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Jett Brothers' Construction

Jett's was located a short distance south of Fowl River, and was a major supplier of bricks to Mobile throughout the early years of the twentieth century. The operation consisted of four huge brick baking kilns. Three of these kilns were 75' in length and one was 70'. All four were 25' wide.

The Bay Shore trackage was very close to these buildings, and on the east side. A switch was located just south of the facility, and a single spur allowed the cars to be loaded without having to haul the bricks very far. It is not known what kind of cars were used, but it has been speculated that wood-sided gondolas, flats, and box cars were all put into this service from time to time.

By 1940, when this image at right was taken, most if not all of the brick maker's facility had been demolished and only the cleared land remained.

This enlargement at left of the area shows the extent to which the brick maker's baking kilns and support structures have been removed.

The photo at right shows several workers stacking bricks in one of the four kilns.

From the Phil Lewis Collection. Copyright 2001 by Roy Keeley
Jett Brothers' Construction Company,
workers stacking bricks,
circa 1900-1940.
Original image from the Phil Lewis Collection.
Copyright 2001 by Roy Keeley.