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CSX GP16 Numbering

GP16 Numbering


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Compiled 1988 (revised 1/30/12 )



SCL Numbers: 4614 -4645, 4700 - 4809, Family Lines 4975 - 4979.
The number series scheduled for GP9's and GP18's was 4614 - 46??, with 4645 becoming the 46??. These units had alignment control couplers, and the engine was a General Motors 16-645C. The number series scheduled for GP7's was 4700 - 49??. The 4979 would become the 49??. However, the 4809 was the highest unit in the 4800's. This number series would have non-alignment control couplers and a General Motors 16-645BC engine. There were a few oddities in this schedule as seen below:


SBD Numbers:
Although a new numbering system for the GP16's was initiated on April 1, 1984, Seaboard System retained the same GP16 numbers assigned by SCL and no changes were made. CSX implemented the new numbers in 1987.

Dates of Operations for Seaboard System Railroad was January 1, 1983 to June 30, 1986.


CSX Numbers:
The renumbering into the 1700’s and 1800’s was scheduled by CSX Corporation on April 1, 1984 as stated in a roster dated August 1, 1984 and reaffirmed in a November 1, 1985 roster. However, it wasn't until 1987 before CSX would renumber the GP16’s. The first renumbered GP16 I saw was the 1766 on 2/13/1987 in Baldwin Fla. I have also included some renumbering info that was marked on the locomotives themselves.




Miscellaneous notes:
Two of the GP16 were actually renumbered to their original Seaboard Air Line number. What are the odds this would even happen once?

CSX 1707 was built as SAL 1707
CSX 1772 was built as SAL 1772

CSX 1801 came close it was SAL 1800