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The Prescott Canyon
Mining Company's Mine
No. 1 has been opened
and is producing 12-15
tons of Hi Grade ore each
day. The Bachmann kit
has been "kitbashed"
and painted to match all
other mining company
equipment. A privy has
been added for miners'
The Prescott Canyon
Mining Company's Mine
No. 1 in a night shot.

The mine office, mine shaft
and the privy are all lighted
with "Kitbashed" Malibu
Outdoor lighting, with
yellow bulbs replacing the
OEM white. The privy is
lighted with a "grain of
wheat" bulb.
A rich vein of ore has been
discovered in several areas
of Phoenix, AZ. The bosses
and miners of the PCMC
held a meeting that lasted
late into the evening
discussing the possibility of
the same vein of ore
reaching into the Prescott
region. There may have to
be an extension of the shafts
to reach the Phoenix lode.
Original out of the box
Bachmann Ore Car.
Same Ore Car after the makeover. New
paint, remaned to "Prescott Canyon
Mining" with car number, weight limit and to
be used for "Hi Grade Only" ore.
Newly upgraded
Bachmann 3 car set with
"Hi Grade" ore loads.
See below
"Prescott Canyon" Porters, "Kathyrn Ann" Tracey Lynn" pulling heavy
load from "Prescott Canyon" mine with the "Sydney Roechelle" #2
caboose bringing up the tailend.
The load in the first gondola behind the last Porter is hiding the battery
pack for engine power.
The "Kathryn Ann"
pulling a loaded train on
the new mine trestle.
The loads in all the ore cars
and gondolas are made of
chunks broken from
styrofoam blocks, hot glued
to false bottoms and
airbrushed with patio paint
from Wal-Mart craft
department. Highlights were
added to the load by brushing
light tan paint on the wet
chunks. It is a visually
effective treatment and very
light weight.
The original 6 car mine train of
kitbashed Hartland Value Line
2 axle cars. Battery car, pipe
hauler, water car, dynamite
carrier, timber car and the crew
car. ( A mine crummy, Miss
Ashley.) Image is pre Covered
For Kitbash info see
"Kitbashin'2" page.
Top of Page
The updated consist of shortened wheelbase Hartland Value Line 2 axle cars and the
LGB short timber haulers......
For details on shortening info see "Kitbashin'2" page.