G524, XR557, 40 G, G529, XR552, 16 C, 15 EC, (9158 PN/9102 PN WT) (45)
(9102 pushed 9158 up Warrenheip bank due to problems with
XR557? (9158 was disabled somewhere between Creswick and Ballarat).
Some smoke coming from both bogies of XR557. 9158 detached at Warrenheip loop).
Up Freight
G529, XR552, 16 Container/Flats, 15 Empty Container/Flats (9102 PN WT) Navigators. (6)
(9101/2 loading out of temporary intermodal terminal at
Manangatang until standardisation of the Yelta line complete).
4836, Ballast Spreader, 10 Ballast Hoppers, Ballast Spreader, 852Amphitheatre. (16) (Discharging ballast. Complete rebuild of
line as part of the Murray Basin Rail Project).
G525, BL34, 17 Container/Flats, 14 Empty Flats (9102 PN WT) Navigators. (8) (9101/2 loading out of temporary intermodal terminal at
Manangatang until standardisation of the Yelta line complete).