August 2014 Train Sightings: MickFix Cabling Cinema & Computers

Train Sightings
'August 2014' 'Return to Train Sightings Archive'
Friday 29th August 2014
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
(Into (station) loop for 3PW4 to cross). |
SG |
11:53 |
Up Freight |
NR63, NR4, 15 Steel Wagons, 7 Container/Platforms, 32 S (9822 (3PW4 PN STEEL)) (10) (HDV) |
(Into siding detached 8136, vandalised: see 27 August 2014. Ran around loco, reattached train and dropped hoppers at Ararat yard for maintenance). |
SG |
13:53 |
Up Lt. Engine |
BL30 (4) (HDV) |
(Into (station) loop for grain train to cross). |
SG |
14:09 |
Up Lt. Engine |
BL30 (6) (HDV) |
SG |
14:16 |
Dn Lt. Engine |
BL30 (8) (HDV) |
(Into siding, latched up to 8136, units shut down and crew decamped. Locos to be taken back to Melbourne later that night (according to crew). |
SG |
15:42 |
Up Pass |
NR16 (GSR) Overland (8702 (6AM8)) (10) (HDV) |
SG |
16:27 |
Up Freight |
CSR007, 27 Container/Platforms (7922V SBR (Horsham)) (12) (HDV) |
SG |
17:12 |
Up Freight |
BL27, 20 Mineral Sand Hoppers (7769V PNRB) (16) (HDV) |
Thursday 28th August 2014
Albury(SG)/Seymour - Melbourne Line
08:05 |
Down Pass |
1244 - 1344 - 1144 V'locity DMU Set (8303) Mathiesons Siding, Wandong. (2) |
SG |
08:05 |
Down Pass |
N453 (8605 Albury) (6) (HDV) |
08:10 |
Up Pass |
N454 (8308 Shepparton) (2) (HDV) |
08:41 |
Up Pass |
1131 - 1331 - 1231 V'locity DMU Set (8312) (3) |
SG |
09:21 |
Down Pass |
2005 (Pull) - 2014 (Push) Countrylink (8611 (ST24)) (8) (HDV) |
SG |
09:34 |
Up Pass |
N464 (8610 Albury) (6) (HDV) |
09:38 |
Down Pass |
1208 - 1108, 1202 - 1102 V'locity DMU Sets (8307) (2) |
09:42 |
Up Pass |
1144 - 1344 - 1244 V'locity DMU Set (8314) (1) |
10:53 |
Down Pass |
N475 (8309 Shepparton) (4) (HDV) |
11:03 |
Up Pass |
1102 - 1202, 1108 - 1208 V'locity DMU Sets (8316) (2) |
11:22 |
Down Pass |
1234 - 1334 - 1134 V'locity DMU Set (8311) (1) |
12:16 |
Down Freight |
G542, G525, 21 Empty Hoppers (Aggregates) (9315 PN Kilmore East Apex Quarry) Kilmore East. (12) (HDV) |
12:32 |
Down Pass |
1244 - 1344 - 1144 V'locity DMU Set (8313) (1) |
12:39 |
Up Pass |
1134 - 1334 - 1234 V'locity DMU Set (8318) (1) |
13:38 |
Up Pass |
1144 - 1344 - 1244 V'locity DMU Set (8320) (1) |
SG |
13:39 |
Down Pass |
N464 (8615 Albury) (6) (HDV) |
13:51 |
Down Pass |
N454 (8319 Shepparton) (5) (HDV) |
14:18 |
Up Pass |
N475 (8322 Shepparton) (5) (HDV) |
14:38 |
Down Pass |
7013 'Sprinter', 7007 'Sprinter' DMUs (8317) (2) |
14:43 |
Up Freight |
G525, G542, 21 Hoppers (Aggregates) (9318 PN Kilmore East Apex Quarry) (12) (HDV) |
SG |
14:48 |
Down Freight |
CF4411, CF4412, 38 Container/Platforms (5MC1 QUBE S/FRT) (16) (HDV) |
15:30 |
Down Pass |
7001 'Sprinter', 7002 'Sprinter' DMUs (8321) (2) |
SG |
15:50 |
Up Pass |
N453 (8620 Albury) (5) (HDV) |
16:05 |
Up Pass |
7007 'Sprinter', 7013 'Sprinter' DMUs (8326) (2) |
16:37 |
Up Pass |
7002 'Sprinter', 7001 'Sprinter' DMUs (8328) (2) |
16:38 |
Down Pass |
7021 'Sprinter', 7005 'Sprinter', 7006 'Sprinter' DMUs (8323) (3) |
SG |
16:59 |
Up Freight |
NR14, 9317, 9311, 38 Steel Wagons, 23 Container/Platforms (9821 (5WM2 PN STEEL)) (14) (HDV) |
17:35 |
Up Pass |
N454 (8330 Shepparton) (4) (HDV) |
SG |
17:38 |
Up Pass |
2006 (Pull) - XP2011 (Push) Countrylink (8622 (ST23)) (9) (HDV) |
17:49 |
Down Pass |
N475 (8325) (5) (HDV) |
Wednesday 27th August 2014
Geelong - Melbourne Line
10:54 |
Up Lt. Engine |
N454 Station St. L/C, North Shore. |
North Shore Station
11:06 |
Stabled |
8136 'A Track' Standard Gauge Siding. (4) |
(Note: Vandalised (Windows smashed & graffiti inside cab on 'B' end, graffiti along sides and 'A' end windows)). |
Geelong - Melbourne Line
11:42 |
Up Pass |
1145 - 1345 - 1245, 1132 - 1332 - 1232 V'locity DMU Sets (8230 Marshall) McClelland Ave. L/C, Lara. (3) |
11:44 |
Down Pass |
1249 - 1349 - 1149, 1242 - 1342 - 1142 V'locity DMU Sets (8211 Marshall) (3) |
Adelaide - Melbourne (SG)/Geelong - Melbourne (BG) Lines
12:41 |
Up Pass |
1142 - 1342 - 1242, 1149 - 1349 - 1249 V'locity DMU Sets (8232 Marshall) Elders Standard Gauge Loop. (5) |
12:48 |
Down Pass |
1222 - 1322 - 1122, 1237 - 1337 - 1137 V'locity DMU Sets (8213 Marshall) (2) |
13:41 |
Up Pass |
1137 - 1337 - 1237, 1122 - 1322 - 1222 V'locity DMU Sets (8234 Marshall) (3) |
13:53 |
Down Pass |
N472 (8215 Warrnambool) (4) (HDV) |
14:00 |
Up Pass |
N457 (8236 Warrnambool) (4) (HDV) |
14:17 |
Down Pass |
1232 - 1332 - 1132, 1245 - 1345 - 1145 V'locity DMU Sets (8217 Marshall) (2) |
14:49 |
Down Pass |
1249 - 1349 - 1149, 1242 - 1342 - 1142 V'locity DMU Sets (8219 Marshall) (2) |
SG |
14:55 |
Up Freight |
NR1, NR28, NR109, 24 Steel Wagons (9822 (3XW4 PN STEEL)) (22) (HDV) |
(Into loop for 9721V to cross). |
SG |
15:02 |
Down Freight |
CSR007, 27 Container/Platforms (9721V SBR (Horsham)) (8) (HDV) |
15:02 |
Up Pass |
1145 - 1345 - 1245, 1132 - 1332 - 1232 V'locity DMU Sets (8238 Marshall) (2) (HDV) |
15:22 |
Down Pass |
1234 - 1334 - 1134, 1204 - 1104 V'locity DMU Sets (8221 Marshall) (2) |
15:40 |
Up Pass |
1142 - 1342 - 1242, 1149 - 1349 - 1249 V'locity DMU Sets (8240 Marshall) (2) |
16:22 |
Up Pass |
1104 - 1204, 1134 - 1334 - 1234 V'locity DMU Sets (8242 Marshall) (2) |
16:24 |
Down Pass |
1225 - 1325 - 1125, 1237 - 1337 - 1137 V'locity DMU Sets (8223 South Geelong) (2) |
16:54 |
Up Pass |
1137 - 1337 - 1237, 1125 - 1325 - 1225 V'locity DMU Sets (8278 (Empty) South Geelong) (2) |
17:07 |
Up Pass |
N451 (8244 Marshall) (4) (HDV) |
17:10 |
Down Pass |
N474 (8227) (4) (HDV) |
17:21 |
Down Pass |
1236 - 1336 - 1136, 1210 - 1110 V'locity DMU Sets (8229 Marshall) (2) |
17:42 |
Up Pass |
N455 (8246 South Geelong) (6) (HDV) |
Wednesday 20th August 2014
Adelaide - Melbourne Line
SG |
15:16 |
Down Freight |
CSR007, 27 Container/Platforms (9721V SBR (Horsham)) (12) (HDV) |
SG |
15:40 |
Up Freight |
9313, 9314, 29 Steel Wagons (9822 (3XW4 PN STEEL)) (12) (HDV) |
Friday 15th August 2014
Ballarat - Melbourne Line
17:12 |
Down Pass |
1242 - 1342 - 1142, 1221 - 1321 - 1121 V'locity DMU Sets (8127 Ballarat/Maryborough) Warrenheip. (4) |
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