Grand Trunk Railway - Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Canadian National Railways STATION NUMBERS - 1883 and 1961-7 [ Stations A to F | Stations G to L | Stations M to Q | Stations R to U | Stations V to Z ] [ V | W | X | Y | Z ] | |
Main Station Index |
Main Telegraph Gene Index |
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 25142 Val Alain QUE ns 16652 VAL BRILLANT QUE ns 22642 VALCARTIER *J QUE ns 53382 Val Cote ON ns 23782 VAL D'OR *VR QUE a 92152 VALEMOUNT *VN BC ns 87635 Valentine AB ns 91659 Valentine Clark Corp BC ns 91843 Valentine-Clarke M34.2 BC ns 22862 Val Jalbert QUE ns 23396 Val Laflamme QUE ns 15535 Vallee Lourdes NB ns 04104 Valley NFLD ns 11786 Valley NS ns 13753 Valley PEI ns 02358 Valleyfield NFLD 890a 28888 VALLEYFIELD QUE ns 14943 Valley Prod Ltd NB ns 71212 Valley River MB a ns Valley Sold *JD QUE ns 22152 Vallon QUE na 36214 Valois QUE ns 63668 Valora *VA ON ns 75188 Valparaiso SK ns 23352 Val Piche QUE ns 65863 Valpy MB ns 53354 Valrita ON ns 22639 Val Rose QUE ns 33642 VAL ROYAL *DK QUE ns 22638 Val St Michel QUE ns 22762 VAN BRUYSSELS *VB QUE na ns Vanarsdol BC ns 14945 Vanceboro ME a 93390 VANCOUVER *DI BC ns 93391 Vancouver (Grain Only) BC ns 93545 Vancouver Steamships BC ns 93547 Vancouver SS Grain BC a 91448 VANDERHOOF *VN BC ns 91447 Vanderhoof Lbr Co BC ns 51384 Vandorf *DF ON ns 23572 Vandry QUE ns 68132 Vandura SK 897a 37314 VANKLEEK HILL ON ns 77708 VANSCOY SK ns 27572 VARENNES QUE na ns Varney ON 908a 37348 VARS ON a ns Vars *RK QUE ns 62212 VASSAR MB ns 16832 Vauban QUE 171a 36254 VAUDREUIL *VA QUE ns 36265 Vaudreuil Doubling Sdg QUE a 92238 VAVENBY *VA BC ns 75742 VAWN SK ns 87194 VEGREVILLE *RG AB ns 87199 Vegreville Jct AB ns 75126 Veillardville SK ns 74325 Venables M43 MB ns 04111 Veneer NFLD ns 15778 Veneer NB ns 02788 Venison Islands NFLD a 66314 Venn SK na 86422 Vera SK ns 27566 VERCHERES QUE ns 70218 VEREGIN SK ns 77926 Verendrye SK ns 25415 Vermette & Fils Ltee M11.7 QUE ns 87164 VERMILION *VN AB ns 13328 VERNON PEI a 92420 VERNON *NO BC ns 92379 Vernon Box Co BC ns 92423 Vernon Fruit Union M2 BC ns 92417 Vernon Orchard Spur BC ns 13358 VERNON RIVER PEI na ns Vespra ON ns 14884 Veyseys NB ns 22145 Viaduc QUE ns 76884 VIBANK SK ns 67107 Victor MB na ns Victor SK ns 14812 Victoria NB a 94110 VICTORIA *NS BC ns 64176 Victoria Beach MB ns 43363 Victoria Bldrs Supplies M10.7 ON ns 02412 Victoria Cove NFLD ns 94111 Victoria (Grain Only) BC 274a 51454 Victoria Harbor ON ns 76928 Victoria Plains SK 281a 39362 Victoria Rd *VR ON 69a 25462 VICTORIAVILLE QUE ns 25228 Vien QUE na 76686 Viewfield SK ns 81968 Viewpoint AB ns 14559 Viger Spur M9.1 NB a 87554 VIKING *VI AB ns 13346 Village Green PEI ns 04258 Villa Marie NFLD ns 23472 VILLEMONTEL QUE ns 22452 Villeneuve QUE ns 88312 Villeneuve AB ns 25212 Villeroy QUE ns 33292 Ville St Pierre QUE ns 65647 Villette MB ns 87348 VILNA *VN AB ns 88128 Vimy AB a 51172 Vine *V ON 470½ a 48132 VINELAND *VI ON ns 92288 Vinsulla BC ns 66323 Viola SK ns 15789 Violette Bridge NB ns 15776 Violette Brook NB ns 65604 VIRDEN MB ns 61320 VIRGINIA MINN ns 65978 Vista MB ns 64814 Vita MB 587a 47852 Vittoria ON na ns Vivian ON a 62322 Vivian *V MB ns 62321 Vivian Pit MB ns 75392 VONDA SK na ns Vosberg ON
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE a 88536 WABAMUN *WA AB ns 74598 WABOWDEN *RN MB ns 92235 Wabron BC ns 73104 Wachee SK ns 63912 Wade ON ns 70138 WADENA *WD SK ns 53588 Wagaming *GA ON na 48622 Wainfleet ON a 87572 WAINWRIGHT *GN AB ns 23736 Waite QUE a 75302 WAKAW *KW SK ns 65516 Wakopa MB ns 25443 WA Lamontagne &
La Soc Co-op Agric M40.1QUE na 91586 Walcott BC ns 75972 WALDHEIM SK a 66424 Waldron SK 183a ns Wales *DK ON ns 92648 Walhachin BC ns 12809 Walker M31.4 NS ns 25508 Walker Cut (aka Walker's Cutting) QUE 633a 46558 WALKERTON *A ON 530a/a 47670 WALKERVILLE ON ns 37406 Walkley Rd Yd *BO ON na ns Wall's Sdg ON ns 11858 WALLACE NS ns 38658 Wallace ON ns 11854 Wallace Bridge NS ns 11861 Wallace Quarry NS ns 86164 Wallisville SK na 47854 Walsh ON ns 64803 Wampum MB ns 74228 Wanless MB 502a 47164 Wanstead *WN ON ns 17735 Wapske NB ns 14149 Ward NB ns 81402 Warden AB ns 81348 Wardlow AB ns 02354 Wareham
(aka Indian Bay)NFLD ns 76909 Warell SK ns 75446 WARMAN *WA SK ns 64752 WARREN MB ns 42137 Warren Bit Paving &
Comm Bldrs LtdON ns 13545 Warren (Mar) Ltd &
Dept of Agr M4.9PEI ns 13927 Warren (Mar) Ltd M11 PEI ns 11597 Warren Paving NS ns 62180 WARROAD MINN ns 87336 WARSPITE *WR AB ns 77844 Wartime SK 68a 25612 WARWICK QUE ns 86828 WASECA *SA SK ns 52364 Washagami ON 336a 51706 WASHAGO *WA/WG ON ns 52204 Wasing ON ns 87334 WASKATENAU *WA AB ns 65524 Wassewa MB ns 23292 Waswanipi QUE ns 63682 Watcomb ON ns ns Waterdown *DW ON ns 51616 Waterfall ON a ns Watford *FO ON ns 04105 Waterford Bridge NFLD ns 27880 WATERLOO QUE 447a 46210 WATERLOO *WB ON ns 13312 Watervale PEI 56a 27116 WATERVILLE QUE ns Waterways *WR AB 500a 47168 WATFORD *FO ON ns 92177 W Atkins M108.9 BC a 66308 WATROUS *W SK ns 32121 Watson QUE ns 70112 WATSON *NS SK ns 91976 Watson Island M86.6 BC na ns Watson's Sdg ON ns 81452 Watts AB na 67131 Wattsview MB ns 51582 Waubamik *CD/WM ON 273a 51444 Waubaushene ON na ns Waubuno ON ns 12704 Waverley NS ns 65554 WAWANESA MB ns 81602 WAYNE AB na 88716 Weald AB ns 17338 Weaver NB a 63816 Webster *K ON ns 33637 Webster & Son & F Hyde Co QUE ns 91842 Wedeene BC na 91435 Wedgwood BC ns 75104 WEEKES SK ns 32304 Weir QUE ns 74928 Weir River MB ns 87615 Weiss AB ns 74574 WEKUSKO MB na 66472 Welby SK ns 75262 WELDON SK 552a 48340 WELLAND *ND ON 532a 48540 Welland Jct *WD ON ns 48250 WELLAND (NStCT) ON ns 12853 Wellington NS ns 13746 WELLINGTON *W PEI a 38232 WELLINGTON *WO ON ns 04565 Wells NFLD ns 42579 Welsh Lbr Co M12.7 ON 46a 26276 Wenlock VT ns 11822 Wentworth NS ns 61469 Wentworth Spur MINN ns 02362 Wesleyville NFLD ns 92515 Westbank BC ns 11278 WEST BAY RD *BR NS na ns West Brantford ON ns 11824 WESTCHESTER NS ns 13772 West Devon PEI ns 61570 West Duluth MINN ns 61564 WEST DULUTH Yd MINN ns 81311 Western Dominion Coal Co AB ns 94285 Western Forest Ind BC ns 65791 Western Gypsum MB a ns Western Jct
(aka Ballantyne) *NKON ns 92833 Western Nickel BC ns 88303 Western Plywoods Ltd AB ns 81705 Western Rolling Mills Spur M123.7 AB ns 12532 Western Shore NS ns 14802 WESTFIELD BEACH NB ns 60524 West Fort William ON ns 71578 Westgate MB na 38328 West Huntingdon ON ns 21143 West Jct QUE ns 87955 West Jct AB ns 92888 Westlang BC 38a 26252 West Milan NH 411a 42220 WESTON *WS ON a ns Weston Park ON a ns Westport *WR ON ns 02586 Westport NFLD ns 74144 Westray MB ns 52908 WESTREE *WR ON ns 11766 WEST RIVER *WR NS ns 27878 West Shefford QUE ns 02688 West St Modiste NFLD ns ns West Summit *H ON 410a 42230 WEST TORONTO *ON ON ns 11958 WESTVILLE *WE NS ns 61328 West Virginia MINN na 65303 West Winnipeg MB ns 92364 Westwold BC a 76620 WEYBURN *WR SK ns 23578 Weymont QUE ns 14935 WF Anderson NB ns 88733 WG Wagner AB ns 15651 Wharf Branch NB ns 04228 WHITBOURNE *GO NFLD 284a 41788 Whitby *BI (Harbour) ON 222a ns Whitby Jct *BI ON ns 41790 WHITBY TOWN ON ns 63922 White ON ns 77886 White Bear SK ns 15742 White Brook NB 648a ns Whitechurch ON ns 88378 WHITECOURT *WO AB ns 61454 Whiteface MINN 942a ns Whitehall *W ON ns ns White Otter *WR ON ns 65343 White Plains MB ns 86154 Whitepool SK ns 28774 Whites QUE ns 11326 Whiteside NS 138a ns White's QUE ns 04868 White's Rd NFLD ns 75484 White Star SK ns 74138 Whithorn MB ns 04573 Whitman's NFLD ns 71547 Whitmore MB 933a 37874 WHITNEY *WN ON ns 75202 Whittome SK ns 16818 Whitworth QUE ns 15743 WH Miller M48.1 NB 610a 46678 WIARTON *WI ON ns 22539 Wieland QUE ns 02505 Wild Bight NFLD ns 02579 Wild Cove NFLD ns 74826 Wilde MB ns 60378 Wild Goose ON ns 88566 WILDWOOD *JU AB ns 11805 Wilkinson M11.7 NS a ns Wilgar *GC ON ns 74878 Willbeach MB ns ns Willet *WO ON ns 62164 WILLIAMS MINN ns 02772 Williams Harbour NFLD ns 02602 Williamsport NFLD ns 68256 Willmar SK ns 66172 Willowbrook SK ns 76578 WILLOWBUNCH SK ns 81516 Willow Creek AB ns 47966 Willow Grove ON ns 12623 Willow Park NS ns 65333 Willow Range MB na 91336 Willow River BC na 34813 Willows QUE ns 53247 Willroy Mines ON ns 13395 Wilmot PEI 929a 37828 WILNO *IN ON ns 11874 Wilson NS ns 17311 Wilson Bros Ltd M60.7 NB ns 36278 Wilsonvale QUE ns 70116 Wimmer SK ns 92746 Winch BC ns 23566 Windigo QUE ns 27136 WINDSOR QUE na ns Windmill Point ON na ns Windmill Pond ON 530a 47690 WINDSOR *DR (also 2027a) ON ns 12670 WINDSOR JCT *WI NS a 33607 Windsor Stn (CPR *WS) QUE 62a ns Windsor Mills QUE ns 92458 Winfield BC 647a 46426 WINGHAM *NH/WX ON na ns Wingham Jct *WJ ON ns 64210 WINNIPEG *WI MB ns 64211 Winnipeg (Grain Only) MB ns 71234 WINNIPEGOSIS MB ns 62372 Winnitoba MB 474a 48112 WINONA *WO ON ns 13612 Winsloe PEI na 86442 WINTER *WN SK ns 88509 Winterburn AB c ns Woito ON na ns Wolf Creek AB ns 92219 Wire Cache BC ns 77828 WISETON SK ns 81846 Withrow AB ns 77864 Witley SK ns 74876 Wivenhoe MB ns 15403 WJ Kent Co Ltd M3 NB ns 47325 WM Stone Sons ON na ns Woito ON ns 88594 Wolf Creek AB ns 92204 Wolfenden BC ns 22119 Wolfes Cove QUE ns 64795 Wood & Fish MB ns 11588 Woodburn NS na 91678 Woodcock BC ns 04152 Woodford's NFLD ns 13386 Wood Island PEI ns 64754 Woodlands MB a 52108 Woodlawn *WD ON ns 76694 Woodley SK ns 14804 Woodmans Point NB ns 65632 Woodnorth MB ns 62228 WOODRIDGE MB ns 64709 Woodroyd MB ns 92454 Woodsdale BC ns 64733 Wood Sdg M75.9 MB ns 64163 Wood Spur M55.5 MB ns 02565 Woodstock NFLD ns 14930 WOODSTOCK *WK NB 488a 47340 WOODSTOCK *CK ON 278a 39326 WOODVILLE *WD ON ns 51519 Woodward ON ns 93268 Woodwards Landing BC na ns Woodyard QUE ns 02282 Woody Island NFLD ns 65679 Worby MB ns 76664 Worcester SK ns 68248 Wordsworth SK ns 16311 WP Burns QUE ns 12715 Wrights Cove NS ns 66106 WROXTON SK ns 91211 WR Zeidler Ltd M2.6 BC ns 15493 WS Loggie Co NB ns 91209 WT Nance Lbr Co BC na ns Wyebridge ON 396a 51232 Wyevale *W ON ns 23596 Wykes QUE ns 76871 Wyley SK ns 90103 Wynd AB 503a 47158 WYOMING *WG ON na ns Wyton ON ns 65659 Wytonville MB
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 92821 Yale BC ns 27452 YAMASKA QUE ns 27448 Yamaska East QUE na 66442 YARBO *YA SK ns 37564 Yarker *KR ON ns 12110 YARMOUTH *MN NS 7a 26124 YARMOUTH ME 8a 26130 YARMOUTH JCT ME na 88597 Yates AB a 63762 Ycliff *CF ON ns 52312 Yellek ON ns 75314 YELLOW CREEK SK ns 92114 Yellowhead BC ns 63688 Yonde ON na ns Yonge's Mills ON a 86452 Yonker SK 228a ns York *RK
(renamed Danforth 25 Jun 1922)ON na ns Yorath Jct SK ns 13532 York PEI na ns York Lake SK ns 38634 York River ON a 66250 YORKTON SK ns 94292 YOUBOU *BO BC ns 65809 Youill MB a 77324 YOUNG SK ns 77329 Young Jct SK na ns Younge's Mills ON ns 81278 YOUNGSTOWN AB ns 92809 Yukon Lbr Co BC
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 63692 Zarn ON ns 77952 ZEALANDIA SK na 76934 Zehner SK a 77338 ZELMA SK na 66436 Zeneta SK ns 75158 ZENON PARK SK na 51366 Zephyr *YR ON na ns Zephyr Crossing ON na 86462 Zumbro SK