December 2012 Train Sightings: MickFix Cabling Cinema & Computers

Train Sightings
'December 2012' 'Return to Train Sightings Archive'
Monday 24th December 2012
Ballarat - Geelong Line
10:30 |
Up Freight |
XR552, XR554, 40 Grain Hoppers Ballarat East. (MV) |
Friday 21st December 2012
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
07:42 |
Up Freight |
6004, 6003, 74 Container/Platform/wells (9754 (3PM1 QRN)) (10) (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
08:53 |
Up Freight |
NR15, NR111, 80 Container/Platform/Wells (9702 (5AM5 S/FRT)) (20) (HDV) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
09:39 |
Up Freight |
G527, X39, A78, 49 Container/Platforms (9102 Merbein) (20) (HDV) |
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
14:57 |
Up Freight |
NR41, NR92, 57 Container/Platform/Steel Wagons (9822 (3PW4 STEEL)) (12) (HDV) |
SG |
15:35 |
Up Pass |
NR48, Overland (8702 (6AM8)) (5) (HDV) |
SG |
16:24 |
Up Freight |
CSR002, 26 Container/Platforms (7922V Horsham) (8) (HDV) |
SG |
16:47 |
Up Freight |
S302, GM36, 20 Mineral Sand Hoppers (7769V ELZ) (29) (HDV) |
Into loop cross Down Grain, depart 17:28, into Portland line. |
SG |
17:20 |
Down Freight |
G528, XR559, 45 Empty Grain Hoppers (16) (HDV) |
SG |
18:56 |
Down Freight |
NR75, NR74, 50 Container/Platform/Wells (9765 (6MP4 TOLL)) (16) (HDV) |
Thursday 20th December 2012
Albury(SG)/Seymour - Melbourne Line
06:17 |
Up Pass |
7010 'Sprinter', 7012 'Sprinter' (8302) Mathiesons Siding, Wandong. |
06:53 |
Up Pass |
N461 (8304) (7) (HDV) |
07:12 |
Down Pass |
7004 'Sprinter', 7009 'Sprinter' (8301) (2) |
07:30 |
Up Pass |
N465 (8306) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
07:36 |
Up Pass |
2004 (Pull) - 2003 (Push) Countrylink (8612 (ST21)) (14) (HDV) |
08:06 |
Down Pass |
7015 'Sprinter', 7016 'Sprinter' (8303) (2) |
08:12 |
Up Pass |
N457 (8308 Shepparton) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
08:14 |
Down Pass |
N470 (8605 Albury) (5) (HDV) |
08:43 |
Up Pass |
7009 'Sprinter', 7004 'Sprinter' (8312) (2) |
SG |
09:00 |
Up Freight |
XR558, G520, 40 Grain Hoppers (13) (HDV) |
09:34 |
Down Pass |
7002 'Sprinter', 7008 'Sprinter' (8307) (2) |
SG |
09:37 |
Up Pass |
N469 (8610 Albury) (5) (HDV) |
09:42 |
Up Pass |
7016 'Sprinter', 7015 'Sprinter' (8314) (2) |
SG |
10:02 |
Up Freight |
NR115, NR31, 50 Container/Platforms (9827 (3BA6 S/FRT)) (7) (HDV) |
SG |
10:23 |
Down Pass |
2003 (Pull) - 2004 (Push) Countrylink (8611 (ST24)) (HDV) |
10:27 |
Down Pass |
N458 (8309 Shepparton) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
10:41 |
Up |
41219 Track Machine (John Holland) (2) (HDV) |
11:03 |
Up Pass |
7008 'Sprinter', 7002 'Sprinter' (8316) (2) |
11:21 |
Down Pass |
7020 'Sprinter', 7013 'Sprinter', 7006 'Sprinter' (8311) (3) |
12:30 |
Down Pass |
7004 'Sprinter', 7009 'Sprinter' (8313) Just Down From Kilmore East Station. (2) |
12:37 |
Up Pass |
7006 'Sprinter', 7013 'Sprinter', 7020 'Sprinter' (8318) (3) |
13:02 |
Up Freight |
X42, X44, 21 Hoppers (Aggregates) (9138) (11) (HDV) |
SG |
13:10 |
Down Pass |
N469 (8615 Albury) (HDV) |
SG |
13:24 |
Down Freight |
NR2, NR34, 32 Container/Platform/Wells (9607 (5MS4 S/FRT)) (9) (HDV) |
13:36 |
Up Pass |
7009 'Sprinter', 7004 'Sprinter' (8320) (2) |
13:51 |
Down Pass |
N466 (8319 Shepparton) (8) (HDV) |
14:27 |
Down Pass |
7011 'Sprinter', 7012 'Sprinter' (8317) (2) |
14:28 |
Up Pass |
N458 (8322) (7) |
15:29 |
Down Pass |
7020 'Sprinter', 7013 'Sprinter', 7006 'Sprinter' (8321) (3) |
SG |
15:46 |
Up Pass |
N470 (8620 Albury) (6) (HDV) |
16:05 |
Up Pass |
7012 'Sprinter', 7011 'Sprinter' (8326) (2) |
16:36 |
Up Pass |
7006 'Sprinter', 7013 'Sprinter', 7020 'Sprinter' (8328) (3) |
16:37 |
Down Pass |
7002 'Sprinter', 7008 'Sprinter' (8323) (2) |
SG |
17:26 |
Down Freight |
GL105, GL104, 34 Container/Platforms (5MC1 QUBE) (14) (HDV) |
17:41 |
Up Pass |
N466 (8330 Shepparton) (7) (HDV) |
17:45 |
Down Pass |
N462 (8325) (4) (HDV) |
SG |
18:15 |
Up Pass |
2018 (Pull) - 2007 (Push) Countrylink (8622 (ST23)) (10) (HDV) |
18:26 |
Down Pass |
N454 (8327) (8) (HDV) |
18:47 |
Down Pass |
7015 'Sprinter', 7011 'Sprinter', 7012 'Sprinter' (8329) (3) |
18:54 |
Up Pass |
7008 'Sprinter', 7002 'Sprinter' (8332) (2) |
19:35 |
Down Pass |
N452 (8333 Shepparton) (8) (HDV) |
SG |
19:45 |
Down Pass |
N470 (8625 Albury) (9) (HDV) |
19:54 |
Down Pass |
7004 'Sprinter', 7009 'Sprinter' (8335) (2) |
20:27 |
Down Pass |
7007 'Sprinter', 7017 'Sprinter' (8337) (3) |
SG |
20:28 |
Up Pass |
N469 (8630 Albury) (8) (HDV) |
20:45 |
Up Freight |
X44, X42, 21 Hoppers (Aggregates) (10) (HDV) |
SG |
20:55 |
Down Pass |
2007 (Pull) - 2018 (Push) Countrylink (8621 (ST22)) |
Friday 7th December 2012
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
15:46 |
Up Pass |
NR53, Overland (8702 (6AM8)) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
16:07 |
Up Freight |
CSR005, 30 Container/Platforms (7922V Horsham) (6) |
SG |
16:34 |
Up Freight |
S312, 442s2, 30 Mineral Sand Hoppers (7769V ELZ) (14) (HDV) |
SG |
17:09 |
Down Freight |
NR51, 21 Container/Platform/Steel Wagons (9821 (5WX2 STEEL)) (6) (HDV) |
SG |
18:53 |
Down Freight |
NR115, NR64, 58 Container/Platform/Wells (9765 (6MP4 TOLL)) (8) (HDV) |
SG |
19:32 |
Up Freight |
NR45, NR37, 61 Container/Platform/Wells (9714 (3PM6 S/FRT)) (7) (HDV) |
Maroona - Portland Line
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