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W - XRB Class Victorian Locomotives: MickFix Rail
Victorian Diesel Locomotives

'New South Wales Locomotives'     'National Locomotives'     'Private Locomotives'     'International Locomotives'

'A - C Class'     'F - H Class'     'N - S Class'     'T Class'     W - XRB Class     'Y Class'     'Miscellaneous'     'Steam Locomotives'

"W" Class
The "W" Class locomotive is a 490hp diesel-hydraulic shunter. It has a maximum speed of just 32kph. More Information.

W241, named 'Peter Steward', features original Victorian Railways "VR"
'blue and yellow' livery. It is now owned by T413 Preservation Group.
Last sighted 3rd June 2005 stabled, El Zorro
maintenence yard, Newport, Melbourne.
W243 features original Victorian Railways "VR" 'blue and yellow'
livery. It is now owned by the Australian Railway Historical
Society (ARHS) Victorian division. It is on static display in
the Australian Railway Historical Society museum, Newport.
W244 features original Victorian Railways "VR" 'blue and yellow'
livery. It is now owned by T413 Preservation Group.
Last sighted 3rd June 2005 stabled, El Zorro
maintenence yard, Newport, Melbourne.
W245 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Rod Williams.
W247 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Frank Hinde.
W248 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Peter Enlund.
W249 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Rod Williams.
W250 is owned and undergoing restoration
by the Yarra Valley Tourist Railway.
Last sighted 15th April 2006 stored,
Healesville station stabling shed.
W254 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Noel Forster.
W255 features original Victorian Railways "VR" 'blue and yellow'
livery. It is now owned by the Australian Railway Historical
Society (ARHS) Victorian division. It is on static display in
the Australian Railway Historical Society museum, Newport.
W258 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Peter Enlund.
W260 has been scrapped. It was the last remaining W class
locomotive to feature the original Mercedes engine.
Last sighted 22nd June 2007 stored, Seymour
Railway Heritage Centre yard sidings.
W261 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Rod Williams.
W263 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Ron Woods.
W264 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Peter Enlund.
W265 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Peter Enlund.
W266 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
W267 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.

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"X" Class
The "X" Class locomotive was built by Clyde Engineering, Granville and Rosewater for the Victorian Railways between 1966 and 1976. The power of these units is 1810hp (X31 - X36 (1st series)) and 2200hp (X37 - X44 (2nd series) and X45 - X54 (3rd series)). Many of Pacific National's fleet of 'X' class locomotives have been fitted with a toilet and painted yellow with large green numbering on the long end of the locomotive. More Information.

X31 features original Victorian Railways "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery. It is owned
by Victrack Heritage and allocated to Seymour Railway Heritage Centre (SRHC).
Last sighted 10th November 2024 stabled, latched to T357 and passenger cars,
Seymour Railway Heritage Centre yard sidings.

X32 was the first 'X' class locomotive to be rebuilt
as an 'XR' class locomotive. It is now XR555.
Photo courtesy Pete Perry.
X33 has been rebuilt as an 'XR'
class locomotive. It is now XR553.
Last sighted (as X33) 31st January 2005 trailing G512,
leading T396 Down Freight, Gillies Rd. L/C, Creswick North.
X34 has been rebuilt as an 'XR' class locomotive.
It is now XR554. Photo courtesy Ron Woods.
X35, named 'Norman W Depomeroy' has been
rebuilt as an 'XR' class locomotive. It is now XR551.
Last sighted (as X35) 17th May 2005 stabled,
South Dynon yard, Melbourne.
X36 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 22nd June 2007 trailing T374, leading an empty
flat, 2 fuel wagons and 6 cement hoppers, passing through Lara.
X37 still features "Freight Victoria" 'green and yellow' livery however the
'Freight Victoria/Australia' logos have been covered with 'Pacific National'
logos. It is now owned by Seymour Railway Heritage Centre (SRHC).
Last sighted 29th April 2023 stabled, Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.
X38 has been rebuilt as an 'XR' class locomotive.
It is now XR550. Photo courtesy Pete Perry.
X39 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 17th July 2015 Up Freight trailing G527,
leading XR558, 8 container/flats, 7 cement hoppers and
another 42 container/flats, passing through Ballarat station.
X40 has been rebuilt as an 'XR'
class locomotive. It is now XR552.
Last sighted (as X40) 20th July 2005 Down
Freight trailing G515, Western Highway O/P, Ballarat.
X41, the second X class locomotive to feature
"Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery, has been scrapped.
Last sighted 2nd January 2017 Down Freight trailing XR559 and
XR551, leading 51 container/flats, passing through Clunes station.
X42 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 11th October 2013 Down Freight, leading X43
and 21 empty ballast hoppers passing through Kilmore East.

X43, named 'Sir Noel Bamford', has been scrapped.
Last sighted 31st January 2018 Up Freight trailing XR555, leading
XR551, G524, XR557 and 40 grain hoppers, passing through Bell Park.

X44 X44 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 6th January 2017 Down Freight trailing XR558, leading
G529 and 40 empty grain hoppers, passing through Clunes station.

X45 features "Freight Australia" 'green and yellow'
livery. It is now owned by Ettamogah Rail Hub.
Last sighted 5th January 2016 stored, Werris Creek
loco turntable sidings (NSW). Photo courtesy Stephen Imrie.
X46 features "Freight Australia" 'green and yellow'
livery. It is now owned by Ettamogah Rail Hub.
Last sighted 5th January 2016 stored, Werris Creek
loco turntable sidings (NSW). Photo courtesy Stephen Imrie.
X47 now features "SCT Logistics" 'red, white and black' livery
(not pictured). It is owned and operated by SCT Logistics.
Last sighted 10th May 2008 stabled latched to
grain hoppers, Ballarat station yard sidings.
X48 features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 22nd December 2024 stabled latched behind
BL26, and to G525 and 50 grain hoppers, Dimboola yard sidings.

X49 features "Freight Australia" 'green and yellow' livery however the
'Freight Australia' logos have been covered with 'Pacific National' logos.
Last sighted 26th April 2013 Down Freight trailing A79 and A81,
leading 24 container/flats, running out of North Dynon, Melbourne.
X50 was the first X class locomotive to
feature "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 13th January 2025 stabled latched behind
G525, and to BL30, North Dynon yard sidings, Melbourne.

X51 X51 features "Freight Australia" 'green and yellow' livery however the
'Freight Australia' logos have been covered with 'Pacific National' logos.
Last sighted 16th December 2007 stabled, latched to XR552,
container/flats and cement hoppers, Ballarat station north freight yards.
X53 was sold to CFCL Australia and stripped for parts after
suffering a dynamic brake grid fire and traction motor failures.
Last sighted 19th July 2013 Up light engine leading
LDP006, heading into North Dynon, Melbourne.
X54 X54 now features "QR National" 'black, maroon and yellow' livery
with Aurizon logos. It is now owned and operated by Aurizon.
Last sighted 12th October 2016 Up Freight trailing 6012 and LDP003,
leading 49 container/flat/wells and 5 empty flats, passing through Murgheboluc.

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"XR" Class
The earlier "XR" Class locomotives were rebuilds of the "X" Class locomotive (XR550 - XR555). The engines were replaced with rebuilt "G" Class engines and repainted to "Freight Australia" 'green and yellow' livery. More recently complete locomotives (XR557 - XR559) have been built and painted directly to Pacific National's 'blue and yellow' livery. More Information.

XR550, originally X38, now features
"Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 2nd March 2025 Down Freight leading XR558,
XR551 and 40 empty grain hoppers, passing through Ballarat East.

XR551, originally X35, named 'Norman W DePomeroy'
now features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 2nd March 2025 Down Freight trailing XR550 and
XR558, leading 40 empty grain hoppers, passing through Ballarat East.

XR552, originally X40, now features
"Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 10th March 2025 stabled latched
behind G536, Tottenham yard sidings, Melbourne.

XR553, originally X33, now features "Pacific
National's" 'blue and yellow' livery (not pictured).
Last sighted 3rd August 2024 stabled,
Tottenham yard sidings, Melbourne.
XR554, originally X34, now features
"Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 3rd December 2024 Up Freight leading XR558,
XR550 and 40 grain hoppers, passing through Ballarat East.

XR555, originally X32, now features
"Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery (with stars).
Last sighted 17th December 2023 Up Freight leading XR552,
XR554 and 40 grain hoppers, passing through Mount Rowan.

XR557 features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 10th March 2025 stabled latched
to G522, Tottenham yard sidings, Melbourne.

XR558 features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 2nd March 2025 Down Freight trailing XR550, leading
XR551 and 40 empty grain hoppers, passing through Ballarat East.

XR559 features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery.
Last sighted 30th December 2024 Down Freight trailing
G540, leading BL33 and 40 empty grain hoppers,
passing through Langi Logan.

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"XRB" Class
The "XRB" Class locomotives are cabless 'B' slave units based upon the "XR" Class locomotive. Three have now been built and painted directly to Pacific National's 'blue and yellow' livery. All three units are currently in storage and have been so for many years. More Information.

XRB560, in "Pacific National's" 'Queensland'
style livery is owned and operated by Pacific National.
Last sighted 12th March 2009 Up Freight trailing NR20,
leading NR9 and 51 container/flats, passing through Lara.
XRB561, in "Pacific National's" 'Queensland'
style livery is owned and operated by Pacific National.
Last sighted 11th October 2013 Down Freight trailing NR51,
leading DL47 and 39 container/flats passing through Kilmore East.
XRB562, in "Pacific National's" 'Queensland'
style livery is owned and operated by Pacific National.
Last sighted 19th July 2013 Down Freight trailing NR120, leading
NR89 and 58 container/flats, heading out of South Dynon, Melbourne.

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