....... It was a great day.....
Southern Illinois Garden Railroads in Carlyle and Belleville
Whenever we travel, it's such a pleasure to visit in person other railroaders we've met on One such visit happened on April 5th when we were treated to a
tour of Bill Milliron's layout and "train shop" in Henderson, Nevada.... Bill has a wonderful collection
of engines and rolling stock that he lovingly cares for in the "train shop" at his home... His layout has
been started in his back yard with a continuous loop, reversing switches, industrial sidings and many
scratchbuilt and kitbashed buildings, vehicles and figures.... The day was bright and sunny, the train
talk very informative and a time for MLSer's to get to know each other......

Russ Eldred's White Creek inch and a half scale Railroad in Cedar Springs, MI
On an extended trip to the midwest in May 2002, we were visiting friends in Rockford, Michigan and
learned of a man who had a "train setup" at his mobile home park in Cedar Springs about 15 miles north
of Rockford. Our friend, Mike Bixler and I drove up there one morning just to see what this "train
setup" looked like. In no way were we prepared for what our eyes were to behold and what we were
to experience during our visit.

The White Creek Railroad is really some "train setup." Over six and a half miles of 7 1/2 inch track
runs from a 4 bay double garage door building that is attached to a complete machine and wood
working shop. 15 storage tracks enter this building with each track filled with Dash-9's, F units, NW-
2's, steam engines and a countless other rolling stock.

Russ Eldred has created this magnificent kingdom of trains that is shared and maintained by many
volunteers and other workers that come from all over the US to train meets each month. The images in
this "slide show" were taken on a special tour that Russ provided to Mike and me.

The first image is a diagram of the entire layout. If you can print that file and use the hard copy to follow
each of the images, it will help you to see the magnitude of this huge kingdom.of model railroading.
