Here the yard tracks neck down to squeeze under New York Avenue.
This 1966 track-level photo captured the bridge before it was
widened. Beyond the bridge supports, the photo also captured
C Tower that was demolished around 1970 to make room for Metro.
In their joint control of Washington Terminal Company, PRR had
priority in track layout, and B&O with signals. This helps explain
why PRR/Amtrak has better access, while the signals even during 2019
employ a B&O Color-Position Light (CPL) style. There are/were
dozens/hundreds of dwarf CPLs around the terminal, including some
mounted high on poles, as in the zoom at right. Now, security cameras
may outnumber the signals in this area.
DDOT source photo,
C Tower 1967,
B&O Eckington Yard 1923