Grand Trunk Railway - Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Canadian National Railways STATION NUMBERS - 1883 and 1961-7 [ Stations A to F |Stations G to L |Stations M to Q |Stations R to U |Stations V to Z ] [ A | B | C | D | E | F ] | |
Main Station Index |
Main Telegraph Gene Index |
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 23773 A Alarie QUE ns 91581 A&S Stanley Mills BC ns 22423 Abattoir Cooperative Federee No1&2 M2.4 QUE ns 27864 Abbotsford QUE ns/7855 76532 Abbott SK ns 04465 Abbott's Sdg NFLD ns 25429 A Beaudoin Sdg QUE ns 16715 A Brisson QUE ns 18364 Abenakis QUE na ns ABERARDER ON ns 75394 ABERDEEN SK ns 86836 Aberfeldy SK ns 87358 Abilene AB ns 24186 Abitibi ON ns 63619 Abitibi ON ns 24151 Abitibi P & P Co No8 ON ns 24169 Abitibi P & P Co M92.5 ON ns 63673 Abitibi Power & Paper ON ns 53563 Abitibi Pulp & Paper Co No7 ON ns 60768 Abiwin ON ns 11592 Academy NS ns 11647 Acadia Coal Co NS ns 11963 Acadia Coal Co M2.69 NS ns 81188 ACADIA VALLEY AB ns 15206 Acadiaville NB ns 52184 Acanthus ON ns 92222 A Cedarholme Spur BC na 88512 Acheson AB ns 52162 Achray ON 417a 46158 ACTON (West) *CN ON 97a 27160 ACTONVALE QUE 816a ns Ada MICH na 76208 Adams SK ns 15126 Adamsville NB ns 65517 Adelpha MB na 86168 Adine SK 921a 37776 Admaston ON ns 11532 Afton NS ns 53122 Agate *AG ON 290a 41808 AGINCOURT *AG ON ns 65598 Agnew MB ns 23667 A Grenier QUE ns 46935 Agricultural Chem Ltd M2 ON ns 16393 Agricultural Co-op QUE ns 16749 Agricultural Co-op M28.6 QUE ns 33242 AHUNTSIC *AH QUE 434a 46962 AILSA CRAIG *CG ON ns 46917 Airport Spur M22.7 ON ns 76623 Airport Spur SK ns 14732 Aiton NB ns 72208 Akosane SK ns 23661 A Larouche QUE ns 11246 Alba NS ns 22886 ALBANEL *BJ QUE ns 12432 Albany *CA NS ns 13918 ALBANY PEI ns 53164 Albany Forks *AF ON ns 16869 Albert QUE ns 64174 Albert MB ns 88545 Alberta Southern Coal Co AB ns 17844 Albertine NB ns 13808 ALBERTON PEI ns 13803 Alberton Jct PEI a 92164 ALBREDA *AB BC a ns Alburgh Jct *AJ QUE a 63697 Alcona *CN ON ns 52206 Alderdale *DA ON 462a 44540 ALDERSHOT *AD ON 899a ns Alexandria *AX ON ns 91223 Alderson & Balcaen BC ns 48325 Aldo & Mur Ltd & E Wtmn & Sons M3.3 ON ns 15156 Aldouane NB ns 53423 A Lecours M22.7 ON ns 04542 ALEXANDER BAY *AB NFLD ns 81888 Alexo AB na 91316 Aleza Lake BC a ns Alford *XY ON ns 65637 Algar MB ns 51637 Algo ON 935a ns Algonquin Park *CH ON ns 52148 Alice ON ns 52149 Alice Pit ON na 81912 ALIX AB ns 81915 Alix North Jct AB ns 81799 Alix South Jct AB a 77348 ALLAN SK 554a ns Allanburg (Jct) *AN ON ns 14914 Allandale NB 329a 51175 Allandale *RA/GO ON ns 91921 Allan E Barr M15.6 BC a 63736 Allanwater *WR ON a 22411 Allenby *AY QUE 607a 46646 Allenford *NF ON 25a 26236 Allens ME ns 22672 Allens Mill QUE ns 87656 ALLIANCE *A AB ns 43359 Allied Flock & Felt Co M10.5 ON ns 14606 Allison NB 398a 51156 ALLISTON *AF ON ns 22927 Ally QUE ns 11956 Alma NS ns 13822 Alma PEI 624a 46736 ALMA ON ns 81293 Alnes AB ns 65798 Alonsa MB ns 12436 Alpena NS ns 65762 Alpha MB ns 91114 Alpland BC ns 80214 ALSASK SK na 46614 Alsfeldt ON ns 64878 Altamont MB ns 75834 Alticane SK ns 12886 Alton NS ns 44663 Aluminate Chemicals ON ns 22843 Aluminum Co Plant (R&S Ry) QUE ns 37251 Aluminum Spur ON ns 75404 ALVENA SK 510a 47758 ALVINSTON *D ON ns 17212 Alward NB na ns Amagari ON ns 64169 Amanda MB ns 65792 AMARANTH MB ns 47323 American Cyanamid Co M56.1 ON ns 74922 Amery MB ns 63848 Amesdale ON a 53434 Ameson *MS ON ns 60368 Amethyst ON ns 12992 AMHERST NS ns 75582 Amiens SK ns 12709 Ammunition NS ns 17398 Amos NB ns 23458 AMOS *AX QUE ns 16644 AMQUI QUE na 91918 Amsbury BC ns 72314 Amsterdam SK ns 23737 Amulet QUE ns 81341 Amurex Oil Development Co AB ns 14702 Anagance NB ns 60354 Ancliff *AC ON ns 81884 Ancona AB na 75432 Ancrum SK ns 65515 Anderson's MB ns 02166 Anderson's Cove NFLD na 91673 Andimaul BC ns 77818 Anerley SK ns 27948 Angeline QUE ns 92653 Anglesey BC ns 34803 Anglo Wire Rope QUE ns 61272 ANGORA MINN 383a 51244 ANGUS *AG ON ns 92202 Anguehorn BC ns 65986 ANGUSVILLE MB ns 60705 Anita ON ns 87642 Ankerton AB ns 60715 Annex ON ns 62318 Anola MB na 88686 Ansell AB ns 87418 Anshaw AB 240a 38356 Anson (Jct) *DJ ON ns ns Anstice *NS ON ns 11552 ANTIGONISH *NA NS ns 23262 Anville QUE ns 14736 APOHAQUI NB 508a 47766 Appin *ON ON ns 76316 Aquadell SK ns 75162 ARBORFIELD SK ns 61166 Arbutus MINN ns 12112 Arcadia NS na 76246 Archydal SK ns 88549 Arctic Ice Spur AB ns 77728 Ardath SK ns 51586 ARDBEG *DK (aka Deer Lake) ON ns 81654 Ardenode AB ns 76452 Ardill SK na 81788 Ardley AB ns 93349 Ardley BC ns 87426 Ardmore AB na 87516 Ardrossan AB ns 04268 ARGENTIA *GY NFLD ns 04266 Argentia Jct NFLD na 86194 Argo SK ns 53134 Argolis *RS ON ns 65588 Argue MB ns 12124 Argyle NS na ns Argle ON ns 64706 Argyle MB ns 65321 Arizona Jct MB ns 75456 Arma SK ns 18342 ARMAGH QUE ns 12729 Armament No1 M11.74 NS ns 12733 Armament NolA M11.75 NS ns 12743 Armament No3 M11.86 NS ns 21131 Armco Drainage & Metal Prod M7.4 QUE ns 12613 Armdale NS ns 87628 Armena AB ns 87368 Armistice AB ns 72182 Armit SK ns 53278 Arms ON ns 53600 ARMSTRONG *RA ON ns 92390 ARMSTRONG BC ns 53595 Armstrong Pit M111.1 ON ns 65782 Armstrongs MB a ns Army Service Sdg *AS MB ns 81178 Arneson AB ns 92865 Arnold BC ns 04332 ARNOLD'S COVE NFLD ns 74832 Arnot MB 916a 37740 ARNPRIOR *R ON na 65714 Arona MB ns 72642 ARRAN SK na ns Arrow River MB ns 53427 Arrow Timber Co ON a 86468 ARTLAND *RT SK ns 32316 ARUNDEL QUE ns 22840 ARVIDA *DA QUE ns 52194 Ascalon *ON ON a ns Ash *HA ON a ns Ashbrey *A QUE ns 52332 Ashburton *AB ON a 92666 ASHCROFT *AC BC ns 64778 ASHERN MB ns 61182 Ash Lake MINN ns 87354 Ashmont *AS AB ns 13225 Ashton PEI ns 71164 Ashville MB a 77514 ASQUITH SK ns 13279 Ass'd Shippers M0.4 PEI ns 17306 Astle NB 73a 27326 Aston QUE ns 25344 ASTON JCT QUE ns 52209 Astorville ON ns 12773 Asylum NS ns 88178 ATHABASCA *BA AB ns 74274 Athapap MB a ns Athens *HS ON 268a 51332 Atherley *NF (Jct) ON ns 12958 Athol NS ns 15668 Atholville NB ns 74236 Atik MB ns 74544 Atikameg Lake MB ns 60798 ATIKOKAN *AN ON ns 11828 Atkinson NS ns 15497 Atlantic Peat Moss NB ns 15553 Atlas Constn Co M60.5 NB ns 17809 Atlas Construction NB ns 81895 Atlas Lbr & IC Hulberg M141.7 AB a 66432 Atwater SK ns 33350 Atwater (Ward's Yd St Henri) QUE 642a 46404 ATWOOD *NY ON 886a 28458 Aubrey QUE ns 13306 Auburn PEI 14a 26154 Auburn ME na ns Auburn Mills ON ns 18132 Aubut QUE ns 53564 AUDEN *AN ON ns 23502 Audy QUE ns 13304 Augustus PEI ns 14292 Aulac NB ns 11502 Auld Cove NS ns 42112 AURORA ON ns 51621 Austin ON ns 23906 AUTHIER QUE 185a ns Aultsville *AU ON 322a ns Aurora *UO ON na 86174 Ava SK 402a ns Avening *NY ON ns 12785 Aviation NS a 92214 AVOLA *VO BC ns 04154 AVONDALE *SC NFLD ns 11576 AVONDALE *BD NS ns 14936 Avondale Rd NB na 76948 Avonhurst SK ns 76504 AVONLEA SK na 37844 Aylen Lake ON ns 76166 AYLESBURY SK 548a 47430 AYLMER *MR ON ns 75222 AYLSHAM SK ns 28466 Ayrness QUE 600a 46618 AYTON *QE ON ON ns 52356 Azen *AN ON
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 14852 Babbitt NB ns 74954 Back MB 425a 46268 BADEN *BD/BA ON ns 71554 Baden MB ns 04702 BADGER *MW NFLD ns 62218 Badger MB ns 27226 Bagot QUE ns 39207 Bagshaw Lbr Co M1.7 ON ns 22518 BAIE ST PAUL *NY QUE na ns Baie D'Urfe QUE ns 02574 Baie Verte NFLD ns 14136 Baie Verte NB ns 76414 Baildon SK ns 04471 Bailey NFLD ns 02246 Baine Harbour NFLD 178a ns Bainsville *VS ON ns 81644 Baintree AB na 47465 Bairds (aka Baird's) ON ns 17904 Baker Brook NB ns 17847 Baker Brook Jct NB ns 74296 Bakers Narrows
(LCLTruck Conn With Flin Flon)MB ns 51524 Bala Park *BD/BA ON ns 51528 Bala Rd ON a 76974 BALCARRES SK ns 92293 Balco Forest Prods BC ns 65538 BALDUR MB na ns Baldwin's Crossing ON ns 13709 Baldwine PEI ns 74315 Baldy M32.5 MB na ns Ballantrae ON a ns Ballantyne *WR
(aka Western Jct)ON ns 16859 Ballast Pit M59.1 QUE ns 23237 Ballast Pit M87.2 QUE ns 23249 Ballast Pit M76.0 QUE ns 23305 Ballast Pit M76.1 QUE ns 23795 Ballast Pit M17.4 QUE ns 51677 Ballast Pit M125.6 ON ns 52953 Ballast Pit ON ns 60777 Ballast Pit M123.9 ON ns 74211 Ballast Pit Spur M4.4 MB ns 81819 Ballast Pit Spur M35.2 AB ns 81975 Ballast Pit M1.9 AB ns 88557 Ballast Pit M65.9 AB ns 88593 Ballast Pit M113.3 AB ns 92447 Ballast Pit M99.7 BC ns 92655 Ballast Pit M39.4 BC ns 92711 Ballast Pit M85.7 BC ns 92853 Ballast Pit M63 BC ns 94129 Ballast Pit M9.4 BC ns 88991 Ballast Spur M101.9 AB ns 72249 Ballast Stock Pile M29.9 SK ns 11128 Ball Creek NS na ns Ballsville ON ns 64162 Balsam Bay MB ns 13134 Baltic PEI ns 14628 Baltimore NB 725a 38628 BANCROFT *BF ON ns 17787 B & Ar Transfer NB a 66428 BANGOR SK ns 60824 Banning ON ns 75139 Bannock SK a 38538 Bannockburn *BA ON ns 17246 Bantalor NB ns 75592 Bapaume SK ns 25222 Barabe QUE ns 11168 Barachois NS ns 16464 BARACHOIS QUE ns 15732 Barbarie NB ns 66144 Barbour SK na 87738 Bardo AB ns 02278 Bar Haven NFLD ns 87629 Barlee Jct AB ns 81674 Barlow AB ns 15222 Barnaby River NB na ns Barrett BC ns 17366 Barnett NB ns 11572 Barney River NS ns 14904 Barony NB ns 11218 Barra Glen NS ns 23424 BARRAUTE *RU QUE ns 91583 Barrett BC ns 04425 Barrett's Sdg NFLD 330a 51304 BARRIE *BR/GO ON ns 92272 Barriere BC ns 92273 Barriere Planing Mills BC ns 12158 BARRINGTON PASSAGE *BA NS ns 12162 BARRINGTON NS 126a 28444 Barrington QUE ns 28618 Barrington QUE ns 71566 Barrows MB 930a 37836 BARRY'S BAY *BY ON ns 15372 Bartibog NB ns 61484 Bartlett Minn ns 02712 Bartlett's Harbour NFLD ns 23366 Bartouille QUE ns 66138 Barvas SK ns 60924 BARWICK ON a 87682 BASHAW *BA AB ns 11318 Basin Rd NS ns 12617 Basin Yd NS na ns Basing AB ns 92670 Basque BC ns 23712 Bassignac QUE ns 38421 Bata Shoe Co No1 M5.8 ON ns 38423 Bata Shoe Co No2 M6.2 ON ns 76478 BATEMAN SK ns 26212 BATES ME ns 15522 BATHURST NB na ns Bathurst Str Jct ON ns 15515 Bathurst Spur NB ns 02816 Batteau NFLD a 51262 Batteaux *DX ON ns 81299 Batter Jct AB ns 87662 Battle AB ns 86594 BATTLEFORD *BF SK a 86813 Battleford Jct SK ns 02676 Battle Harbour NFLD ns 62152 BAUDETTE MINN ns 53296 Bawk *BK ON ns 76436 Bayard SK ns 02159 Bay du Nord NFLD ns 11536 Bayfield Rd NS ns 02178 Bay L'Argent NFLD ns 62234 Baynham MB ns 04184 BAY ROBERTS *RY NFLD ns 51609 Bayswater *BY/BS ON ns 44523 Bayview *SJ
(aka Junction Cut)ON ns 75596 Bazentin SK ns 94295 BC Forest Prods BC ns 91359 BC Power Co BC ns 91577 BC Power Comm BC ns 91525 BC Propane M34.9 BC ns 91265 BC Spruce Sales Ltd M61.4 BC ns 91445 BC Spruce Sales Ltd M68.8 BC ns 52128 BEACHBURG *BU ON ns 64123 Beach Jct MB a ns Beach Rd *BS ON 489a 47328 BEACHVILLE *BA ON ns 64158 Beaconia MB 167a 36236 Beaconsfield *F QUE ns 77992 Beadle SK na 91641 Beament BC 471a 48126 BEAMSVILLE *BV ON na ns Beamsville Quarry ON ns 02584 Bear Cove NFLD ns ns Bear Lake ON ns 60228 BEARDMORE *BD ON ns 60874 Bear Pass ON ns 13214 Bear River PEI ns 75254 BEATTY SK na ns Beatty's ON ns 23362 BEATTYVILLE *BY QUE na 65306 Beaudry MB na 86146 Beaufield SK 130½ a 28750 BEAUHARNOIS QUE na ns Beaurepaire QUE ns 02498 Beaumont NFLD ns 23546 Beaumont QUE ns 23537 Beaumont Ballast Pit M5 QUE ns 22494 BEAUPRE *FC QUE ns 32314 Beaven Lake QUE ns 65814 Beaver MB ns 15306 Beaver Brook NB ns 02436 Beaver Cove NFLD ns 11178 Beaver Cove NS ns 66176 Beaverdale SK ns 87432 Beaver River AB na ns Beavers ON 263a 51356 BEAVERTON *BN ON ns 39254 Beaverton East ON ns 25417 Becan QUE na 76648 Bechard SK ns 16449 Beck QUE ns 53187 Becker ON ns 12648 BEDFORD *HN NS ns 13522 BEDFORD PEI ns 62244 Bedford MB ns 12657 Bedford Quarry NS na 91418 Bednesti BC na ns Bedson AB ns 77786 BEECHY *BH SK 376a 51148 BEETON *BO ON ns 20321 Begin QUE a 81736 BEISEKER AB ns 64168 Belair MB ns 18121 Belanger QUE ns 75594 Belbutte SK ns 74962 Belcher MB ns 23404 Belcourt QUE 662a ns Belgrave *BA ON ns 02722 Bellburns NFLD ns 15554 Belledune NB ns 17774 Bellefleur NB ns 02648 Belle Isle NFLD ns 02156 Belleoram NFLD ns 13382 Belle River PEI 528a 47650 BELLE RIVER *HY ON ns 42441 Bell Estate ON ns 65596 Belleview MB ns 12122 Belleville NS ns 14932 Belleville NB 207a 38110 BELLEVILLE *B ON a ns Belleville East *B ON a ns Belleville South *VI ON ns 38107 Belleville Wharf ON a ns Belleville Yd *YD ON ns 27455 Bellevue Jct *B QUE ns 87346 BELLIS *B AB ns 15203 Belliveau NB ns 92157 Bell Pole 1951 Ltd BC ns 37638 Bells Corners ON ns 71528 Bellaite MB na ns Bellwood ON ns 38523 Belmar ON ns 11802 Belmont NS ns 65542 BELMONT MB 105a 27758 BELOEIL QUE ns 18372 Belval QUE ns 16771 Belzile QUE ns 76846 Bemersyde SK na 46656 Ben Allen
(aka Benallen)ON ns 65336 Benard MB ns 14601 Bend NB na 91262 Bend BC ns 76564 BENGOUGH SK ns 76539 Bengough Jct SK ns 71428 BENITO MB ns 27843 Bennett Ltd &
Agr Chems Ltd M43.4QUE a 76688 BENSON SK ns 04566 BENTON NFLD ns 81224 Benton AB ns 15538 Beresford NB 423a 46190 Berlin *BR
(aka Kitchener)ON ns 26250 BERLIN NH a ns Berridale ON a ns Berridale Pit *BD ON ns 04897 Berry Brook NFLD ns 14556 BERRY MILLS NB a ns Bertie *JY ON ns 15435 Bertrand NB ns 72218 Bertwell SK ns 18188 Berube QUE ns 38584 Bessemer ON ns 38571 Bessemer Jct ON na ns Best's (aka Bests) ON ns 65958 Bethany MB 257a ns Bethany ON 24a 26232 BETHEL ME na ns Bethel Mill ME ns 52932 Bethnal *BN ON ns 76178 BETHUNE SK ns 65928 Beulah MB ns 81618 Beynon AB ns 16748 BIC QUE a 88694 Bickerdike *KD AB ns 71126 Bield MB ns 71125 Bield Pit MB ns 68340 BIENFAIT *BF SK ns 11188 Big Beach NS a 86212 BIGGAR *BI/B SK ns 32453 Bigras Island QUE ns 75542 BIG RIVER SK ns 81418 BIG VALLEY AB ns 88319 Bilby AB ns 22792 Bilodeau QUE na ns Bilodeau Sdg QUE ns 24168 Bingle ON na ns Birch ON na 81742 Bircham AB ns 64787 Birch Bay MB ns 12632 Birch Cove NS ns 75266 BIRCH HILLS SK a 92242 BIRCH ISLAND *BD BC ns 15118 Birch Ridge NB ns 71516 BIRCH RIVER *BR MB ns 12186 Birchtown NS ns 02458 Birchy Bay NFLD ns 74912 BIRD MB na 38736 Birdsall's ON ns 38636 Bird's Creek ON ns 64136 Birds Hill MB ns 64133 Birds Hill Pit MB ns 65984 Birdtail MB ns 86823 Birling SK na 66384 Birmingham SK ns 66387 Birmingham Jct SK ns 65942 Birnie MB ns 77766 BIRSAY SK ns 04648 BISHOP'S FALLS *BF NFLD ns 88508 Bissell AB ns 75118 BJORKDALE SK ns 15773 Black Brook NB ns 22795 Blackburn QUE ns 16384 Black Cape QUE ns 04866 Black Duck NFLD ns 87148 Blackfoot AB ns 02467 Black Islands NFLD ns 87723 Black Nuggett Coal Co AB ns 92252 Black Pool BC ns 11458 Black River NS ns 12925 Black River NS na 22685 Black River QUE ns 25514 Black River QUE 519a 45300 BLACK ROCK (Buffalo) *B2 NY ns 51549 Blackstone *BS ON ns 02818 Black Tickle NFLD ns 17356 BLACKVILLE NB 303a 39422 Blackwater (Jct) *WK
(aka Wick Jct)ON 438½ a 46986 Blackwell *BK ON ns 76148 BLADWORTH SK ns 75856 BLAINE LAKE SK 444a 46242 Blair ON ns 14762 Blairs NB ns 60781 Blalock ON ns 15449 Blanchards NB ns 02698 Blanc Sablon NFLD ns 76724 Blewett SK na ns Blezard's ON na ns Bliss AB ns 17332 Blissfield NB ns ns Block F Queen St *Q ON ns 12508 Blockhouse NS na 65715 Bloom MB ns 13788 BLOOMFIELD PEI ns 14744 Bloomfield NB a 38234 BLOOMFIELD *FD ON ns 26271 Bloomfield Sdg M134.9 NH ns 17746 Blue Bell NB na ns Blue Bonnet's QUE ns 88374 Blue Ridge AB a 92198 BLUE RIVER *BR BC ns 92185 Blue River Sawmills Ltd BC 646a 46422 Bluevale ON 661a ns Blyth *BI ON ns 51584 Boakview *BV ON ns 22934 Bochart *BH QUE ns 75536 Bodmin SK ns 86354 Bodo AB na ns Boehmer's Sdg ON ns 12707 Bog NS ns 17308 BOIESTOWN NB ns 17313 Boiestown Pit NB ns 22466 Boischatel QUE ns 11174 BOISDALE *Q NS ns 23658 Bolger QUE ns 51588 Bolger *BG/BO ON ns 75672 Bolney SK ns 02804 Bolster's Rock NFLD 141a 29778 BOMBAY NY ns 81298 Bonar AB ns 38520 BONARLAW *CG ON ns 16394 BONAVENTURE QUE ns 33341 Bonaventure QUE ns 04496 BONAVISTA *BO NFLD ns 02734 Bonne Bay NFLD na ns Bonner's Sand & Ballast Sdg QUE ns 87422 BONNYVILLE *N AB ns 66338 Booth SK ns 92786 Boothroyd BC ns 13928 BORDEN *SY PEI ns 75938 BORDEN SK ns 87158 Borradaile AB ns 87402 Boscombe AB a 92796 BOSTON BAR *B BC na ns Boston Mills Sdg ON 522a 47560 BOTHWELL *B ON ns 27578 Boucherville QUE ns 92258 Boulder BC ns 33245 Boulevard QUE ns 14612 Boundary Creek NB ns 17914 Boundary Shelter NB ns 22658 Bourg Louis QUE ns 23636 Bourmont QUE ns 75818 Bournemouth SK ns 23756 Bousquet QUE ns 12568 Boutilier NS ns 11511 Bowmans NS 218a 39552 BOWMANVILLE *VI ON ns 39549 Bowmanville Town Spur ON ns 71512 BOWSMAN MB ns 38429 Box Board Gair Co ON ns 74838 Boyd MB ns 16815 Boyd Ballast Pit M9 QUE ns 02438 Boyd's Cove NFLD 342a 51742 BRACEBRIDGE *BN/BD ON ns 13542 Brackley PEI ns 75916 Brada SK ns 13656 BRADALBANE PEI 325a 51182 BRADFORD *BF ON na 77358 BRADWELL SK ns 64148 Brainerd MB a 51194 Bramley *B ON na ns Bramm's Sdg ON 413a 42210 BRAMPTON *BN ON ns 75264 Brancepeth SK 617a 46784 Branchton *BN ON ns 65650 BRANDON *YD MB ns 65666 Brandon Jct MB ns 65739 Brandon North MB na ns Brandy Creek ON ns 46793 Brant Cty Sdg ON na ns Brant House ON ns 47360 BRANTFORD ON 567a ns Brantford B&T *BR/NF ON a ns Brantford B&G *NF ON ns 48661 Brantford Ind'l Spur M71.5 ON ns 42153 Brantford Roofing ON ns 18312 BRAS D'APIC QUE ns 77738 Bratton SK ns 52164 Brawny ON ns 81898 Brazeau AB na 27334 Breault (aka Breault's) QUE ns 16845 Brebner BA Oil & Roy QUE 265a 39262 Brechin *BH ON ns 51348 Brechin East ON ns 76192 Bredin SK na 76754 Breeze SK na 75416 Bremen SK na 87512 Bremner
(aka Bremner's Sdg)AB ns 52186 BRENT *BR ON ns 12888 Brentwood NS na 51252 Brentwood ON ns 62362 Brereton Lake MB ns 86818 Bresaylor SK 422a 46184 Breslau *BU ON ns 18178 Bretagne QUE ns 87618 Bretona AB ns 87507 Bretville Jct AB na 66214 Brewer SK ns 60897 Brewery ON ns 04418 Brickyard NFLD ns 74824 Bridgar MB a 22108 BRIDGE *BR QUE 520a ns Bridgeburg (also 2020) *B1 ON ns 02456 Bridgeport NFLD ns 12468 BRIDGETOWN NS ns 11722 Bridgeville NS ns 12504 BRIDGEWATER *BW NS ns 12281 Bridgewater Jct NS ns 18352 Brie QUE ns 76424 Briercrest SK ns 11558 Brierly Brook NS ns 02706 Brig Bay NFLD ns 81834 Briggs AB 569a 46842 BRIGHT *BG ON ns 02482 Brighton NFLD 211a 39520 BRIGHTON *GN ON ns 04174 BRIGUS NFLD ns 04156 BRIGUS JCT NFLD ns 16469 Brillant Cove QUE ns 63896 Brinka ON ns 38564 Brinklow ON ns 77946 Brisbin SK ns 52118 Bristol QUE a ns Bristol *SO ON ns 04203 Bristol's Hope NFLD 100a 27168 Britannia Mills QUE ns 04197 British NFLD ns 15239 Br Am Oil No2 &
Can Petrofina Ltd M7.2NB ns 15241 Br Am Oil Nol &
Tex of Can M74NB ns 15639 BA Oil Co Ltd NB ns 16373 British American Oil No1 QUE ns 27247 Br Amer Oil Co M99.7 QUE ns 71119 BA Oil Spur M62.4 MB ns 87891 British American Oil Co AB ns 61294 BRITT MINN na ns Britton ON ns 64728 Broad Valley MB ns 23518 Brochet QUE ns 77984 BROCK SK 191a 37180 BROCKVILLE (also 192a) *RA ON ns 37165 Brockville Ind M119.1 ON ns 37185 Brockville Yd *MB ON ns 27133 Brompton Pulp M55 QUE 60a 27132 BROMPTONVILLE QUE ns 17222 Bronson NB ns 38624 Bronson ON 460a 43650 BRONTE *BE ON na ns Brookfield ON ns 12892 BROOKFIELD NS ns 12344 Brookfield Mines NS na ns Brookholm ON ns 76544 Brooking SK 285a 41784 Brooklin
(LCL Truck Conn with Oshawa)ON ns 27828 Brookline QUE ns 12244 Brooklyn NS ns 14142 Brooklyn NB ns 22753 Brooks QUE ns 75208 BROOKSBY SK ns 14784 Brookville NB ns 14783 Brookville Mfg Co M82.4 NB 110a 28106 BROUSSEAU (Jct) QUE na 76672 Brough SK ns 24184 Brower ON ns 26185 Brown Bradway Box Co ME ns 26289 Brown Co M7.6 VT 297½ a ns Brown Hill ON ns 68264 Browning SK ns 11946 Brown Point NS ns 61188 Brown Spur MINN ns 93135 Brownsville Spur BC ns 15379 Bruce NB na 87552 BRUCE AB 659a 46904 Brucefield ON ns 13456 Brudenell PEI ns 87246 BRUDERHEIM *BD AB na 88971 Brule AB 937a ns Brule Lake *BU ON ns 65916 Brumlie MB ns 65358 Brunkild MB 1022a 46376 Brunner ON ns 75374 BRUNO SK ns 75377 Bruno Clay Works Ltd SK na ns Brunswick ON 645a 46416 BRUSSELS *BS ON na ns Brussy QUE ns 76718 Bryant SK 22a 26222 Bryants Pond ME ns 17386 Bryenton NB 133a 28762 Brysons (aka Bryson's) QUE a ns Bucke *BK ON ns 70178 BUCHANAN SK ns 75501 Buckland SK ns 91579 Buck River Lbr Co BC ns 14468 BUCTOUCHE NB ns 14421 Buctouche Jct NB ns 74552 Budd MB na ns Budd's ON ns 92359 Buff Lbr Co BC ns 88537 Building Prods Ltd M44.9 AB ns 64716 Building Products Spur MB na 91645 Bulkley Canyon BC ns 91593 Bulkley Valley Collier-ies &
TF&M MillsBC na ns Bullocksville AB na ns Bulstrode QUE ns 81816 Burbank AB ns 15233 Burchill Sdg NB ns 14892 Burden NB na 76234 Burdick SK 579a 47372 BURFORD *BF ON ns 47373 Burford Sand Co ON ns 02108 Burgeo NFLD a 47382 Burgessville ON na 66288 Burgis SK ns 02232 Burin NFLD 350a 51926 BURKS FALLS *BS ON ns 02518 Burlington NFLD 461a 44660 BURLINGTON (Jct) *SQ ON 461a ns Burlington (Stn) *B ON na ns Burlington Pressed Brick Co Sdg ON ns 93342 Burnaby BC a 62591 BURNET *RF MB a 91526 BURNS LAKE *BK BC ns 15432 BURNSVILLE NB 309a 39116 Burnt River ON ns 93420 Burrard Inlet BC a 76242 Burt SK ns 14854 Burton NB ns 51591 Burton *BO ON ns 51614 BURWASH *B ON ns 15309 Busby NB ns 53306 Buskegau ON ns 53307 Buskegau Pit M9.6 ON ns 25526 Bussiere QUE ns 65626 Butler MB ns 44667 Butler Mfrg &
Can Canners M2.5ON ns 74588 Button MB ns 04561 Butt's Pond NFLD na 87592 Butze AB ns 81382 BYEMOOR AB ns 74978 Bylot MB
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 16842 CABANO QUE a 43315 Cabin E *DU ON na 65308 Cabot MB ns 16794 CACOUNA QUE ns 86334 Cactus Lake SK ns 23764 CADILLAC QUE a 88878 Cadomin AB ns 22417 Cadorna *CO QUE na 48664 Cainsville ON ns 88316 Calahoo AB ns 66104 CALDER SK ns 87950 Calder *CD AB ns 76322 Calderbank SK ns 17763 Caldwell NB 923a 37786 Caldwell *H ON 373a 51134 Caledon East *CN ON ns 12352 CALEDONIA NS 463a 47968 CALEDONIA *CS ON ns 12323 Caledonia Jct NS a 81690 CALGARY AB ns 81691 Calgary (Grn Only) AB ns 88539 Calgary Power Ltd AB ns 14332 Calhoun NB ns 64811 Caliento MB 358a 51988 CALLANDER *DN/ON ON a 53285 Calong *CN ON ns 65346 Calrin MB ns 53422 CALSTOCK *CK ON ns 85175 Calthorpe AB ns 32415 Calumet Beach QUE na 39216 Cambray ON ns 75566 Cameo SK ns 18358 Cameron QUE na 39106 Cameron ON na ns Cameron & Beck's Sdg ON ns 11599 Cameron & Fraser NS ns 60292 Cameron Falls *CF ON ns 23359 Camille Richard M42.7 QUE 438a 46978 Camlachie *RF ON ns 04306 Camp 4 NFLD ns 04481 Camp 7 NFLD ns 11423 Campbell NS ns 23231 Campbell-Chibougamau M104.8 QUE ns 11772 Campbell NS a 92329 Campbell Creek *BO BC ns 92336 Campbell Creek Jct BC 251a ns Campbellcroft ON 242a 38716 CAMPBELLFORD *KS ON ns 15654 CAMPBELLTON NB 383½ a 51250 CAMP BORDEN *B/KB ON ns 64776 Camper MB na ns Camperdown ON ns 14857 Camp Gagetown NB na ns Camp Mine-wawa ON ns 14868 Camp Rd NB ns 76123 Camp Spur M137.3 SK a 87660 CAMROSE *CO AB ns 87657 Camrose Jct AB ns 87659 Camrose Tubes Ltd AB ns 94222 Camscot BC na 66418 Cana SK ns 66417 Cana Jct SK ns 15112 Canaan NB ns 15243 Canada Cement Co NB ns 02606 Canada Harbour NFLD ns 92413 Canada Land & Irrigation Co BC ns 23347 Canada Paper No2 &
Ballast Pit M53.9QUE ns 23337 Canada Paper No3 M65.4 QUE ns 27135 Canada Paper Co M60.6 & M60.8 QUE ns 87379 Canada Salt Co Ltd AB ns 91655 Canadian Alaskan Sawmills BC ns 32871 Canadian Arsenal Co QUE ns 88323 Canadian Baroid Sales Ltd AB ns 88769 Canadian Colleries Resources Ltd AB ns 88839 Can Collieries Resources Ltd M6.4 AB na ns Can Explosives Sdg QUE ns 42219 Can Gen Elec M10.4 ON ns 81905 Canadian Gulf Oil Co AB ns 81423 Canadian Gulf Pipe Line Co M75.6 AB ns 37163 Canadian Ind ON ns 64147 Canadian Ind MB ns 44673 Canadian Meter Co Ltd M12.7 ON ns 16377 Canadian Oil Co M70.1 QUE ns 92321 CPR Jct BC na ns Can Paper Co Sdg QUE ns 22111 Can Petrofina M2.9 QUE ns 16381 Can Petrofina Ltd M70.3 QUE ns 16487 Can Petrofina Ltd M102.8 QUE na ns Can Portland Cement Co Sdg ON ns 42133 Canadian Petrofina Ltd M11.5 ON ns 27569 Can Titanium Pigment M15.5 QUE ns 76868 CANDIAC SK ns 28574 Candiac & Iroquois Glass Co M79.4 QUE a 86572 CANDO *DO SK 564a 48650 Canfield *CD ON 536a 48560 Canfield Jct *FA ON ns 23584 Cann QUE ns 88306 Cannell AB 277a 39322 CANNINGTON *CT ON ns 92866 Cannor BC a ns Canoe Lake *MO ON ns 92162 Canoe River BC a 70194 CANORA *CA SK ns 43347 Canpa *MJ ON ns 28344 CANTIC QUE ns 18386 Cantin QUE ns 17241 Cantor NB ns 74128 Cantyre MB ns 75516 CANWOOD SK ns 63882 Canyon ON ns 22524 Cap aux Oies QUE ns 22138 CAP ROUGE *GU QUE ns 22166 Cap Sante QUE ns 20278 CAP ST IGNACE *FK QUE ns 22504 Cap Tourmente QUE ns 14438 Cape Breton NB ns 16452 CAPE COVE QUE ns 02856 Cape Harrison NFLD ns 02114 Cape La Hune NFLD ns 11512 Cape Porcupine NS ns 04988 Cape Ray NFLD ns 02678 Cape St Charles NFLD ns 14106 CAPE TORMENTINE *N NB ns 16388 CAPLAN QUE ns 16385 Caplan River QUE ns 52396 CAPREOL *CA ON ns 81412 Caprona AB ns 11645 Captain NS ns 53282 CARAMAT ON ns 15442 CARAQUET NB ns 65710 Carberry MB ns 65702 Carberry Jct MB ns 32215 Carbo QUE ns 04206 CARBONEAR *CB NFLD ns 65914 CARDALE MB ns 13426 CARDIGAN *DI PEI 188a 37154 CARDINAL *CV ON ns 65396 Cardinal MB ns 53415 Carey Lake ON 635a 46568 CARGILL *HC ON ns 22745 Caribou QUE ns 32134 Carillon QUE ns 75218 Carlea SK a ns Carlton *ON ON ns 13924 Carleton PEI ns 16358 CARLETON QUE 909a 37356 Carlsbad Springs ON ns 75982 Carlton SK ns 68242 CARLYLE SK ns 65372 CARMAN MB ns 65351 Carman Jct MB ns 02402 Carmanville NFLD na 75372 CARMEL SK na 91662 Carnaby BC ns 81334 Carolside AB ns 17906 Caron Brook NB 913a 37718 CARP *C ON ns 75402 Carpenter SK ns 75108 CARRAGANA SK ns 62224 Carrick MB ns 20314 Carrier QUE ns 17324 Carroll NB ns 91141 Carroll Bros BC na ns Carroll's Sdg ON ns 88587 Carrot Creek AB ns 75226 CARROT RIVER SK 1035a 28773 Carrs (aka Carr's) QUE a 86692 Carruthers SK ns 14898 Carson NB na ns Carss ON ns 16491 Carter & Gerard Constn M103.2 QUE ns 42589 Carter Const Co Ltd M19.8 ON ns 02446 Carter's Cove NFLD a 51315 Carthew *CA ON ns 64851 Cartier MB ns 33652 Cartierville QUE ns 02836 Cartwright NFLD ns 04914 Cartyville NFLD a 88526 Carvel *CA AB a ns Carvell SK ns 11625 Car Works NS ns 16368 CASCAPEDIA QUE 903a 37334 CASSELMAN *CN ON ns 23588 CASEY *SA QUE ns 91951 Cassiar Cannery BC ns 27823 Castle Gardens QUE ns 04113 Castor NFLD ns 02336 Catalina NFLD ns 04488 CATALINA *C NFLD ns 15104 Catamount NB ns 37253 Cataraqui ON ns 16632 CAUSAPSCAL QUE ns 75746 Cavalier SK ns 53532 Cavell ON ns 86242 Cavell SK ns 65774 Cawdor MB na 65722 Caye MB 537a 48570 CAYUGA *CA/CN ON ns 48575 Cayuga Quarries Ltd M53.0 ON ns 77538 Cazalet SK ns 73108 Ceba SK 889a 28840 Cecile (aka Jct) *NY QUE ns 51364 Cedar Brae *CB ON 172a 36368 Cedars *RS QUE ns 92158 Cedarside BC na 91682 Cedarvale BC na 76658 Cedoux SK ns 75944 Ceepee SK ns 60903 Cement Spur M90.7 ON ns 12128 Central Argyle NS ns 91527 Central BC Lumbermena Co-op BC a 76368 CENTRAL BUTTE SK ns 14832 Central Hampstead NB 655a 46918 CENTRALIA *CA ON ns 61434 Central Lakes MINN ns 14944 CENTREVILLE *CV NB na ns Centreville ON ns 81254 CEREAL AB ns 16649 CE Soucy Inc M63.6 QUE ns 81344 Ceaeford AB ns 76548 CEYLON SK ns 26229 Chadbourne Lbr Co ME ns 76172 CHAMBERLAIN SK ns 77716 Chambers SK ns 27834 CHAMBLY QUE ns 22798 CHAMBORD *B QUE ns 16601 Champion QUE ns 22541 Champlain Oil M90. 8 QUE ns 23392 Champnenf QUE ns 16432 CHANDLER QUE ns 02434 Change Islands NFLD ns 74282 Channing MB ns 23246 CHAPAIS *CI QUE ns 11306 Chapel Rd NS ns 92806 Chapman's BC ns 77489 Chappell SK ns 87303 Charbonneau AB ns 32528 CHARETTE *HA QUE ns 32527 Charette Pit QUE ns 74924 Charlebois MB ns 32876 Charlemagne QUE ns 74432 Charles MB ns 16417 Charles H Nadeau & Son M21.9 QUE ns 22624 Charlesbourg QUE ns 22628 Charlesbourg Ouest QUE na ns Charlton SK ns 15584 CHARLO NB ns 13582 CHARLOTTETOWN *CG PEI 89a 21138 CHARNY *CJ QUE ns 22484 Chateau Richer QUE ns 64724 Chatfield MB ns 15244 CHATHAM NB 525a 47610 CHATHAM JCT *CM ON ns 15227 Chatham Ind NB ns 15247 Chatham Ind NB ns 52113 Chats Falls ON na 21148 Chaudiere QUE 88a 21148 Chaudiere Jct *OS QUE ns 37466 Chaudiere Yd ON ns 22837 Chauvigny *RA QUE a 87588 CHAUVIN *AU AB ns 92842 Cheam View BC ns 37222 Cheeseboro ON ns 75114 CHELAN SK 370a 51126 Cheltenham *CT ON ns 95222 Chemainus BC ns 51335 Chem Dev of Can Ltd ON ns 20204 CHEMIN DU LAC *NG QUE ns 73114 Chemong SK ns 21148 Chaudiere QUE a ns Cheney ON ns 88338 Cherhill AB a 42116 Cherry *CH ON ns 14874 Cherry Bank NB ns 12416 Cherryfield NS 604a 46634 CHESLEY *DE ON ns 74972 Chesnaye MB ns 12544 CHESTER *CH NS ns 12534 CHESTER BASIN *CB NS ns 12824 Chezzetcook NS ns 23226 CHIBOUGAMAU *CH QUE ns 22923 Chibougamau Lbr Ltd M47.0 QUE ns 22846 CHICOUTIMI *RC QUE na 91414 Chilako BC ns 38589 Child's Mine ON a 92860 CHILLIWACK *CH BC ns 81258 CHINOOK AB ns 92268 Chinook Cove BC na 88572 Chip Lake AB ns 17230 CHIPMAN NB ns 87226 CHIPMAN AB ns 74336 CHISEL LAKE M51.4 *CL MB na ns Chisholms ON ns 18159 Chouinard Pit QUE ns 53377 Christiansen ON ns 64832 Christie MB na ns Christies *DS ON ns 32264 Christieville QUE ns 11194 Christmas Island NS ns 15704 Christopher NB ns 32477 Chrysler Corp QUE a 92264 CHU CHUA *C BC ns 52362 Chudleigh *DG ON ns 74992 CHURCHILL *CH MB ns 91297 Church Sawmills BC ns 04407 Church Sdg NFLD ns 92755 Cisco BC ns 23581 CIP No1 M70.3 QUE ns 22465 Citadel Brick Co No1 M7.2 QUE ns 75324 Claggett SK ns 70126 CLAIR SK ns 17854 CLAIRS NB 654a ns Clandeboye ON ns 65962 CLANWILLIAM MB ns 51644 Clara Belle
(aka Copper Cliff)ON ns 12464 Clarance NS 906a ns Clarence Creek ON ns 52122 Clarendon QUE ns 04372 CLARENVILLE *SO NFLD ns 75396 Clarkboro SK ns 16607 Clark Brook QUE ns 63672 Clarkdon ON ns 04759 Clarke NFLD ns 93379 Clarke & Buzza BC ns 04182 CLARKE'S BEACH *CB NFLD ns 75444 Clark's Crossing SK ns 13314 Clarkin PEI ns 64763 Clarkleigh MB ns 28891 Clarks Island QUE 458a 43630 CLARKSON
(aka Clarkson's) *CAON ns 75152 Clashmoor SK ns 02272 Clattice Harbour NFLD na ns Clavering ON a 77368 Clavet SK ns 74309 Claw Lake M22.6 MB ns 76434 Claybank SK ns 87168 Claysmore AB ns 12867 Clay Works NS ns 76606 Clearfield SK a 92248 CLEARWATER *WR BC ns 17302 Clearwater NB ns 88903 Clearwater Tbr Prods Ltd M11.2 AB ns 88967 Clearwater Tbr Prod M69.0 AB ns 91129 Clearwater Tbr Prod BC ns 92245 Clearwater Tbr Prod Ltd BC ns 04837 Cleary NFLD ns 75626 Cleeves SK ns 17395 Cleland NB ns 72214 Clemenceau SK ns 92166 Clemina BC ns 23465 Clercs St Viateur QUE ns 23724 Clericy QUE ns 13718 Clermont PEI ns 22542 Clermont QUE 630a 46548 CLIFFORD *OR ON ns 15414 Clifton NB na 48183 Clifton Jct ON 575a 46878 CLINTON *CT ON na 46883 Clinton Jct ON ns 75514 Clonfert SK ns 27873 Clough QUE ns 75472 Clouston SK ns 23618 CLOVA *VA QUE na 87510 Clover Bar (via CCP Trks) AB ns 18389 Clusiault QUE ns 13641 Clyde PEI ns 88136 CLYDE *CY AB ns 04121 CMIC NFLD ns 51641 CN Jct-Algo Jct ON ns 93385 CN Jct BC ns 02576 Coachman's Cove NFLD ns 15122 COAL BRANCH NB ns 11642 Coalburn NS ns 88744 Coalspur AB a 88758 Coal Valley AB 53a 27108 COATICOOK QUE ns 65532 Coatstone MB ns 11835 Cobequid Lbr Co NS 283a 39366 COBOCONK *CO ON 214a 39530 COBOURG *RU ON ns 39535 Cobourg ON ns 39533 Cobourg ON ns 53300 COCHRANE *F ON ns 81852 Codner AB ns 04928 Codroy Pond NFLD a 38556 Coe Hill *CO ON ns 23408 Coffee QUE ns 16481 Coffin QUE ns 81804 Coghill AB 212a 39524 COLBORNE *NO ON ns 65838 Colby MB ns 14786 COLDBROOK *F NB ns 92428 Coldstream BC ns 60741 Coldstream Copper Mines ON ns 92425 Coldstream Ranch M3.3 BC 272a 51428 COLDWATER *CW ON ns 12796 Cole NS ns 12793 Cole Summit NS ns 12445 Coleman NS ns 13774 Coleman PEI ns 14295 Coles Island NB a 86142 COLEVILLE *CO SK a 76656 Colfax SK ns 76594 Colgate SK ns 88174 COLINTON *CN AB ns 14316 COLLEGE BRIDGE NB ns 15215 Collett NB ns 04171 Collier's NFLD 387a 51266 COLLINGWOOD *CD/CW ON ns 51267 COLLINGWOOD WHARF ON ns 20279 Collin Lbr Co M77.3 QUE a 63718 Collins *CO ON 200a 37254 COLLINS' BAY *CB ON ns 04707 Collishaw's NFLD na 76998 Colmer SK ns 23788 Colombiere QUE ns 23914 Colombourg QUE ns 11157 Colonial Coal Co NS ns 41793 Colonial Homes M313.2 ON ns 12334 Colpton NS ns 17309 Colter NB ns 91803 Columbia Cell Co M1.5 BC ns 91807 Columbia Cell Co M5.1 BC ns 91809 Columbia Cellulose Co M7.2 BC ns 91811 Columbia Cellulose Co M7.3 BC ns 91911 Columbia Cellulose Co BC ns 91975 Columbia Cellulose Co M86.4 BC ns 91929 Columbia Cellulose Log Spur BC ns 91923 Columbia Cellulose Spur M17.8 BC ns 91925 Columbia Cellulose Spur M26.2 BC ns 91927 Columbia Cellulose Spur M32.2 BC ns 13626 Colville PEI 381a 51206 Colwell (Jct) *HG/GP ON ns 51209 Colwell Pit ON ns 94126 Colwood BC ns 04342 Come By Chance NFLD ns 04333 Come By Chance Sdg NFLD ns 64793 Commercial MB ns 64185 Commonwealth Constn Co M4.9 MB ns 61537 Como Oil Spur MINN 55a 27112 Compton QUE ns 02616 Conche NFLD 318a 42126 CONCORD *HI ON ns 42149 Concrete Pipe ON ns 76196 Condie SK na ns Coney Island QUE ns 23289 Coniagas Mines Ltd M16.7 QUE ns 51624 CONISTON *CN/CO ON ns 60661 Conmee ON ns 13124 Connaught PEI ns 11842 Conn Mills NS ns ns Connel *WD
(aka Woodward)ON ns 15409 Connolly Constn NB ns 12268 Conquerall NS ns 77730 CONQUEST SK na 81714 Conrich AB a 38224 Consecon *NS ON ns 32513 Consolidated Paper & Shaw Chem M47.8 QUE ns 22945 Consolidated Paper Corp M88.9 & M99.2 QUE ns 23539 Consolidated Paper Corp QUE ns 47615 Continental Can Co M65.1 ON ns 86415 Continental Potash Corp Ltd SK ns 62336 Contour MB ns 27552 CONTRECOEUR QUE 157a ns Convent QUE ns 13764 Conway PEI ns 61252 COOK MINN ns 51943 Cooke Logging Co Ltd M71.8 ON na ns Cooks (aka Cook's) ON ns 14412 Cooks Brook NB ns 02646 Cook's Harbour NFLD na ns Cooking Lake AB 378a 51164 COOKSTOWN *CK ON ns 02146 Coomb's Cove NFLD ns 16713 Co-op Federee QUE ns 51229 Copeland Milling Co M18.5 ON 479a 48728 COPETOWN *P ON ns 76474 Coppen SK ns 92638 Copper Creek BC ns 23622 Coquar QUE na 38314 Corbyville ON ns 32736 Cordon QUE ns 65904 Cordova MB 547a 47420 Corinth *RN ON ns 52198 Coristine *CS ON ns 74558 Cormorant MB ns 91295 Cornell Sawmills Ltd BC ns 04806 CORNER BROOK *CN NFLD ns 04803 CORNER BROOK COASTAL NFLD ns 16462 Corner of the Beach QUE ns 76848 CORNING SK 181a 37130 CORNWALL *RO ON 181½ a ns Cornwall Jct ON ns 87316 Coronado AB ns 23336 Corribelle QUE na ns Corris QUE ns 39364 Corson's (Sdg) ON ns 86338 Cosine SK ns 70224 Cote SK 175a 36284 COTEAU (Jct) *CU QUE na ns Coteau Landing QUE na 33271 Cote de Liesse (PiggyBack) QUE ns 23376 Cote Girard QUE ns 33360 COTE ST PAUL QUE na 28604 Cote Ste Therese QUE ns 92211 Cottonwood Flats BC ns 02474 Cottrell's Cove NFLD ns 60342 Coughlin ON ns 32875 Country Gas Co M22.1 QUE ns 12254 County Line NS ns 18118 Courchesne QUE 544a 47820 COURTLAND *CN ON ns 60269 Cove Inlet ON ns 14984 Covered Bridge NB ns 71364 Cowan MB ns 02728 Cow Head NFLD ns 94204 COWICHAN BAY BC ns 92868 Cox BC ns 11121 Coxheath NS ns 51239 CPR Interchange ON ns 17827 CPR Jct NB ns 14927 CPR Transfer NB ns 32614 CRABTREE *CB QUE ns 15588 Craig NB na 51271 Craigleith ON ns 11422 Craigmore NS ns 81454 CRAIGMYLE AB 328a ns Craigvale *CV ON ns 62329 Craigs MB ns 62327 Craig Sdg MB a 25408 Craigs Rd QUE ns 76162 CRAIK SK ns 22914 Cran QUE ns ns Cranberry *CY ON ns 74258 CRANBERRY PORTAGE *CY MB ns 75149 Crane SK ns 53188 Cree *RE ON 403a 51296 Creemore *CR
(LCL Truck Conn with Collingwood)ON ns 11416 Creignish NS ns 64127 Creosoting MB ns 52372 Crerar *CR ON na ns Crescent Beach ON ns 91232 Crescent Spur & Leboe Lbr Co BC ns 23548 Cressman QUE na ns Cresswell ON ns 60838 Crilly ON ns 74964 Cromarty MB ns 65628 CROMER MB ns 75174 CROOKED RIVER *CR SK na 38336 Crookston ON ns 02617 Croque NFLD ns 14986 CROSS CREEK NB ns 11183 Cross Point NS ns 16318 CROSS POINT QUE ns 18168 Crown Lake QUE na 91144 Croydon BC ns 60904 Crozier ON ns 75504 Crutwell SK ns 26256 Crystal NH ns 52326 Crystal Falls *CF ON a 75414 CUDWORTH SK ns 75275 Cudworth Jct SK ns 94229 Culchillum BC ns 76714 Cullen SK ns 15562 Culligan NB ns 11265 Cummings NS ns 04176 Cupids NFLD ns 04814 CURLING NFLD ns 60383 Current *CU ON ns 60387 Current Jct *BU/CU ON ns 15643 Currie NB na ns Currie ON ns 14931 Currier NB ns 65326 Curtis MB ns 32124 Cushing QUE ns 61204 Cusson MINN na 66448 Cutarm SK ns 80368 Cuthbert SK ns 86663 Cut Knife Jct SK ns 23342 Cuvillier QUE ns 16375 Cyr QUE ns 17777 Cyr Jct NB
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE na 86592 Dacer SK ns 65342 Dacotah MB ns 52156 Dahlia ON ns 16775 Daigle & Paul M56.9 QUE na 88937 Dalehurst AB ns 15616 DALHOUSIE NB ns 15606 DALHOUSIE JCT NB 896a 37312 Dalkeith ON ns 75952 DALMENY SK ns 18189 Daly QUE ns 76842 Dalzell SK ns 22683 Damas QUE ns 75384 Dana SK 96a 27158 Danby QUE ns 76604 Dandonneau SK a ns Dandurand AB 228a 42432 DANFORTH
(aka York - changed to Danforth 25 Jun 1922)ON ns 02724 Daniel's Harbour NFLD ns 80278 Dankin SK ns 32523 Dansereau QUE 66a 25640 DANVILLE QUE 12a 26140 DANVILLE JCT ME ns 77978 D'ARCY SK ns 48323 D'Arcy Cropp M2.3 ON 535a ns Darling Rd *RD ON 219a ns Darlington *DA ON a 76276 Darmody SK ns 12752 DARTMOUTH *DU NS ns 23256 Daubree QUE ns 71172 DAUPHIN *DN MB ns 25334 DAVELUYVILLE QUE 316a 42163 Davenport *D
(aka St Clair *D)ON ns 52192 Daventry *DV ON ns 28331 David Lord M18.1 QUE ns 32867 David Lord Sdg M16.0 QUE ns 17379 Davidson NB ns 76154 DAVIDSON *DN SK ns 76151 Davidson Co-op Assn Ltd SK ns 76886 Davin SK ns 75274 Davis SK ns 02274 Davis Cove NFLD ns 02869 Davis Inlet NFLD ns 17754 Davis No2 NB ns 42158 Davisville (Merton St) ON ns 04117 Dawe's NFLD ns Dawson Creek *KR BC ns 75348 Daylesford SK ns 02784 Dead Island NFLD a 51954 Deans *D ON ns 75526 DEBDEN SK ns 36304 De BeauJeu QUE ns 11804 DEBERT NS ns 13832 Deblois PEI na ns Deborah SK na ns Decewville ON ns 22809 Dechene QUE ns 16769 Dechenes & Freres M56.6 QUE ns 62366 Decimal MB ns 65924 Decker MB na 91536 Decker Lake BC ns 91537 Decker Lake Lbr Co BC ns 90108 Decoigne AB ns 33333 De Courcelles St QUE ns 37451 Deep Cut ON ns 71116 Deepdale MB ns 12625 Deepwater NS na 65724 Deer MB ns 75676 Deer Creek SK a 94198 DEERHOLME *DR BC ns 64769 Deerhorn MB ns 04778 DEER LAKE *DR NFLD ns 17718 Deersdale NB ns 64876 Deerwood MB ns 61414 De Forest MINN ns 25518 Defoy QUE ns 42141 DeHavilland Aircraft ON na 81718 Delacour AB a 81784 DELBURNE AB ns 23605 D Element QUE ns 11441 Delhanty NS 543a 47830 DELHI *HI ON ns 81458 DELTA AB a ns Delta *DY ON ns 77712 DELISLE *DI SK ns 47381 Deller Bros ON ns 86816 DELMAS SK ns 65536 Deloraine MB na 28580 Delson (Jct) QUE ns 77784 DEMAINE SK ns 87728 Demay AB ns 87541 Demay Jct AB 653a 46926 Denfield *WA ON ns 75918 Denholm SK ns 11872 Denmark NS ns 77734 Denny SK ns 12142 D'Entremont NS ns 16387 Dept of Fisheries M78.4 QUE ns 11803 Dept Nat Def & War Assets M11.0 NS ns 14557 Dept Nat Def M9 NB ns 14723 Dept Nat Def NB ns 53589 Dept Nat Def ON ns 74967 Dept Nat Def MB ns 87305 Dept Nat Def Spur AB ns 12721 Dept Public Works M11.28 NS ns 16345 Dept Public Works M36.4 QUE 948a 51576 Depot Harbor *HR ON ns 16421 Deraiche Sdg QUE ns 15272 Derby Jct NB ns 74562 Dering MB ns 52212 Derland ON ns 70174 Dernic SK ns 27384 DES ORMEAUX QUE ns 52346 Desaulniers *DS ON ns 22804 DESBIENS *DM QUE ns 22803 Desbiens Pit QUE ns 22174 Deschambault QUE a 37288 DESERONTO *DR ON ns 23286 DESMARAISVILLE QUE ns 23372 Despinassy QUE ns 32445 Desprairies *DS QUE ns 16857 Desrosiers QUE ns 20224 Dessaint M22.1 QUE ns 23576 Dessane QUE ns 12816 Dessert NS ns 23714 Destor QUE ns 23718 Destor South QUE ns 38622 DETLOR *MA/DR ON ns 45930 DETROIT (via Ferry from Windsor) MICH ns 32208 Deux Montagnes *JC QUE na 87526 Deville AB ns 60914 DEVLIN ON na 88982 Devona AB na 86126 Dewar Lake SK na 91292 Dewey BC ns 12873 Dewis NS 1061a 28768 Dewittville QUE ns 14845 Dexter NB ns 21162 Diamond QUE ns 65348 Diamond MB ns 44669 Diamond Clay Prod Ltd ON ns 04671 Diamond Crossing NFLD ns 12883 Dickie NS ns 15574 Dickie NB ns 74982 Digges MB ns 41791 Dilco *DU ON na ns Diltz ON ns 75102 Dillabough SK na 87748 Dinant AB ns 13245 Dingwell PEI ns 81469 Dinosaur AB ns 77822 DINSMORE SK ns 53144 Dishnish *DH ON ns 76182 Disley SK na 88748 Diss AB ns 23652 DIX *DX QUE na ns Dixie QUE ns 75366 Dixon SK 52a 27104 Dixville QUE ns 17328 DOAKTOWN NB a 46638 Dobbinton ON a ns Dodsland SK ns 81266 Dobson AB ns 51541 Dock Sdg ON ns 87716 Dodds AB ns 86158 DODSLAND *DO SK ns 63602 Dog River ON ns 23508 DOHENY *DO QUE ns 22894 DOLBEAU *SG QUE a 91258 Dome Creek *BN BC ns 76756 DOMEX SK ns 93365 Dominion Bridge BC 156a 34810 DOMINION (La Salle) *DM QUE ns 14791 Dom Metal Co M85.9 NB ns 12981 Dom Tar & Chem Co Ltd M73 NS ns 86259 Dom Tar & Chem Co SK ns 91407 Dom Tar & Chemical BC ns 92155 Dom Tar & Chem Co Ltd BC ns Dome Creek *BN BC a 75292 DOMREMY SK a 42422 Don *DO/DN ON a ns Dona *D ON na 39138 Donald (aka Donalds) ON ns 81948 DONALDA AB ns 77718 Donavon SK ns 86318 Donegal SK ns 32467 Doney Spur Jct QUE ns 32472 Doney Spur (Pointe Claire) QUE ns 22162 DONNACONA *RY QUE ns 22496 Donohue QUE ns 66118 Donwell SK 445a ns Doon *DN ON ns 68146 Doonside SK ns 14308 DORCHESTER NB 491a 47318 DORCHESTER *DO/OR ON na ns Dore Bay ON na 87678 Dorenlee AB ns 60348 Dorion *DI ON ns 23547 Dorothe & E Vandal M14.8 QUE ns 81556 Dorothy AB na 91688 Dorreen BC 161 34826 DORVAL *DV QUE ns 14361 Dosco NB 84a 25422 DOSQUET QUE a ns Dott *DO MB na 91626 Doughty BC na 13266 Douglas PEI 922 37782 DOUGLAS *DO ON 76a ns Doucet's Landing QUE ns 16478 DOUGLASTOWN QUE ns 87257 Dow Chemical Spur AB ns 81356 Dowling AB na 86176 Downe SK ns 17205 Downer NB a 42148 Downsview *DV/DN ON ns 42147 Downsview Lbr & Supply Co M9.2 ON ns 04962 DOYLE'S *DY NFLD 626a 46726 DRAYTON *DN ON ns 76891 Dreghorn SK na ns Drew ON ns 53314 Driftwood ON ns 60315 Driftwood Lands & Tbr Ltd No1 ON ns 88948 Drinnan AB na 86134 Driver SK ns 51596 Drocourt *DR ON ns 65998 Dropmore MB 568a 46838 DRUMBO *DI ON ns 81480 DRUMHELLER
(aka Kneehill)AB ns 17762 Drummond NB ns 17761 Drummond Wharf M71.1 NB na ns Drummond's ON ns 27250 DRUMMONDVILLE QUE ns 74466 Drybrough MB ns 63835 Dryden Paper Co M34.5 ON ns 87308 Duagh AB ns 16433 Dube / BA Oil
& Smith & Keays M44.5QUE 573a 46872 DUBLIN *CB ON ns 91832 Dubose BC ns 23776 Dubuisson QUE ns 22948 Ducharme QUE ns 22652 Duchesnay QUE ns 75464 DUCK LAKE SK ns 92345 Ducks Meadow BC ns 16641 Duclos QUE ns 77778 Dudley SK a ns Dudley *DU ON ns 16669 Dufaultville QUE na 76994 Duff SK ns 11885 Dufferin NS na 88532 Duffield AB ns 04144 Duffs NFLD ns 62272 Dufresne MB ns 23783 Dufresne Forest Prods M31.9 QUE ns 23726 Dufresnoy QUE a 64112 Dugald *DG MB na 87666 Duhamel AB ns 61580 DULUTH MINN ns 60895 Duluth Jct ON ns 75734 Dulwich SK ns 75534 Dumble SK a ns Dumfries *DS ON ns 76514 DUMMER SK ns 91801 Dumont Lbr Spur BC na ns Dunbarton ON ns 77764 DUNBLANE SK 478a 48724 DUNDAS *DU/D ON ns 13261 Dundee PEI ns 64129 Dundee Spur MB ns 76124 DUNDURN SK na 46563 Dunkeld ON ns 74592 Dunlop MB ns 11435 Dunmore NS na 87584 Dunn AB 9a 26134 Dunns ME 563a 48638 DUNNVILLE *DU ON ns 53126 Dunrankin *DR ON ns 65574 DUNREA MB ns 81647 Dunshalt AB ns 14706 Dunsinane NB na 91148 Dunster BC a ns Duntroon *UN ON ns 04261 Dunville NFLD ns 86188 Duperow SK ns 23558 Duplessis QUE ns 23930 DUPUY *DY QUE ns 38651 Duquettes ON ns 71422 DURBAN MB 616a 46530 DURHAM *RM ON ns 14976 Durham Bridge NB na 77378 Duro SK ns 71152 Dutton MB ns 13786 Duvar PEI ns 61575 DW & P Jct MINN ns 38639 Dwyers ON ns 74568 Dyce MB na ns Dynes ON na ns Dysart ON
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE ns 24152 EADES *MS ON ns 91653 EA Forsyth, A McCreary & Imp Oil BC ns 04147 Eagle NFLD ns 15495 Eagle Fisheries Ltd NB ns 91247 Eagle Lake Sawmills Ltd BC ns 91273 Eagle Lake Sawmills Ltd M69.9 BC ns 74618 Earchman MB ns 29110 EAST ALBURGH VT ns 15404 East Bathurst NB ns 26282 East Brighton VT ns 12548 East Chester NS ns 81540 EAST COULEE AB ns 26113 East Deering ME ns 87890 EAST EDMONTON *VS AB ns 33252 Eastern Jct QUE ns 12788 Eastern Passage NS ns 12198 East Jordan NS ns 12869 East Milford NS ns 11806 East Mines NS a ns Eastmans *RA QUE ns 02342 Eastport NFLD ns 75483 East Prince Albert Jct
(aka Paddockwood Jct)SK ns 12138 East Pubnico NS ns 52381 East Rim Nickel Mines Ltd ON ns 12552 East River NS ns 14776 East Riverside NB ns 64152 East Selkirk MB ns 23785 East Sullvan Mines QUE a ns East Summit *SC ON na 76228 Eastview SK ns 64138 East Winnipeg MB 487a 47342 Eastwood *A ON ns 80272 EATONIA SK ns 18177 Eatonville QUE a 66278 Ebenezer SK ns 74247 EC Dawley MB ns 81844 ECKVILLE AB ns 42585 EC Matthews ON ns 22653 Ecole QUE ns 22158 Ecureuils QUE ns 75738 EDAM SK ns 81962 EDBERG AB na 91164 Eddy BC ns 15527 Eddy Co NB ns 65938 Eden MB a 76944 EDENWOLD SK a 76952 EDGELEY SK a 87582 EDGERTON *DG AB 944a ns Edgington *GU ON a 87930 EDMONTON (CNR FREIGHT) *MO AB a 87931 Edmonton (Grain Only) AB ns 17840 EDMUNDSTON NB ns 17833 Edmundston (CP Interchange) NB ns 17837 Edmundston East NB ns 87365 Edouardville AB a 88598 EDSON *FY AB ns 87342 Edwand AB ns 65696 Edwin MB ns 15592 Eel River NB ns 91167 EE Rosin BC ns 38566 Egan Creek ON c ns Egan Estate ON 924a 37796 EGANVILLE *VI ON ns 91575 EG Bellicini BC ns 11586 Egerton NS ns 53419 E Gosselin M16.3 ON ns 91561 EG Strimbold BC ns 12987 Eisner M73.2 NS ns ns EJ Tower *MR QUE 551½ a 47492 Ekfrid *KF ON na 76782 Elcott SK ns 12834 Elderbank NS ns 75182 Eldersley SK na ns Eldon ON a 38534 Eldorado *ED ON ns 75528 Eldred SK ns 27571 Elec Reduction Co &
St Maurice Chem Ltd M14QUE ns 37155 Elevator Sdg ON ns 37546 Elgin ON a ns Elgin St *DS ON ns 65584 ELGIN MB ns 20258 Elgin Rd QUE a 42128 Elia *R ON na 65338 ELIE MB ns 60818 Elizabeth ON ns 87372 ELK POINT *WK AB na ns Ellaton ON ns 13756 ELLERSLIE *SN PEI ns 12458 Elliott NS ns 13652 Elliotts PEI ns 63604 Ellis ON ns 04492 Elliston NFLD ns 62348 ELMA MB a ns Elma *MA ON ns 13146 ELMIRA PEI 449a 46218 ELMIRA *MC ON ns 12864 ELMSDALE NS ns 13796 Elmsdale PEI ns 15548 Elm Tree NB 395a 51228 ELMVALE *AV ON 603a 46632 ELMWOOD *EM ON a 81774 ELNORA AB 622a 46744 ELORA *U ON ns 65972 ELPHINSTONE MB ns 77838 ELROSE SK ns 77748 Elrose Jct SK ns 53118 Elsas *DA ON ns 61196 Elsdon MINN na ns Elsinore ON ns 65718 Elsmith MB ns 81842 Elspeth AB na 88722 Embarras AB ns 13662 EMERALD JCT *NY PEI ns 64830 EMERSON *RO MB ns 64831 EMERSON JCT MB ns 02852 Emily Harbour NFLD ns 13476 Emmerson PEI ns 60918 EMO *MO ON 16a 26164 Empire Rd ME 349a 51912 EMSDALE *SD ON ns 63904 Ena Lake ON ns 14161 Enamel & Heating Prods Ltd NB na 91467 Encombe BC ns 86304 End Lake SK ns 75985 End of Steel M36.4 SK ns 88829 End of Steel M8.6 AB ns 81349 End of Track AB a 91482 ENDAKO *KO BC ns 65994 Endcliffe MB ns 72236 ENDEAVOUR SK ns 81378 ENDIANG AB ns 12862 Enfield NS na 66244 Enfin SK na 91456 Engen BC ns 44665 Engineering Tbr M1.9 ON ns 02612 Englee NFLD ns 70108 ENGLEFELD SK ns 02168 English Harbour East NFLD ns 02152 English Harbour West NFLD ns 17758 Ennishore NB na 75296 Ens SK ns 65512 Enterprise MB a ns Enterprise *RS ON a 88958 ENTRANCE AB a 88558 ENTWISTLE *WS AB ns 22443 Epiciers Unie M2.1 QUE ns 92678 Epsom BC ns 81762 Equity AB ns 65964 ERICKSON MB ns 61144 Ericsburg MINN ns 64772 ERIKSDALE MB ns 64711 Erinview MB na 88706 Erith AB ns 88709 Erith Tie Co AB 201a 37258 ERNESTOWN *SN ON na ns Errington AB ns 72194 ERWOOD SK ns 16336 Escuminac QUE na 76266 Eskbank SK ns 18152 ESTCOURT QUE ns 18155 Estcourt Pit QUE ns 68350 ESTEVAN *VS SK ns 85158 Esther AB a 76636 Estlin SK ns 11238 Estmere NS ns 77858 ESTON *SO SK 644a 46412 Ethel *FA ON ns 71324 ETHELBERT *BA MB ns 75322 ETHELTON SK ns 76458 Ettington SK na 46934 Ettrick ON ns 11742 Eureka NS ns 14824 Evandale NB ns 15453 Evangeline NB ns 14306 Evans NB a 88562 EVANSBURG
(aka Evansburgh) *VNAB ns 11312 Evanston NS na 91622 Evelyn BC 399a ns Evertt *VR ON ns 93235 Ewen Jct BC ns 81236 Excel AB ns 87135 Excelsior Refineries Ltd AB 656a 46914 EXETER *H/RS ON ns 46913 Exeter Prod & Storage Co Ltd M27.6 ON ns 22427 Exhibition & RCA Victor Co QUE ns 43319 Exhibition Grounds ON na 65726 Exira MB ns 92284 Exlou BC ns 02466 Exploits NFLD ns 53293 Express Spur ON na 91924 Exstew BC a 53517 Exton *EX ON ns 80254 Eyre SK
*TELEGRAPH SIGNALPROVINCE na 87568 Fabyan AB ns 92277 Fadear Creek Lbr Co BC ns 15483 Fafard NB ns 15467 Fafard Peat Moss Co M63.9 NB a ns Fairbank *FX/FB ON ns 27581 Fairchild QUE ns 65582 Fairfax MB na ns Fairfield ON ns 64792 Fairford MB ns 75608 Fairholme SK ns 02352 Fair Island NFLD ns 68154 FAIRLIGHT SK ns 60256 Fairloch ON ns 80102 Fairmount SK ns 14768 Fairvale NB ns 65708 Fairview MB ns 12627 Fairview Jct NS ns 14801 Fairville NB ns 51664 Falconbridge *FB ON ns 51556 Falding *FD ON a 51746 Falkenburg *FG ON a 92372 FALKLAND *FD BC na 88548 Fallis AB ns 12846 Fall River NS ns 92766 Falls Creek BC ns 61140 Falls Jct MINN a 26118 Falmouth ME ns 22721 Falrie QUE ns 91589 FA Moen BC ns 12271 Fancy Sdg & BA Oil NS ns 23232 Faribault QUE ns 23233 Faribault Jct QUE ns 63894 Farlane ON na 77501 Farley SK ns 27920 FARNHAM QUE na ns Farran's Point ON ns 81814 Farrant AB ns 60868 Farrington ON ns 16711 Father Point Wharf M12 QUE ns 12812 Fathom NS ns 64736 Faulkner MB ns 53336 FAUQUIER *FO ON ns 63885 Favel ON ns 14674 Fawcett NB ns 74414 Fay Lake MB a 37646 Federal *RJ ON ns 51181 Federal Farms Ltd ON ns 48547 Feeder (aka Feeder Sdg) ON ns ns Felix *FX ON na ns Fells (aka Fell's) ON 307a 39112 FENELON FALLS *FA ON ns 81408 Fenn AB ns 75268 Fenton SK ns 14838 Fentons NB a 66382 FENWOOD SK 623a 46740 FERGUS *X ON ns 15468 Ferguson NB ns 23568 Ferguson QUE a 87672 FERINTOSH *RO AB ns 53578 Ferland *FR ON ns 87665 Ferlow Jct AB ns 81872 Ferrier AB ns 11708 Ferrona NS ns 11706 Ferrona Jct NS ns 47975 FE Shaw Ltd M7.2 ON ns 23522 Festubert QUE 272½ a ns Fesserton ON ns 91405 Fichtner Sawmills Ltd BC ns 88858 Fidler AB ns 52338 FIELD *FD ON ns 75932 Fielding SK ns 32248 Filion QUE ns 64181 Fill Out Track MB ns 52132 Finchley ON ns 76174 FINDLATER SK ns 65594 Findlay MB 197a 37226 Findley *BA ON ns 74548 Finger MB ns 91436 Finmoore BC na 76988 Finnie SK na 65728 Firdale MB ns 53138 Fire River *F ON ns 04902 Fischell NFLD ns 23438 Fisher QUE ns 64732 FISHER BRANCH MB ns 23445 Fisher Pit M28.7 QUE ns 81873 Fishers M108.6 AB ns 92435 Fishers Planing Mill BC ns 81877 Fishers Spur M115.5 AB ns 71222 Fishing River MB ns 02774 Fishing Ship's Harbour NFLD ns 02624 Fiahot Ialand NFLD ns 77972 FISKE SK ns 91317 Fitchener Lbr Co M111.6 BC ns 66186 Fitzmaurice SK ns 23536 FITZPATRICK *CA QUE ns 11877 Fitzpatricks NS ns 52112 FITZROY *FR ON ns 92126 Fitzwilliam BC ns 15754 Five Fingers NB ns 13232 Five Houses PEI ns 60828 FLANDERS ON ns 04885 Flat Bay NFLD ns 02236 Flat Islands NFLD ns 15802 Flatlands NB ns 80114 FLAXCOMBE SK ns 15788 Flemming NB ns 14924 Flemmington NB ns 12852 Fletcher NS ns 63609 Flett ON ns 02578 Fleur de Lys NFLD ns 27666 Fleury QUE ns 74294 FLIN FLON *FN MB ns 74207 Flin Flon Jct MB ns 53468 Flintdale ON ns 47357 Flintkote Co M27 ON ns 92836 Floods BC ns 11152 Florence NS ns 02702 Flower's Cove NFLD ns 13372 Fodhla PEI ns 02428 Fogo NFLD ns 52984 FOLEYET *FY ON ns 11818 Folly Lake NS ns 66166 Fonehill SK ns 66259 Fonehill Jct SK ns 48244 Fonthill ON ns 51536 Footes Bay *FN ON ns 88766 Foothills AB ns 13747 Forbes & Sloat M12.7 PEI ns 04527 Ford NFLD na 91354 Foreman BC 437a 46972 FOREST *FO ON ns 87648 FORESTBURG *FR AB ns 87652 Forestburg Collieries Ltd Spur AB na 91553 Forestdale BC na ns Forrestville ON ns 52126 Forester's Falls ON ns 37542 FORFAR *CK ON ns 77832 FORGAN SK ns 23684 Forget QUE ns 71226 FORK RIVER MB ns 65740 Forrest Transfer MB ns 61286 Forsman MINN ns 61289 Forsman Spur MINN ns 23664 FORSYTHE *SY QUE ns 27838 FORT CHAMBLY QUE ns 29776 FORT COVINGTON NY ns 02694 Forteau NFLD a 48510 FORT ERIE *B1 ON a 48510 FORT ERIE Yd *FE ON ns 60900 FORT FRANCES *FC ON na 91462 Fort Fraser BC ns 91461 Fort Fraser Planer Mill BC ns 25135 Fortier QUE na 65316 Fortier MB ns 25244 FORTIERVILLE QUE ns 87424 Fort Kent AB a 92886 FORT LANGLEY *G BC ns 12996 Fort Lawrence NS ns 91403 Fort Lbr Ltd BC a 76958 FORT QU'APPELLE *FQ SK ns 64439 Fort Rouge MB ns 87278 FT SASKATCHEWAN *FS AB ns 02192 Fortune NFLD ns 02468 Fortune Harbour NFLD ns 64498 Fort Whyte MB a 60500 FORT WILLIAM (Union Stn) *A ON ns 60512 FORT WILLIAM GRAIN OFFICE ON ns 13418 Forty-eight Rd PEI ns 76528 Forward SK ns 81473 Fossils AB a ns Fossmill *MO ON ns 92138 Foster BC ns 13127 Fountain Head PEI ns 11852 Fountain Rd NS ns 63756 Fowler ON na 38316 Foxboro ON ns 02766 Fox Harbour NFLD ns 04222 Fox Marsh NFLD na ns Foxmead ON ns 87416 Franchere AB ns 02116 Francois NFLD ns 38426 FRANKFORD *FA ON na ns Franklin ON ns 14533 Franklin Yd NB ns 11153 Franklyn NS na 76938 Frankslake
(aka Franks Lake)SK ns 53442 Fraser ON ns 17209 Fraser Cos Ltd M12.8 NB ns 17825 Fraser Jct NB ns 91478 Fraser Lake BC ns 93315 Fraser Mills BC ns 16843 Fraser Mill Sdg M43.64 QUE ns 93325 Fraser Mill Spur BC ns 93145 Fraser River Jct BC ns 15763 Frasers Co Ltd M65.8 NB c 38776 Fraserville ON ns 64824 Fredensthal MB ns 53304 Frederick ON ns 92634 Frederick BC na 37264 Fredericksburg ON ns 02404 Frederickton NFLD ns 13646 Fredericton PEI ns 14950 FREDERICTON NB ns 14949 Fredericton Jct NB ns 92863 Freeland Macken Ltd BC ns 13706 FREETOWN PEI ns ns Freight Yd *YD ON ns 12725 French Cable M11.41 NS ns 75682 FRENCHMAN BUTTE SK ns 02808 Frenchman's Island NFLD ns 12578 FRENCH VILLAGE *F NS ns 74148 Freshford MB ns 32422 FRESNIERE *RU QUE ns 22924 Frigon QUE ns 39419 Fritze Glitch & Sons M28.3 ON na 76764 Frobisher SK ns 23612 Froissart QUE ns 87611 Frontier Farms AB ns 53378 Fryatt ON ns 87355 Fuel Oil Spur AB ns 38334 Fuller ON na ns Fultons ON ns 14603 Fundy NB