July 2012 Train Sightings: MickFix Cabling Cinema & Computers

Train Sightings
'July 2012' 'Return to Train Sightings Archive'
Tuesday 31st July 2012
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
18:30 |
Down Freight |
XR554, G542, 40 Grain Hoppers Ballarat North. |
(Sighted from Ballarat North Football Club bistro, |
Monday 30th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:29 |
Down Pass |
1233 - 1333 - 1133, 1221 - 1321 - 1121 V'locity Sets (8119 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
16:00 |
Up Pass |
1121 - 1321 - 1221, 1133 - 1333 - 1233 V'locity Sets (8144) |
16:14 |
Down Pass |
1205 - 1105, 1243 - 1343 - 1143 V'locity Sets (8123 Wendouree) |
Friday 27th July 2012
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
16:50 |
Down Freight |
XR559, 8171, 28 Grain Hoppers Gheringhap Loop. (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
18:06 |
Up Pass |
NR44, Overland (8702 (6AM8)) (HDV) |
SG |
18:39 |
Up Freight |
CSR005, CSR003, 31 Container/Flats (7922V Horsham) (HDV) |
SG |
19:40 |
Up Freight |
NR48, NR46, NR1, 49 Container/Flat/Steel Wagons (9822 (3PW4 STEEL)) (HDV) |
SG |
20:02 |
Down Freight |
NR72, AN7, 63 Container/Flat/Wells (9701 (6MA5 S/FRT)) (HDV) |
SG |
20:17 |
Down Freight |
8153, XR555, 31 Grain Hoppers (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
20:31 |
Dn Lt. Engine |
A79 (HDV) |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
21:08 |
Down Freight |
SCT003, SCT004, 60 Container/Flat/Van/Wells (9751 (6MP9 SCT)) (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
21:10 |
Up Freight |
A79, 9 Cement Hoppers (HDV) |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
21:46 |
Down Freight |
6008, LDP007, 77 Container/Flat/Wells (9753 (6MP1 QRN)) (HDV) |
Friday 20th July 2012
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
08:00 |
Up Freight |
6008, LDP008, 47 Container/Flat/Wells (9754 (3PM1 QRN S/FRT)) McIntyres Rd. L/C, Lara. (HDV)
Geelong - Melbourne Line
08:09 |
Down Pass |
N457 (8205 Warrnambool) Plains Rd. L/C, Lara. (HDV)
08:23 |
Down Pass |
1225 - 1325 - 1125, 1207 - 1107 V'locity Sets (8261 Marshall) Elders. |
08:41 |
Up Freight |
G524, X37, A73, 44 Container/Flat/Wells (9102 Merbein) Station St. L/C, North Shore. (HDV)
Geelong Grain Terminal
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
10:19 |
Dn Lt. Engine |
T387 (8) (HDV)
SG |
12:48 |
Down Freight |
NR59, NR84, 47 Container/Flat/Steel Wagons (9821 (5WX2 STEEL)) (22) (HDV)
Ballarat - Geelong Line
14:00 |
Dn Lt. Engine |
A79 (9) |
14:30 |
Up Freight |
A79, 10 Cement Hoppers (1) (HDV)
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
14:45 |
Up Freight |
T387, 2 CHAY Hoppers (4) (HDV)
SG |
16:54 |
Down Freight |
NR65, NR5, 45 Container/Flat/Wells (9765 (6MP4 TOLL)) (13) (HDV)
SG |
17:37 |
Up Pass |
NR60, Overland (8702 (6AM8)) (4) (HDV)
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
18:41 |
Up Freight |
NR45, NR10, NR70, 62 Container/Flat/Steel Wagons (9822 (3PW4 STEEL)) (HDV)
SG |
19:18 |
Up Freight |
CSR005, CSR003, 31 Container/Flats (7922V Horsham) (HDV)
SG |
20:35 |
Down Freight |
NR20, NR113, 62 Container/Flat/Wells (9701 (6MA5 S/FRT)) (HDV)
Sunday 15th July 2012
Ararat - Ballarat Line
10:25 |
Up Pass |
1125 - 1325 - 1225, 1102 - 1202 V'locity Sets (8130) Creswick Rd. L/C, Ballarat. |
Ballarat North Workshops
11:51 |
Idle |
T369, T376, Brake Wagon, 886M - 1643T - 885M 'X'Trapolis', 881M - 1641T - 882M 'X'Trapolis' Suburban Sets Front Sidings. (13) |
Friday 13th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:31 |
Down Pass |
1231 - 1331 - 1131, 1222 - 1322 - 1122 V'locity Sets (8119 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
16:02 |
Up Pass |
1122 - 1322 - 1222, 1131 - 1331 - 1231 V'locity Sets (8144) |
16:16 |
Down Pass |
1212 - 1112, 1243 - 1343 - 1143 V'locity Sets (8123 Wendouree) |
Thursday 12th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:35 |
Down Pass |
1231 - 1331 - 1131, 1119 - 1319 - 1219 V'locity Sets (8119 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
15:59 |
Up Pass |
1219 - 1319 - 1119, 1131 - 1331 - 1231 V'locity Sets (8144) |
16:23 |
Down Pass |
1206 - 1106, 1245 - 1345 - 1145 V'locity Sets (8123 Wendouree) |
Monday 9th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:31 |
Down Pass |
1239 - 1339 - 1139, 1237 - 1337 - 1137 V'locity Sets (8119 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
15:59 |
Up Pass |
1137 - 1337 - 1237, 1139 - 1339 - 1239 V'locity Sets (8144) |
17:15 |
Down Pass |
1243 - 1343 - 1143, 1242 - 1342 - 1142 V'locity Sets (8127 Maryborough) |
17:44 |
Down Pass |
1206 - 1106, 1207 - 1107 V'locity Sets (8131 Wendouree) |
17:58 |
Up Pass |
1121 - 1321 - 1221 V'locity Set (8146 Ararat) |
18:19 |
Down Pass |
1215 - 1115, 1248 - 1348 - 1148 V'locity Sets (8135 Wendouree) (HDV) |
18:28 |
Up Pass |
1107 - 1207 V'locity Set (8148?) |
18:54 |
Down Pass |
1234 - 1334 - 1134, 1220 - 1320 - 1120 V'locity Sets (8141) |
19:21 |
Up Pass |
1142 - 1342 - 1242 V'locity Set (8150) |
19:41 |
Down Pass |
1231 - 1331 - 1131, 1212 - 1112 V'locity Sets (8147 Ararat) |
20:44 |
Down Pass |
1200 - 1100, 1111 - 1211 V'locity Sets (8149) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
21:00 |
Up Pass |
1211 - 1111, 1100 - 1200 V'locity Sets (8152) Warrenheip Bank. (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
21:00 |
Up Freight |
G521, S303, T341, T378, 38 Grain Hoppers (9162 El Zorro) Warrenheip Bank & Navigators. (HDV) |
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
21:44 |
Down Pass |
1214 - 1114, 1223 - 1323 - 1123 V'locity Sets (8151) Ballarat East. |
Maryborough - Melbourne Line
22:29 |
Up Freight |
BL32, 19 Grain Hoppers Ballarat East & Ballarat Station. (HDV) |
Sunday 8th July 2012
Ararat - Melbourne Line
17:59 |
Up Pass |
1134 - 1334 - 1234 V'locity Set (8148) Creswick Rd. L/C, Ballarat. |
Saturday 7th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
16:33 |
Down Pass |
1201 - 1101, 1111 - 1211 V'locity Sets (8123) Ballarat East. |
17:08 |
Up Pass |
1211 - 1111, 1101 - 1201 V'locity Sets (8146 Ararat) |
17:29 |
Down Pass |
1247 - 1347 - 1147, 1240 - 1340 - 1140 V'locity Sets (8131 Wendouree) |
18:05 |
Up Pass |
1140 - 1340 - 1240 V'locity Sets (8148 Wendouree) |
18:11 |
Down Freight |
XR557, XR550, 37 Grain Hoppers Ballarat East & Ballarat Station. (HDV)
18:35 |
Down Pass |
1251 - 1351 - 1151 V'locity Sets (8135 Wendouree) Lydiard St. L/C, Ballarat. (HDV) |
(Note: Detached trailing V'locity set at station before departing). |
19:13 |
Up Pass |
1151 - 1351 - 1251 V'locity Sets (8150 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
19:31 |
Down Pass |
1239 - 1339 - 1139, 1214 - 1114 V'locity Sets (8147 Ararat) |
Maryborough - Melbourne Line
21:20 |
Up Freight |
G522, G539, 40 Grain Hoppers Ballarat Station. (HDV)
Friday 6th July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:32 |
Down Pass |
1228 - 1328 - 1128, 1226 - 1326 - 1126 V'locity Sets (8119 Wendouree) Humffray St. L/C, Ballarat East. |
16:00 |
Up Pass |
1126 - 1326 - 1226, 1128 - 1328 - 1228 V'locity Sets (8144 Wendouree) |
16:14 |
Down Pass |
1205 - 1105, 1248 - 1348 - 1148 V'locity Sets (8123 Wendouree) |
17:16 |
Down Pass |
1238 - 1338 - 1138, 1233 - 1333 - 1133 V'locity Sets (8127 Maryborough) |
17:43 |
Down Pass |
1201 - 1101, 1204 - 1104 V'locity Sets (8131 Wendouree) |
17:58 |
Up Pass |
1148 - 1348 - 1248, 1151 - 1351 - 1251 V'locity Sets (8146 Ararat) (HDV) |
18:14 |
Down Pass |
1232 - 1332 - 1132, 1103 - 1203 V'locity Sets (8135 Wendouree) (HDV) |
18:27 |
Up Pass |
1104 - 1204, 1101 - 1201 V'locity Sets (8148?) |
Tuesday 3rd July 2012
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
17:58 |
Up Pass |
1219 - 1319 - 1119 V'locity Set (8146 Ararat) Humffray St. L/C, Ballarat East. |
18:14 |
Down Pass |
1212 - 1112, 1111 - 1211 V'locity Sets (8135 Wendouree) Ballarat East. |
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