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At the end of the Mobile & Bay Shore railroad's operational life, the GM&O railroad realigned the "Beltway" route of the GM&N to connect with the Bay Shore division at the curve in Neely. The "Beltway" was originally intended to circumnavigate the city of Mobile on the north side to make a connection with the State Docks and gain greater access to the lucrative overseas traffic. This project was halted by the Federal Government as being a duplication of rail service, but the desired access was gained through an additional action by the Government ordering the M&O and the Southern railroads to loosen their monopolistic grip on their privately-held facilities.

With this connection, the nescessity to route trains through Crichton, about two miles farther to the south, was eliminated. Trains now ran around Crichton and began servicing an area to the west which was becoming more commercially developed. The GM&O now had two separate routes into Mobile with access to the Beauregard facilities.

It is not known if the Bay Shore built a station here, either of the large enclosed passenger-freight type seen farther to the south, or of the box-car-on-stilts type seen at Prichard, Dawes, and Alabama Port, but it is believed there was a pavilion for passengers like those found at Faith, Kennedy, and Parkers. There would also have been a freight platform and a fruit shed, which appears to have been constructed at all flag stops and at some small combination station stops.