'February 2007' 'Return to Train Sightings Archive'
Monday 26th February 2007
Ballarat - Geelong Line
05:40 |
Up Freight |
G525, G521, 43 Container/Flats Ballarat Station Platform 2. (DV) |
return to top
Saturday 24th February 2007
Ballarat Station
11:21 |
Stabled |
return to top
Friday 23rd February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:01 |
Up Pass |
1102 - 1202 V'locity DMU Set Ballarat East. |
15:24 |
Down Pass |
1206 - 1106, 1219 - 1119 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:01 |
Up Pass |
1119 - 1219, 1106 - 1206 V'locity DMU Sets |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
16:21 |
Down Freight |
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
16:23 |
Down Pass |
1233 - 1133, 1213 - 1113 V'locity DMU Sets |
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
16:33 |
Down Freight |
G513, XR557, 40 Empty Grain Hoppers (9123 PN) Ballarat. (4)
return to top
Thursday 22nd February 2007
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
10:00 |
Down Pass |
NR99 'Overland' (8701 (5MA8 GSR (Adelaide))) Lara. (4) |
10:43 |
Down Pass |
1222 - 1122, 1208 - 1108 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
10:49 |
Up Pass |
7017, 7009, 7013 'Sprinter' Railcars (3) |
11:12 |
Up Freight |
G525, T402, 6 C, Louvre Van, 6 C, 20 Empty Flats, 10 Container Flats, Fuel Wagon, 2 Cement Hoppers (9140 PN WT (Merbein)) (8) (DV) |
11:39 |
Down Pass |
1226 - 1126 V'locity DMU Set (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
11:44 |
Down Freight |
NR9, NR37, 76 Container Flats (9827 (BA6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
11:49 |
Up Pass |
1108 - 1208, 1122 - 1222 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
12:44 |
Down Pass |
1218 - 1118, 1209 - 1109 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
12:49 |
Up Pass |
1126 - 1226 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
12:52 |
Up Freight |
NR92, XRB560, NR18, 58 Container Flats (9756 (AM3 PN PATRICKS)) (8) (DV) |
SG |
13:23 |
Down Freight |
NR20, NR52, 10 Steel Flat/Wagons, 10 Container Flats, 8 Steel Flat/Wagons, 18 Empty Steel Wagons (9821 (WP2 PN STEEL)) (8) (DV) |
13:40 |
Down Pass |
1210 - 1110, 1238 - 1138 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
13:51 |
Down Freight |
NR75, NR34, 40 Container Flat/Wells (9765 (5MP4 PN TOLL)) (7) (DV) |
14:06 |
Up Pass |
1109 - 1209, 1118 - 1218 V'locity DMU Sets |
14:48 |
Down Pass |
N471 (3) |
14:48 |
Up Pass |
1138 - 1238 V'locity DMU Set |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
15:00 |
Up Freight |
NR67, NR76, 58 Container/Flats (9826 (AB6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
15:48 |
Up Pass |
1110 - 1210 V'locity DMU Set |
16:01 |
Down Pass |
N465 (4) |
return to top
Wednesday 21st February 2007
Ballarat Workshops (United Group)
15:37 |
Stored |
NR33 Rear Stabling Yard. (2) |
15:51 |
Down Freight |
XR557, G513, 40 Empty Grain Hoppers (9123 PN) Ballarat East. (2) |
15:59 |
Down Freight |
XR557, G513, 40 Empty Grain Hoppers (9123 PN) Ballarat. (8)
return to top
Tuesday 20th February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
14:28 |
Down Pass |
1210 - 1110 V'locity DMU Set Ballarat East. |
15:02 |
Up Pass |
1110 - 1210 V'locity DMU Set (2) |
15:26 |
Down Pass |
1221 - 1121, 1217 - 1117 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:01 |
Up Pass |
1117 - 1217, 1121 - 1221 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:26 |
Down Pass |
1204 - 1104, 1223 - 1123 V'locity DMU Sets |
return to top
Thursday 15th February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
16:02 |
Up Pass |
1118 - 1218, 1120 - 1220 V'locity DMU Sets Ballarat East. (2) |
16:23 |
Down Pass |
1221 - 1121, 1206 - 1106 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Ballarat - Geelong Line
16:32 |
Down Freight |
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
16:55 |
Down Freight |
XR557, G532, 40 Empty Grain Hoppers (9121 PN) Sulky. (4) (DV) |
return to top
Tuesday 13th February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
13:31 |
Down Pass |
1205 - 1105 V'locity DMU Set Ballarat East. (1) |
14:01 |
Up Pass |
1105 - 1205 V'locity DMU Set |
14:23 |
Down Pass |
1214 - 1114 V'locity DMU Set |
15:13 |
Up Pass |
1114 - 1214 V'locity DMU Set |
15:29 |
Down Pass |
1204 - 1104, 1235 - 1135 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
16:01 |
Up Pass |
1135 - 1235, 1104 - 1204 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:22 |
Down Pass |
1215 - 1115, 1220 - 1120 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
return to top
Monday 12th February 2007
Maryborough - Ballarat Line
17:52 |
Down Freight |
G532, 28 Empty Grain Hoppers (9151 PN) Ballarat. |
return to top
Friday 9th February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
14:06 |
Up Pass |
1122 - 1222, 1105 - 1205 V'locity DMU Sets Ballarat Station. (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
13:18 |
Up Pass |
NR92 'Overland' (8702 (6AM8 GSR (Adelaide))) Dimboola Station. (22) |
14:06 |
Stabled |
Rail Tractor 27 Yard Sidings. (3) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
16:53 |
Down Freight |
NR102, NR72, 30 Steel Wagons (9821 (WP2 PN STEEL)) Ararat Station. (8) |
return to top
Thursday 8th February 2007
Geelong - Melbourne Lines
09:26 |
Up Pass |
A62 Lara. (4) |
09:30 |
Up Pass |
1102 - 1202, 1120 - 1220 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
09:41 |
Down Pass |
7010, 7005, 7011 'Sprinter' Railcars (3) |
09:52 |
Up Pass |
N466 (4) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
09:59 |
Up Freight |
NR9, XRB561, NR30, 62 Container Flats (9756 (AM3 PN PATRICKS)) (8) (DV) |
10:02 |
Down Pass |
1222 - 1122 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
10:19 |
Down Pass |
NR115 'Overland' (8701 (5MA8 GSR (Adelaide))) (4) |
10:27 |
Up Freight |
G515, H5, 37 Container/Flats, 2 Fuel Wagons, 2 Cement Hoppers (9140 PN WT (Merbein)) (8) |
10:44 |
Down Pass |
7008, 7012 'Sprinter' Railcars (2) |
10:49 |
Up Pass |
7011, 7005, 7010 'Sprinter' Railcars (3)
11:00 |
Up Pass |
1122 - 1222 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
11:19 |
Down Special |
EM100 (1) |
11:41 |
Down Pass |
1227 - 1127 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
11:50 |
Up Pass |
7012, 7008 'Sprinter' (3) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
12:32 |
Down Freight |
NR91, BL35, 80 Container/Flats (9827 (BA6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
12:42 |
Down Pass |
1226 - 1126, 1228 - 1218 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
12:51 |
Up Pass |
1127 - 1227 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
13:30 |
Up Freight |
G519, G528, G529, GL108, 17 Vans, 10 Container/Flats, 29 Container/Flat/Vans (9752 (PM9 SCT)) (7) (DV) |
13:40 |
Down Pass |
1216 - 1116, 1237 - 1137 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
13:47 |
Up Freight |
NR55, NR10, 50 Container/Flats (9826 (AB6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
14:07 |
Down Pass |
1128 - 1228, 1126 - 1226 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
14:36 |
Down Freight |
NR74, AN3, 52 Container/Flat/Wells (9765 (6MP4 PN TOLL)) (8) (DV) |
14:46 |
Down Pass |
N462 (4) |
14:48 |
Up Pass |
1137 - 1237 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
14:36 |
Down Freight |
NR69, NR79, 18 Steel Flat/Wagons, 5 Container Flats, 8 Steel Flats, 18 Empty Steel Wagons (9821 (WP2 PN STEEL)) (8) (DV) |
15:40 |
Down Pass |
N469 (4) |
16:40 |
Down Freight |
15:48 |
Up Pass |
1116 - 1216 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
16:21 |
Down Pass |
N463 (4) |
16:35 |
Down Pass |
N459 (2) |
16:42 |
Up Pass |
N462 (2) |
16:57 |
Down Pass |
7012, 7010, 7022 'Sprinter' (3) |
17:18 |
Up Pass |
N469 (4) |
17:21 |
Down Pass |
1214 - 1114, 1227 - 1127, 1237 - 1137 V'locity DMU Sets (3) |
17:23 |
Down Freight |
A77, A78, 6 Cement Hoppers, 8 Fuel Wagons, 26 Empty Log Flats (8) (DV) |
return to top
Wednesday 7th February 2007
Ararat - Ballarat Line
08:01 |
Up Pass |
1108 - 1208, 1124 - 1224 V'locity DMU Sets Wendouree. (2) |
08:10 |
Down Special |
EM100 (1) |
return to top
Tuesday 6th February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
14:02 |
Up Pass |
1133 - 1233 V'locity DMU Set Ballarat East. (1) |
14:26 |
Down Pass |
1205 - 1105 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
15:01 |
Up Pass |
1105 - 1205 V'locity DMU Set |
15:22 |
Down Pass |
1224 - 1124, 1208 - 1108 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
16:01 |
Up Pass |
1108 - 1208, 1124 - 1224 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:24 |
Down Pass |
1204 - 1104, 1202 - 1102 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Ballarat East
16:49 |
Stored |
Nowingi Locomotive Ballarat East Yard. (8) |
return to top
Saturday 3rd February 2007
Ballarat Station
14:22 |
Stabled |
G525, Container/Flats Freight Yard Sidings. (10) |
return to top
Friday 2nd February 2007
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
15:02 |
Up Pass |
1126 - 1226 V'locity DMU Set Ballarat East. (1) |
15:19 |
Down Pass |
1233 - 1133, 1237 - 1137 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:01 |
Up Pass |
1137 - 1237, 1133 - 1233 V'locity DMU Sets |
16:25 |
Down Pass |
1206 - 1106, 1212 - 1112 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
return to top
Thursday 1st February 2007
Geelong - Melbourne Lines
10:44 |
Down Pass |
1220 - 1120 V'locity DMU Set Lara. |
10:48 |
Up Pass |
7006, 7017, 7018 'Sprinter' Railcars (4) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
10:59 |
Up Freight |
NR13, XRB560, NR58, 58 Container/Flats (9756 (AM3 PN PATRICKS)) (8) (DV) |
11:42 |
Down Pass |
1217 - 1117 V'locity DMU Set |
11:50 |
Up Pass |
1120 - 1220 V'locity DMU Set (2) |
12:40 |
Down Pass |
1230 - 1130, 1226 - 1126 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
12:50 |
Up Pass |
1117 - 1217 V'locity DMU Set (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
12:53 |
Down Freight |
NR116, NR121, 73 Container/Flats (9827 (BA6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
13:36 |
Down Pass |
1219 - 1119, 1123 - 1223 V'locity DMU Sets (2) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
13:50 |
Up Freight |
NR74, AN3, 46 Container/Flats, 5 Empty Flats (9826 (AB6 PN S/FRT)) (8) (DV) |
15:00 |
Down Pass |
N469 North Shore Station. (1) |
Adelaide (SA) - Melbourne Line
SG |
15:02 |
Down Freight |
NR87, NR114, 37 Container/Flat/Wells (9765 (6MP4 PN TOLL)) (8) (DV) |
16:46 |
Down Freight |
G532, G521, 45 Empty Grain Hoppers (9155 PN) Gheringhap. (8) (DV)
18:20 |
Down Freight |