March 2016 Train Sightings: MickFix Cabling Cinema & Computers

Train Sightings
'March 2016' 'Return to Train Sightings Archive'
Wednesday 30th March 2016
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
05:37 |
Up Freight |
G542, G527, 21 Container/Flats, 10 Empty Flats (9102 PN Merbein) Clunes Station. (HDV)
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
07:13 |
Up Freight |
SCT011, SCT006, 63 Container/Flat/Van/Wells (9752 (1PM9 SCT)) Gheringhap. (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
07:37 |
Up Freight |
G542, G527, 21 Container/Flats, 10 Empty Flats (9102 PN Merbein) (6) (HDV) |
(Stop at signal, wait for 3AM1, depart 08:21). |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
08:04 |
Up Freight |
6028, 6025, 29 Container/Flat/Wells (9754 (3AM1 AURIZON S/FRT)) (6) (HDV) |
Monday 28th March 2016
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
05:16 |
Up Freight |
G542, G527, 28 Container/Flats, 1 Empty Flat (9102 PN Merbein) Clunes Station. (HDV)
06:07 Ballarat Station. (HDV) |
(Stop at station, depart 06:10). |
Friday 25th March 2016
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
05:27 |
Up Freight |
G527, G542, Container/Flats (9102 PN Merbein) Ballarat Station. (HDV) |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
06:50 |
Up Freight |
NR30, NR104, 59 Container/Flat/Wells (9702 (5AM5 PN S/FRT)) Gheringhap. (HDV) |
Tuesday 22nd March 2016
Albury(SG)/Seymour - Melbourne Line
SG |
16:15 |
Down Freight |
NR19, NR43, G538, 64 Container/Flat/Wells (9693 (3MC2 PN PORTLINK)) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
17:37 |
Up Pass |
XP2014 (Pull) - XP2011 (Push) (ST23 NSW TrainLink (Sydney)) (9) (HDV) |
17:50 |
Down Pass |
N462 (8325 Shepparton) (4) |
Sunday 13th March 2016
Newport, Steamrail Open Day
14:12 |
Stabled |
Z526 Workshop Sidings. (2) |
Friday 11th March 2016
Maroona - Portland Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
16:46 |
Up Freight |
CSR009, 31 Container/Flats (7922V SBR) Tatyoon. (5) |
(Into loop, cross 6MP4, depart 16:59). |
SG |
16:56 |
Down Freight |
NR111, NR118, 67 Container/Flat/Wells (9765 (6MP4 PN TOLL)) (4) (HDV)
Monday 7th March 2016
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Friday 4th March 2016
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
05:16 |
Up Freight |
G527, G542, 47 Container/Flats (9102 PN Merbein) Clunes Station. (HDV) |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
Ballarat - Geelong Line
07:25 |
Up Freight |
G527, G542, 47 Container/Flats (9102 PN Merbein) (5) (HDV) |
Wednesday 2nd March 2016
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
06:26 |
Up Freight |
G527, G542, 43 Container/Flats (9102 PN Merbein) Ballarat Station. (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
08:45 |
Up Freight |
6001, G534, X54, 37 Container/Flat/Wells (9754 (3AM1 AURIZON S/FRT)) (9) (HDV) |
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