to the Let's Talk Trains show and chat during the live show! If you would
like to join in on the conversation, during the live show, call us at
(646) 716-7106.
Saturdays @ 1:00pm to 3:00pm Eastern Time Zone
To join the chatroom, choose a nickname, the nickname can contain a maximum
of 30-characters and can contain only the characters: a-z
A-Z 0-9 [ ] \ ^ _ - { } and |.
For other chatroom details and directions, look below the chatroom window.
—Due to time delay (max. 1.5 min.), live replies and topics will
be delayed.
—Any hyperlinks that are given in the chat window will open the
link in a new window! (NEW)
controls and commands You will need to type the commands into the text not use the the characters '<' and '>'
when typing in information — used to show the individual information
you need to enter .
To change your nickname:
/nick <your new nickname>
To register your current nickname:
nickserv register <password> <e-mail>
To sign in with your registered nickname, use your nickname signing
in, after the chat window opens type in: /msg
nickserv identify <password>