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A - C Class Victorian Diesel Locomotives: MickFix Rail
Victorian Diesel Locomotives

'New South Wales Locomotives'     'National Locomotives'     'Private Locomotives'     'International Locomotives'

A - C Class     'F - H Class'     'N - S Class'     'T Class'     'W - XRB Class'     'Y Class'     'Miscellaneous'     'Steam Locomotives'

"A" Class
The "A" Class locomotive was a rebuild program of the "B" Class locomotives performed in the mid 80's. Low mileage locomotives where given slight body modifications and a new coat of paint from "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery to "V/Line" 'tangerine' livery. The engines where upgraded with turbochargers increasing the power from 1630hp to 2510hp. More Information.

A60, named 'Sir Harold Clapp', now features "V/Line Passenger's" blue, red and white livery.
It is owned by Victrack Heritage and allocated to Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.
Last sighted 24th November 2024 stabled, Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.
A62 now features "V/Line" 'tangerine' 'grey and orange' livery. It is owned by Victrack Heritage and allocated
to 707 Operations. This locomotive has plaques attached dedicating its rebuild to the men and women who
served the railways of Victoria. Last sighted 23rd February 2023 Up Pass leading A66 and N452, returning
from Quambatook on a Seven-0-Seven Operations 'The Grainlander', passing through Mount Rowan.

A66 now features "V/Line" 'tangerine' 'grey and orange' livery.
Last sighted 23rd February 2023 Up Pass trailing A62, leading N452,
returning from Quambatook on a Seven-0-Seven Operations
'The Grainlander', passing through Mount Rowan.

A70, named 'Nico', now features "SSR Mk2 (20 Years)" 'black and yellow' livery
(nicknamed "Tiger Stripe"). It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad (SSR).
Last sighted 10th March 2025 stabled, Allied
Mills sidings, Kensington, Melbourne.

A71, named 'Dick Reynolds', has been scrapped.
Last sighted 10th October 2012 Up Freight trailing
G542 and A73, leading 37 container/flats,
passing through Navigators.
A73, named 'Bob Skilton', has been scrapped.
Last sighted 10th October 2012 Up Freight trailing
G542, leading A71 and 37 container/flats,
passing through Navigators.
A77, named 'Ian Stewart', has been scrapped.
Last sighted 1st March 2013 Up Freight trailing
G522, P20, X49 and G542, leading 41
container/flats, passing through Lara.
A78 still features "Freight Australia's" 'green and yellow' livery however the 'Freight Australia'
logos have been covered with 'Pacific National' logos. It is now owned by Seymour Railway
Heritage Centre and is currently in storage. Last sighted 6th December 2013 Down
Freight trailing H1, leading 20 empty ballast hoppers, passing through Wandong.
A79 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 10th September 2013 Down Freight trailing G529 and
XR554, leading 40 empty grain hoppers, passing through Clunes station.
A81 has been scrapped.
Last sighted 18th September 2013 Down Freight trailing G524
and X44, leading empty grain hoppers, passing through Glendonald.
A85, named 'Haydn Bunton', has been scrapped.
Last sighted 21st September 2010 Down Freight
leading cement hoppers, passing through Lara.

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"B" Class
The "B" Class locomotive was built by Clyde Engineering in the 50's, the first mainline diesel units built for the Victorian Railways. The original power of the unit was 1630hp. These locomotives where also repainted in the mid 80's from "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery to "V/Line" 'tangerine' livery (some units also wore the brief "Vicrail" 'tangerine' scheme nicknamed "teacup"). More Information.

B60 has been rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
It is now A60. Photo courtesy Rod Williams.
B61, named 'Bernie Baker', now features "Streamliners 2016" livery.
It is owned and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 13th October 2023 Up special, leading GM10
and 3 AK (test) cars, passing through Maroona.

B62 has been rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
It is now A62. Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B63 is owned by Steamrail Victoria. It is in
storage in Steamrail's Newport workshops.
Photo courtesy Steamrail Victoria.
B64 (pictured in storage in the Ballarat East
railyards), is now in storage at Bendigo. It is
unknown what is planned for this locomotive.
B65 features "Auscision Models" 'grey, orange and yellow' livery.
It is now owned and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 11th March 2017 stabled,
Parkes loco depot sidings (NSW).
B66 has been rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
It is now A66. Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B67 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Frank Hinde.
B68 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B69 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Pete Perry.
B70 has been rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
It is now A70. Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B71 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B72 features the short lived "VicRail" 'orange and silver' livery
reffered to affectionately as "teacup". It is owned by Steamrail Victoria.
Last sighted 11th March 2024 stabled, Newport workshops yard sidings,
Steamrail Victoria, Newport Workshops open days, Newport.

B73 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B74, named "J. A. Hearsch", features "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery. It is owned
by Victrack Heritage and allocated to Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.
Last sighted 24th November 2024 stabled, Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.

B75 features "Consolidated Rail Leasing's" 'black, red and yellow' livery. It is owned
by Consolidated Rail Leasing and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 18th March 2023 Up Freight trailing S312 and
T363, leading 21 grain hoppers, passing through Tourello.

B76 features "CFCL Australia's" 'blue, silver and yellow' livery with SSR
logos (not pictured). It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 22nd September 2024 stabled latched to a grain hopper,
Tottenham yard sidings, Melbourne.

B77 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B78 has been rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
It is now A78. Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B79 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B80 features "CFCL Australia's" 'blue, silver and yellow' livery with SSR
logos (not pictured). It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 10th February 2025 stabled latched
to P12, Tottenham yard sidings, Melbourne.

B81 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.
B82 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Pete Perry.
B83 still in original "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery.
It is owned by Victrack Heritage and allocated to the
Australian Railway Historical Society (ARHS). It is on static
display in the Australian Railway Historical Society museum, Newport.
B84 has been scrapped.
Photo courtesy Pete Perry.
B85 was rebuilt as an 'A' class locomotive.
Photo courtesy Bob Richardson.

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"C" Class
The "C" Class locomotive, road numbers 501 - 510, were built by Clyde Engineering in the mid 70's. The power of the unit was 3340hp. These locomotives where also repainted in the mid 80's from "VR" 'blue and yellow' livery to "V/Line" 'tangerine' livery. These locomotives where considered to be the pride of the Victorian fleet and are a favorite with many a railfan. These locomotives are now owned and operated by various companies. More Information.

C501, named 'George Brown', now features original "VR" 'blue and
yellow' livery. It is now owned by Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.
Last sighted 24th November 2024 stabled, Seymour Railway Heritage Centre.

C502 now features "Rail First Asset Management's" 'blue and yellow' livery (not pictured).
It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 30th December 2024 Up Freight
trailing CSR014, CF4430, CSR013, CF4429 and CF4403, leading C508, C503 (last four locos dead
attached), 22 vans, 35 container flats, 7 vans and 25 steel flat/wagons, passing through Langi Logan.

C503 now features "Rail First Asset Management's" 'blue and yellow' livery (not pictured).
It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 30th December 2024 Up Freight
trailing CSR014, CF4430, CSR013, CF4429, CF4403, C502, C508 (last four locos dead attached),
leading 22 vans, 35 container flats, 7 vans and 25 steel flat/wagons, passing through Langi Logan.

C504 now features 'blue and yellow' livery with "SSR" logos and "Raw Power
Tour 2024" logos (not pictured). It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 16th May 2024 Up Freight trailing C505 and BRM001,
leading 53 grain hoppers, passing through Pura Pura.

C505 now features 'blue and yellow' livery with
"SSR" logos. It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 16th May 2024 Up Freight leading BRM001,
C504 and 53 grain hoppers, passing through Pura Pura.

C506 now features "Southern Shorthaul Railroad's" 'black and yellow' livery
(nicknamed 'tiger stripe') (not pictured). It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 10th March 2019 stabled, latched to C507
and grain hoppers, graincorp sidings, Parkes (NSW).

C507 now features "Southern Shorthaul Railroad's" 'black and yellow' livery
(nicknamed 'tiger stripe') (not pictured). It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 11th March 2019 stabled, latched behind C506
and to grain hoppers, graincorp sidings, Parkes (NSW).
C508 now features "Rail First Asset Management's" 'blue and yellow' livery (not pictured).
It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 30th December 2024 Up Freight
trailing CSR014, CF4430, CSR013, CF4429, CF4403, C502 and C503 (last four locos dead attached),
leading 22 vans, 35 container flats, 7 vans and 25 steel flat/wagons, passing through Langi Logan.

C509 now features "Greentrain's" 'green and yellow' livery with
'SSR' logos (not pictured). It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 11th March 2019 Down Freight trailing C505, leading 602,
C504 and 42 grain hoppers, reversing into Narromine South (NSW).

C510 now features "Greentrain's" 'green and yellow' livery
with 'SSR' logos. It is owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad.
Last sighted 5th May 2018 Up Freight trailing C506 and 4911,
leading 42 grain hoppers, passing through Harden (NSW).

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