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As the village at Prescott Canyon increased in population, many folks
prefrered moving to the "back country" where there are few
conveniences and even fewer people.

For many, the first night was spend setting up camp under a pine tree
before moving on.
This view of
the campsite
shows 2 fawns
at the left of
the image
checking out
these new
"intruders" to
the back
A closer view of the
campsite reveals a
skunk on a rock, the
cowboy's dog, a
canteen hanging on
the tree with the owl,
a raccoon perched on
a stump, a pup tent
with a bed roll and
sleeping bag. a fire
with frying pan and
eggs, a shock of hay
and basket of apples
for the trusty steed
with the saddle
This camping set was purchased in the toy department at Wal-Mart. Would you believe $5.99.
Prescott Flatt's was established and folks
started building cabins in this remote area
of the "back country." Yes, Flatt's is
spelled with two "T's" as it's named after a
contributor to the railroad. A good number
of our neighbors have become quite
involved with helping build and maintain it.
As you can imagine, there's a lot of ideas
shared as well.
The log cabin is a "kitbashed" birdhouse from
Michael's Craft Stores and the "little house out
back" is a dollhouse cabinet mildly
"kitbashed" into a "2 holer".
Ben Franklin Arts and Crafts summer plastic
flower sale provided the "trees" which have
been cut down and "planted" .
The windmill was donated by our next door
As this is "back country", the need for
facilities are satisfied with the "little house out
back." The livestock ( hogs, piglets, colts,
donkeys, chickens, ducks and dogs are all part
of the homestead.
Went to a "Big Lots" in Phoenix and found a
"planter" that looked like a barn with the roof
missing... The scale was right so I dug real deep in my
pocket and came up with the $2.49 and took it home....
Put a ridge pole and rafters in place, painted it red,
glued windows and a door on it, then selectively torched
it to make it look like it had caught fire and burned.
The passengers on the Prescott Canyon Tour Train
witnessed this unfortunate happening in Prescott's
More and more folks are finding
Prescott Canyon a wonderful place
to settle and build their homes.
The"Ward's Ranch" has come into
existance in another "kitbashed"
bird house. A varanda with a porch
swing has been added. The tile roof
is used to protect the family from
the harsh summer sun and winter

Livestock came from a $1.99
assortment at Wal-Mart, the figures
from a special LGB package.
Part of the West still remains. The
other day, a herd of buffalo
decided to make their home near
the covered bridge.

They were found at a 99 cent store
for 99 cents each. The scale is
very close to 1:29 and looks great
on the railroad.
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