"WB&A Fast Electric Trains - Washington, Annapolis, Severn-South,
and Magothy Rivers, U.S. Naval Academy, Camp Meade, Sherwood Forest,
Chesapeake Bay - Fast, Frequent, Freight, Service."
This side of the second terminal faced Eutaw Street and handled freight.
A 1912 contract to carry goods for American Express provided an unexpectedly
large income stream -- until the contract ended in 1923. Southeastern
Express Company (SECO), affiliated with Southern Railway, acquired most of
that carriage business. SECO's complex arrangements with WB&A eventually
made WB&A's freight handling for SECO unprofitable. SECO is
remembered for employing a swastika in its logo before another group
appropriated that symbol.
The Bromo-Seltzer (Emerson) tower's rotating, big blue bottle would
be removed in 1936, the year after WB&A shuttered. Some sites claim the
tower's clock faces were the world's largest when built, except that
can't be correct since London's Big Ben clock predates this tower and
has clock faces 2 feet wider. Instead, this might have been the
largest clock in the US when it was built.
tower info