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Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Express Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Rolling Stock No.

MP 152

© copyright Elvin Klepzig Photo
One of 50 built by MP at DeSoto in 1962, was one of the more unusual cars of the Eagle fleet, a 70-foot blue express car in the 135-series for express and mail handling in the 1960's. They were seen all over the system but their assignment was short-lived. The Postal Service changed contracts and went with the airlines in the '60's. Due to a light-weight construction they were limited in general freight handling, so those that escaped the dead lines were found in MoW work.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Falls City, NE   Map
June 3 1997
Rolling Stock No.

MP X497

Todd Greuter Photo
MPX 497 - Still in original paint, was one of countless freightcars wearing the"Eagles" slogan as "rolling billboards" for the Eagle passenger service. I wasn't able to make out the original road number as this car was re-numbered for MWF service as MPX 497. Here the preserved car sleeps away in Falls City, Nebraska. By being recycled for MOW duty, this car likely escaped the scrapper in the 1970's when MP was upgrading to a more modern system.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Flat Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Falls City, NE   Map
June 3 1997
Rolling Stock No.

MP 992

Todd Greuter Photo
MP 992 40' Flat car, stenciled for MWF, was likely an all-revenue car until newer and bigger flats made this shorty obsolete. Its displayed before the quiet brick depot in Falls City

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Flat Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 9127

Todd Greuter Photo
MP 9127, another 40' flat, this time at a display in Atchison, KS.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 9429

Todd Greuter Photo
MP 9429 - proclaiming the "Route of the Eagles", it's displayed at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. Museum, near the Santa Fe Depot. This 40 foot boxcar's design is identical to the colorful blue and gray Eagle Merchandise cars of the 1950's.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 9429

Todd Greuter Photo
MP 9429 - proclaiming the "Route of the Eagles", it's displayed at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. Museum, near the Santa Fe Depot. This 40 foot boxcar's design is identical to the colorful blue and gray Eagle Merchandise cars of the 1950's.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Nehawka, Nebraska   Map
April 19 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 15157

Todd Greuter Photo
Another ex-express car as MP 152 above, now seen as a tool car.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Falls City, Nebraska   Map
May 3 1997
Rolling Stock No.

MP 15157

Todd Greuter Photo
MP 15351 was built as a non-revenue car used to carry sections of rail. Loaded with a pair of wheel-set frames, it sits outside a privately-operated car repair shop at Falls City.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 15451

Todd Greuter Photo
This 60' plug-door box would have been renumbered from a higher 6-digit series. Its identical to cars in the 794000-series though this model has different end panels.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 15451

Todd Greuter Photo
This 60' plug-door box would have been renumbered from a higher 6-digit series. Its identical to cars in the 794000-series though this model has different end panels.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Ballast Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Lincoln, Nebraska   Map
April 17 1996
Rolling Stock No.

MP 16863

Todd Greuter Photo
100-ton ballast hopper car built 11/78. These cars were designed for ballast or stone service and doubled as both mantainence work and revenue hauling. An alternate paint scheme used by MoPac for these cars was reefer white with black lettering.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Airslide Hopper
Location/Date of Photo:

Little Rock, AR   Map
Rolling Stock No.

MP 20150

Fallen Flags / George Elwood Photo, used with permission
A very grimey 2-bay airslide hopper rounds out our examples of Mopac's pre-100000 series, seen here at North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Ogalala, Nebraska  
September 3, 1995
Rolling Stock No.

MP 2?253

Todd Greuter Photo
From this blow-up it seems this 50' single door box has been renumbered for MoW service and stenciled "tool car." The unidentified MP car is part of a work train resting in Union Pacific's Ogalala, Nebraska yard.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Express Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Rolling Stock No.

MP 30307

© copyright Elvin Klepzig Photo
Ex-Express cars as tool cars. A pair in original blue body and yellow stripe scheme with full-color buzzsaw.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Rolling Stock No.

MP 45111

Jay Glenewinkel Photo
Railroading the old-fashioned way. A wood sheathed boxcar photographed in 1919. Note the road name was spelled-out and the white lines applied above and below the markings. The color of the car would have been a boxcar red color. This was the typical paint scheme for MoPac equipment at the turn of the century.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Diffco Dump Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Lincoln, Nebraska   Map
March 23 1996
Rolling Stock No.

MP 55226

Todd Greuter Photo
A Diffco dump car used to carry ballast and large rock, and likely were used for both track work and commercial hauling as well.

These cars can also be seen at MoPac MoW

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Texas & Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

TX   Map
September 1981
Rolling Stock No.

T&P 82153

© Gary Morris Photo
This old box has been in MOW service from the faded "X" series number thinly painted over the original markings. Somewhere in Texas; September 1981.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Wheel Flat Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Ames, IA   Map
February 17 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 99123

© RailArc Photo
Wheel car, from a modified Greenville flatcar (though this may be a post-merger modification. the series is correct for MP wheel cars), at Ames yard, Iowa.

More of this car can be seen at MoPac MoW.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Wheel Flat Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Ames, IA   Map
February 17 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 99136

© RailArc Photo
Wheel car, now in UP-style lettering, at Ames yard, Iowa

More of this car can be seen at MoPac MoW.
Eagle Merchandise Service Cars
The doors of the Eagle Merchandise cars were yellow and gray.
The door's top and bottom portions (that aligns with the blue car sides) were painted yellow, and the gray stripe extended the entire car length through the door.
The roof seam caps were painted gray.
The diagonal panel roof remained unpainted galvanized steel.
The car ends were painted gray. Placard boards on doors and ends were painted black.
The MPL buzzsaw was red with white letters and white circle inside the saw blade.
Stencils over gray were black and stencils over blue were white.
(from MP stenciling drawing GF-32401, dated 8/29/51 - thanks to Ed Hawkins)
Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 121175

Todd Greuter Photo
The 40-foot single-door Eagle Merchandise Service car of the '50's, some of the most colorful equipment operated by the road. These cars were repainted from various series to match the Eagle streamliner colors and were not to be interchanged with any other railroad except for subsidiary Texas & Pacific. This is a fully restored example of one of these cars at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. depot museum.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 121175

Todd Greuter Photo
The 40-foot single-door Eagle Merchandise Service car of the '50's, some of the most colorful equipment operated by the road. These cars were repainted from various series to match the Eagle streamliner colors and were not to be interchanged with any other railroad except for subsidiary Texas & Pacific. This is a fully restored example of one of these cars at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. depot museum.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 121175

Todd Greuter Photo
The 40-foot single-door Eagle Merchandise Service car of the '50's, some of the most colorful equipment operated by the road. These cars were repainted from various series to match the Eagle streamliner colors and were not to be interchanged with any other railroad except for subsidiary Texas & Pacific. This is a fully restored example of one of these cars at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. depot museum.

Unit, AAR/Owner Class:

Missouri Pacific
Box Car
Location/Date of Photo:

Atchison, KS   Map
April 14 2001
Rolling Stock No.

MP 121175

Todd Greuter Photo
The 40-foot single-door Eagle Merchandise Service car of the '50's, some of the most colorful equipment operated by the road. These cars were repainted from various series to match the Eagle streamliner colors and were not to be interchanged with any other railroad except for subsidiary Texas & Pacific. This is a fully restored example of one of these cars at the Atchison, Kansas R.R. depot museum.


Featured Photographers:
Elvin Klepzig, RailArc, and Gary Morris

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 l Last Update to this page: 25 June, 2008
          All images & text � 2000-2008 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.