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Chessie System Photos

I grew up 2 blocks from the Chessie mainline running through Delaware, OH. which is 
where the main group of these photos were taken, and where my love of trains grew.
I really don't have many great photos to share, so don't expect too much...
I was just a kid, and didn't understand that this railroad that I saw everyday 
would change the way all things do, and any further opportunities to photograph 
this legend would be gone.  As always, and like anyone else, I wish I had had the 
forethought to have taken more pictures, because this wonderful paint scheme 
is gone, and the likes of which will most likely never be seen again.
I miss ol' Chessie...

Freight Cars

Chessie System Historical Society Logo
Click on the image to the left to visit the Chessie System Historical Society.



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