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Construction History
index | Station | History | Construction1 | Trestles and Bridges | Passenger Equip | Driveway Track | Tech Tips | Mine and Mine Train | Holiday Train
| Trains in the Snow | Rail Links | Locomotives | Other Tech Tips | Battery Conversion | Snowplow LED | Rolling Stock | Kitbashin' | Amtrak Trip
Slide Show
| Kitbashin' 2 | Trains R Fun for Kids | The Village | Mountains and Tunnels | Back Country | The Rodeo Arena | The Hillside Depot |
Images of Other Garden RRs
| Map of Layout | map | NewRRPage1 | NewRRPage2 | NewRRPage3
Click here for a photo essay of the
June/July 2002 expansion of the PCSRR's
new powered loop, mountains and tunnel.
Our home landscape before any railroading construction
started. The railroad was operating only in the mind of the
COE (Chief Operating Engineer).

Trees and scrubs were added to enhance the layout.
October 24, 2000.
A simple circle of track was laid to
"get the feel" of running trains.
Left: An additional loop was added to run a second train
during the holidays. Major construction continued as the
weather warmed. It was nice to have 2 trains running at the
same time.
The original loop was upgraded, lengthed and ballast added
to stabilize the rails. All trains ran very well with little or no
derailing. The tips from other railroads were a big help.
(see Bachmann Tech Tips at the GIRR)
Left: A great place for more track, easily visible for visitors
but it's on the other side of the driveway.
To solve that challenge, a double track of 20 feet was laid across the driveway for use by trains and cars.
This connected the temporary loops shown below on each end so trains could be run cntinuously.
See the article on "Tracks Across the Driveway:.
Construction continues in December, 2000.
On December 27th, the
first 5 tons of 10 tons of
rock were delivered to
extend the track with new
grades, bridges, trestles,
the mine loop, and
Images on the left and above show the layout as it is
today with the updated track laid on the new grades,
the mine loop, native Arizona rock faces and trestles.
Three new scratch-built bridges were added to the
layout on 4/5/01. Finished images of the bridges are
on the Trestles and Bridges Page
Below: Aerial of the
southern loop with trestle,
village, station and rodeo.
Above: Overall of the north side with a view of
the covered bridge, Ward's Ranch, trestles, new
mine loop and general landscaping.
Left: The mine loop from the air with the
mine, mountain, tunnel and bridges.
Top of Page
Click here for a
a complete image update of
the PCSRR's new
powered loop, mountain and
new tunnel construction.
is always