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NYC #1102 - Alco FA

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ALCO - FA2  #1102

NYC FA-2 was built in 1951 by Alco-GE as NYC class DFA-7c, series (1088-1107), came equipped with a model 244 prime mover, which produced 1600 HP. Exx-LIRR #600, ex-PC #1302, nee NYC #1102, b/n 79301 10/1951. #1102 hauled freight for the Central and was the last FA to be serviced at the NYC shops in Collinwood, Ohio before the Penn Central merger. The LIRR acquired it in 1974 and operated her until 1985. Today it is the last surviving example of of a New York Central Railroad, Alco FA. Stored awaiting restoration in South Buffalo, New York.


Our Sincere thanks go out to Tim Darnell for providing these historical photo's when #1102 was running daily passenger trains on "MetroRail" back in the late 70's. Tim was a resident of Long Island when he captured these images. Wouldn't it be great if we could find some when she was in her NYC Lightning Stripes?

This page was last updated: October 24th, 2019

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