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Trustee’s Equipment Tour - June 18th, 2020

        On Thursday June 18th, 2020, the WNYRHS Board of Trustees met at Hamburg, New York to view the Society’s collection of Rolling Stock. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate the current condition of the equipment and decide as to what is needed to further preserve the cars and locomotives. With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the Trustees all wore face masks to prevent infection.

        The first stop was at our Buffalo Creek ALCO HH-660 #43. The loco is in great shape and was just restarted and moved on its own power a few days before our visit. We need to acquire a battery charger at the cost of $1,200 to keep the new battery set that was installed in the engine last year fully charged.

        The I-1sa #4483 needs a good power washing. During a windstorm in the spring a large tree fell on the farside of the tracks and was resting on top of the boiler. In early summer, Bert Fesley, VP of the BSOR, and WNYRHS President, Caryl Youngers, dispached the tree with a large chain saw and hauled the cuttings away. Thank you Bert and Caryl!

        Our Nickel Plate Road Caboose #412 needs a good power washing and painting. It was restored almost 20 years ago, but sun and weather are not great friends of red paint. There are also a couple of windows that need replacing as well. The Lackawanna caboose #906 has fared better over the years. The car was painted using an epoxy-based paint which has some surface chalking which can be removed with rubbing compound and a good waxing.

        The tour continued further down the tracks of the Buffalo Southern Railroad where another nine pieces of equipment are stored. Our 1889 Rotary snowplow was our first stop. Originally built for the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg RR it survived on the New York Central roster into Conrail era and was last used here in Buffalo during the Blizzard of "77". There is not much to do but keep the car secured until it can be moved to the HDC museum.

        One of the little-known pieces of the collection is our Pennsylvania RR 2-bay hopper car built in 1906. Its still painted in its work train scheme and again will eventually be moved to the museum site.

        Next down the track is our Buffalo Creek boxcar which was used in daily flour service all over the eastern United States. Its paint is still in good condition, however we do need to finish the flour bag logo and lettering.

        Besides the cars pictured, we have our wooden NYC caboose and Michigan Central RPO car which have not fared well being stored outside for so many years and need extensive restoration. Our C&O snowplow, UP Baggage Dorm Car, Marie McGrath Budd observation car and the NYC Levi Morton Empire State Express Parlor car are also stored here awaiting restoration.

There is still a lot of work to do and if you wish to volunteer to help or donate to their care, please eMail   Joe Kocsis  and let him know how you would be willing to help, Thank you.


PRR #4483  BCK #43  NYC #1102  NJ #15 


Come take a look at all of our Passenger Equipment from
the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroads.

"A Bunch of Cabooses"

Representing six major railroads that serviced Buffalo

NYC #19602  LV #95050  DL&W #906  BR&P #283  NKP #412  N&W #530306 


RW&O Rotary Plow  C&O Plow  NYC Plow  M19 Speeder 

The society owns an additional 35 historic cars, including
box cars, baggage cars, coal hopper, and RPO rs.

In 1985, through the generousity of an anonamous doner, Buffalo Creek boxcar #4578 was purchased from Conrail and donated to the Society. The 40ft car was built in the early 50's and is one of the last cars still surviving. At one time, thousands of these cars could be viewed at the Buffalo waterfront. Almost overnight, it seems that they have all but disappeared with most being sent to scrappers. The car will be used for storage, and hopefully see a new coat of paint and the "Flour Sack" logo reapplied.

In the photo above, BCK #4578 sits on track that used to be inside the Buffalo Creek roundhouse. Presently, the car has its doorway plated over and a stove stack protruding from its roof. Our thanks go out to Society member Mel Blum who worked on the couplers and brake system to make the car road worthy. The car was delivered to our Hamburg worksite on August 26th, 1985.

In 2001, the WNYRHS bought two 40' "X-29" style boxcars from the Reisdorf Brothers Feed Mill in North Java, NY. Built in 1927 by a subsidiary of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, these well traveled cars were sold to the Arcade & Attica Railroad in 1967 who used them for the shipment of "Creamora" and then sold to Reisdorf Brothers in 1969. Today they are used for storge of  Orchard Park Depot  supplies, displays and equipment.

For over 20 years, our 40' DL&W boxcar and N&W caboose #530306 were on display at the Erie County Fairgrounds in Hamburg, NY. In August of 2014, the Fairgrounds asked us to remove them in addition to a CSX, ex. D&H 50' 1960's Pullman Standard built  "Operation Lifesaver"  boxcar. CSX generously donated their "OL" boxcar to the Society and in September 2014, all three cars were moved to the  Heritage DiscoveRY Center.

"Railway Express Agency"/Baggage Car

Baggage/REA Car, #2040 ex Conrail #489012, exx Erie Lackawanna #489012, nee Delaware Lackawanna &Western #2040. Built by the Pullman Standard Car Company in 1925. Now on permanent display at our Orchard Park, New York, depot and is used for storage of depot displays.

4000 gallon, "Two Dome," Tank Car.

4000 gallon, 100,000 pound "Two Dome" tank car built by "North American Car Company." Built in 1960, it makes this the youngest piece of rolling stock the Society owns. Now on permanent display at the  Heritage DiscoveRY Center.  in Buffalo, NY.

Hear the Bell

This page was last updated: July 8th, 2020

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The WNYRHS, Inc., 100 Lee Street, Buffalo, NY. 14210 is an independent organization and has no affiliation with any other local or national group.
The Society is a fully qualified organization under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to the Society are tax deductible.
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  Web Design & Hosted by  - Scott H.