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UCORule 264 Procedures - Bathurst Street - 1984

When a train or engine is stopped by a signal indicating STOP and the train dispatcher is unable to clear the signal, the train dispatcher must consider the entire system as being suspect.

There is the possibility that signals may be CLEAR at the field location and indicate STOP on the control machine.

Prior to issuing authority to pass a STOP signal as prescribed by Rule 264 the following procedures MUST be followed:

  1. Determine the actual location of conflicting and opposing movements by means of:
    1. Train sheet "OS" entries, or
    2. Records of written authorities issued and still in effect, or
    3. By actual voice communication with the movements

  2. Referring to the diagram below, when an eastward movement is to be issued Rule 264 authority to move from block A to block B, any opposing movement within or authorized to enter block C by signal indication, Rule 264, Rule 266 or Rule 268, MUST BE STOPPED at a STOP signal at the controlled location between block C and block B, which fact must be verified by actual voice communication with the crew of such a movement.

    CNRail Dispatchers Manual ©1984rv

    In two or more tracks territory such precautions will apply to all tracks upon which opposing movements may be moving toward the controlled location between block C and block B.

    CNRail Dispatchers Manual ©1984rv
    NOTE: Pen-graph or track model diagrams must not be used to determine occupancy or execution of authority as referred to in clause (a) or (b) since such indications may be false.

  3. After the requirements outlined in (a) and (b) have been carried out, the train dispatcher must block all levers controlling signals into the block affected at STOP. The authority to pass the STOP signal may now be issued.

  4. The signal blocking must not be removed until it has been ascertained that the train or engine authorized has exited the controlled block affected. The movement operating on Rule 264 authority must be protected from controlled signal to controlled signal and any other movement between the controlled signals, or authorized to enter the protected limits, before the movement so authorized exits the limits will be considered conflicting. In two or more tracks territory train dispatchers must when practicable move trains or engines in one direction only on each track (similar to fleeting by signal indication) and avoid crossing over from one track to another.

    NOTE: Applying signal blocking will prevent train dispatchers from inadvertantly clearing signals into a block, but signal blocking does NOT prevent signals clearing in the field due to equipment failure and/or malfunction. Signal blocking will not have any effect on signals which have been requested prior to the time the failure and/or malfunction occurs, even though the track model diagram indicates that the signals are still only on request, it must be assumed that they are clear at the field location, or stored and may clear as requested at any moment.

    Certain conditions may then require the train dispatcher to add the following to the Rule 264 authority:
    Example: Do not pass signal - at regardless of indication displayed until permission has been received from train dispatcher

Question: May a train dispatcher give a crew verbal authority to take a switch off power and pass a STOP signal to go back on their train?

Answer: No. Either Rule 264 or Rule 266 authority is required. If Rule 264 is issued it should stipulate:

                                 Example: To pass Signal _______
		        and return to train on track ______


Question: What is required of the incoming crew at a change off point it they are in possession of a Rule 264 authority which has not been fulfilled?

Answer: The incoming crew should transfer the authority to the outgoing crew as per Rule 220 or contact the train dispatcher who, in turn, must issue instructions to the outgoing crew.


Question: When there is no communication of any kind beyond a given point and CTC has failed, may a train be authorized by Rule 264 authority to pass a series of signals indicating STOP?

Answer: Yes, provided:

  1. Permission of the Superintendent or his designate is obtained
  2. The first opposing movement, beyond the territory in which such authorities are to take effect, is issued written instructions that it, must not pass signal - at - regardless of the indication displayed. The location so stipulated must be separated by at least one controlled block from the last location to which the series of Rule 264 authorities authorized movement. The requirements outlined in 'procedures Rule 264" apply.
  3. A separate Rule 264 authority must be issued for each controlled signal in the sequence in which they will be encountered.
  4. The train dispatcher must continue to provide full Rule 264 protection until the train so authorized has passed entirely through the limits and has reported to the train dispatcher that such limits are cleared
  5. Should the CTC system commence to function while a train so authorized is within the limits, the train dispatcher must continue to protect such movement as per item (4) until the movement has reported to the train dispatcher that such limits are cleared.


Question: Is it permissible to issue a Rule 264 authority authorizing a following movement into a block before the preceding movement has been reported clear of such block?

Answer: No. The preceding movement must have cleared the controlled block before the following movement is authorized by Rule 264. This principle to apply. whether or not intermediate signals are provided.

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