"49" Class
The "49" Class locomotive, road numbers 4901 - 4918, are ex-State Rail (NSW), now owned by various companies. The power of these units is 950hp.
4903 still features "Patrick's" 'red and yellow' livery. It is is ran by Sydney Rail Services as the 'Picnic Train'. Last sighted 3rd March 2023 pushing Up Pass, with 5917 pulling also leading a water pod, with the last '"Junee" 'Picnic Train' shuttle, passing through Frampton (NSW).
4904 features "Southern Shorthaul Railroad's" 'black and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 4th March 2023 Up Freight trailing CLF1, leading CLP12, CLF4 and 53 empty grain hoppers, passing through Shepherds (NSW).
4905 is privately owned and in use by Traction Engineering for static traction motor testing. Last sighted 29th April 2011 stored on transfer bogies, Seymour turntable road siding.
4906 still features "Patrick" 'red and yellow' livery. It is now owned by Lachlan Valley Railway. Last sighted 3rd January 2016 stabled, Sutherlands siding, Cootamundra (NSW).
4908 features "Coote Industrial's" 'green and yellow' livery. It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 3rd March 2023 idle latched behind 4910, and to grain hoppers, Sutherlands (SSR) sidings, Cootamundra (NSW).
4910 features "Southern Shorthaul Railroad's" 'black, white and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 3rd March 2023 idle, latched to 4908 and grain hoppers, Sutherlands (SSR) sidings, Cootamundra (NSW).
4911 features "Consolidated Rail Leasing's" 'black, red and yellow' livery. It is owned by Consolidated Rail Leasing and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 22nd July 2023 Down Freight trailing 42103, VL355, GM10 and 4917, leading a rail set (8 wagons), passing through Tatyoon.
4916 still features 'Candy Red' livery. It is now owned by Transport Heritage NSW. Last sighted 6th April 2019 stabled, NSW rail museum yard sidings, Thirlmere (NSW).
4917 features "Southern Shorthaul Railroad's" 'black, white and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 22nd July 2023 Down Freight trailing 42103, VL355 and GM10, leading 4911 and a rail set (8 wagons), passing through Tatyoon.
"80" Class
The "80" Class locomotive, road numbers 8001 - 8050, are ex-State Rail (NSW), now owned by various companies. The power of these units is 2150hp.
8004 still features "Freightcorp's" 'blue and yellow' livery however the 'Freightcorp' logos have been covered with 'Pacific National' logos. Last sighted 5th January 2016 stored, Werris Creek loco turntable sidings (NSW).
8005 now features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Pacific National. Last sighted 30th May 2013 idle, Morandoo yard, Port Waratah, Newcastle (NSW).
8025 now features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Pacific National. Last sighted 9th March 2019 idle, latched to TT112, Port Kembla loco depot sidings (NSW).
8026 now features "Greentrains" 'green and yellow' livery with "Coote Industrial" logos. It is owned by SCT Logistics. Last sighted 24th May 2013 Up light engine trailing EL54, leading EL60, running into South Dynon, Melbourne.
8030 now features "Qube Logistic's" 'silver and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Qube Logistics. Last sighted 3rd January 2016 shunting trailing 864 and 872, leading container/flats, Harefield intermodal terminal siding (NSW).
8033 now features "Pacific National's" 'blue and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by Pacific National.
Last sighted 6th April 2019 Up Freight trailing NR5 and NR79, leading AN5 and 85 container/flats (including 5 Sadliers vans and 2 well wagons), passing through Picton (NSW).
8037, once numbered 80s4 in service with Silverton Tramways, now features "Coote Industrial's" 'green and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by QUBE Logistics. Last sighted 28th January 2021 Up Freight leading QBX001, container/flats (cement (tanktainers)) and empty flats, passing Mathiesons siding, Wandong.
8044 now features "Coote Industrial's" 'green and yellow' livery. It is owned and operated by QUBE Logistics. Last sighted 4th May 2019 Down Freight trailing CM3312, leading CM3304, CM3310, CM3313 and 40 grain hoppers, passing through Marulan (NSW).
8049 now features "Coote Industrial's" 'green and yellow' livery. It is now owned by Southern Shorthaul Railroad. Last sighted 11th March 2017 stabled, Parkes loco depot sidings (NSW).