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BNSF / Great Plains-West Rail Galleries
BNSF in Nebraska Gallery



BNSF Power - Part 1, #100-4999
BNSF 4333 in "Heritage II" paint pulls into Hobson Yard - March 3, 2001 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF continues the Lincoln tradition began by predessors CB&Q and BN. Being the central hub of four major mainlines and the main coal corridor from Wyoming's Powder River, Lincoln's rail traffic is very busy. Lincoln is also home to the premier repair facilities of the BNSF's Havelock Shops, and Hobson Yard. Times for the BNSF are good - Hobson Yard, has been under consideration for expansion, though it has faced stiff opposition from the city.

BNSF in Lincoln
With over 70 freights passing through every 24 hours, Lincoln is one of BNSF's busiest terminals.�The best places to catch some action is at the east and west entrances of Lincoln's Hobson Yard. Particularly heavy traffic is run on the Kansas City line (Hill St. Jct. is a favorite spot), and on the Omaha/Chicago line between Lincoln and Ashland (from which quite a few shots are included here).�Most common power used are the SD70MACs in coal service, though BN and Santa Fe Geeps and SDs can still be seen in grain and mixed-freight service every day.

Hobson Yard
Built in 1906 by the CB&Q and named after a local yard master, Hobson, measuring 3 miles long by a half-mile wide, handles all traffic coming off four major BNSF routes into Nebraska. It has a locomotive repair and maintenance facility, two main line fueling and servicing racks and a a yard for flat switching cars. Over the years, since the 1970 merger of GN/NP/SP&S/CB&Q, Burlington Northern expanded the former Chicago, Burlington & Quincy yard facilities to accommodate the influx of new coal traffic. The yard remains a major rail center today as part of the BNSF system.

Havelock Shops
Lincoln is also home to the BNSF's Havelock Shops, a car repair facility concentrating on repairing wrecked cars and rebuilding worn out ones.

Routes to Lincoln
The four major routes entering Lincoln are: the Ravenna Line (to Alliance, Nebraska), the Hastings Line (to Denver, Colorado), the Kansas City Line (to Kansas City, Missouri) and the Omaha Line (to Omaha, Nebraska and Chicago, Illinois). The Ravenna Line is the busiest of the four main lines that radiate from Lincoln, and the gateway to Wyoming coal fields.

Where to Watch
Soon after the Burlington Northern's merger with the Sante Fe, rail traffic has became very colorful... and a railfan paradise. Popular train-watching areas include: the eastern and western throats of Hobson Yard (which is always your best bet being the convergence of the four mainlines), the 17th Street entrance to the State Fairgrounds often has a west-bound train stopped for rail traffic ahead, the mainline double-track stretching along Cornhusker Highway to the Havelock Shops, and Lincoln Station in the Haymarket District downtown. Overhead views of the mainline can be seen from the 10th Street pedestrian overpass and a pedestrain walk along the "O" Street bridge.
Further west over Hobson Yard, highway I-80 and BNSF's own overpass are not open to pedestrain traffic. A hill top view overlooking a curving KC Line at Hill Street Junction is a favorite photgraphy site (the Union Pacific's Lincoln-Beatrice line which paralleled the KC line here is now abandoned).

Map of BNSF in Lincoln

Click below for a system map of the state of Nebraska (BNSF server)
BNSF in Nebraska Map

Burlington Northern Santa Fe operates one of the largest rail networks in North America, with 33,500 route miles covering 28 states and two Canadian provinces.

Below are images of the BNSF, mainly from the Omaha, Hastings, Kansas City and Revenna Lines in Nebraska - locomotives, equipment and some inside cab shots. Most photos were taken at Lincoln, Nebraska unless otherwise noted.


BNSF Paint Schemes-101 (Heritage I and Heritage II)
There are two basic variations of the BNSF paint scheme (not including the motely assortment of "patch jobs" inflicted on predecessor units). The reason for the "heritage" designation is for the use of classic elements pulled from predecessors BN's and ATSF's history - the dark green and orange scheme is directly adapted from Burlington Northern predecessor Great Northern (especially as seen in Heritage I), and the old Santa Fe emblem modified for the merged railroads new name. The silver undercarriage is reminiscent of ATSF units as well.

An example of "Heritage II" paint, worn here by BNSF #1100. Colors inspired by predecessor Great Northern
"Heritage II" paint on BNSF # 4333. This scheme harkens a bit more of the old Santa Fe.

Heritage I units are a bit less common. On these units the BNSF emblem applied to the nose is a perfectly round circle.

The later Heritage II scheme uses an emblem which is closer to the original nose ornamentation used by Santa Fe before the merger. These units are identified by an oblong emblem stretched horizontally across the unit's nose with bars on either side. The yellow striping was widened into bars (mirroring the bars of the nose emblem) while the yellow side sill stripes were dropped all together. In addition, the yellow is also outlined with black pinstripe edging, and the large "BNSF" on the long hood is likewise displayed in yellow (instead of the dark green of Heritage I).

BNSF Galleries Menu

BNSF Power Pt. 1
BNSF Power Pt. 2
BNSF Equipment
Freight, MoW
BNSF Power Roster
as of 2001

Related Galleries:
Burlington Northern Gallery I Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Gallery

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.

BNSF GP60M #134 - in Portland, Oregon. - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

BNSF 538 and UP 4556 - are open for business for a local rail safety and business expo at Lincoln, Nebraska. 9/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 774
- at Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF C44-9W #1008 - is seen at North Portland Junction, in Portland, Oregon in August 2000 - Steve Schuman Photo/Jay Glenewinkel Collection

BNSF 1023
- 2002; Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 1025 - also a Dash 9; 3/15/97 - T. Greuter Photo
BNSF 1038 - a Dash 9-44CW, pauses near the state fairgrounds at 17th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. 3/97 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1038 - An old BN crew car, still in green paint brings a fresh crew and relieves the old; Lincoln, Nebraska 3/97 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1038 - Lincoln, Nebraska 3/97 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1066 - a Dash 9-44CW, SD40-2 BNSF 6986 in BN paint, and an unidentified EMD leased unit are parked beside #4820, also a Dash 9 at the fairgrounds. The two Dash 9's display the early and the newer "Santa Fe-ed" version of the BNSF nose emblem; Lincoln, Nebraska 4/01. - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1071
- Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·
BNSF 1100 - with a friendly wave from the engineer, the Dash 9 begins to pull out of the BNSF's Hobson Yard; Lincoln, Nebraska 3/15/97 - T. Greuter Photo
BNSF 1100 - grinds to a hault... it's been stopped due to a faulty switch ahead. - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1100 - the crew waits... - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1100 - ... and waits - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1100 - the engine revs, were moving... - T. Greuter Photo
BNSF 1100 - the crew finally gets the go ahead to pull out of Hobson Yard; Lincoln, Nebraska 3/15/97 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1100 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 1406
- on the Ravenna Line at Emerald, Nebraska, 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 1703 - the former BN 904, one of only four GP9b's on the system, assigned to the Havelock Shops, is still in it's old paint, but wearing a new name and number. Lincoln, Nebraska 3/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 2701
- new Remote Controlled geep hits the rails at Lincoln, Nebraska. April 2003 - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 2822
- passes a cluster of grain elevators as it surges southbound to Hill Street Junction in south Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 2833 - with a MofW train stopped at the wye at East Ashland, NE 8/11/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 3136
- takes a long curve west of Ashland, Nebraska; 5/01 - T. Greuter Photo ·

Ex-Santa Fe BNSF 3173 - along with sister unit 316?, both GP50's followed by a BN C30-7 enter the western entrance of Hobson Yard on the Crete line. 3/3/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 3502
- rolls out of Hobson Yard, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 3643
- at Hobson Yard, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002 - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 3644 - an SW10; Lincoln, Nebraska 4/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 3835
- ex-ATSF Geep. 2002; Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 4333 - a Dash 9-44CW in "Heritage II" paint, pulls into west Hobson Yard; 3/3/01 - T. Greuter Photo


BNSF 4412 - at Lincoln, Nebraska. 12/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 4418 - a Dash 9-44CW, waits at the state fairgrounds; Lincoln, Nebraska 3/3/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 4418 - with a Norfolk Southern unit wait at the state fairgrounds with a grain train; Lincoln, Nebraska 3/3/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 4492 - a Dash 9-44CW, looks sullen on this hazy summer day as it crosses 48th Street on the Omaha line, west of the Havelock shops. Lincoln, Nebraska 6/20/00 - T. Greuter Photo


BNSF 4559 - San Antonio TX - Jay Glenewinkel Photo

BNSF 4608
- in action somewhere between Ashland and Lincoln, Nebraska - T. Greuter Photo ·

BNSF 4702 - a Dash 9-44CW, in Sante Fe colors, followed by SD40u #6330 in pumpkin paint, and BN 2835(?), a modified GP 35 (aka GP39m), are greeted by an admiring railfan east of Hobson Yard; Lincoln, Nebraska 4/8/01 - T. Greuter Photo

BNSF 4795 - at Chaffee, Missouri - © photo Craig Meador

Continue with Power Part Two
- BNSF Power #5000-9999

BNSF Galleries Menu

BNSF Power Pt. 1
BNSF Power Pt. 2
BNSF Equipment
Freight, MoW
BNSF Power Roster
as of 2001

Related Galleries:
Burlington Northern Gallery I Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Gallery



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Latest update: Thursday, 13 November, 2003

All photos & text � 2000-2003 T. Greuter / Screaming Eagles , unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.

Contributing Photographer: Steve Schuman, Jay Glenewinkel, and Craig Meador

Recommended Links:
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
BNSF Custom Equipment Trace
Grumpy's World - great local photos
QStation - BNSF/BN/ATSF resource
BNSF Railroads - great local photos