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PENNSYLVANIA Railroad Parlor Car

#7135 - Pennsylvania Railroad, 29 seat, 1 drawing room "Parlor Car"
Part of the Pennsy's "Congressional Fleet." Once used by a railroad president and for VIP's.

Renamed to honor Francis J. McGrath, 1905-1986, a prominent Hamburg, New York State Attorney, and Western New York Railway Historical Society benefactor. This ex-Pennsylvania Railroad parlor car #7135 (originally named for "Leonard Calvert" 1st governor of Maryland) was built for the PRR "Congressional Limited" in 1952.

The "Francis J. McGrath" is currently on long term lease to the  "Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad",  based in Lakeview, New York. The car is stored in the engine house in Olean. In 2014, the WNY&P RR completely repainted and lettered the "Pennsylvania" and "Francis J McGrath" boards on the coach. Over the summer of 2016, the WNYRHS "Car Crew" restored the interior of the car to its near original livery. The hard work by the can be seen in many  "photos and story" here.

the"OHIO" #7509
An open end 1929 platform car used by
President Eisenhower in his 1952 campaign.

The mid-train lounge "Atlantic Shore" and sleeper
 "Port Clinton", used by movie stars and VIP's
from the most famous of trains.

SIX COACHES from the
Sold to the  "Medina Railroad Museum"  - 7/1/2021

In early 1984, the WNYRHS acquired from Amtrak©, former New York Central Railroad coach cars #2906, #2915, #2918, #2932, and #2941. In December of 2006, car  #2933   joined the fleet in Medina ready for service.

For 37 years, a small group of dedicated WNYRHS members spent countless hours, upgrading and maintaining the fleet for passenger use on local rails for fan trips and tourist operations. They were used on many chartered excusions most notably on our "Glass City Limited" trips behind Nickel Plate steam locomotive, #765 and "Friendship Festivals" between Buffalo and Fort Erie Ontairo in the early 90's. However, the cost of liability insurance kept increasing to a point, making the use of the cars impracticable. In 2007, the WNYRHS entered into a long term lease with the "Medina Railroad Museum" who could support the insurance costs. For over 14 years, the cars were used on thousands of train rides on the "Falls Road" Railroad using their locomotives for power.

In early 2020, the WNYRHS Board of Trustee's decided that the cost of maintaining the fleet of passenger cars, in both manpower and money, was not in the best interest of the Society. With no local railroad willing to incure the liability of running passenger trains on their rails, the Society entered into talks with the "Medina Railroad Museum" to purchase the six cars. On July 1st, 2021 the final paperwork was signed and ownership was transfered to the Museum.

These Stainless Steel, 56 seat cars, part of Amtrak series "5630-5689", were built as New York Central Railroad lot #2171 between October 1946 - March 1947 by the Edward G. Budd Company, series #2900 - 2959. Initially, these cars were assigned to the Central's famous New York - Chicago  "Empire State Express"and Later in their careers, saw service on the entire NYC System. On welded rail, these cars run incredibly smooth and are very quiet, a tibute to the quaility of "Budd" built cars!

All six of the cars have been extensively renovated and overhauled and are now owned by, The  Medina Railroad Museum,  in Medina, New York. The Medina Railroad Museum offers many different excursions including the very successful  "Day Out With Thomas©"  Trips, using the coaches and Falls Road Railroad motive power. In 2007, the Medina Railroad Museum purchased two vintage New York Central E-8 diesel locomotives (NYC 4068 and NYC 4080), which are in the process of being restored. Please visit their site for all the rail excursions that they will be offering this coming season!

Take a close-up look at all six. Click on the image below for an enlarged view

#2906             #2915                 #2918                   #2932              #2933             #2941

You can see below just some of the work that goes into keeping the coaches in top operating condition. Almost all of the cars have had their interiors restored to as rebuilt by Amtrak© condition with new upholstery and carpeting. It takes many seasonal tasks keeping the Air Conditioning and Heating Units in top condition. Routine oil changes after so many hours of operation are a necessity to prevent unpleasant break downs. Power Washing and Scrubing are part of routine maintenance and the shine off the Stainless Steel is well worth the effort. Every two years "COT&S" inspections of the "D22" Air Brake System have to be completed which required the "Cleaning" "Oiling" "Testing" and "Stenciling" inspection/certification of each brake valve on all the cars. Rick H. of the Medina Railroad Museum, contines to supervise the work.



This page was last updated: September 15th, 2021

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The WNYRHS, Inc., 100 Lee Street, Buffalo, NY. 14210 is an independent organization and has no affiliation with any other local or national group.
The Society is a fully qualified organization under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to the Society are tax deductible.
©Copyright 1999 -2025, WNYRHS Inc. all rights reserved

  Web Design & Hosted by  - Scott H.