SCL Numbers: 4614 -4645, 4700 - 4809, Family Lines 4975 - 4979.
The number series scheduled for GP9's and GP18's was 4614 - 46??, with 4645 becoming the 46??. These units had alignment control couplers, and the engine was a General Motors 16-645C. The number series scheduled for GP7's was 4700 - 49??. The 4979 would become the 49??. However, the 4809 was the highest unit in the 4800's. This number series would have non-alignment control couplers and a General Motors 16-645BC engine. There were a few oddities in this schedule as seen below:
- SCL 4614 was rebuilt from SCL 1044 and when painted in Waycross in May of 1979 it emerged still wearing the number 1044. Apparently the number 4614 was painted on the side of the cab, but was covered up with cardboard. The number 1044 was applied to the cardboard. The number boards also displayed the number 1044. SCL Diesel Data book dated 1/11/1980 lists the 1044 as retired 9/25/1979. It also lists the 4614 as built 10/02/1979. click on the underlined SCL 4614 to see a photo.
- SCL 4704 was built 11/27/1979 from SCL GP7 769, but emerged as SCL 4621. This error was fixed but not before Bill Folsom grabbed a shot of it in Manchester, Ga. See photo by clicking on the loco number. Still unanswered is why the 4621#1 would have been out shopped before SCL 4617 through 4620. These units have rebuild dates of 12/79 through 3/80
- Spotting the difference between SCL 4621 #1 & #2: SCL 4621#1 had the fueling adapter location at the rear of the fuel tank while the SCL 4621#2's fueling adapter location was at the front of the fuel tank. There were only 4 GP16's with the fueling adapter location at the front of the fuel tank. They were SCL 4621#2, SCL 4625, 4631 and SBD 4805
- CRR 4600-4613 and SCL 4618. These were all rebuilt from former Clinchfield RR GP7’s and ended up in the 4600’s.
- SCL 4805 was rebuilt from L&N 2412, a GP9.
SBD Numbers:
Although a new numbering system for the GP16's was initiated on April 1, 1984, Seaboard System retained the same GP16 numbers assigned by SCL and no changes were made. CSX implemented the new numbers in 1987.
Dates of Operations for Seaboard System Railroad was January 1, 1983 to June 30, 1986.
CSX Numbers:
The renumbering into the 1700’s and 1800’s was scheduled by CSX Corporation on April 1, 1984 as stated in a roster dated August 1, 1984 and reaffirmed in a November 1, 1985 roster. However, it wasn't until 1987 before CSX would renumber the GP16’s. The first renumbered GP16 I saw was the 1766 on 2/13/1987 in Baldwin Fla. I have also included some renumbering info that was marked on the locomotives themselves.
- CSX 4602 number changed to CSX 1702 on 5/18/1987 SLS. Info was marked on side of cab. Checked 2/15/1990 in Newberry Fla.
- CSX 4644 number changed to CSX 1744 on 6/19/1987 SLS. Info came from side of cab. Checked 4/08/1990 Baldwin Fla. Checked again 9/22/1990 Baldwin Fla.
- CSX 4701 number changed to CSX 1747 on 5-6-1987 SLS. Info marked on side of cab. Checked 6/23/1988 in Newberry Fla and again on 11-5-1989 in Wildwood Fla. Checked again 7/15/1990 Baldwin Fla. Checked on 1/01/1991 in Baldwin Fla.
- CSX 4747 number changed to CSX 1793 on 5/18/1987 SLS. Info was marked on side of cab. Checked 1/15/1988 in Gainesville, Fla. Note that 4602 and 4747 had their number changed on the same day.
- SLS = South Louisville Shops
Miscellaneous notes:
Two of the GP16 were actually renumbered to their original Seaboard Air Line number. What are the odds this would even happen once?
CSX 1707 was built as SAL 1707
CSX 1772 was built as SAL 1772
CSX 1801 came close it was SAL 1800