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Every website has to have a Page 1.
History (Personal and Railroading in the US, Europe and Africa)
A bit about us and where we've been in the world of 1:1 and model railroading
The New PCSRR Dewey Branch
Images of the New PCSRR Dewey Branch

The New PCSRR Dewey Branch Continues
Images of the New PCSRR Dewey Branch

The New PCSRR Dewey Branch Continues
Images of the New PCSRR Dewey Branch

Construction of the PCSRR
Image highlights of the construction of the PCSRR from the beginning October 24, 2000
Images of the June/July 2002 Expansion of the PCSRR
A photo essay of the new powered loop, back country and mountain tunnel..
Trestles and Bridges
All trestles and bridges on the PCSRR have been scratch built and include a 20 and a 14 foot
curved trestle, 5 short trestles, 2 full truss, 1 open truss and a covered bridge. In June 2002,
a long full truss bridge and an open deck bridge were added to the expansion.
Passenger Equipment
The locomotives on the PCSRR are Bachmann 10 Wheelers, 0-4-0 Porters, 2 LGB 0-4-0's,
an LGB 2-4-0 and an Aristo-Craft RS-3. The original "Silverton Flyer #177" has been
"Barry Big Trained". On the Friday after Thanksgiving 2004, a beautiful LGB 2-6-6-2
Uintah locomotive with full coal train was added to the fleet.
Tracks Across the Driveway
A detailed diagram and article for installing steel rails across a 20 foot driveway shared by 1:1
automobiles and 1:29 trains.
Tech Tips and Other Stuff
Tech tips and links for LED headlights in locomotives and a snow plow. LED EOT devices
and procedures for new roadname decal creation and application.
More Tips
Diagram for inserting a pin in the drive gear and axels for the 5th generation Bachmann 10
Wheelers and a diagram for powering an LED headlight using batteries and a relay.
Battery Conversions
All locomotives on the PCSRR are battery operated. Discussion of the process is on this page.
Snowplow LED Headlight
Details of the LED headlight conversion for an Aristo-Craft wedge snowplow.
Mine and Mine Train
Prescott Canyon Mining Company opened the mine when a railroad spur was laid to allow
mine trains to wind through the rugged terrain, loaded with ore, timber, dynamite and other
supplies needed for mine operations. A working mine with miners sitting around a flickering
campfire is an evening visitor highlight.
Holiday Train
A special decorated Holiday train and Christmas Trolleys that run during the Holidays as part
of the lighting display honoring the birth of Christ.
Trains in the Snow
Yes, it snows in Prescott... The winter of 2000/2001 produced 3 major snowstorms of 12, 8 and 14
inches (in that order). Images show the beauty of the snow as well as trains running in the snow.
Rail Links
Links to other Large Scale Railroads, suppliers and general railroad stuff
Most, if not all of the PCSRR equipment and buildings have been altered, enhanced (?) or
changed in some way to become part of the layout. New projects updated 12/24/2004...
Kitbashin' 2
More of the same, but with details of the shortened wheelbase Hartland Value Line cars.
"Slide Show" of Amtrak Trip on the SW Chief, Chicago-Flagstaff, AZ
On April 25, 2001, I took the Southwest Chief Train #3 from Chicago to Flagstaff. This page
has 48 captioned images of the trip.
Trains "R" Fun for KIDS
A page of kids having fun with trains during a day at the Prescott Public Library. An 8x18
foot G gauge oval with 2 sidings was set up on the floor where 3 trains were able to run.
The Village at Prescott Canyon
Prescott Canyon Village has been constructed as the railroad moved west. Images show the
main street with the town square, a modern inovation of planking sidewalks, enclosed outdoor
toilets, burros roaming the streets and children flying kites in the desert breezes. The building
are lighted with inexpensive "Kitbashed" Malibu lighting.
Mountains and Tunnels
Mountains and tunnels are always a part of model railroading. The PCSRR has two
mountains with a tunnel through each one. The mountain in the back yard has a 6 foot
tunnel and an eight foot snow shed for avalanche and snow slide protection.
Slim and Stumpy's Visit to the PSCRR
Slim and Stumpy's visited with permission from George Thomas of the Lazy Acre RR
Prescott Back Country
As the village at Prescott Canyon increased in population, many folks prefrered moving to the
"back country" where there are few conveniences and even fewer people. There's a buffalo
herd, Covered Bridge, The Ward's Ranch and Prescott Flatt's with a cabin and burned out barn.
The Rodeo
The "Prescott Rodeo, America's Oldest" is the real 1:1 Prescott Rodeo held here in the real 1:1
Prescott from the last weekend in June through the 4th of July... Little did we know that the
Prescott Canyon Southern Garden RR would be there when it first started...
The Hillside Depot
The modeling of the historic circa 1894 Hillside Depot that was located in Hillside, Arizona
some 45 miles southwest of Prescott which was moved to it's present location on Iron Springs
Road and converted into a quaint breakfast and lunch cafe.
Images of Other Garden Railroads
Multi-image presentations of other Garden Railroads we've visited around our great Country.

These pages were redesigned during March 2001, however, as the
roadbed and layout are always being updated, so the website.......
This page modified on May 20, 2008
index | Station | History | Construction1 | Trestles and Bridges | Passenger Equip | Driveway Track | Tech Tips | Mine and Mine Train |
Holiday Train
| Trains in the Snow | Rail Links | Locomotives | Other Tech Tips | Battery Conversion | Snowplow LED | Rolling Stock |
| Amtrak Trip Slide Show | Kitbashin' 2 | Trains R Fun for Kids | The Village | Mountains and Tunnels | Back Country | The
Rodeo Arena
| The Hillside Depot | Images of Other Garden RRs | Map of Layout | map | NewRRPage1 | NewRRPage2 | NewRRPage3