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The Hillside Depot
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One morning in early October, 2001, we had
Sunday brunch at The Iron Springs Café on Iron
Springs Road here in Prescott. It was converted
from the old historic Hillside Santa Fe Depot once
located in Hillside, Arizona.
An article from their menu gives some of the
history of the Depot…..
The Hillside Depot was established in 1894 by the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Railway and was
originally a three room structure constructed for $819.00. 45 miles southwest of Prescott, Hillside is an
area know for ranching and mining. Hillside Depot served as a station for the passengers and freight that
moved through the Arizona Territory…..

Hillside Depot continued to operate after the line was taken over by the AT&SF in 1920. However, with
more over the road capabilities, trucks were hauling ore and cattle directly to the loading platforms. The
Hillside Depot ceased operations and was sold to a private party in the early 70's.

The Depot was moved to it's present location (which is actually on the original Peavine Line to Skull
Valley) in 1974 and converted to a restaurant by Faye Block and Jean Walker. It was later purchased by
Norman and Irma Mitchell and became one of Prescott's most popular breakfast and luncheon spots.

The current owner, Bob Fisher, has made every effort to maintain the high quality food and service for
which the Hillside Depot is famous and are proud to be serving the public in one of only a handful of
remaining Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Railway train Depots…..

Hmmmmm, I wonder if a model of this would fit on the
Prescott Canyon Southern Garden RR.
Maybe so….

After reading the history and taking some images of the
exterior of the Depot, I proceeded to start cutting s-core
board, trimming styrene and plastic for the windows, the
project started to come together…
A few hours later, the model was taking shape…
We used exterior Liquid Nails for most of the
adhesive on the S-core and wooden pieces.
Regular Testor's Plastic Glue was used for the
styene and plastic window sheets. The red paint
on the model is Testor's regular enamel.
More hours pass, color, platform, decals for the
signs and figures from Lowe's and Wal-Mart
are added to the Depot…
After showing it to the owners of the Iron Springs
Café for their approval, we installed it in a prominent
place on the PCSRR…

Engine 382 is ready to stop
for freight and orders, but the
passengers will have to wait
for the next train…

It's been a great, fun
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