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UCORules Applied 1984-1985 - Bathurst Street - UCOR CTC Rules 1984
14j. Sound: 0 0 0 0 Indication: Call for signals.
264. A train or engine is stopped by a signal indicating STOP and no conflicting movement is evident:
104B. DUAL CONTROL SWITCHES - When a train or engine is stopped by a signal governing movement over a dual control switch, if no conflicting movement is evident, a member of the crew must immediately communicate with the train dispatcher and be governed by his instructions, Such instructions must include information as to the route to be used. The instructions must be in writing and repeated to ensure correct understanding.
When a train or engine is required to move over a dual control switch under a Stop indication, movement must not be made until after selector lever has been taken out of "power" position and placed in "hand" position. Hand throw lever must be operated until switch points are seen to move with the movement of hand throw lever. Switch must then be lined for the route to be used. Selector lever may be restored to "power" position and locked as soon as leading wheels have moved onto the switch points.
When switching is to be done over a dual control switch, the switch may be operated manually by a member of the crew after authority to do so and work and time limits have been obtained from the train dispatcher as prescribed by Rule 266. Selector lever must then be placed in "hand" position and hand throw lever operated until switch points are seen to move with the movement of the hand throw lever. Selector lever must be left in "hand" position until
switching movements have been completed.
When selector lever is placed in "hand" position, all signals governing movements over the switch will display STOP indication and the train or engine granted work and time limits may consider the indication of such signals suspended, and movements may be made on hand signals until switching completed and selector lever is restored to "power" position and locked. Train dispatcher must be notified when switching completed and selector lever has been restored to "power" position and locked.
Interlocking 672. When a train or engine is stopped by the STOP indication of an automatic interlocking signal, and no immediate conflicting movement is evident, a member of the crew must proceed to the crossing and unlock box marked "switches" and be governed by instructions posted in the box. In boxes where lights are provided to indicate the approach of trains, if those of the opposing railway are lighted and no train is seen approaching, he will open the switch and give proceed hand signal to his train- If lights are not provided, or if those of the opposing railway are not lighted, such employee, after opening the switch, must wait three minutes-before giving his train signal to proceed. After his train has occupied the crossing he will close switch and lock box.
At automatic interlockings where push buttons are provided on signals to enable a return movement to be made over the crossing while switching, trainman will unlock box and press button. If signal does not clear he must comply with instructions in preceding paragraph.
Special instructions will be issued as may be necessary.
663. A train or engine must not pass an interlocking signal indicating STOP until conductor or engineman has been fully informed of the situation, or hand signal has been received from the signalman. Movement may then be made at restricted speed. Yellow flags by day and yellow lights by night will be used by signalmen in giving hand signals. Such occurrence must be reported to the superintendent.
105. Unless otherwise provided by signal indication, trains or engines using other than a main track must proceed at restricted speed.