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Union Pacific Railroad
UP Power Part Three

When the Union Pacific and the Missouri Pacific railroads merged in the early 1980's new power for the MoPac was deleivered in UP livery with the MoPac lettering on the side, such as this SD50.

Fairly new MP SD50 #5053 leads four SD50s and one MP SD40-2 over MKT rails with a San Antonio coal train in 1985. Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection.

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#5000-9999, UP Y-series


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UP GP40-2 #5318 - (same unit as above) is ex-Western Pacific #3554. It was renumbered as Union Pacific 909, then to UP 2911. The unit was renumbered to UP 5364 in 2000. The 5318 is seen in San Antonio in June 1999. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 5610 - (B40-8) at Union, NE. 3/31/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP GP60 #5777 - is former Cotton Belt #9675. It is seen here in Kirby, Texas in 2001. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP 6350 - on the BNSF's Omaha line at Lincoln, Nebraska; 4/29/02 - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP 6876 - with a C&NW and a UP sister at Lincoln. 1/13/96 - T. Greuter Photo

Union Pacific DD40X #6936 - pulls a passenger special at Vancouver, Washington in 1994. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

Union Pacific DD40X #6938 - is on display at the Jenks Locomotive Facility in North Little Rock, Arkansas in October 1994. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

Union Pacific DD40X #6946 - is on display at the Feather River Rail Museum in Portola, California in July 1989. The 6946 was the first DD40X to be retired by the Union Pacific in 1984. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 7314 - (9C44/60AC) after a snowy trip to Lincoln. February 2001 - T. Greuter Photo

View inside the cab of UP SD90MAC #8041 in 1997. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

View of the desktop controls of SD90MAC #8041 in 1997. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 9020 - a powerful C36-7 leads a Southern Pacific SD40t-2 engine. These locomotives were delivered to MoPac in UP yellow paint after the 1982 merger. Lincoln, Nebraska, 5/1/97 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 9143 - (C40-8) From out of the morning fog - a UP frieght materializes like a ghost at Lincoln Station. 12/13/95 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 9296 - (C40-8) leads a five-unit string pulling out cars from Lincoln's OL&B. 11/11/95 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 9896
- ex MP GP38-2 at Southern Pacific's Kirby Yard in 2000 - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP 9904
- (ex- MP 3155) in full colors of the 'Great Yellow Borge', recently seen at east yard in San Antonio, Texas. Like many other 40-2's on the UP, she is today phased out in favor of a roster of more standardized and recent power. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 9907 - (SD40-2, ex-MP) with Little Rock block lettering on its hood pauses at Union, Nebraska. It has been newly re-numbered by Union Pacific. 3/31/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP SD40-2 9928 - is pictured here in Temple, Texas on a BNSF freight in March 2001. The 9928 is former MP 3280. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP Y 545 - (GP15) at the Boone, Iowa yard, deep in C&NW territory. Notice the lightning stripe red trim now being applied by the company. 9/8/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP Y 716 - one of 30 GP15s owned by MP, the former MP 1716 is seen at Boone, Iowa 9/8/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP Y 744 - the former MP 1744, the last unit of MP's final order for GP15's at Boone, Iowa 9/8/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP MP15AC #Y1482 - is ex Southern Pacific 2754. It is seen here in Houston, Texas in October 2001. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

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UP Challenger & #1-999
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Union Pacific Power Pt.3
#5000-9999, UP Y-series
Union Pacific Equipment


Snoot-nose SD40-2, UP 3311 at Union Nebraska, 3/31/01 - T. Greuter Photo

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Latest update: Thursday, 13 November, 2003

All photos & text � 2000-2003 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles , unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.

Contributing Photographer:
Jay Glenewinkel, Steve Rude, Steve Schuman, Joe Locke

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