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UP Power Part Two

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Union Pacific Power Pt.1
UP Challenger & #1-999
Union Pacific Power Pt.3
#5000-9999, UP Y-series


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UP SW1500 #1000 - was built as SP 2656 in June 1972. It was repainted to UP #1000 in 1997. It is seen here in San Antonio, Texas in March 1997. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 1102 - at Council Bluffs, Iowa; 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP SW1500 #1183 - is former Southern Pacific #2662. The unit was the first SP locomotive to recieve UP numbers and paint. It was completed on December 12, 1996. It is seen here at Kirby Yard, in San Antonio on December 18, 1996.- Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 1259 & 1256 - at Council Bluffs, Iowa; 4/94 - Richard Wilson Photo/ T. Greuter Collection ·

UP MK1500DC #1299 - is seen in Boise, Idaho in 1996. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP GP15-1 #1543 - was built as CNW 4413 in June 1976. The CNW lease expired and it went to the California Northern in 1993, as California Northern 102 in October 1996. The unit was then leased to UP and became UP 1543. It is seen here in San Antonio in December 1996. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

Union Pacific SD40-2 #1996 - in the Olympic Paint Scheme. It is pictured in Portland, Oregon in 1996. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP 2019 - the exaust plumes are straight up as this GP38-2 leans into it's haul at Lincoln, Nebraska; August 1995 - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP 2059 and #2019 - cross a bridge on the old MoPac Union-Lincoln line to deliver and pickup grain hoppers and lumber for local industries. The location is on the university campus at Lincoln, Nebraska; 8/95 - T. Greuter Photo ·


UP 2059 - (GP38-2) this train crosses Salt Creek on it's way to the Lincoln, Nebraska yards. 8/12/95 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 2087 - (ex-MoPac) a GP 38-2. Lincoln, Nebraska 1/13/96 - T. Greuter Photo

UP GP38-2 #2108 - is former MP 2108. It is seen in San Antonio in 1999. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP 2163 - (ex-MP) a GP38-2 at Falls City, Nebraska. 5/3/97 - T. Greuter Photo

UP GP38-2 #2196 - is former MP 2196. It is seen here in the ground after a roll out in 1988 in San Antonio, Texas. The unit only sustained minor damage, and was repaired and back on the rails within a few months. - Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection 

UP 2263 - (GP38-2) leads another former MoPac loco, #9020 (C36-7) and former Southern Pacific #5397 (SD40T-2) on the rails cutting through the university campus to drop off grain cars at OL&B. Since theses rails now lead to a dead-end, the locos will later push the cars out instead of pulling. Lincoln, NE 5/1/97. - T. Greuter Photo

UP 2295
- an ex- MoPac GP38-2, still wears the Little Rock block-style lettering. Lincoln, NE 11/16/95. - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP 2295 - a GP38-2, still wears the Little Rock block-style lettering. 11/16/95 Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP GP38-2 2310 - is seen here in San Antonio in 1992. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

A greasy GP38-2 UP 2320 - changes cars on a hazy Saturday afternoon. Lincoln, NE 6/3/95 - T. Greuter Photo
UP 2325 and #2309 - both GP38-2's, back some grain hoppers onto the OL& B track. Lincoln, NE 3/24/96 - T. Greuter Photo
UP 2325 - Rear detail of #2325, caught again, this time parked at Union, Nebraska, 4/13/97. Note the spare set of coupler knuckles. - T. Greuter Photo
UP 2328 - (GP38-2). For this shot I had to climb a non-operational block signal standing where the Rock Island and MP once crossed. Lincoln, NE 3/11/97 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 2176 (SD60), 9146 (C40-8) & 9624 (ex-SP, C44-9W) - a string of locos are parked at the front door of the UP's freight office. A BN coal train heading east from Wyoming is on the mainline in the background. Lincoln, NE - T. Greuter Photo

UP SD50 #2235 - is ex Missouri Pacific power, in San Antonio, Texas in 2001. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP 2332 and #1102 - at Council Bluffs, Iowa; 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

UP 2511 - (U33C). Looking a bit like something the cat dragged-in. Lincoln, NE 9/26/95 - T. Greuter Photo

UP C36-7 #2654 - is former MP/UP 9054. It is seen here in San Antonio in May 2000. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP SD40R #2702 - is ex Southern Pacific power in San Antonio, Texas in 2001. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP SD40T #2945 - is likely ex-Southern Pacific power, seen here at Council Bluffs, Iowa on November 17, 2001. - Todd Greuter Photo

UP GP40-2 #2911 - (ex-Western Pacific #3554, UP#909) is seen in San Antonio in 1998. - Steve Rude Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP U30C #2950 - is viewed from the Yard Masters Tower at Centennial Yard in Fort Worth, TX in 1984. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

UP SD40X #3044 - is pictured here in San Antonio, Texas in 1992 in regular service. This unit became a part of UPs heritage fleet in Cheyenne, Wyoming. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo


UP 3134 - an SD40-2, with a Norfolk Sourthern B 33 at Lincoln, NE UP's yard. 3/29/96 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 3155 - an SD40-2, approaches the Salt Creek bridge . 11/16/95 Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·
UP 3298 - an SD40-2 sleeps through a late snowing in UP's Lincoln yard. 3/26/96 - T. Greuter Photo

Union Pacific SD40-2 #3300 - in the United Way Paint Scheme. It is pictured at Albina Yard in Portland, Oregon. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

Union Pacific SD40-2 #3593 - in the Desert Victory Paint Scheme. It is pictured in Portland, Oregon in 1993. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

UP 4154 - (SD40-2, ex-MP) throttles through Union on it's run to Omaha, Nebraska from Kansas City. 4/13/97 - T. Greuter Photo
UP 4205 - (SD40-2, ex-MP) sports the North Little Rock-style block lettering. Built in August, 1975 as MP 3205, now converted to a "B" unit, rides into UP's yard. under the Sun Valley Blvd. bridge in Lincoln. The best spotting feature for former MoPac and some M-K-T owned, EMD-built units are their lack of dynamic brakes. 6/27/95 - T. Greuter Photo
UP 4205 - It's a hot, muggy Independence Day as #4205 is found again, parked outside Lincoln Station platform in downtown Lincoln, NE. 7/4/95 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 4556 - The EMD unit showing the new shield and wings on the nose and lighting stripe trim on the sides is parked on a siding for a rail business/safety expo in Lincoln, Nebraska, 9/01 - T. Greuter Photo

UP 4572 - also with wings, seen at Council Bluffs, Iowa on November 17, 2001. - Todd Greuter Photo

Brand New Union Pacific SD70M #4899 - sports the American Flag in honor of America's Freedom. This unit is among several UP SD70Ms to recieve this special paint scheme. It is pictured in San Antonio, Texas on April 14, 2002. - Jay Glenewinkel Photo


GP 38-2 #2323 picks up cement cars at the Ready-Mix plant near the state fair grounds, Lincoln, Nebraska. 1/9/96 - T. Greuter Photo

The Merger Era - Say Farewell (1983-2000)
Union Pacific acquired control of Missouri Pacific Railroad and Western Pacific Railway on December 22, 1982. Missouri Pacific was merged into Union Pacific on January 1, 1997. The delay in full merger came from MP's long term corporate bonds using MP's property as collateral. To renegotiate those bonds, UP would have had to pay a much higher interest rate, so they just left the bonds as they were, and instead controlled MP 15 years until they were all paid off.

Between January and March 1980, UP purchased 87 percent of the stock of Western Pacific Railway. Upon ICC approval of UP control of WP in December 1982, the remainder of WP's stock was sold to UP.

The board of directors for both Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific approved the prospective merger of the two roads in late April 1980. The formal application for UP to control MP and WP was filed with the ICC on September 12, 1980.

Union Pacific was granted control of Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad on August 12, 1988. MKT was leased to UP-controlled Missouri Pacific until all of MKT's legal matters could be settled. MKT�s subsidiaries, San Antonio Belt & Terminal, and the Oklahoma, Kansas, & Texas (which MKT had organized to purchase its former CRI&P lines) were merged with MKT on November 30, 1989. MKT was merged into Missouri Pacific on December 1, 1989.

Union Pacific was granted control of Chicago & Northwestern Railway on April 12, 1995, after having purchased minority control on December 13, 1994. C&NW was merged into UP on June 23, 1995. On August 1, 1995, UP merged with Western Railroad Properties (WRPI) which C&NW had organized to build its line into the Wyoming Powder River Basin.

Union Pacific was granted control of Southern Pacific on September 11, 1996. At the time, Southern Pacific also controlled Denver & Rio Grande Western (D&RGW) and St. Louis Southwestern (SSW, Cotton Belt).

D&RGW was merged into UP on June 30, 1997.

UP 754 - (GP38-2, ex-MP 2254) pauses between jobs at its Union, Nebraska yard. The GP38-2 has been newly re-numbered by Union Pacific. 3/31/01 - T. Greuter Photo

SPCSL (Southern Pacific Chicago St. Louis) Corporation was merged into UP on June 30, 1997.

SSW was merged into UP on September 30, 1997.

SP was merged into UP on February 28, 1998. The full name for the Southern Pacific was the Southern Pacific Transportation Co., organized and incorporated in Delaware. To benefit from this corporate location, Union Pacific Railroad, previously a Utah corporation, was merged with SPT on February 28, 1998, and on the same day, the SPT name was changed to Union Pacific Railroad Co.

Go to Screaming Eagles-
'From Bluebirds to Canaries'
for MoPac Units on the UP

Continue... with UP Power Part 3

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Union Pacific Power Pt.1
UP Challenger & #1-999
Union Pacific Power Pt.2
Union Pacific Power Pt.3
#5000-9999, UP Y-series
Union Pacific Equipment


Snoot-nose SD40-2, UP 3311 at Union Nebraska, 3/31/01 - T. Greuter Photo

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Latest update: Saturday, 28 January, 2006

All photos & text � 2000-2003 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles , unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.

Contributing Photographer:
Jay Glenewinkel, Steve Rude, Steve Schuman, Joe Locke

Recommended Links:
Union Pacific R.R.
UPRR-Public Equipment Trace