(Grand Trunk Railway Station Darlington #219 *DA (District 7)
(my mother's birth station-standing in front of wagon in white dress))
Stations and Numbers Used: ALL stations and Numbers used are from official CNR and CPR Station Handbooks. I have the selected the years under the CNR and CPR which best reflects the stations as they appear in the Telegraph Genealogical Webpages and best reflects the names of the Agents, Operators, Dispatchers, Levermen on those webpages. NOTE: Where two Station Signals appear, the left most is 1898 era, the right most is after 1920 (eg: A/BG). Agents, Operators, Agent-Operators and/or Caretakers were NOT at all stations shown.
LINKS: || CNR Stations || CPR Stations || ACR Station || ONR Stations || || NYC in Ontario || TH&B Stations || || MCRR Stns/Codes in Ontario || || CNR Push Button Selector Call Stations/Numbers ||
[ Main Gene Webpages ]
- ns: no station (eg:) 1541 ns Allan Park ON -or- ns 1831 Angus Brick QUE
- na: no agent / a: agent / c: caretaker
- Directions: N, E, W, S: North, East, West, South
- Provinces: NFLD: Newfoundland and Labrador - NS: Nova Scotia - NB: New Brunswick - PEI: Prince Edward Island
QUE: Quebec - ON: Ontario - MB: Manitoba - SK: Saskatchewan - AB: Alberta - BC - Britsh Columbia
YK: Yukon - NU: Nunavat
- States: ME: Maine - ORE: Oregon - WASH: Washington - VT: Vermont - MICH: Michigan
- Railway Related:
Ry or Rwy: Railway - Jct: Junction - Sdg: Siding - Y: Wye - M: Mile or Mileage - Stn: Station - Yd or Yrd(s): Yards IMS: InterModal Service - Trk: Track - Jnt: Joint Cont's: Containers
- Commercial:
Str: Street - Ave: Avenue - Int'l: International - Ind: Industrial - Term or Term'l: Terminal - Ont: Ontario - Ltd: Limited H.E.: Hydro Electric - Mtn: Mountain - Bros: Brothers