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Artesian Belt Railway
Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf / Midland Valley / Muskogee Lines
Texas & Pacific RR / Texas-New Mexico RR


Historic Outline of the

Compiled by
T. Greuter
I've also reprodced parts of this outline on the
MPHS website.

The Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf System

The Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf was one of the "Muskogee Roads" which in turn were part of the Midland-Valley family of Oklahoma lines. The KO&G connected and interchanged at Denison with the Denison & Pacific Suburban Railroad (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Texas & Pacific Railroad).

MO&G 303
- Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf is a Baldwin 2-6-6-2 in Muskogee, probably on its delivery. The contributor's granddad is at front of engine in white shirt and overalls. On the back of the engine picture:

"Doc Epperson in white shirt taken in Muskogee Oklahoma 1911 or 13 QO&KC railroad."

Markings on engine and tender indicate it was #303 of MO&G. - Brice Bratcher Photo/Collection

Originally chartered on March 28, 1910, as the Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company of Texas, the name was changed to the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company of Texas on April 2, 1921.

Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf GP7 98 - (former 802) at Muskogee, OK. Unknown date. Post T&P merger unit in original paint, after T&P renumbering. - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

KO&G 1529 - at Wichita, Kansas circa 1953. This neat little caboose with the odd end cupola arrangement rides on an old steam tender frame, and was one of two home-built by MV. - photographer unknown, John C. La Rue, Jr. collection

The company operated nearly nine miles of line from the Red River near Carpenter's Bluff to Denison as well as terminal trackage at Denison. At the Red River the KO&GT connected with the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company, thus forming a through route from Denison to Baxter Springs, Kansas.

In 1926 the KO&GT was classified as a Class II line by the Railroad Commissionqv and owned one locomotive. That year the line received $4,054 in passenger revenue, $192,962 in freight revenue, and $249 in other revenue. In 1952 the KO&GT earned $259,392, almost all from freight.   In 1964 the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf system was merged into the Texas and Pacific Railway Company, and the Texas trackage abandoned. (Chris Cravens-Handbook of Texas Online)

The KO&G was absorbed into MoPac shortly after the T&P's own absorbtion into the system in 1976. Most of the KO&G on-line traffic was coal and quarry products, but they were also a major bridge-line between Kansas and the upper midwest in the MoPac scheme of things, competing with both the MK&T and the Frisco.

At the end of it's life, the KO&G was made up of a rambling, run-down line which served no substantial cities. After takeovers, first by the T&P and then MoPac, the line had financial means to be upgraded. After passing into UP's hands, the upgrading continue until it was almost entirely a 49 mph railroad, but because of its curves and circuitous route, it wasn't capable of becoming a first class line.

The KO&G mainline served the following locations: Denison, TX - Carpenter's Bluff, TX - Achille, OK - Durant, OK - Tupelo, OK - Calvin, OK - Henryetta, OK - Council Hill, OK - Muskogee, OK - Wagoner, OK - Miami, OK - Baxter Springs, KS.

Today the last fragments remaining of the line lie near Wagoner, Oklahoma, the UP uses the former KO&G main as a siding and as a small yard off their Coffeyville Sub. Also, the BNSF uses a short section in Henryetta to serve the glass plant (under contract with the UP).


Power and Cabooses on the Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf

KO&G Diesel Switcher
Model Rd. Numbers
NW-2 1001
KO&G Diesel Road Power
GP-7 801-809
F-7 751-754
F-7B 755B, 756B
GP-28 700, 701

* The NW-2 switcher #1001 wore a black paint scheme accentuated by a wide red band running along the length of the hood, before it curved down to the frame on the front nose. On the opposite end the band wrapped around the rear. There were also narrow white stripes that lay against either side of the red band.

KO&G F7A 751 - and F7B at Henryetta, OK, date unknown. (shows 'as delivered' herald with Midland Valley on top) - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

KO&G F7B 755B - at Muskogee, OK, unknown date (original paint with revised herald with KO&G on top, which occurred after KO&G became the dominant revenue road. See Stagner's book for more info) - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

* The F-7s were all clad in the attractive MoPac Eagle blue and grey scheme, with the slight modification of the KO&G-MV-OCAA square herald on the nose and flanks instead of the nose emblem seen on the rest of MoPac's fleet. Like other MP streamliners in the mid-sixties, these were repainted into the solid Jenks blue and renumbered, but retained their KO&G herald. First becoming T&P #844-847, 846B and 847B. Two of the F's, #846 and 847, were traded to EMD for the KO&G's GP-28's, #700 and 701.

Midland Valley GP7 106 - (former 151) at Muskogee, OK. Unknown date. Post T&P merger unit in original paint, after T&P renumbering. - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

* The GP-7's also wore the black paint with a wide red band identical to the NW-2. In time, the Geeps were repainted into the system standard of MoPac Jenks blue. The GP-7's were renumbered to T&P #97-105, then T&P #1637-1640,#1688-1692. The few that survived were again renumbered into the MP 600 series. Either these were as - delivered or at some point in time - as "chop-nosed" units.

* The GP28's (non-turbocharged GP35s) were the last KO&G diesels aquired by the road. The 700 and 701 were delivered in Jenks blue, later were renumbered as T&P #850 and #851, then as MP #2000 and #2001. These were the only two GP-28's on the MoPac roster. Today the #700 (MP #2000) is now the Ashely Drew & Northern #1815, while the 701 (MP #2001) is on a Kyle property.

KO&G 1536 - in a later duo-toned red-black with white stripe scheme, at Houston, Texas in October 1966. It went on to become MP 13228 before its retirement in 1968. The Muskogee Road's cabooses were also painted in the black with red stripe scheme, minus the the white outline - photographer unknown, John C. La Rue, Jr. collection

By the 1960s, most trains were mixed T&P/KO&G/MP power, usually F-units, sometimes Geeps, with KO&G cabooses and F units. KO&G and Midland Valley power were dispatched over each others lines as needed. The only way to tell them apart was by road number. The KO&G (then under T&P control) operated Black/Red cabooses with a large white KO&G "Sooner Southwest" sunburst slogan on the sides.

Since the KO&G was a fairly small road with dead-end local lines, it wasn't uncommon to see the odd F a-unit running backwards into town and forwards leaving. Sometimes it came into town with the caboose leading, and conductor/brakeman on the platform using the little air whistle on the caboose for the street crossing. (thanks to J.C.T.)

As for other types of road power the KO&G made use of a pair of gas-powered motorcars. As late as 1951, between Denison and Muskogee, the road operated a mail/express/passenger service. Each motorcar made a one way trip on weekdays and Saturday.

KO&G 712 - an example of the KO&G paint scheme - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

KO&G 781 - another version of KO&G paint, notice the subtle differences between the logos - photographer unknown, Robert F. Read Collection / submitted by Gary Herron

For those interested, Bob purchased a very nice collection of Midland Valley/KO&G shots several years ago and has been good enough to make copies available for sale at very reasonable prices. Bob may be contacted at The Friday Store at 112 W. Broadway, Cushing, OK 74023 at phone 918-225-3936

Equipment on the Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf and the Midland Valley

The KOG/MV was always short of their own equipment and relied on the larger roads for much of it. The largest 'on line' commodities were coal, cattle and crude (apologies to Lloyd Stagner). The KOG/MV's largest fleet of cars were coal gons and hoppers. The refined products was shipped in private tanks and a lot of the cattle moved in ATSF cars.

The 'fleet' of coal haulers consisted of:

    • 75 drop bottom (I think) gons, MV 12001-12075 that were 40' composite side cars. Many of these were rebuilt with steel sides and renumbered into the KOG 601-675 series later. (Ed Hawkins may have a builders photo of these)

    • 50+ steel hoppers in the 700-799 series like the photos you mentioned.

    • 50+ steel hoppers in the 800-8xx series that were 3 bay cars like the HO scale AHM cars lettered for KO&G.

    • 25 composite side hoppers in the MV 9001-9025 series. These were 40' 3-bay cars with a capacity of 2580 cu ft and 140,000 lbs. (from the 4/55 ORER)

Also, there were about 30 covered hoppers, 2 bay, in three different groups, a couple of flats and some company tank cars.

I'm using a couple of ORER's from 4/55 and 10/63 for this info. If you can find a copy of Lloyd Stagner's book, it is excellent, and the only thing out on the MV. (unfortunately, it's out of print)

(Thanks to Gary Herron for this information)


GP28's on the Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf

In November, 1964, two 2,000 hp GP28's (#570-571, later renumbered #2000-2001) were bought originally for MP subsidiary KO&G. These were the only GP 28's to be added to the MP system.

Just before #2000 and# 2001 were shipped to N. Little Rock for scrap/sale they both worked around East Texas. 

The #2000 had survived wearing a Buzz with budget code on cab,  small numbers on the long hood and full dress of narrow stripes (don't forget the large bolts holding on the builder plates). After it left Longview headed to N. Little Rock it suffered a compartment fire.

When #2001 left Longview it was wearing an Eagle buzzsaw on the cab with budget code, full dress wide stripes and 20" numbers on long hood. Both units were marked out of service shortly after hitting N. Little Rock. (Jay C. T.)

Former MP 2001 was seen on the KYLE railroad the past few years. According to a Kyle employee the unit is still active but will probably be retired in the next few years. The KYLE itself was purchased by Rail America, in recently. (Doug Brush)

MoPac GP28 #2000 is seen to the left at Longview, Texas; 1978?. Built as KO&G #700, then KO&G #570, then MP #570, then MP #850, then as MP #2000. The unit then worked for Union Pacific as their #2386, before it went to Helm as #2000. It was then rebuilt at VMV and purchased by AD&N 1/90. - J.C.T. Photo.

Midland Valley Railroad

The Midland Valley was one of the "Muskogee Roads" (the others were the Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf and the Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka; they were under the same ownership and headquartered in Muskogee, Oklahoma).

Today, the Ft. Smith Trolley Museum (in Oklahoma?) is located on the sight of the Midland Valley yard and turntable.

Power on the Midland Valley Railroad

MV Diesel Road Power
Model Rd. Numbers
GP-7 151-154

* Two of MV's Geeps, #152 and 153, met in a curve at Bokoshe, Oklahoma with disastorous results. These two were rebuilt as GP-7m (GP-9 car body with GP-7 generator and 1500 hp rating). All of the MV diesels were painted in the black with red strip scheme as seen on the KO&G.

The Muskogee Lines

The Midland-Valley family of Oklahoma lines included the Muskogee Roads and the Midland Valley Railroad Co.   These were made up of several subsidiary and predecessor companies. These companies included:

  • the Midland Valley Railroad
  • the Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway
  • Oklahoma City – Ada – Atoka Railway Co.
  • the Osage Railway
  • Garland Coal & Mining Co.
  • Bird Creek Co.
  • Cherokee Construction Co.

MV #M-4 - Motorcar seen at Oklahoma City about 1939-1940's, but again, no inforamtion available. - photographer unknown /Gary Herron Collection

MV F7 #751 - No information available (obtained from Charlie Duckworth) - photographer/date unknown /Gary Herron Collection


Attention Midland Valley / Kansas Okalahoma & Gulf Fans:
You may have noticed that all these photos have been submitted by others. We are always looking for more to add. If you have any material that you feel you'd like to share, please feel free to contact me. The more we can post means the more people will look and possibly have more to share themselves.

Thank You to those who have shared!

Robert F. Read and Gary Herron

John C. La Rue Jr.

Recommended Reading:

Book ReviewMidland Valley Rails for Coal, Cattle and Crude
by Lloyd E. Stagner
South Platte Press, 1996

A History of Texas Railroads
by S. G. Reed
St. Clair Publishing, 1941

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 l Last Update to this page: 29 May, 2008
          All images & text � 2000-2008 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.