This was listed as a flag stop on the timetable, but there was a combination station.
The last known business requiring rail service was a Chrome processor, which had not been built by the 1940 date of
this photograph. Current operators use trucks to bring materials in and out of the facility.
Located on the L&N mainline at the far right is Neshota. The north-south road visible on the right side of the
image is Navco Road.
I-10 would later parallel the L&N through this section, and the I-10/I-65 intersection would be built in
the wooded area in the left half of the image.
Farnell Station, near present-day Morningside Elementary School, as it appeared in 1915. The construction of this
station appears to be similar to the one built at Mertz, but with the addition of the roof extension on one side.