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What happened in 2006, 2007, and 2008?

In a nutshell, nothing. As a group, we have reached a long and seemingly unending plateau of inactivity. There have been no meetings of the group in the last six years, and as far as future activity goes, there are none on the horizon. Sad, but true. It isn't that the interest in this rail line has dwindled, it really is that there is very little new information being discovered.

It also isn't that there have not been other things to occupy our time. The whole of 2006, for example, was a rebuilding and recovery year for the Gulf Coast. Katrina left scars that are still visible and healing in many areas, some more so than others, but it was still a very big storm that whacked our area with more fury than Camille back in 1969. Until 2005, we used to gauge storms in relation to Camille; today we have a new measuring rod.