Tucked inconspicuously between Dorsey and Davis tunnels, and spanning
the Patapsco River, is Eureka Bridge. An old B&O station list claims
the Eureka Mining and Operating Company was located near here, but
I have not been able to find any remains of it. Immediately west
of the bridge, the current route briefly rejoins the original.
The lower-right portion of this photo suggests a waterfall, but in
reality is just the reflection of trees and sky.
Contributor Dave Hiteshew may have found the Eureka Mine:
"We explored the long way around the hill with the Dorsey Tunnel. From east heading
west, there seems to be a very obvious flat, treeless shelf, which eventually splits
into 2 or 3 levels. We found 2 square wall sections which look like foundations, and
several large dug-out holes, and several large piles of rubble. At least 1 pile looked
like it was all pieces of pink granite. Maybe this was the mining company's area?"