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Page 11 - Staten Island Rapid Transit
The Catalog of Transit Fiscal Ephemera & Exonumia from the City of the New York
featuring the collections of George S. Cuhaj & Philip M. Goldstein

Page 11




Conductors Memorandum (Ticket); ca. 1936
E. W. Murray, General Traffic Agent
Conductors Cash Fare Ticket; ca. 1948
William J. Filedora, Traffic Agent
2 5/8" x 6" with selvage

Conductors Cash Fare Ticket - 20, 25, 35 cents; ca. 1960-1963
William J. Buck, General Traffic Agent
Conductors Cash Fare Receipt - 50 cents; 1970 - ? (pink)
E. A. Duszak, general superintendent
Conductors Cash Fare Ticket - 50 cents; 1979 - 1982

William J. Filedora, Traffic Agent - ca. 1948
with security printing on back

blank back
These two tickets are actually a two part matched pair.
all above 2" x 1"
I. W. ???, District Sales Manager
J. M. Vanderbilt, General Ticket Agent; ca. 1888 - ?
Commutation Ticket
I. W. ???, District Sales Manager
2 5/8" x 3 15/16"

30 day Continuous Ride Tickets

Continuous Trip - ca. 1937-1948

Reduced Rate - St. George to Grant City / New Dorp
William J. Filedora, Traffic Agent - 
ca. 1948
23 C 2
2 7/32" x 2 3/16"


Continuous Trip - 1974 - 1975
small format
small oval guilloche - vertical stripe in center (Half Fare?)
unknown printer
2-1/2" x 2-1/4"

Continuous Trip - 1977
large format
small oval guilloche - vertical stripe on right edge

ABS Tickets
2-3/4" x 2-1/2"


Continuous Trip - 1976 - 1977 - 1978
large format
oval with square inset Guilloche

ABS Tickets

2-3/4" x 2-1/2"


Continuous Trip - 1978 - 1979
large format
round guilloche
ABS Tickets

2-3/4" x 2-1/2"

Continuous Trip - 1980
small format
oval guilloche
ABS Tickets
intentionally left blank
Continuous Trip - 1981
small format
oval guilloche
ABS Tickets
Continuous Trip - 1982
small format
oval guilloche
ABS Tickets
Continuous Trip - 1983
small format
oval guilloche
ABS Tickets
intentionally left blank
Continuous Trip (unknown dates)
small format
oval guilloche
ABS Tickets
Beginning with September 1983, we now see the printer is NATCO..

Continuous Trip - various dates
Oval Guilloche with vertical stripes (employee? non-senior half fare?)
small format
ABS Tickets
intentionally left blank
2-3/4" x 1 3/8"


Continuous Trip - 1984
rectangular format
National Ticket Company (NATCO)
3-3/4" x 1-3/8"

Sunday Reduced Fare - 1974 & 1975

These tickets are known in numerous other ink and paper color combinations.
2 13/16" x 5 5/8" with selvage

Senior Citizen Reduced Fare - 1979
large format - two part
2 15/16" x 4 1/8"
.Senior Citizen Reduced Fare - 1979
large format - one part
2-3/4" x 2-1/2"

Senior Citizen / Handicapped Reduced Fare - 1980
small format

unknown printer
.Senior Citizen / Handicapped Reduced Fare - 1981
small format
unknown printer
Senior Citizen / Handicapped Reduced Fare - 1982
small format
unknown printer
Senior Citizen / Handicapped Reduced Fare - 1983
small format

unknown printer

Commencing September 1983, tickets are now printed by National Ticket Company (NATCO).
2-3/4" x 1 3/8"

Senior Citizen / Handicapped Reduced Fare - 1984
rectangular format
National Ticket Company (NATCO)
3-3/4" x 1-3/8"

School Passes

New York City Transit System - ca. 1940-53
Staten Island Division
School Ticket 2½ C

2" x 1½"
4 1/8" x 2 3/8"
 5 11/16" x 2 11/16"
4 1/8" x 2 3/8"



Monthly Passes

 5 11/16" x 2 11/16"




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This website and its authors are not affiliated, employed nor represent the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York City Transit Authority, The Transit Museum, the City of New York, the State of New York or any other municipal governmental agency; or any private company contracted by the previous agencies; and no such affiliation is implied or suggested.
