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Located about halfway between Kooiman Road and Hamilton Blvd., the stop at Pierce was expressly for the loading of live animals.

According to the 1915 ICC route map, Pierce's Stock Pen was located on the northeast bank of Rabbit Creek, and had a single spur dedicated to it. The dimensions of the stock enclosure were 134' x 90', with a 25' ramp to reach the train. The switch to the spur was on the southwest side of the pen, with the spur and the pen on the north side of the Bay Shore main.

Seen in this image is the L&N mainline running the straight line on its way through Theodore, and the Bay Shore mainline with its more relaxed, meandering path.

This enlargement of the Pierce's area shows how the site appeared in 1940. The stock pen seems to have been removed by this date, as does the spur which serviced it.

This photograph of a pen at mile post 17, south of Theodore, may also be similar to the one here at Pierce.